The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 15 Are you lonely?

The swordsman couldn't calm down for a long time. After a whole cup of tea, the swordsman squatted down and grabbed the instant shoulder. The swordsman looked at the little girl in front of them.

The sword clan took a deep breath: "In a moment, my name is the Soege sword clan, a well-known cold-faced swordsman in the world, the man of Mo Villa. There is a passage below, and my sword clan only said it once, because I am careful that there are ears on the wall. So you must remember this passage. Remember it forever, you know?"

I heard the swordsman suddenly say so many words, but before they could react for a while, they could only nod ignorantly.

The swordsman resisted his excitement and breathed a little: "From now on, you must not tell anyone that you can sense this black crystal fragment. Including your closest people," the sword clan said, showing the crystal fragments of the left hand to Shun'er.

"Why?" Instantly looking at the swordsman strangely, her watery eyes flashed and looked particularly touching. What happened to the brother in white who has always been calm today

"Because once the world knows that you can feel this black fragment, you will inevitably have no place to be buried, regardless of Huayi or any race, because this fragment is related to a major secret. I think you should remember what the Yi magician did a few days ago. This fragment must have been picked up from the place I threw. For this fragment, the Yi magician wanted to kill you. I think your little wolf brother has probably suffered misfortune.

Hearing this, Shun'er covered her cherry-like mouth in consternation. With her eyes, she burst into tears like pear blossoms and sobbed, "Why, brother of the sword clan, why did you say that? Tell Shun'er, okay?"

"Because the man is innocent, Huaibi is guilty." The swordsman said this and couldn't help sighing: "This fragment can make a martial arts master or Yi magician practice less for at least 20 years. And your little wolf brother must have been killed by the ordinary master on the sixth floor of Shuntianjing.

In a moment, he looked at the swordsman in horror, covered his mouth, and tears flowed down desperately: "Why? Is it just for this fragment that Brother Wolf must sacrifice his life? Shun'er said that she hugged the swordsman's shoulder and cried desperately. Tears are like a flooded river, eroding the clothes of the swordsman's shoulders

"If you let others know that you can feel this fragment, you will definitely not be able to survive and die." After saying this, the swordsman slowly picked it up and gently put it on **. "Good night."

After saying that, the sword clan sat in front of the window and looked at the demon moon in the sky with an indifferent face. The silver light shone on the sword clan, making the whole sword clan look so elegant and unrestrained. This style is enough to fascinate thousands of girls in the world.

While hiding in the quilt and wiping her tears, she couldn't help sighing with the posture of the swordsman.

The night is gradually passing, the dawn is gradually coming, and the demon sun in the sky is gradually rising from the east. When the first ray of light of Yaoyang shone on the sword clan, Shuner also opened his eyes. At this time, he saw the sword clan sitting on the chair like a sculpture.

"Brother of the Swordsman," instantly leaned sideways in the quilt and called softly.

"Go to breakfast" The swordsman said, grabbed the ice blade wrapped in cloth on the table and walked out of the room. Hearing this, Shuner immediately lifted the quilt and jumped down from **. At that speed, the vibration was heard even by the shopkeeper who was still sleeping.

Walking on the street of Weiyang Street, the swordsman and Shun both wiped the oil stains on their mouths and licked their lips with endless aftertaste: "Brother Swords is so good." After saying that, he thought about it for a while: "Brother Swords, where are we going?"


Hearing these three words, he had a heart that wanted to jump directly into the river. Instant looked at the swordsman with a pitiful face: "Brother swords, shall we not go to Yihongyuan?"

"I have something to do." The swordsman spit out three words faintly.

In an instant, she paused for a moment, but when she saw the distant figure of the sword clan, she couldn't help but think of what the sword clan said yesterday, so she chose to follow without hesitation.

Yihongyuan will arrive soon. At this moment, he looked at the swordsman worriedly, "Is there really anyone who has to wait in that kind of place?

The sword clan had no words and walked forward dozens of arms. As soon as I got to the door of Yihong Courtyard, Shun'er pulled the skirt of the sword clan again: "Brother of the sword clan, let's wait outside. Shun'er doesn't want to go in." |

The swordsman is really speechless. They can't think of any countermeasures to this request for a moment, but they can't go in. The swordsman simply picked up Shun's waist and walked to Yihongyuan. Those girls guarding at the door were stunned one by one. Look at me, I look at you, but I don't know. What happened?

Momenter felt her waist being hugged, and her little face turned red, beating and beating: "Let go of me, brother of the dead sword clan, brother of the stinking sword clan."

The cabinet door opened, and the girl came out of the cabinet door. For a moment, she was also at a loss by the situation in front of her. She had no choice but to smile, twist her waist like a water snake, and walked down the stairs: "Yo, who is this? Why did you make Uncle Suo so angry? | As soon as my sister-in-law walked down the stairs, when she saw that the girl who was beating and hammered was instantaneously, she covered her mouth and didn't know what to say.

At this time, a pavilion door on the left also opened, with three and a half arms, a purple robe, a black hair on his head, narrow forehead and thin eyebrows, and a gentle and elegant, but the rise of the corners of his mouth made the young man in front of him look a little bad.

The sword clan raised its head, and a pair of cold mothers looked at the young man upstairs. When the young man upstairs saw the sword clan downstairs clearly, he hugged his fists with an embarrassed face: "Brother Jian."

The sword clan put down the moment that was still fighting without saying a word. At this time, the sword clan couldn't wait to punch the sword clan a few more times, but the little fist danced and stopped in mid-air. Because all the people present stared at the swordsman and the young man upstairs.

The young man upstairs had a puzzled face. When there was a little beauty around that guy, it wouldn't be a child abuse tendency. Thinking of this, the young man upstairs showed a more obvious bad smile on the corners of his mouth. With a howling, the young man upstairs landed on his feet, and his robes whistled in Heze's landing, and the swords were directly Ignoring, the young man came to the instant, and his eyes flashed under his handsome appearance.

Instantly nervously grabbed the swordsman's belt and stepped back a few steps. The young man suddenly threw out a sentence full of words. Not only did a black line float on the face of the sword clan, which was not easily moved, but also the girl in Yihongyuan opened her mouth, with contempt or surprise

"Nu, are you lonely?"