The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 29

Dugu Caihua has been eating with the mother of the sword clan for two years. At the beginning, he called an aunt who was affectionate. In a blink of an eye, he began to call him a godmother. At that time, the sword clan was very angry. This guy is a color embryo, and the only thing that makes the sword family feel a little lucky is that Dugu has been picking flowers for the past two years.

The battle in the forest of the White Bone Road actually had a great impact on Dugu picking flowers. Since this guy came back, his martial arts have not been refined, which can be regarded as a tragedy. According to Dugu Caihua himself, there is always a true qi in his body that does not belong to him. If he does not refine this thing, Dugu Caihua has thousands of courage and dares not continue to move forward on the road of martial arts. Learning martial arts is important, but girls are even more important. This is a portrayal of the lonely life of picking flowers in the past two years, singing at night. Natural martial arts are also in a state where they want to practice.

A person's life is always full of earth-shaking changes, and the sword clan is also in the midst of such changes. The previous waste education has disappeared. Wherever the swords go now, they can hear "XXXX, you want to be as studious and diligent as XXX in the future, both literary and martial arts."

For this language, even if the swordsman breathes a sigh of relief, the left ear goes in and out of the right ear. Because in a few days, the sword clan will be 18 years old. On this day, the ownership of the young master of the Mo Villa will also be finally decided. If the swordsman can't defeat Xilin Zhan on this day, the leadership of the Mo Villa will naturally change hands. Speaking of Xilin Zhan, this boy has also made rapid progress. The peak period of the seven levels of Shuntianjing. It is only one layer away from the power of the sword clan.

Both of them are elites, and they are also well-known. The swordsmen are already clear about the number of martial arts in Xilin. As for how much Xilin Zhan knows about the sword clan, the Soege sword clan does not know. But the swordsman is sure that what he knows will not be super detailed.

Guyue Village has been doing these things for the past two days.

Jiantan, the intelligence manager of Jimo Villa, is said that this person has never walked out of Jimo Villa since he was born and really knows all the major events in the world. Jiantan has always been called the most mysterious martial artist in the martial arts. According to the speculation of outsiders, Jiantan's martial arts should only succumb to the sword style. There are also rumors that no more than ten people have seen Jiantan in the world, including Jian Xiao, Jian Xiao, the mother of the sword clan, the sword clan, and today's saints. As for who the other five people are, it is unknown.

And the sword clan saw this mysterious warrior today. A black shadow floated out of the corner, and his face was cut like a knife and full of wrinkles. There is a Zen stick in his hand, and his gray hair is flying between his eyebrows. The old face and the strong figure are a strange combination.

"I have met the young master." Jiantan saluted the swordsman.

The sword clan quickly held the Jiantan; "Uncle Tan, don't call it. The sword clan can't stand it. Now the sword clan is not a young master."

Jiantan's face smiled; "It's almost time."

"What's the matter with Uncle Tan?" The swordsman sat on the steps with the sword pool.

"The book of the thirteen hands of the ghost has been moved."

The swordsman remembered Xilin Baiyu two years ago; "I know."

Jiantan knew that the sword clan had rarely gone to the library in the past two years. If the sword clan knew that the thirteen hands of the ghost had been moved, then it must have been with the person with the thirteen hands of the ** soul: "Who did the young master fight with?" The intelligence is different, and it is close to the truth all of a sudden.

"Xilin Baiyu." Then the Soege swordsman told about the story on the White Bone Road two years ago.

"Quick, accurate, ruthless, like a ghost." These words of the Soege sword clan fell into the ears of Jiantan.

At this moment, the swordsman thought of the woman in black again and told the matter again.

Jiantan shook his head when he heard this; "The characteristics of the evil spirit clan are black clothes, bone sticks and beautiful girls. Have you noticed anything special?

The swordsman's helpless answer: "If the cultivation is high and strong, this is a characteristic."

"In this case, there are many people in the evil spirit clan. With these characteristics, I can't know who the woman you are talking about." After saying that, Jiantan turned around like a ghost and disappeared. Just one sentence left; "Be careful of the Xilin family, the thirteen hands of the ghosts are not so easy to deal with." The swordsman nodded.

As soon as he left in front of Jiantan, he followed him; "Big boss, what are you thinking about?" Dugu picked flowers but did not see the appearance of Jiantan.

"I took the girl away again." The swordsman's question is just a casual question, which is quite casual. Unexpectedly, Dugu picked flowers with a great reaction. It really shocked the Soege swordsman.

" boss, do you know? My dream come true last night. I was so excited to pick flowers.

The swordsman raised his eyebrows; "You said."

"I and the top girl of Yikecheng Zuihonglou are fighting for 300 rounds."

There was a drop of cold sweat on the forehead of the swordsman; "Isn't it just a woman? Why are you so excited?"

Dugu picked flowers and praised; "That technology is really nothing to say,"

"What exactly do you want to express?" The swordsman felt that there were words in Dugu's flowery words. Usually, he went to the brothel without saying a word. It's really abnormal that he is so excited today. You know that this place is not far from where he lives, and his mother may be in the house. On weekdays, Dugu picking flowers will come to this place now. He must keep silent. Everyone knows whether he has taken the wrong medicine today.

"The boss, lend me some money."

The sword clan is a little embarrassed. According to reason, since Dugu Caihua became a disciple of the outer hall two years ago, the salary has been much higher. He has rarely borrowed money from himself, and Dugu Caihua also knows that he doesn't have much money on him, just a little. Don't think that a romantic grandson must be like a rich second generation. It's not like this in Jimo Villa.

The money of the sword clan is paid by the mother of the sword clan, and the mother of the sword clan does not work, so every month, the mother of the sword clan must go to the sword style to get money, and the money of the sword romantic is naturally not given by anyone. First of all, the title of prince Yi, the monthly salary is 1,000 taels of silver per month. Then Jian Fengliu's position as the owner of Jimo Villa is 200 taels of silver per month. Yes, you are not wrong at all. The monthly salary of Prince Yi of the Second Empire is 1,200 taels of silver, that is, 1,200 French coins.

And the mother of the sword clan goes to her father-in-law to get 200 taels every month. Of these two hundred taels, only five taels of silver are allocated to the sword clan. Moreover, the swordsman has to do something within their ability to get this monthly salary. As for what the sword clan will use these five taels of silver for, it is unknown, but there is a point that before the sword clan was 16 years old, most of these five taels of silver were mostly for the girls. After the sword clan was 16 years old, the sword clan existed there and there was no place to use it.

This is the distribution according to work that Jimo Villa has implemented for nearly 200 years. The swordsman admires that this system is so advanced that it has been beyond the current level of knowledge for a thousand years. God knows that this system was founded by the ancestor of the swordsman. In short, the swordsman has worshipped the existence of Niu 13 countless times.

"How much do you want?" The swordsman took a look at the lonely picking flowers.

"Three hundred taels of silver should be fine." Dugu Caihua broke his fingers.

The swordsman walked to their home without looking back. Dugu picked flowers and chased after him; " boss, don't go, boss."

"You can go to hell." The swordsman is depressed. Is it easy to praise some money in Jimo Villa? Five taels of silver a month, without spending a penny for two years, and there are only more than 100 taels of silver in the swords' pockets. This guy regards money as dung, and as soon as he opens his mouth, it's 300 taels. The swordsman walked in front of him, and a question suddenly came to his mind. He turned around and asked, "Why do you want so much money?"

"My sister-in-law served for one night and asked for 600 taels of silver. I have 300 taels here." After saying that, Dugu turned the money bag in his hand.

When the sword clan heard this, he suddenly felt that he was stupid. Dugu picking flowers and asked him to go to the brothel. According to the quotations of Dugu picking flowers, visiting brothels should be his favorite thing in his life. His biggest dream seems to be to open a brothel.

"You are really rich. Six hundred taels a night, plus 300 taels in your hand, it's only nine taels of silver." The swordsman praised, with thorns in their words.

"I didn't produce 600 taels last night by myself." Dugu picked flowers and shook his head.

"Who helped you with that?" The swordsman felt a little strange, that is, did Mo Villa have any other stupid X besides themselves?

"Xilin War." Dugu picked flowers and spit out three words without hesitation.

The sword clan grabbed Dugu's collar picking flowers; "You mean, you were with this bitch all night last night."

" boss, don't be angry, I play with mine, he plays with his,"

The sword clan suddenly remembered the situation when Xilin Zhan hugged his sister in Yike City two years ago, and his face was as cold as frost; "Then do you know that the bitch of his sister is from Xilin Zhan."

"No way." Dugu Caihua was also shocked by the words of the Swordsman. If it is really as the swordsman said, then Dugu picking flowers can completely cover a suspicion of compassing with the enemy. Dugu picked flowers, but he didn't forget that the current Soege sword clan and Xilin battle were simply at the point of water and fire.

The swordsmen first tried their best to warn themselves not to be impulsive. The person who picks flowers alone is a little lustful, but the person is not bad, but the position of big and wrong is also firm. However, Xilin Zhan let his own supplies to receive Dugu picking flowers. It seems that Xilin Zhan must want to get something.

While the Swordsman was still thinking about it here, Dugu picked flowers and came up; " boss, how do you think Xilin Zhan has so much money? My sister-in-law is 600 taels a night. I don't think the owner can make such a cost.

"What bullshit? My grandfather was a hairless in those years." The swordsman couldn't help retorting.

"Can you pull a girl without pulling a hair?" Dugu Caihua's eyes flashed with worship.

The swordsmen regret it. In a blink of an eye, Dugu Caihua has flown to the hall with his hands and feet. This speed? The swordsman was surprised, and the speed of Dugu picking flowers simply exploded himself. Is this the legendary power explosion? Or is this the so-called charm of beautiful women?

What will happen next? Please look forward to it.