The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 150 Shadow Department

"I have an impression of this name." Deep Blue suddenly said.

Everyone's eyes suddenly became clear. It is true that there are inevitably some casualties and deaths in fighting and killing in the world, which are all to be investigated. If Deep Blue knows, it means that it must be a big case.

"There was a case in 1020. I still remember that the Danxia Gang was destroyed. The kitchen knife gang was established in 2009. At that time, the two gangs competed, so I'm sure that this was done by the kitchen knife gang, but there has been no evidence." Shen Lan thought and added, "At that time, I was working as a secretary in the Ministry of Criminal Justice. This case shocked a lot of people, so I remember it very clearly.

(Note: Secretary, the management of recording case notes, not the secretary mentioned today)

Dugu picked flowers and sighed: "Niu 13, I became an official at the age of 14."

Xiao Yu patted Dugu Caihua's head and despised him fiercely: "Say a few words, this is a reward. Don't make a mistake. If you are willing to be an official, you will definitely get such a practical official position first so that the court can investigate.

Deep Blue also ignored Dugu Caihua's group: "If you catch this four people, you should be able to find out something."

The swordsman thought for a moment and suddenly asked, "Do you know the case of Li Jia, the former provincial capital of Jin Province?" After saying this, the swordsman suddenly felt how superfluous this was. Li Jia's charge was treason, and Deep Blue certainly did not know it.

Deep Blue nodded: "I know, this man was recently executed. A large number of Yi gold and silver coins, as well as a large number of legal coins, were found in his house. A number of letters were also found and eventually convicted of treason. Deep Blue thought for a moment and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Have you read those letters?" The sword style vaguely guessed what the sword clan wanted to ask.

Deep Blue took a look at the people around him: "Peeing flowers, Wanrong, Xiao Yu, and several bodyguards, please avoid them." The meaning of dark blue is quite obvious, and those letters are naturally confidential.

Dugu picked flowers and asked in a small white way, "Why?" As soon as the words came out, the two girls were out of the hall.

The swordsman looked at the number of people in the hall and said, "It can be said."

"There are letters between the great sacrifice of the Dark Temple and the great sacrifice of the Temple of Light. Li Jia received a total of 800,000 French coins, 40,000 gold coins and 600,000 silver coins. It is about 9 million taels of silver converted into silver.

(One legal coin is equal to one gold coin or one two gold coins, one gold coin equals ten silver coins, and one two gold equals ten taels of silver. That is to say, one or two pieces of gold of the Chinese nationality is equal to one gold coin of the Yi nationality)

"So much greed." Everyone was stunned by the number.

"In addition, the officials who were executed together this time also included the provincial capital of Tian Gaoxing Province, who was also greedy. The two worked together to order the opening and sealing of the wing army in the north of Ike City. That's why the two temples can** kill Diefeng Mountain.

"I didn't ask these." Jian Fengliu interrupted Deep Blue's talkative nonsense: "Just ask who the Yi people are in contact with Li Jia."

"I didn't find out. I heard Li Jia confess that he was a very ordinary middle-aged man with a long sword in his hand, which looked quite gloomy. A cloth crown on his head and the long sword seemed to be extraordinary. I don't even show it to people."

"Can you hear anything?" The swordsman looked at the swordsman.

The swordsman shook his head: "There are too many people dressed like this in the world, not like Gong four." The swordsman thought for a moment.

"What's special about that sword?" Jian Fengliu asked.

"The sword has three arms and is black, and the scabbard is engraved with the word "cast". Hearing Li Jia admit that even the blade is black."

The swordsman and the swordsman were stunned, and their eyes were full of disbelief. The people around them were not clear for a while, but they soon calmed down. Jian Fengliu stared at Suoge: "Old man, this is your son-in-law."

"Bullshit, my son-in-law is not already..." The sword style did not go on. Obviously, the forehead flat box has also realized the problem: "It's the boy who casts swords and flat clothes."

The heirloom of Zhujian Villa. Naturally, you can't show it to Li Jia. After saying that, Jian Fengliu took a deep breath and stood up: "Some days ago, the power of casting sword flat clothes also soared for no reason, and he also played with the sword clan. It was confirmed that he also had a black ghost jade fragments on his body. And Shun'er also has something to do with the soul chasing jade fragments. Jian Fengliu thought for a moment and asked the swordsman, "What are you going to do?"

"Now I can't figure out any clue, mainly because which direction the four Gong went." The swordsman held the wine glass tightly, as if to crush it.

Deep Blue: "Isn't he only one road to the north? Only in the north can we flee to the country of the Yi nationality.

"If the four Gong escape from the south, Rao Nanyang and the Nandi Peninsula, it is not impossible, or stay in Juncheng and other Princess Aihua's affairs are completed, and then go north with the Yizu team. You can't chase it even if you want to. Thinking of this, the swordsman bit their teeth.

The sword style does not mistakenly agree, and also shows embarrassment: "This is really difficult to do." Just as Jian Fengliu finished speaking, a dark shadow flashed in from outside.

"How's it going?" Jianfeng asked without raising his head.

"The four people at the entrance of the hall went out to explore, and some people at the entrance of the hall are also searching north in a fan-shaped manner. I believe that as long as Gong four people flee north, we can find the news." After saying it in one breath, Jian Xiao picked up a pot of wine and fell into his mouth to quench his thirst. Jian Xiao took a sip of wine: "What else can you do?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another. Jian Xiao took out a map from gorgeous and threw it on the table: "The four Gong will never stay in the king's city and wait to go out."

"What do you think?" Jian Fengliu vaguely felt that Jian Xiao might have some eyebrows.

"If the four Gong stay in Juncheng, then he will have to stay in Juncheng for at least a month before he can leave Juncheng with Princess Aihua's return team and find a Chinese in a group of Yi people's team. Do you think it difficult?"

Jian Fengliu first agreed, pointing to the record on the household registration: "Gong four people, three arms and twenty fingers tall. And this time, the Yi people's coming team is more than three arms and 30 fingers tall, and with black hair, it is really difficult to confuse the eyes and ears in the Yi team. Jian Fengliu asked, "But what can we do if he hides in Princess Aihua's car out of the city a month later?"

Jian Xiao is speechless. Indeed, what the sword romance said is definitely a big problem. Checking the princess's carriage, obviously, no matter how great the Jian family is, they don't have the courage.

"We can't sit here and wait." After saying that, he went out.

"Your Excellency, where are you going?" Liu Fulu asked

"Shadow Department." Soege threw a sentence and went out of the hall, and Liu Fulu naturally followed closely.

"We will also go to the Shadow Department." After saying that, Jian Fengliu followed the steps of the flat box and went out.

"Shadow Department?" Jian Xiao asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go all of you." After saying that, the swordsman leaned on the chair decadently.

"Jian Xiao, come with me." The sound of swords came from the darkness outside the hall.

"Why should we go to the Shadow Department?" Jian Xiao looked at a large group of people on his side on the street and was naturally puzzled.

"It's up to the old man." After saying that, Jian Fengliu looked at the Soege flat box, as if he wanted to find the answer from there.

"The Shadow Department, a spy agency belonging to the empire, I'll ask where the secret exit of the Violet Embassy is?" Soege said that the steps under his feet were not slow.

Jian Xiao patted his thigh: "Why didn't I expect that, grandma, I actually forgot that although I can't mobilize the people of the Shadow Department, I still have the right to consult the information of the Shadow Department."

Jianfengliu knocked a fan on Jian Xiao's shoulder: "We haven't done business in Juncheng for more than ten years, so naturally we won't think about that."

"The position of this shadow part is quite strange." Looking at a two-arm-wide and ten-armed alley in front of him, who would have thought that the opposite was the government office of the shadow department. Jian Xiao sighed.

The sword style gave a white look: "Thanks to you, you are still the servant with a knife in the shadow department."

"How many people are there?" A crossbow machine on the roof beyond ten arms pointed at everyone. The sound came from the roof. Looking away, they could faintly see a soldier holding a huge hammer and ready to knock on the bracket of the giant crossbow machine.

"This bandit-like questioning really hasn't changed much." Soege flattened with sarcasm.

"The shadow department originally originated from the world. It's not surprising." After saying that, Jian Fengliu stretched out his hand to Jian Xiao: "Let out your official honor and tell the other party that you are a servant with a knife."

Jian Xiao's face was bitter: "I've left that thing at home for many years."

After listening to this, Jian Fengliu had no choice but to ask the forehead flat box: "It's up to your official honor."

So Ege flat box did not talk nonsense. He took out a pocket watch-like thing from his arms and threw it at the soldier. As soon as he saw it was about to reach the soldier's eyes, a shadow rushed out of the darkness and pulled the officials with a little luster in the darkness in his arms. The soldier glanced at the pocket watch-like thing: " See Lord Shangshu, I don't know what's important for you to come to the Shadow Department late at night. The soldier turned over and threw the official medal towards the forehead.

So Ege flat box does not have the ability to follow the officialxun. He can only be grabbed by Liu Fulu with one hand and catch the officialxun flying over.

"So Ege Pingxiang specially came to visit Lord Canghai."


A middle-aged man in the shadow government is still working, and his feathers are flying on the paper roll like dancing.

"Report, my lord, the minister of the school inspection department asked for a meeting." A notice from the soldiers came from outside the door.

This middle-aged official was stunned. What's going on? Generally speaking, the school inspection department and the shadow department are two departments that can't fight. Not to mention cooperation on weekdays, they don't even have a chance to talk. One is engaged in intelligence and the other is engaged in architecture, etiquette and reception. There is no way for the two departments to communicate at all. The middle-aged official thought for a moment: "How many people are there?"