The Radiator

Chapter 33 Hidden Hazards (, Ask for Red Vote)

It is getting closer and closer to the edge of the waterfall, and half of Yunfeng's head has stretched out.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, what are you going to do?" At this moment, a harsh rebuke sounded from behind Yunfeng.

He was shocked. Yun Feng's whole body trembled. He turned around and looked back and saw Zhang Yi standing behind him.

At this time, Zhang Yi had changed into white clothes and was standing there looking at Yun Feng with a serious face and scolding, "Didn't I tell you? You must not come out before I let you out. Why don't you listen this time? Go back quickly.

Yunfeng was also a little nervous at this time and stammered, "I, I'm just a little worried, just..."

"Okay, go back quickly." Before Yunfeng finished his words, Zhang Yi had already given the order to Yunfeng to go back.

Yunfeng nodded quickly and turned to the cave. If it is daytime, you can find that Yunfeng's face is extremely pale at this time, completely bloodless, as if she was scared by something.

Sitting back on the stone bench, Yunfeng felt that her heart was pounding, as if her heart would burst at any time. Just now, in fact, he has seen the scene outside. What a scene is that? Blood red fills the whole open space, and there are many pieces on the ground, mixed with some white **.

Yunfeng himself doesn't know how he feels now. Looking at the scene outside, he knows that those broken corpses are definitely bloodthirsty wolves killed by Zhang Yi, but the scene is simply too miserable. The ground is full of blood, broken corpses quickly, and bursting brain plasma.

Although I just took a look, the scene seemed to have been deeply imprinted in his mind and could not be erased. The moonlight outside tonight is really great. Under the full moon, the silver light shines on the earth, but only the boundless blood appears in Yunfeng's mind.

There was a feeling in his stomach. Yunfeng had a feeling that he wanted to vomit, but he still resisted. I don't know why, although he is very scared when the scene sounds now, there seems to be a very excited feeling in his heart, which even makes his blood boil.

Shaking his head vigorously, Yun Feng thought, "What's wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? What's going on? Blood? Why am I so thirsty about blood? I'm so thirsty."

stood up, picked up a stone pot on the stone table, poured a bowl of water into the stone bowl, and drank three taels. The hot feeling on his body made Yunfeng have a feeling that he wanted to rush out and take a look outside now.

Zhang Yi did not enter the cave, because he still had to clean the "battlefield". Thinking of what had just happened, Zhang Yi was still afraid for a while. Zhang Yi stood in the empty space outside at this time and looked at the broken bodies on the ground in front of him and the blood on the ground. He couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The strong smell of blood entered his nose, stimulating the nerves of his brain, and Zhang Yi's eyes began to turn red again. Zhang Yi himself was shocked and shook his head quickly to wake himself up a little. Only then did the red in his eyes fade away.

Looking at the scene like Shura hell in front of him, Zhang Yi frowned and thought with some fear: "It was so close just now. If Xiaofeng saw this scene, I'm afraid it would stimulate his red-blooded crown. If so, I'm afraid it will be troublesome. No, for Insurance, we must clean up here immediately, but, alas, how to clean up so many bodies and blood?

Looking at these in front of him with a sad face, Zhang Yi is very embarrassed. You know, there are hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves here now, and the blood all over the ground. It is not easy to sort out all this quickly.

However, Zhang Yi did not know that Yunfeng had seen this scene. In the cave, Yunfeng only felt hot all over and dizzy. Xiaoke in his arms seemed to feel something wrong with him. He had already jumped out of Yunfeng's arms, hid in a small corner, curled up his snow-white body, and looked at Yunfeng in horror.

A faint red light appeared on the top of Yunfeng's head. If you look carefully, you will find that this circle of red light is like the virtual shadow of Yunfeng's red blood crown. Yunfeng held his head tightly in his hands and wanted to suppress his thoughts, but the more so, the more he wanted to go out.

His eyes gradually began to turn red, and his body was constantly trembling, and his whole body was already lying on the ground. He is so painful now. I don't know why, but it's so painful. It seems that only by going out and seeing those blood and broken bodies can he relieve some pain.

He scolded himself for being a pervert in his heart, but he just couldn't stop this thought. The blood all over his body seemed to be likely to boil at any time. Slowly, he stood up. Although his face was full of pain, he still walked out of the hole step by step.

Xiao Ke was really scared at this time and trembled all over. It seemed to smell the strong smell of blood from Yunfeng's body. Yes, it's not the bloody smell from outside the cave, but a special bloody smell emitted by Yunfeng himself.

At this time, Zhang Yi had no idea that Yunfeng in the cave was coming outside. Now he was just constantly picking up the strange crystals on the ground. The bloodthirsty demon wolf itself is a three-star-level foreign beast, and naturally has strange crystals. Because the bloodthirsty demon wolf is a strange beast with wind attributes, their strange crystals are cyan.

The three-level heterogeneous crystals are only the size of a thumb cover, so it is difficult to find, but Zhang Yi does not want these abnormal crystals to be wasted, so he has to carefully find them on the ground full of blood and broken bodies. Now there are dozens of heterogeneous crystals in the small cloth bag in his hand. If these crystals are sold outside, absolutely Yes, it can be sold at a good price. The popularity of heterogeneous crystals in the Radiator is unexpected by ordinary people.

Looking at the more and more abnormal crystals in the cloth bag in his hand, there was no joy on Zhang Yi's face. He frowned tightly and thought, "It seems that I still can't completely control that state. I almost couldn't stop. Unexpectedly, I killed all the bloodthirsty wolves. Fortunately, the last dozen A bloodthirsty wolf could finally resist, otherwise I would have completely lost my consciousness at that time. It was really dangerous.

lowered his head and continued to pick up the strange crystals scattered on the ground. Zhang Yi did not notice that Yunfeng was almost at the mouth of the cave and was about to come out.

Move the steps under his feet, Yunfeng is getting closer and closer to the entrance of the cave, and the waterfall is blocking the entrance of the cave, so that Yunfeng can't see the outside scene now. It's getting closer, and soon, it will reach the entrance of the cave.

Finally, Yunfeng walked to the mouth of the cave, and the waterfall in front of him flowed down. The water of the waterfall fell into the small pool below and splashed out of water could even fall on Yunfeng's feet. The sound of water seemed to be anxiously persuading Yunfeng not to go out, but at this time, Yunfeng had already walked out of the waterfall like a demon.

The waterfall is only two or three meters wider than the mouth of the cave. It only takes a few steps for Yunfeng to see the scene outside. At this time, the red in Yunfeng's eyes seemed to be thicker. Smelling the smell of blood in the air, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips. A grin on Yunfeng's tender face appeared.

The moon in the sky is rounder and brighter, and the bloody red light is reflected in the blood-red open space. The last step was taken under his feet, and Yun Feng finally saw everything outside. Blood, endless blood, blood everywhere, the fragments of the body of the bloodthirsty wolf, and the splashed brain plasma were all presented in Yunfeng's sight.

Zhang Yi was still lying on his head looking for the strange crystals scattered on the ground, and did not notice that Yun Feng had come out. Blood is occupying Yunfeng's eyes, and the virtual shadow of the red gold and blood jade crown on his head is becoming clearer and clearer, slowly becoming solid.


With a soft sound, the red gold and blood jade crown on Yun Feng's head finally appeared again. The blood red has also completely occupied Yun Feng's eyes. Yun Feng's whole body was trembling. I don't know whether he was trembling because of fear or excitement.

"Haha-ha-ha-ha-" The roaring laughter suddenly came from Yunfeng's mouth. The laughter cut through the tranquility of the sky, and the strong blood light rose from Yunfeng's body. At this moment, Yunfeng seemed to have become the owner of this hell-like place. The strong smell of blood emanated from his body, and even covered the bloody smell of blood after the death of hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves.

When Zhang Yi heard this strange laughter, his heart suddenly shook. He quickly turned around and saw Yun Feng, who was full of blood-red light and was laughing up to the sky.

Zhang Yi couldn't believe it and looked at Yunfeng at the dazzling red-blooded jade crown on Yunfeng's head. His brain was already blank at this time, just staring at the red-blooded jade crown on Yunfeng's head.

"Why? Why is there a black line in the middle of his crown? The crown of the nine-pointed sky, this is the top crown of the ninety-pointed sky, but why did the black line divide his glorious ball into such a uniform red and blue? Why is that?

muttering these questions, Zhang Yi was completely stunned. No one answered any of his questions, but the increasingly strong blood-red light on Yunfeng's body.

At this time, Yunfeng's blood-red eyes stared at Zhang Yi tightly, and the smile on his face was so strange, just like Zhang Yi's previous killing of bloodthirsty wolves.

Zhang Yi slowly straightened up and looked at Yunfeng in front of him. There was a resolute look on his face, as if he had decided something.

His mouth moved gently, and Zhang Yi said softly, "Let me completely eliminate this hidden danger."