The Radiator

Chapter 245 She is my girlfriend

(Nut had some enteritis yesterday, and had a terrible stomachache. Yesterday, it broke out again, almost in the update completed in the pain. Therefore, everyone, for the sake of the hard work of nuts, please give me some support. Every collection and every red ticket is the most powerful driving force of nuts. Please support!)

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah--"

A series of horrible and heartbreaking roars came from the cave of Lawrence, the Water Dragon King, echoing in the whole Dragon Valley.

Yunfeng kept knocking on the ground with his head in pain, and his head was not protected at all with brilliance. Now his head has broken and blood, but he is still hitting the ground with his head like crazy.

At this time, the two dragon kings, Lawrence, the water dragon king and the Frost Dragon King Robinson, who were blown away by the energy storm that broke out of Yunfeng, have returned, but they dared not enter the cave again. The energy storm that previously erupted from Yunfeng's body was really too powerful when they were swept by the energy storm. For a moment, their first feeling is that as a king-level strong man, they are so powerless at this time, like a lonely boat in the sea of strong wind and waves, and may sink at any time.

Although the energy fluctuation has dissipated on Yunfeng's body, they are still worried. At the entrance of the cave here, many dragons have been attracted. Seeing that the two dragon kings are at the entrance of the cave, naturally no dragon dares to enter the cave, and they all look at the cave entrance to Yunfeng, who is constantly self-harming inside.


A loud dragon roared, and the head was nearly 40 meters long. The cyan wind dragon flew towards this side at a huge speed, but he also fell down at the mouth of the cave.

A petite figure jumped down from his back, which was Xiao Ke, and the wind dragon also changed into a human form, that is, Os.

"Brother Feng--" jumped off Os's back, and Xiao Ke saw Yun Feng constantly hitting the ground with his head in the hole. Tears suddenly gushed out of her eyes. She could actually feel the pain of Yunfeng psychologically at this time.

However, just as she was about to run to Yunfeng, a powerful hand behind her grabbed her wrist and subconsciously looked back. It was Os who brought her.

"Let go of your hand." Xiaoke struggled to get rid of Oss' hand, but how could her strength be stronger than Oss? After several struggles, it didn't work. Looking back at Yunfeng, who was still in pain, there were more tears on her face.

"What's good about this person who is about to go crazy? Can you have me? No matter what appearance, strength or temperament, I am no worse than him?

Os looked disdainfully at Yunfeng, who seemed to be crazy in the cave. For some reason, when he saw Xiaoke's tears for Yunfeng, he actually became jealous of the human in the cave. Originally, he had no grudge against Yunfeng, but he couldn't even tear Yunfeng alive at this time.

A sound suddenly came to Yunfeng's ear, who kept tapping the ground with his head. This sound suddenly shook his heart, and the action of self-harm also stopped. His eyes recovered slightly, and he subconsciously looked up at the place where the sound was made. There, Xiaoke was being grabbed by a strange man he didn't know, and Xiaoke looked at him and wanted to run to him, but he was grabbed by a strange man and couldn't do it. Suddenly, an anger burned in his heart.

"Lell her, she is my girlfriend--" Yun Feng roared hoarsely in anger. At this moment, he seemed to feel the cold and hot pain on his body, and the extremely unstable momentum on his body gradually stabilized. Come down.

The red gold blood jade crown appeared above his head, but now on his crown, the number of glorious beads has changed from five to six. He has been promoted. Now Yunfeng is a double bright master.

Seeing Yun Feng with an angry face and looking at the crown of life with six red and blue glowing beads above his head, Oss smiled disdainfully. A master-level human dares to rob a woman from him.

"Is she your girlfriend? Then come and take her back."

Looking at Yunfeng with provocative eyes, Os's face is extremely arrogant and arrogant, but he has arrogant capital. After all, he has king-level strength. Such strength, as well as his giant dragon capital, is enough to make him arrogant in front of the vast majority of people.

His words completely angered Yunfeng. With a roar, a violent energy suddenly broke out in Yunfeng's body. However, just as he was about to stimulate Benmingyu to launch his own life skills, the desperate ice lotus in the center of his eyebrows burst out a trace of coolness to stimulate his consciousness and stopped him.

However, even if he failed to successfully break out his own life skills, Yun Feng still saved his strength, looked at Os with red eyes, his feet slammed on the ground, and his body turned into a vague figure and rushed quickly.

Seeing Yunfeng suddenly rushing towards him, Auston was surprised in his heart. In response, Yunfeng's speed was really too fast. He loosened Xiao Ke's wrist, and the disdain in his eyes faded, and he also flashed to Yunfeng.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah--"


Both of them waved heavy punches at each other in their roar. At the moment when the two fists touched in mid-air, with the two people as the center, a circle of chaotic ripples in the air suddenly stirred up.

With a loud sound, the two fists collided heavily, and the surprised look suddenly covered Oss' face. He looked at Yun Feng, who was confronting him in front of him in surprise, with an incredible face.

At the moment when the two fists collided, no one stepped back and cheered up as soon as they came up. Immediately, the two began a war of attrition, running their own strength to the colliding fists. Gradually, Yunfeng's fist has turned red, emitting an eye-catching red light, while Oss fist has turned into cyan, emitting a strong cyan light. Both sides gritted their teeth and tried their best, but they still did not take a step back and were still equal.

The transformation of a foreign animal into a human form will not appear on the top of its head, and the transformation into a human form will slightly suppress their supposed strength, and Os will naturally be no exception. However, even so, Yunfeng can achieve the same level as Osqi, which has stunned all the giant dragons watching the battle at the entrance of the cave.

Os himself looked at the human in front of him with a surprised face. The other party obviously only had the strength of the heavenly master level, and he was one level higher than him, but now, both sides are comparable in power and energy.

The gap between the king-level strong and the heavenly strong is very large. Although the heavenly level has represented the list of strong men squeezed into the continent, the king level is the real strong man on this continent. A king-level strongman is even more powerful than ten heavenly strong men combined. The heavenly strong man is in front of the king-level strong man, just like a child standing in front of an adult, with no resistance.

However, the current scene is beyond everyone's expectations. Looking at Yunfeng's fate, he is now clearly a heavenly strength, but why can he be comparable to the king-level Osdou? This is incredible, but anyway, this scene did happen.

A anger burned from his heart. Looking at the human being in front of him who fought with his heavenly strength, Os had a feeling of being humiliated. Although his incarnation into a human form has been suppressed with some strength, his strength is not what a heavenly strong can fight against. The king level is the king level. How can the king's dignity be allowed to be trampled on at will?

However, just when his heart was burning with anger, Yunfeng opposite suddenly retreated quickly. Oss couldn't react at all. The power that was still going all out for the previous moment could not be taken back, so his body lost its balance due to inertia, and his whole body began to lean forward.

And Yun Feng seized such an opportunity, and then retreated abruptly. He raised his legs and kicked heavily on Oss chest, where his body was still leaning forward.

"Bang." With a muffled sound, Os's body was kicked out directly, but as the saying goes, the higher the flight, the heavier the fall. This sentence is really appropriate for Oss at this time.

With a loud sound, the place where Os fell was beside Xiaoke, and he was directly thrown to the sky. The severe pain in his chest came, which made him unable to get up for a while.

At this time, a red shadow flashed, and Yun Feng had appeared beside Xiaoke. He looked at Xiaoke gently and gently took her hand, but his right foot slowly lifted it to Oss.

With a loud sound, Yun Feng's right foot stepped down fiercely and just stepped on Oss' chest.

Gentle eyes moved away from Xiaoke's body and looked at Os, who stepped under his feet. Yunfeng said coldly, "I told you long ago that you let her go. She is my girlfriend. You can't touch it. If you touch it, you will pay a serious price."