The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 73 The Defeat of the Yi Clan

"Kill." Dugu Caihua raised the hammer in his hand, and the broken gua hammer immediately shot out more than a dozen steel needles. A burst of golden light and shadow flew by, and he saw a strong man of the Yi nationality fall to the ground in an instant. Dugu Caihua stepped on it and hit the enemy's lower body: "You are so big, grandma, how dare to grab business with me."

The people around him are sweating. Can this man be stronger?

The butterfly dance was the first to rush into the Yi camp, and many Chinese people behind them rushed up like stimulants. The Yi camp was like water that broke the dike.

When countless Yi swordsmen saw that the swordsmen wanted to rush up and cut a few swords, they didn't expect that their people rushed their people like a flood, with Jack alone. Louis held a huge sword alone and split it at the sword clan.

The giant sword was raised in the sky, and the red giant sword seemed to come to the top of the swordsman. The swordsman was not panic. The cold blade and the sword with its sheath went to the sky. With a jingle, the two weapons smashed together. Menghua Xianping picked up his sword, and the sword stabbed directly at Jack's lower plate. The blade of the blade is like a spirit snake.

Jack. Louis turned his sword and retreated in horror, and the huge sword hit it down, which could block a sword swept by Meng Hua Xianping: "Chinese people, do you want to play two against one?"

Menghua Xianping's long sword did not give in, and the blade in his hand turned and stabbed Jack. Louis's chest, the sword clan did not hesitate to attack the ice blade at the same time. In an instant, he held the sword clan's waist tightly, which did not affect the sword clan's action at all.

Two weapons, a little bit cold, Jack in times of crisis. Louis immediately took a step back, and the huge sword was raised above his head at the same time. The wide back of the sword intercepted the giant sword of the sword clan and Menghua Xianping. Under the attack of the sword clan and Menghua Xianping, Jack took two steps back to settle his footsteps.

At this moment, a holy light fell from the sky, and the egg white holy light fell straight down like a huge sword, without any sound. Although the sword clan and Meng Hua Xianping could not hear it, their own perception did strongly feel the direction of the attack of the true qi. The two walked two steps at the same time, and the egg white holy light hit the ground to form a huge pit.

Jack. Louis looked gratefully at Aesop, the release of the Holy Light. Alice. The latter turned his head angrily: "What are you looking at? I did this in order to deal with infidels together. Iso. Alice immediately turned around after saying these words: "Go quickly and clean up the remnants."

Jack. Louis instantly analyzed the situation of the battlefield in his mind, and the forces of the two temples were really not optimistic. My situation doesn't seem to be very good, Jack alone. Louis vaguely felt that there were two nine-level masters coming. The huge sword in Jack's hand swings left and right, and the huge sword with the blade light turned fiery red in an instant, Jack. Louis's giant sword trembled repeatedly, and two fiery red magic flew out of the giant sword, one left and one right rushed to the swordsmen.

Jack's action was really fast. He activated his own fire magic in such a short time, but he admired it. The swordsman did not dare to make a mistake at all. After all, Jack. Louis is a magic swordsman on the ninth floor of the wingless realm. He can barely carry it, and I'm afraid Menghua Xianping beside him is not so good. For this reason, the cold blade of the swordsman's right hand quickly swept everything, and the two sword spirits were emitted casually. At the same time, the left palm quickly pinched into claws, and a mass of ice and true air also grabbed Jack's magic energy at a very fast speed.

Looking at the rushing fire magic, Menghua Xianping was also reacting quickly, and the long sword in his hand pulled out a few sword flowers. Of course, Menghua Xianping himself did not believe whether this sword flower could resist the flying fire magic. After all, Jack and I are three classes apart. Just as the sword flower took shape, the cold air flew over Menghua Xianping's earlobe, and the cold wind even froze Menghua Xianping's hair.

"Peng." With a muffled sound, two energies exploded, and the magic energy of the fire system collided with the ice of the sword clan, setting off a wave. Looking at the invisible air wave coming, the sword clan grabbed the moment behind him and hurried back.

The wave caused by the encounter of water and fire made all the fleeing Yi soldiers and the Chinese warriors temporarily stop breathing for a while. Soon everything recovered as usual, and the sound of killing resounded in the vegetable garden at the foot of this Zen sect. When the waves disappeared, Jack. Louis and Aesop. Alice had disappeared. The swordsman and Meng Huaxian looked at each other. Both of them smiled helplessly and immediately turned around to join the pursuit.

Looking for a Jack among a large group of Yi people. The swordsmen and Menghua Xianping are obviously idiots of the Yi nationality. Just as the swordsman had not yet had a cup of tea to kill the Yi warriors, suddenly the Yi people in front of them had a burst of **, and many Yi warriors ran back one after another. The fleeing Yi soldiers quickly squeezed into the middle, and the rear was running away from the pursuit of the Chinese warriors. The front ran back crazily. Only the Yi soldiers in the middle looked blankly at the soldiers rushing towards them on both sides.

"What's going on?" The sleeves of the white magic robe tightly grabbed the neck of a dark swordsman.

The blonde dark warrior was strangled into the air and pulled Aesop tightly with his hands. Alice's magic robe sleeves turned red: "back,,,, back to the Holy Lady,,,,,,, half-moon empire,,,, phantom,,,,,,,, Before the dark warrior finished speaking, he tilted his head and gave it to Aesop. Alice strangled to death.

A huge sword suddenly clung to Aesop. Alice's neck: "Aesop, the cooperation between the two temples, you treat our dark temple people like this."

Aesop. Alice frowned and scratched a sneer at the corners of her mouth: "Don't forget that the two halls are always enemies."

"What you mean is that you don't mind doing it here." Jack. Louis's big cake face came up, and the hook-like nose almost touched Aesop. Alice's white face.

"Do you think the Temple of Light will be afraid of you infidels who betrayed the light?" Iso. Alice stared at Jack. Louis.

"Don't quarrel with the two adults. It's important to escape. The two major legions of the Half Moon Empire's Phantom and Xinghai have organized an attack. If we are surrounded, we will all have to be buried here. Great Lord of Light, please bless your loyal people. A bright magician saluted the blue sky.

Jack. Louis and Aesop. Alice just let go of each other, and their eyes looked into the distance at the same time. At this moment, a childish voice sounded not far away: "Brother of the sword clan, look, the saint and the magic swordsman are over there."

Jack. Louis heard the sound and immediately turned around and ran away. The girl's voice appeared, and the Soege swordsman must be not far away. Although he was determined to win, he didn't know how many rounds later. Once the famous masters of Jian Xiao rushed up, he had to kneel obediently. So I still left early. Jack rushed into the woods as two steps.

Aesop. Alice didn't know it. She looked over, but she was so scared that she waved the white magic wand in her hand a few times and hurriedly added two bright shields to herself. At the same time, she said urgently, "Magic swordsman, take me away."

Jack Louis, who had run out of his ten arms in front of him, stopped abruptly as soon as he heard the word "magic swordsman", Jack. Louis thought more, no matter how many fights there are between the two temples, if he throws the saint of the Temple of Light in this vegetable garden this time, I'm afraid that there will be no peace in the future, and the Temple of Light will hunt him down to death.

Jack quickly stepped out and grabbed Aesop. Alice's jade hand rushed forward, and the extreme potential bursting out was really extraordinary. The swordsman only heard the cry of Shun'er and looked over there. Then I saw a man, a woman and two Yi people rushing directly into the woods like those tail rockets on the earth. Looking at the speed alone, even the swordsmen were ashamed for a while.

When the swordsman wanted to chase, the two big fish had disappeared. On the other side of the Yi soldiers, two fronts appeared, one gold and one white. The soldiers of the two regiments saw that the Yi people rushed in like sheep into the wolves. Two sharp knives of different colors divided the Yi people into three sections.

Two flags quickly appeared behind the soldiers of the two regiments, one of which was blue, with a cross crossed, and a disk in the middle of the cross. On the other side, a white green dragon is coiled on the flag, with several white clouds floating on it, giving people a sense of green dragons.

Two flags quickly rushed to Meng Hua Xianping, and the two generals came up with several teams of soldiers. Two generals in heavy armor knelt on one knee in front of Menghua Xianping: "The commander of the Phantom Legion, Haowu Loulan, and the commander of the Xinghai Legion, knocked on His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Sorry for the late rescue.

"The two generals, please get up quickly and ask the soldiers to kill the Yi dog. God is not allowed to avenge their own warriors." Menghua Xianping rushed out immediately after saying that, and the swordsman naturally followed closely. In case something happens to the crown prince, he won't want to go back to Jimo Villa in his life.

All the standing Yi people were cut to the ground in a few columns of incense, but looking at the piles of dead people, there were many footprints all over their bodies, and their armor was even more uneven. These Yi people were not trampled to death. It seems that the whole body protective armor of the Yi people was really extraordinary. The swordsman secretly praised it in their hearts.

As soon as the Yi people in the vegetable garden were removed, many Chinese warriors sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated. For a moment, the whole vegetable garden was covered with smoke. Those true qi continue to circulate in the body, quickly strengthening the meridians and eliminating the excess debris in the warrior's body.