Legend of the Moon Wing

Chapter 166 Ten Thousand Years of Xuanjia

Chapter 166 Ten Thousand Years of Xuanjia

When I heard that Lin Yueyi had defeated the Tyranus Pluto, the ancient turtle was very shocked. I couldn't believe it and looked at the man in front of me. After a moment, I only heard the ancient turtle shout, "You boy, you are slandering me!" Although Tyrannosaurus rex ranks last among our four strange beasts, his domineering is not generally within its reach. Do you think you can fool me with one or two words?

A thunder-like sound hit Lin Yueyi's heart, but Lin Yueyi's face did not have any fear, but looked relaxed, "Old turtle, why don't you try it?" After saying that, a shocking momentum burst out from Lin Yueyi's body, but for a moment, the mountain of the ancient turtle couldn't help retreating slightly, as if it was shocked by this momentum.

"Can this human really defeat Tyrannosaurus Rex?" I have been living on this island for thousands of years and don't know much about the power of outside human beings, so when Lin Yueyi released its momentum, the ancient turtle was really shocked, but as the four strange beasts of ancient times, it was still not afraid. After its body retreated slightly, it straightened forward. The momentum also burst out of his body. For a while, the momentum of Lin Yueyi and the ancient turtle rubbed against each other, leaving a "crackling" sound in the air.

I don't know how long it took. Anyway, after a long time, Lin Yueyi and the ancient turtle both regained their momentum. At this time, there was no contempt in the eyes of the ancient turtle. The attitude towards Lin Yueyi was like an evenly matched opponent: "It's really a little skill. Now let me see how much you are. You can defeat Tyranno Pluto!" After saying that, the light flashed, and the big body suddenly shrank into a human figure. It was not difficult for the mythical beast that had been cultivated for tens of thousands of years to turn into a human form.

Lin Yueyi smiled gently and saw that the light also flashed. The moonlight blade in his hand rushed to the ancient turtle with the powerful power of moonlight. At the moment of deformation, the opponent's defense was relatively weak, so Lin Yueyi could just take advantage of this time to hurt the ancient turtle!

If it is just an ordinary opponent, perhaps Lin Yueyi's method has succeeded, but when Lin Yueyi smiled secretly, he found that his moonlight blade was rigidly stuck in the light. I don't know why the defense of the ancient turtle was so hard even at this time, even extremely powerful. The blade of moonlight can't break through the defense, and it is stuck in the middle by the defense of the ancient turtle.

In the fight, I only heard the ancient turtle shouting: "Kid, you are still a little young. Do you think this attack is effective for me?" After saying that, the light on the ancient turtle gradually dissipated, while Lin Yueyi was unbalanced by a strong blow, but was shaken away in an instant.

The light dissipated, and a middle-aged man appeared in front of Lin Yueyi and others, but strangely, a silver armor appeared on the man's body. Although it was not obvious, it really existed.

"What is this?" Lin Yueyi felt the power of the armor and said secretly in her heart.

The ancient turtle seemed to know that Lin Yueyi was surprised by his armor, so he straightened up and said slowly, "This is ten thousand years of Xuanjia. Do you think you can break through its defense with such a little strength?"

"What is Ten Thousand Years of Xuanjia?" Lin Yueyi asked, if you can know more about this thing, maybe you can break it yourself.

"Hum! It's okay to tell you that Wannian Xuanjia is an armor bred from the essence of heaven and earth. I got it after a lot of hard work. If you want to break its defense, it seems that your strength is impossible, so you can wait to die today! Haha" The ancient turtle laughed loudly.

Lin Yueyi also felt the strength of this force just now, so he also believed what he said to the ancient turtle. If he said so, he was still invincible? Although Lin Yueyi doesn't know how to break the ten thousand-year-old Xuanjia, it is certain that there must be a way to crack it. As for what he hasn't found out yet.

"Then your current body is invincible, right?" Lin Yueyi firmly believes that there are weaknesses in domineering things.

"Of course, my ten-thousand-year-old armor is invincible." The ancient turtle shouted angrily.

Of course, Lin Yueyi will not believe what the ancient turtle said. If he is already invincible, how can he still be here? I have been to dominate the mainland for a long time!

"Then let me see how hard your broken armor is!" After saying that, Lin Yueyi flashed and rushed to the ancient turtle again with the powerful power of moonlight, but there was another thing in his left hand. Although he looked a little reckless, Lin Yueyi wanted to know if he could defeat him with one of his things?

It seems to be a normal attack, but Lin Yueyi's left hand did not drive the power of the moonlight to strengthen the attack of the moonlight blade. In the fierce attack of the two sides, Lin Yueyi's left hand suddenly printed the ten-thousand-year-old armor of the ancient mysterious turtle without warning.

Yes, that is, that is, Lin Yueyi's good and evil spirit. Everything in heaven and earth is nothing more than good and evil. Therefore, Lin Yueyi's good and evil spirit is the best way to break through ten thousand years of Xuanjia. This is exactly what Lin Yueyi thought in his heart, but did he really did it?

"Boom!" In the face of the attack of good and evil, the ancient turtle was obviously very shocked. Because it was the first time for him to meet the two forces of good and evil to attack him at the same time, the ancient turtle was very shocked, and then used all his strength to force Lin Yueyi's body back.

At the end of the second attack, Lin Yueyi had no choice but to retreat under the pressure of the power of the ancient black turtle because almost all his power was pressed on the spirit of good and evil. The two looked at each other from afar and saw that the ten-thousand-year-old armor on the ancient turtle had been black at this time, but the overall appearance was not The slightest change, that is to say, Lin Yueyi's attack effect is not obvious.

"It seems that your boy is really good. I don't know how many traces of my ten-year-old Xuanjia have been stained." The ancient turtle felt that the ten-thousand-year-old Xuanjia on its body was slightly damaged, and said slowly that the ancient turtle was true. It was impossible for ordinary people to damage his ten-thousand-year-old armor to break him at all, so today's slight damage surprised the ancient turtle very much.

Lin Yueyi frowned secretly and thought of a way to deal with the ancient mysterious turtle. Although his good and evil spirit had an effect, it could not reach the fatal danger of a blow. So what should he do to defeat him?