The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 50 Battle Skull

"The despicable Chinese pig actually damaged my skeleton. I want you to pay for your life. Great God of Darkness, please listen to my call, the Dark Slave Army. Monchi came from the dark shield. Roger shouted loudly.

Longyang Canjun cautiously took the handle of the knife. The flying knife pointed straight to the black king's nest in front of him. Longyang Canjun looked firmly at everything in front of him. Of course, he was also waiting for the appearance of the so-called dark slave. Longyang Canjun waited for a while, and there was no vision around him, and he felt a little surprised.

Many Chinese people behind him were also shocked for a while. Meng Hua Xianping pushed the swordsman: "Brother Jian, why hasn't that dark skeleton appeared yet?" The swordsman also shook his head: "I'm not very clear either." As soon as the sword clan finished speaking, it heard Shun'er next to him pointing to the sky, and his voice trembled with fear: "Brother of the sword clan, what do you think that is?" After pointing, she pulled the swordsman's clothes and hid behind the swordsman.

The swordsman fixed their eyes and immediately set off a stormy wave in their hearts. The damn Yi people were indeed not fuel-efficient lamps. At this time, many Chinese warriors also saw the scene in front of them. Over the eastern sky, a large black skull rushed directly from the sky to the location of Zen Gate. Seeing that there are more than 10,000, the breath of the black edifying sky pointed straight to the place where the Zen swordsmen and others stood along a diagonal line.

At this time, other people also found those black and evil skeletons in the sky. While pulling out the long sabre in his hand, he said to the swordsman, "Have you thought of any countermeasures?"

"I'm not a god, I'm a human." After saying that, the swordsman put the ice blade across his chest and grabbed the moment with his right hand. At the same time, the ice blade stabbed Dugu Caihua: "Don't look, there's danger."

"Nani?" Dugu Caihua licked the saliva at the corners of his mouth and withdrew his eyes and looked forward. He only saw that the Yi people in front of him retreated like a tide. The endless skeletons surged like seawater, and countless skeletons fell to the ground and sounded directly. With a black sword, each skeleton had a weapon of different sizes and shapes. .

Dugu picked flowers* and jumped wildly: "Damn it, what kind of thing." After saying that, Dugu Caihua took out a broken gua hammer from behind and stepped in front of Xiao Yu: "Beauty, I'll protect you."

"You idiot, go and wake up Wanrong." The swordsman turned his head and said furiously.

"He hasn't got up yet, can he?" Dugu Caihua looked at the sword clan in surprise. After the latter finished speaking, he grabbed the moment and retreated. Xiao Yu pulled out a whip and hit him on Dugu Caihua's shoulder: "Wanrong is still sleeping for beauty. If your husband asks you to go, you can go. Why are you doing nonsense?"

"Oh." Dugu Caihua answered and didn't care about the pain from the whip, and galloped towards Wanrong's sleeping cabinet.

The loser raised his hand: "All of them retreat to the Zen Pavilion."

Longyang Canjun swept into his hand and cut the two skeletons on the charge into skeletons. Longyang Canjun retreated with experience. The defeated superior also took the Zen stick from the Zen disciples and swept it out. The golden light flowing Zen stick immediately showed amazing power and smashed the four skeletons into pieces with one stick. If you lose, you don't dare to fight. After all, even if you are a master on the ninth level of Shuntian Realm, several martial artists next to you are indeed inferior to you.

Muyan Farewell Ji cut off the thigh of a skeleton with a sword and shouted to the surrounding Chinese martial artists: "All the warriors on the eighth floor of Shuntianjing are on the front line to empty the road for the Chinese below the eighth floor of Shuntianjing." As soon as the sword saint spoke, many Chinese warriors dared not disove. Many leaders took a few steps forward and greeted those dark skeletons with their weapons.

For a moment, countless red, blue and white swords and blades greeted the skeleton. Many young disciples who had come to the front to watch the bustle also suddenly retreated with a sigh of relief and handed over the defense line in their hands to their leaders and masters.

The Chinese martial artists finally retreated to the main pavilion of the Zen sect under the command of the sword saint Muyan Farewell Ji and the master of the Zen sect. At the same time, many skeletons were also chopped to the ground and turned into a pile of bones.

The swordsman breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these skeletons were not powerful, otherwise some would suffer. Unexpectedly, they didn't expect that Mengqi. Roger is actually a summoning magician, not an elemental magician. The horror of summoning magicians is better than that of elemental magicians. This is the characteristic of its horror. The summoned things are either awesome to death, or a large number of them can kill you.

The sword clan casually flipped a skeleton and retreated with the martial arts colleagues. Shun'er pulled the sword clan's waist with both hands and said timidly, "Brother of the sword clan, what are these horrible things?" The sword clan swept with a sword and held Shun'er in his left hand: "Let's retreat first. If you have time, I'm telling you to go to Sister Xiaoyu's place first. Don't get separated."

In an instant, she nodded and let go of her hand and retreated. Xiao Yu, who was only a few arms away from the sword clan, stretched out her hand and took the thin Shun'er over.

Fortunately, the gate of Zen Gate is only a few hundred arms away from the Zen Pavilion, and many Chinese martial artists have pushed into the Zen Pavilion in an orderly manner. Fortunately, the gate of the Zen Pavilion is not very large, otherwise I don't know how many masters will be drawn to top it. A group of swordsmen finally retreated into the pavilion. At this time, Dugu Caihua and Wanrong cleverly got in from behind the pavilion. They were sweating heavily and covered with a lot of dirt and bricks.

At this time, those leaders and other bigwigs in the world were at the door of the pavilion. The young people of the sword clan just had a rest. The sword clan went to Xiao Yu and did it with their buttocks. At this time, they didn't care about being dirty or not. Dugu Caihua and Wanrong walked to the sword clan, and Dugu Caihua looked outside the pavilion in horror: "What should I do, boss? There are so many skeletons."

"Don't worry, it's okay." The swordsman comforted.

Mu Yan said goodbye to the sword clan and looked at the sword clan. The phoenix's eyes were full of doubts: "It seems that the young hero is sure of victory."

Hearing this, the swordsman pushed Menghua Xianping. The latter took out a cylinder from his arms with a smile and handed it to Mu Yan's farewell girl: "As long as the sword saint releases this tube into the sky, the half-month imperial phantom army will inevitably reach the Zen sect in an hour.

Muyan Farewell Ji stared at the gunpowder tube handed to her and looked at the mixed-race in front of her. Although her face was a little hippie, her brown eyes did have a trace of domineering and firmness to despise the world. Muyan Farewell took the gunpowder tube gratefully and said, "Muyan Farewell Girl to Menghua Royal Family on behalf of the Chinese martial arts. Thank you for saving my life."

Menghua Xianping waved his hand and smiled: "It's not to mention, the nature of the country, that's all." After saying that, Menghua Xianping walked behind the gun, and soon heard a cannon ringing into the sky.

The swordsman stood up and walked to the door of the pavilion. Dugu Caihua also stood up: " boss, you are."

"Go to top people," the swordsman said and pulled the collar of the sword flute: "Uncle Xiao, you practice." After saying that, the cold blade in his hand swept the skeleton with the sword and scabbard, and overturned a few skeletons casually. Jian Xiao looked gratefully: "Be careful." After saying that, Jian Xiao went behind the sword clan and quickly put his vacant position on top of the sword clan.

Several swords of the sword clan fell, and even the sword with its scabbard smashed into an open space. At this time, the leaders around them also retreated and gave up their vacant positions one after another, and those who had just rested came up one after another. Some Chinese on the sixth floor of Shuntianjing also went up as a pair.

The ground was covered with layers of skeletons, stacked layer by layer. Countless black bones, bone covers and bone knives fell to the ground in a very messy way, and those new skeletons directly stepped on the skeleton shelves to kill the Chinese warriors. Many Chinese warriors kill their hands and feet. These skeletons and cabbages are very many, basically a group of them, which is simply inexhaustible.

The cold blade in the hands of the sword clan, with the sword and scabbard, can kill no more than hundreds of skeletons in a single incense. It's really nothing to say that the hands and feet are sore and soft. After all, the skeleton is cut down with a sword and its sheath, but this sword still needs strength. No less than a hundred swords come down, and the sword clan's hands and feet are indeed soft without sweating. Tired, the swordsman cut a few more swords.

At this time, the swordsman came over: "Why don't you use Zhenqi? Although it will be very tiring to use Zhenqi, at least it won't be as tired as you." After saying that, the swordsman took a pinch forward, and the tip of the knife rubbed directly into the skeleton of the black skeleton. The handle of the sword flute's hand turned, and a true air was enlarged from the sword, which immediately smashed the skeleton.

A wry smile flashed at the corners of the swordsman's mouth: "These skeletons are just summons. In case those nine-layer magicians and warriors in the wingless realm come, what will we take to fight with others."

Jian Xiao pondered slightly: "I didn't think of this." After saying that, the swordsman cut it with a knife, and a skeleton suddenly became a pile of rotten bones. The sword clan took back * another knife light and killed a skeleton again: "Nephew, there are not many skeletons, and this war of ants biting elephants is finally over."

Hearing this, the swordsman also turned their eyes to the outside the door. As expected, the situation in front of them was as the swords said. The skeletons outside the Zen Pavilion were really few and only a few hundred, but the situation did not seem to be very optimistic. A large group of golden hair and white-skinned Yi people all stood on the side of the mountain gate of the Zen Gate. From afar, the dark temple summons the magician on the ninth floor of the wingless realm like the black king's beehive is also standing there.

With thegong fu of a cup of tea, hundreds of skeletons turned into skeleton shelves on the ground, and Jianxiao collected the knife perfectly and gracefully: "Finally it's over."

The butterfly dance took back the sword: "I'm afraid not. Those Yi people are still waiting for us to clean up," Butterfly Dance said without twisting.

At this time, the loser and Mu Yan Farewell Ji also settled down and walked to the gate of the pavilion. At this time, a large number of old and young men also came to the gate and went to the mountain gate in front of them. Longyang Canjun waved his hand: "Call a few descendants to watch here, and all the rest of them will restore the true qi in their bodies."

"Okay," since Dao Jun spoke, everyone left a few younger generations, and the rest returned to the cabinet to meditation and practice.