The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 45 Is it a snake or a dragon

It's just that the sword clan can't think of it. This kind of map can only be understood by Zijian Wuya. Of course, this is also known later. At this time, the sword clan naturally did not expect that there was a mystery hidden in this thing that looked like a ghost painting peach charm. In fact, it was just a password military map. Zijian Wuya and others have been in the army for many years and fought in the south and north with the father of the swords. They often use this kind of military code map when they want to exchange information or mark the fortifications of their own troops. In short, the swords who have basically not participated in the war can't understand it anyway.

The Swords, who had just been pointing, chose to shut their mouths and look at the boundless purple sword to guide the country. In fact, every man likes to do this job. If you don't believe it, you will be the top of the mountains at a glance. Standing on the rocks of LUO and contempt all the people below. This feeling is a man. They all like it, because in the eyes of Zijian Wuya, this is very domineering and awesome. Even the sword clan can't avoid vulgarity. Didn't you see that the sword clan also looked so coaxed when it instructed the butterfly dance in the woods just now?

But soon the swordsman found that such a normal hobby was abnormal when it happened to Zijian Wuya. This guy held his map that could only be seen clearly by the ghost. His fingers floated from east to west, from west to east, and pointed for half an hour. Purple Sword Wuya was still happily pointing to those places to introduce the glorious deeds of the imperial army. At least the swordsman didn't notice anything new in the place he commanded, and it was also talky. Ask him to point out the location, where he introduces his glorious history.

The butterfly dance was also aware of it, but in view of the B-state behavior of Zijian Wuya when she was young, the butterfly dance had no behavior except spitting and stuffing her ears. Because Butterfly Dance really doesn't want to talk to this disgusting person. In desperation, the swordsman had to take the map from the hand of the butterfly dance and handed it to the front of the purple sword: "Is these places?"

The sword clan can't understand the password map in the hands of Zijian Wuya, which does not mean that Zijian Wuya can't understand the map in the hands of the sword clan. The map of the butterfly dance is moderate and can be understood by an idiot, because the butterfly dance uses impressionist kung fu, at least not the abstract school in the hands of Zijian Wuya.

Zijian Wuya's energetic speech was interrupted by the swordsman. Although he was very unhappy, the official level crushed people to death. Zijian Wuya could only obediently take over the map handed over by the Soege sword clan, the map painted by the butterfly dance. Zijian Wuya just took a rough look and nodded: "It's all these places. "

Zijian Wuya immediately felt strange after saying this: "Young master, how do you know it's these places?"

"Nothing. Where people are buried, the trees will grow taller." After saying that, the sword clan began to compare with the map in his hand: "There were 13 places where you buried the Yi people, plus the places where you buried the officers, a total of 14 places, which means that there should be 14 places where the trees are higher than the rest of the places, but now it seems that the purple sword gate owner buried the trees in the army in those years. It's lower than other places.

"Because we cut down that piece of trees back then." Purple Sword Wuya pointed to the low bushes under the mountain.

"Didn't cut the rest?" The swordsman looked at the map thoughtfully and meditated.

Zi Jian Wuya nodded: "Yes, the general really only let us cut down the trees in that place."

"Let's go and have a look." After saying that, the swordsman jumped off the stone with the drawings. As soon as the swordsman set off, several people followed. The butterfly dance was still so far away from the two guys, Purple Sword Wuya and Different Vision.

After a while, the swordsmen came to the site where Zijian Wuya massacred the group of officers. According to Zijian Wuya's own profound self-criticism, he was here to carry out a beheading operation for those Yi officers. On the way, different dust revealed that in addition to the shocking inside story, the 300 Yi girls were also stained by the beast Purple Sword Wuya.

After hearing this, they were even farther away from the Purple Sword, which made everyone a little nervous.

I have to say that this place is very quiet, at least when the swordsmen stepped into this small forest. The sword clan pulled out the ice blade and cut down a forest white (a kind of tree) sword clan for a moment. The annual rings of the forest white tree showed almost the age of the purple sword. From this point of view, they did come to this place.

"What I rely on you is not clean at all." Yi Jianchen kicked a white bone and muttered there. The swordsman felt that since they had found a place, everyone quickly looked for it: "Look around. I think Mu Ying should be hiding here."

When the sword clan said this, everyone began to look for it. This small forest is not big, but the sword clan still automatically expanded the scope of search. Among them, Zijian Wuya also called the rest of the brothers. In his words, more people are powerful.

It's just that this matter is not simple at all. In a blink of an eye, the swordsmen had lunch and then searched for more than half an hour, and even many people began to look for clues in the soil with weapons. The swords still got nothing.

"Are you sure the wooden eagle is hidden in this place?" The butterfly dance sat on the tree and asked the Soege swordsman under the tree. After these two hours, the butterfly dance has been idle all the time, and she is the only one who has not joined the search.

The swordsman looked up and said helplessly, "I looked at the map. Only the trees here are low. In addition, only the trees here have been cut down, and only here has the least number of massacres. So the priority is to find here."

"Didn't you notice that these 14 points are strange?" Butterfly dance drew on the map for two hours with a feather. At this time, the butterfly dance finally threw its achievements to the Soege sword clan.

The swordsman took the things in his hand doubtfully and looked at them for a long time, but they didn't see why. They could only look up and ask the butterfly dance, "What are you drawing?"

Butterfly Dance looked down. There was nothing on the map except a simple map. Then the butterfly dance suddenly realized and shook the feather in her hand: "There is no ink. I'll draw it for you again." The swordsman burst into tears and had to hand the map to the butterfly dance and borrow black ink for the butterfly dance.

After a while, the butterfly dance drew it like a meteor on the paper. After looking at the map carefully, the butterfly dance threw the map to the Suge sword clan.

Looking at the map floating down, the swordsman grabbed it, and the butterfly danced on the ground. This stroke was unrestrained and smooth, and it looked like an artistic material, because the swordsman still didn't understand it. The biggest reason why the swords feel is that they have never engaged in art, so they really can't understand this kind of artistic streamer.

"Is this text?" The swordsman looked up and asked. In the view of the swordsman, the thing just drawn by the butterfly dance is limited like a word 'one'. Butterfly dance immediately flew down from the tree and a piece of paper that had taken the swordsman: "This is a totem, the oldest totem of the Chinese people, the dragon totem."

The swordsman almost vomited blood and couldn't wait to curse. There was a smooth and erratic line on the map. This was the dragon's words, and the swordsman was really speechless. At least he was the descendant of Yanhuang in his previous life, and the Chinese people in this life really didn't see that the butterfly dance was drawn by a dragon. If you have to say that the butterfly dance painted an animal, the sword clan thinks that this should be regarded as the last snake.

Butterfly Dance doesn't care what the swordsman thinks, but directly asks the Swordsman: "What do you think this dragon lacks?"

The sword clan almost spit it out, but at this hour, the sword clan doesn't have much desire to listen to the jokes of butterfly dance. Since the butterfly dance must say that this is a dragon, the sword clan can't beat others. After all, they are at least their elders. The sword clan took over the map again and began to study this dragon-like thing, snake-like thing.

The imagination of the sword clan is very awesome. In the eyes of the sword clan, it is still a snake, which is really not like a dragon. On a line, it is purely a joke to ask the sword clan to find out what the snake is missing. This is like a straight line representing a snake, but you can't even distinguish the snake's head and tail, so you can't tell which part the snake lacks, whether it lacks the snake's head or the tail. You can only say what to say.

"Do you think it's a dragon's tail or a dragon's tail?" Seeing that the swordsman had not spoken for a long time, the artistic slender fingers of the butterfly dance outlined the erratic straight line on the map.

Since the butterfly dance must say that it is a dragon, what else does the swordsman have to say? The swordsmen have to play the two-choice questions and choose one casually: "I think it may be the dragon tail."

The butterfly dance nodded admiringly: "Yes, it's smarter than the lonely idiot in your family."

The swords are speechless. Why are they talking about picking flowers at this time? Although the swordsman thought so, he did not say it. Although he couldn't understand why the butterfly dance regarded this straight line as a dragon, and could distinguish the dragon head and the dragon tail, the swordsman felt that they did not have this ability, so let's say a few words. Explained by the butterfly dance alone.

"Don't you think this problem of burying Yi officers is like a dragon tail?"

"Master, please speak." The sword clan's careful appearance of seeking advice made the butterfly dance quite satisfied. The butterfly dance nodded admiringly: "Just now, when Zijian Wuya talked about the massacre record, from the first point on the map to the place where we are standing now, the number of massacres is getting smaller and smaller. So it does look like a dragon with a head and a tail, but the tail should be missing a section, which should be not far ahead. The butterfly dance said and pointed to the distance.

In such a lush forest, the southeast and northwest are a little unclear. Butterfly Dance can also accurately point out the so-called last place. What else can the Soge Swords say? In order to live up to the hope of the heroine, they have to ask everyone to search there.