The Radiator

Chapter 115 The Combat Method of the Moonlight Division

The thin and tall student on Yunfeng's side is named Guan Nian, a four-star Yuehui master. From what Fu Tian said, his class is already second-order.

From the fat team member of the other party, Yun Feng felt that he should also have the strength of Master Yuehui. However, this person is already the most powerful person of the other party, and the others are at the level of Master Guanghui.

Bifu, standing in the middle, saw that the players on both sides were ready, waved his hand and drank: "Start--"

As soon as the words fell, the two sides released their own crown of life at the same time. A bronze crown appeared on the head of the concept. The four pure cyan glorious beads on the crown ring represent his strength. The four-star Yuehui Master has two crown angles at the top of his crown, two pure blue names that are the same color as the glowing beads. Jade.

The fat boy of the other party also released his own crown. His crown is a blue crown, and there are also four glorious beads on the crown ring, but his crown angle is one less, only one jade.

Bang - As soon as the two released their crown of life, they pointed their toes and rushed to each other at a very fast speed. However, just when they were only 20 meters apart, they stopped at the same time and stood looking at each other.

Suddenly, Guan Nian moved first. The blue light flashed in the mustard ring in his hand, and a cyan magic wand appeared in his hand. He quickly and skillfully read a series of difficult formulas in his mouth. Around his body, the visible airflows revolved around him.

Seeing that Guan Nian was about to take action, the fat man opposite was not slow. The mustard ring in his hand flashed blue, and a blue magic wand appeared in his hand. Two formulas were read out quickly. The magic wand in his hand crossed, and an X-shaped wind blade rushed to Guan Nian on the opposite side.

"It turned out to be instant magic." Yun Feng, who looked behind, shouted in surprise. Instant magic, as the name implies, can release the elemental attack directly and quickly, but the instantaneous elemental attack is also much less powerful because of the short time of cohesion.

However, if you want to use instantaneous element attacks, you also need extremely strong strength as a backing. Instant element attacks have an excellent advantage, that is, you don't need too much time to prepare. A powerful attack takes a long time, but even if it is a powerful element attack, such as If the attack can't hit the opponent, then no matter how powerful it is, it is useless. Therefore, the higher the moonlight division, the more fast the instantaneous attack is.

Seeing the instantaneous attack coming, Guan Nian was also shocked. A medium-sized elemental attack he was preparing had to be disconnected halfway, and then dodged to avoid the X-type wind blade attack.

After avoiding this instantaneous element attack, Guan Nian snorted coldly and said to himself: Play instantaneous element attack, OK, I want to see whose instantaneous element attack is faster and more powerful.

Guan Nian waved the magic wand in his hand at the fat man opposite, and did not see him recite a spell. A wind blade nearly one meter long and half a meter wide rushed to his opponent at a very fast speed.

Both of them are moonlight masters with wind attributes, so the attacks used are also somewhat the same. They are both wind blade attacks. Now, it depends on whose instantaneous element attacks are more powerful and who sends faster.

Seeing that Guan Nian didn't even recite the spell, he issued a wind blade. The fat man opposite was suddenly shocked, dodged sideways and dodged the wind blade.

Although this fat man is very big, he does not move slowly at all. After all, the brilliance of wind attributes pay great attention to speed. Now he is fighting for speed. Whoever is faster has a better chance of winning.

The fat man looked at Guan Nian's instantaneous element attack and quickly waved the magic wand in his hand. Suddenly, another wind blade flew over Guan Nian, and Guan Nian was not afraid. The magic wand in the same hand waved a wind blade.

With a sonorous sound, the two wind blades collided in mid-air, making a metal collision sound, and then dissipated at the same time. Then, the two wind blades competed with each other one after another, and no one was willing to let anyone do it.

There was a series of sonorous sounds of metal collisions in the field, and the people watching the battle with the instantaneous wind blades were dazzling, and the aftermath of the elemental attack spread out of the field.

Feeling the five-level wind in his previous life, Yun Feng smacked his tongue and sighed, "This is the real battle of Yuehuishi. The power is no longer important. The most important thing is speed. As long as anyone slows down a little at this time, I'm afraid he will be defeated directly."

Dongfangyu beside him nodded with approval and said, "Indeed, such an attack speed is necessary for Yuehuishi. No matter how powerful the attack is, if it is not sent out, it will be useless if a wind blade comes to solve you."

In this way, the two people's instantaneous element attack lasted for five minutes. At this time, the two people on the field had a layer of cold sweat on their foreheads. Although each such instantaneous element attack could not consume too much brilliance, such attacks one after another did not consume themselves. Eye.

Finally, the fat man over there staggered under his feet due to his lack of physical strength, and the movement in his hand suddenly slowed down. Then Guan Nian seized this opportunity and launched an instantaneous elemental attack more quickly.

The fat man suddenly felt that the pressure increased, and he quickly waved the magic wand in his hand. The wind blades kept sending out at a very fast speed, but even so, he had fallen into the wind.

The fat man's physical strength is getting weaker and weaker, and the movement in his hand has slowed down. Now the situation in the field is completely inclined to this side, and the opponent fat man has no power to fight back.

Seeing that Guan Nian had gained the upper hand, Yun Feng and others clenched their fists and kept cheering for Guan Nian in their hearts.

Ten minutes have passed, and the game in the field is still continuing. At this time, Guan Nian is also a little more. His footsteps are obviously a little floating, and his body is still slightly shaken. It seems that the brilliance in his body is about to be exhausted.

However, his opponent's fat man is even worse. His clothes have been soaked by his sweat, and his body shakes much more than Guan Nang, just like a boat on the mouth of the waves, swaying and may fall at any time.

At this time, the spectators on both sides looked nervous, and only Fu Tian and Fu Di next to Yunfeng looked very relaxed.

Yun Feng also sweated for Guan Nian on the field. He looked at Fu Tian's relaxed look and asked doubtfully, "Dean, why aren't you in a hurry?"

Fu Tian looked at Guan Nian in the field and said with a smile, "This little fat man really picked the wrong opponent. He competes with Guan Nian for instantaneous elemental attack, which is simply looking for death. Guan Nian is best at instantaneous attack. The maximum time limit of continuous instantaneous element attack time is 20 minutes, and the brilliance in the general Yuehui master's body is also You can hold on for ten minutes and attack instantly with Guan Nian. Hey hey, just watch it at ease.

After listening to Fu Tian's words, Yun Feng suddenly understood, and his nervous mood also eased a lot. He looked at the field again. At this time, he found that although Guan Nian seemed very tired, he could still persist, and his opponent fat man was almost exhausted and might be defeated at any time.

Seeing the situation in the field, Yun Feng was relieved, while the team members opposite were nervous to death and couldn't help shouting cheering at the fat man in the field.

After another minute, the fat man was still insisting, but now he has a wind blade that sends out every way, and he can't keep up with the speed of Guan Nian.

Seeing that the other party could still persist, Guan Nian gritted his teeth and accelerated the speed of the instantaneous hair again, hoping to end the war of attrition as soon as possible.

Looking at the field, Fu Tian was a little surprised and said, "This little fat man also seems to have some ability. It is very commendable that he can persist in Guan Nian's rapid instant attack until now. However, he is almost to the limit, and he will lose in the end."

Sure enough, as soon as Fu Tian's words fell, the fat man's eyelids turned over directly and immediately lay back and fainted to the ground.

Seeing that the other party had fallen, Guan Nian also stopped attacking and immediately sat on the ground, gasping for breath, but after winning the game, there was still a smile on his face.

Seeing that he lost, there was a sigh from the other side, and the two people came up and lifted the fat man down.

Bifu, who presided over the referee, saw that the fat man had been lifted down and shouted, "The participants of Toyota Academy have been in a coma, so Dongshan Royal College has won."

"Oh, oh--" Hearing the final result, Dongshan Royal College suddenly burst into cheers. This war of attrition is the longest game so far. For 12 minutes, the battle of the Radiant Division can be seen in five minutes, while the two Yuehui Divisions have competed for 12 minutes.