The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 46 Thomas. Yang

Chapter 46 Thomas. Yang

Zhu Jian Wanrong continued to stand on the field to meet one challenger after another, but no one dared to go up at this time.

"How many have you been?" Jian Xiao asked with a frown.

"18." The swordsman wrote two words on the table. Jian Xiao looked at the two words on the table and looked at the field: "Why has this girl become so strong?"

" boss, do you want me to go up and meet him?" Dugu picked flowers and said something very well.

Xiao Yujiao frowned and said, "Who are you? Aunt Dieyi can't beat it, so you don't have to worry."

"You,,,,,." Dugu picked flowers and stammered at Xiao Yu for a moment. Xiao Yu broke Dugu Caihua's finger to the side: "You, what are you, in front of me, how dare you talk back?"

Dugu Caihua reported his hands to his chest: "I won't talk to you anymore."


Is there any other leader who will come to teach you? Casting swords and flat clothes are waiting here.

"I'll go." Jian Xiao slapped the table and was ready to fly to the court.

The butterfly dance grabbed it, with a trace of tension in his tone: "The sword saint hasn't gone yet." The swordsman ignored everyone's words and said to himself, "Someone went up."

"Who." Jian Xiao and Butterfly Dance looked at the sword clan and asked with one voice. The swordsman did not choose to answer, and he was not sure if anyone would go up. The reason why he would say that sentence was just based on his intuition over the years. The heart of the swordsman on the field can't help but be cautious.

"Casting swords and flat clothes are here to teach the skills of martial arts peers, and please do not hesitate to teach them." Casting a sword and flat clothes arched his hand to the four directions.

The whole audience was silent, the summer wind blew, and the earth-colored robes danced with the wind. No one was talking in the whole Zen Square. The dead silence could only be the wind. Casting swords and flat clothes is another gift: "Excuse me, who else comes to the martial arts competition?"

"I'll meet you." There is a trace of sound in the air, with a little Yi sound quality, and indeed with a little Chinese sound quality. As soon as this sound came out, the whole audience was moved, and the sword saint in the main seat stood up at the same time and pulled out the two weapons at the same time.

The sword flute and the butterfly dance stood up at the same time with an angry face.

A word flashed in the minds of these masters at the same time, "South Thorn, Thomas. Yang."

Cast a sword in plain clothes and a long sword in the air: "Who are you? Don't show up quickly."

As soon as the words of "South Spur" in the air fell, I heard the power of the knife coming through the air. The cast sword in flat clothes swept away. With a tink, a black knife appeared in the air, and a dark shadow also faintly appeared.

"It's really that one." Jian Xiao hit the table fiercely and grabbed the flying teacup. With the sound of "ping", the teacup twisted into pieces. Longyang Canjun over there also hit the table angrily: "Sure enough, it's him."

A Buddha's ceremony: "Amitabha Buddha. Why do the two benefactors be angry? The swordsman and the swordsman sat down angrly.

No matter what happened off the court, the court had been dark. I only saw the long sword in the hand of the cast sword flat clothes flying away, one after another of the sword air flew out, and the yellow and white sword spirit flew out of the tip of the sword.

A shadow flashed on the field, Thomas. Yang left with a slight touch, and the tip of the black knife was more often only glued to the edge of the long sword of the cast sword flat clothes. Then I saw the shadow in the air turning over. For a moment, the field was full of infinite swords, but I didn't touch the Thomas. Yang's side.

"This set of martial arts is too awesome. Teach me." Dugu Caihua looked at the touching shadow on the field with envy. The swordsman stared angrily: "People who learn this martial arts will eventually make their own people, ghosts. At that time, you can't pick up girls, won't you bother me, the boss?"

Dugu picked flowers and said, "Forget it, it's better to pick up girls."

"Well." Xiao Yu was speechless.


"Nephew, who do you think will win?" Jian Xiao sat flatly in the chair and tried to suppress his anger.

"Thomas. Yang." The swordsman said four words lightly. Jian Xiao was dissatisfied: "Although the martial arts growth is extremely strange, after all, the strength is there. Rumor has it that Thomas. Yang only has eight layers of martial arts in the realm of Shuntian, as long as he seizes the opportunity to cast a sword and flat clothes, Thomas. Yang will die."

"Unfortunate, Uncle Jian can't catch it."

Listening to the voice of the sword clan, Jian Xiao sighed regretfully.

Sure enough, after dozens of moves, the sword flat clothes gasped, and the long sword in his hand slowed down. The infinite sword spirit does not seem so sharp. Jian Xiao's face was solemn: "The cast sword won't hang in other people's hands, otherwise I won't see your mother when I go to Jimo Villa in the future."

"Uncle Xiao, you want me to take action." The sword clan was a little helpless. Jian Xiao lifted out her forehead and naturally warned herself that no matter what happened, Zhu Jian Pingyi was a relative of the Jian family.

Naturally, the sword flute next to him could not feel the thoughts of the swordsman. Seeing that the swordsman broke his mind, he immediately nodded: "That's right."

At this time, with a jingle on the field, he cast his sword and stabbed awkwardly, and retreated under his feet. At first sight, he stood on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. A blood line passed with a bang.

murderous, strong murderous, the sword clan saw the shadow on the ground at a glance, and his heart tightened, because the shadow exploded quickly towards the cast sword flat clothes. The sword clan grabbed the ice blade in his waist and pulled it towards the cast sword flat clothes. At the same time, a little on its toes and stepped on the snow without trace. With a tink, the cold ice blade and the black knife collided into one Up. A white shadow shot through the air, and the sword clan grabbed the ice blade that was about to fall to the ground.

"It's you." There was a sound in the air, with a trace of fear and hatred.

"It's me." The sword clan said faintly, and the cold blade threw into the air. The sword clan crossed the sword to protect its chest and said to the cast sword flat clothes, "Uncle casting sword, go down."

Casting swords and flat clothes nodded gratefully: "Be careful."

"Draw the sword, Soege swordsman." The sound in the air dissipated, and the black knife disappeared into the air.

The sword clan threw the ice blade in his hand and pointed the sword and scabbard to the void: "Please give me some advice."

"You still don't draw your sword?" There was a wave in the air, and a voice came out: "I didn't expect you to be so arrogant." The swordsman shook his head flatly: "I don't want to draw my sword."

"Okay, then let's fight 300 rounds today to see if it's you, the bodyguard 13, or my assassin."

The summer wind is slightly driven, and the white clothes of the swordsman dance with the wind. Three thousand black hair is even more elegant, causing many girls to scream. However, they turned a deaf ear to these swordsmen. The true perception spread around with the footsteps, and their eyes touched that there was no one in the whole field except the shadow of the swordsmen themselves. The swordsman couldn't help but be shocked by the little snack. Could it be Thomas? Yang Gongli went further, and the heart of the swordsman tended to calm down when he thought of this.

A trace of wind came, and the swordsman raised the ice blade and violently hit himself. With a tink, the two swords intersect. Under the barrier of the ice blade, the black knife came out. Of course, the next time, the black knife completely disappeared. Obviously Thomas. Yang has retreated. The audience held their breath. The two major assassinations and counter-assinations in Jianghu are really not to be missed.

After one blow, the swordsman closed his eyes and made many sounds in his ears. In addition to the sound of breathing and whispers, there were only footsteps left. One was his own, and the other was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The swordsman found that the footsteps were actually where was a boring guy off the ground. . Does the swordsman have a smile in their hearts when they think of this? It seems that Thomas. Yang's skills are more than a little stronger.

The sound of the wind blew gently, and the breeze brushed the willows. At this time, on the quiet field, the swordsman moved, and the ice blade and the sheath were raised above their heads. The swordsman jumped gently, and their feet were born and swayed straight up. The swordsman flew to the mid-air, and the cold ice blade in his hand hit the bottom. With a sound, the cold ice blade in the swordsman's hand and the black knife flying out of the void void collided. Together.

"Your ears are really thieves." There was another fluctuation in the air.

The swordsman did not reply. The cold blade in his hand hit continuously with the sword and its scabbard, and sparks splashed in the air for a moment. The speed of the swordsman's hand was so fast that the black knife in the air was not slow down by half a beat.

"Listen to the sound by ear, we older generations don't have this ability." Longyang Canjun sighed.

The voice spit out by Mu Yan's farewell girl also looked very depressing: "No wonder she was able to sneak up under our eyes last night."


The black knife and the cold sword blade constantly wipe out sparks. The sword clan is unambitly, and the cold sword blade in his hand is fast. Thomas hidden in the air. Yang also did not hesitate to make it fast. He only saw the black knife in the air, like a whirlwind, and the sound of jingling was endless. The swordsman turned over lightly under his feet in the hanging air, and the cold ice blade in his hand flashed, and the blue light hit directly into a mass of air.

The sword clan landed on one foot, a white shadow flashed, and the sword clan lightningly took the blue blade in their hands. Tightly stitched with the scabbard. The swordsman pushed forward with one hand, a black knife appeared out of thin air, and sparks flashed by. The swordsman flew out with one foot, and at the same time retreated like the wind.

The swords retreated to the stage, and the thrust disappeared, and the swords stood firmly on the ground.

"Why don't you use the 72nd serial finger?" There was a voice without emotion in the air.

"I want to try how to beat you without fingering." The swordsman stared straight ahead.

"It seems that even if there are no 72 consecutive fingers, I may not be your enemy." There was a fluctuation in the air. The sound of sigh came from the air.

"Which two martial arts are you practicing?" The swordsman asked without hesitation.

"Hidden thorn, nothingness. Have you heard of it? A calm voice came out of the air. There was a wave in the heart of the swordsman: "Secret method."

"The Soege Swordsman is really well-informed."

"Why make yourself unhuman and ghostless?" The swordsman sighed.

"I'm an assassin and you're a bodyguard. There's nothing to say between us. Come on, use your famous stunt." There was a sharp shout in the air. With a little anger.

The swordsman nodded: "This is your choice."