The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 5 Level

"In front of it is Yangmenling of the Great Qin Empire. Be careful." The swordsman said

"Can we go there?" Xiao Yu looked at everyone's clothes and felt tight. To be honest, they didn't even have an ultimatum for customs clearance, and they really couldn't see any good way to pass. The investigation of the Great Qin Empire is still quite rigorous, and it is difficult to get through by luck.

"We have a customs clearance ultimatum." After saying that, Dugu Caihua took out something like a book. Of course, there were four dark characters on it, "Customs Clearance Disc".

Xiao Yu robbed the past without any kind. Except for a chapter on the first page with the identity information of the empire for half a month, the back was all blank. Xiao Yu pointed to the first page of the Customs ultimatum without mercy: "Who gave the name of such a stupid 13?"

"What?" Wanrong leaned over and was stunned. There are four identity documents on the Customs Pass. Of course, the horrible thing is the names of these four people. Wanrong pointed to the first name and said, "Lonely dominates the sky, an identity man, born in 1990 and is currently the head of the elite darts bureau." Wanrong was puzzled: "Is there this person in our group?"

Xiao Yu's slender finger pointed to her avatar: "Looking at the thief's smile, who is not a pervert?"

Casting Jian Wanrong saw clearly. The portrait above was indeed Dugu picking flowers. Zhu Jian Wanrong continued to look down: "Dugu daytime, a man, born in 1990 and is currently the deputy head of the elite darts bureau." Zhu Jian Wanrong looked at the portrait for a long time: "Is this Brother Suo? Why doesn't it look like it?"

"This boy took private revenge and deliberately painted other people's portraits ugly." Xiao Yu said a word to break the sky. The smile of Dugu picking flowers is even more cheap.

"Dugu Wanrong, a woman with identity, was born in one thousand and horizontally, and is currently an elite dart master, the sister of Dugu Domineering Sky." After casting the sword, Wanrong read it and praised, "This is not much different from the real identity."

"Wolf, how dare you take advantage of me." After Xiao Yu finished speaking, the long whip had roared towards Dugu picking flowers.

Wanrong, who cast the sword here, finally couldn't help laughing.

The swordsman felt strange: "What's wrong?" After saying that, the swordsman turned around and looked at the customs ultimatum, and dozens of words suddenly came into sight.

"Xiao Yu, a woman, born in 99, is currently an elite dart master and the wife of Dugu Ba Tian."

The swordsman really didn't know what to say. Xiao Yu's hot temper must not stop. Sure enough, Dugu picked flowers for a while and stared at the whole head and came over. A pair of pig lips looked even more funny: " boss, he hit me."

"Why is it full of bags? Didn't you whip it?"

Dugu picked flowers and lifted his coat aggrievedly, and the whip marks were shocking. Zhu Jian Wanrong was a little distressed: "Sister Xiao Yu, you are too cruel."

"Haven't you heard of it? The most poisonous woman's heart. Xiao Yu proudly intercepted the "Clearance ultimatum": "Looking at this only clearance ultimatum, don't take it as an example, otherwise it will make you die more ugly."

Dugu Caihua grabbed the customs clearance ultimatum with a bag on his head: "I'm the boss, Dugu dominates the sky."

"Cut." The two women spoke in one voice.


"Is this really you?" A female soldier of the Great Qin Empire in front of Yangmenling looked at the head next to the line of text on the Pass ultimatum and couldn't connect the full-headed portrait in front of her with the elegant portrait on the ultimatum.

"It's me." Dugu picked flowers and hesitated a few times.

A, a female soldier of the Qin Empire, glanced a few times and frowned: "Why do I think the one behind you is the head of your dart bureau?"

Female soldier B also frowned: "And I think you are still very familiar. Let me turn over who you are. After saying that, Ms. Bing B began to look for a pass in the sentry post. Sure enough, she found an account from it. The words on it were shocking. Who read the "International wanted list of wanted criminals of the Great Qin Empire"

"When did you have such a great ability to do this?" Xiao Yu is very unconvinced. In his opinion, picking flowers alone is a waste material.

"Do you think this portrait is very similar to him?" Lady Bing B pointed to a local road.

Several people couldn't help stretching their heads and looking over, and a few lines of words made people take a deep breath.

"The lonely picking of flowers, nine nine nine nine years old, the staff in the outer hall of Jimo Villa in Guyue Village, Yike City. Jianghu people called the most famous "flower picker" in the subcontinent to commit 148 crimes in the half-month empire, spoiling 160 women from good families, and entered the Qin Empire in 1016, with 48 cases of crimes, 1335 women from the good family.

"Run quickly." The sword clan was the first to read the text above, dragged the idiot Dugu picking flowers, and turned over the horse. Xiao Yu and Zhu Jian Wanrong's speed was not slow. The two girls were very skillful. They turned around, jumped on the horse and grabbed the reins. Two horses rushed out like the wind.

"Chasing me." There was a loud shout from upstairs, as if it were the voice of a middle-aged woman,

"Yes, chief soldier." Lady Bingyi replied respectfully

After a while, Yangmenling rushed out of a group of female cavalry wearing leather armor and holding long swords. However, in such a short time, the four swordsmen have disappeared.

"How to get there now? This barrier will not be passed. Xiao Yu disased her horse and hid under the shade of the tree and gasped.

"What else can I do? Let's make it cold." Zhu Jian Wanrong looked at Dugu picking flowers angrily.

Xiao Yu asked, "Can't we do anything about it?"

"Yes, beat the guy in front of him half to death. Throw out of the team, regardless." At this time, the swordsman was also very angry.

" boss, I was wrong. I'm sorry to everyone." Dugu picked flowers and burst into tears.

"Pholywolf, why did you only commit 48 crimes and indeed ruined 135 women?" Xiao Yu is quite confused about this question: "Does other people's accounts count on you?"

"What other people's accounts are on his head? It's just that this guy likes to go to a family with many daughters. Generally, he commits crimes together and spoils two girls, which is a relatively accurate calculation." The swordsman knows the brother around them. It made Dugu pick flowers suddenly have a feeling of confidant.

Seeing that the sword clan quietly leaned towards him, the sword clan quickly pushed away: "Let's change the gate and mix it again."

"How to mix?" Xiao Yu's eyes stared straight at Dugu picking flowers, obviously hoping to swallow Dugu picking flowers.

"Dress up Dugu's picking flowers."

"I agree with this." Zhu Jian Wanrong agrees with it. Therefore, under the action of a group of people, the newborn Dugu picking flowers was officially born.

The swordsman drew something in the second character information: "Dugu daytime, one-eyed hero, it's you."

Dugu picked flowers and almost spit out a mouthful of blood, as if looking at the customs clearance ultimatum. Sure enough, Dugu's portrait during the day became an eye-to-eye hero.

"Oh, your first love?" Xiao Yu pointed behind Dugu picking flowers and was surprised.

"Who are you lying to, my first love?" Dugu Caihua circled his head: "Why don't I remember?"

"How can you remember a girl a long time ago after ruining so many good women?" The swordsman stared angrily.

This made Dugu Caihua nervous. Looking back, the owner of the dog door seemed to be standing behind Dugu Caihua.

Dugu Caihua finally understood what was going on at this time and urgently retreated: "Master Lianyou, okay."

"Grandpa, let's go." A girl pulled Lianyou's broken hand and dragged it aside.

"Isn't this boy the one you think about day and night?" The sword hilt of love and love fell on Dugu Caihua's chest.

The girl blushed: "They don't like me." At the end of that, the girl looked at Dugu Caihua again, and her eyes were naturally infinitely tender.

The sword clan looked behind Lianyou. The whole official road was dense and dark, and there was no end in sight. The sword clan's scalp was a little numb: "Master Lianyou, take so many people out of the customs?" The rest of the people also took a cold breath and went straight to the bottom of their hearts. Grandma is all beggars. If the Great Qin Empire really lets so many people pass, it will not let the quality of life of the Great Qin Empire decline greatly. It is completely a locust army, Xiao Yu frowned and thought.

"No, these are all brotherly feelings to send to us." Lianyou looked at the sword clan for a long time: "You are also going to get out of the customs. He also dressed up as a flower picker like this to get through.

The word 'flower picking thief' naturally made Dugu very dislike picking flowers, but when he saw that there were many people on the other party, Dugu picked flowers and obediently shut up.

The swordsman asked, "I don't know where the owner of Lianyou is going to pass?"

Love Youdan: "The brothers of Zhao Qiong's kingdom want to develop in a half-month empire, but they don't have enough money to buy the Customs Clearance ultimatum, so I, the master, have to personally go out and take them over. Of course, I also went to see the brothers of Zhao Qiong Kingdom.

"I don't know how much silver the doorkeeper brought to the kingdom of Zhao Qiong this time." The swordsman took a step forward.

"No more, everyone brings three or five taels of silver, brother who beats the dog door? One doesn't live in the store, and the other is no need for horses. It's not a small thing to get some money along the way. Although Lian Youdan is puzzled by the approach of the sword clan, it is not blocked.

Lianyou has obviously not gone abroad, but the swordsmen did come up with an idea at this time. They took out a purse from their arms and handed it to Lianyou: "The four of us hope that through Yangmenling, can there be four more positions in the doorkeeper's team?"

Lianyou boldly pushed his purse forward: "It's just such a small thing, how can you need a young hero to pay for money?" After saying that, Lianyou shook his arms at the brother behind him, and many people immediately responded, leaving four positions in a short time.

"This silver should be." The swordsmancerer said that the swordsman can almost imagine that once this team arrives in the kingdom of Zhao Qiong, they will definitely not be able to get a copper money. The beggars will have less money to bring when they go out, and they will definitely have to crawl back to the half-moon empire hungry and frozen.

"Thank you very much, young hero, thank you very much for beating the dog door." Lian Youduan is a beggar who has seen a big scene. In this purse, there is also a silver ticket and a 100,000 taels of silver ticket from Wanli Qianzhuang.

"Are we going to change our clothes?" the swordsman said.

Lianyou waved his hand, and immediately someone sent a slightly better beggar to the sword clan.