Legend of the Moon Wing

Chapter 329 Imperial Competition

Chapter 329 Imperial Competition

"The champion of this barracks competition is Fei Tianqing!" On the ring of the barracks, a middle-aged man was standing in the ring* holding a charm symbolizing the honor of the champion and shouting.

At this time, the atmosphere in the barracks was very warm, because the annual barracks ring competition finally came to an end, and this barracks ring competition was also very unexpected to everyone. Even the barracks commander who came to present the award was shocked. This time's competition made an unknown thin boy After winning the championship, how can this make the barracks commander who has always thought that the man is the king feel comfortable?

"From today on, Fei Tianqing is the captain of the squadron, leading ten teams. Everyone applaud him!" The middle-aged man said that he handed over the rune in his hand to Fei Tianqing. The expression of the battalion commander opposite Fei Tianqing just smiled and took over the rune. At this time, the battalion commander did not know that this person would become his master in the future...

"Everyone, please be quiet. I still have something to say." Facing everyone's warm applause, the barracks commander gave his hand and motioned everyone to calm down first. "Everyone knows that we are not the only barracks in Hanzhong. In addition to us, there are five barracks in Hanzhong. The strength of these barracks should be the weakest for us. In the past, our six barracks held our own barracks competition. And this year, this period is the birthday of our lord Zhang Lu, so at the invitation of the lord, several champions of our barracks will compete together again. If we perform well in the barracks championship competition, they may be appreciated by the lord, and at least it should not be a middle battalion commander.

"Wan!" Everyone was surprised, because there had never been several barracks competing together before, and this time the battalion commander said such a thing. How could it not surprise everyone?

"So it was Fei Tianqing who represented our barracks in the imperial competition this time!" The battalion commander announced again that everyone's eyes were jealous. If it hadn't been for seeing Fei Tianqing's strength before, I'm afraid someone would have come up to challenge him now...

"Hey, Zhang Lu? I didn't expect to see you so soon! Fei Tianqing said to himself secretly that there was still some time before he could see Zhang Lu in his plan, but he didn't expect to see Zhang Lu so soon...

"It seems that our plan is about to begin..." Only Gu Rui can know something about Fei Tianqing's plan.

"Well, everyone is tired of the one-day competition today. Let's go and have a rest. I will take the champion to the imperial competition early tomorrow morning." The battalion commander didn't care about everyone's expressions, but after the announcement of this sentence, he whispered to Fei Tianqing, " Fei Tianqing, you can take your people to cheer for you. Just don't have dozens of people. This is also a way to help you boost your momentum." After saying that, he patted Fei Tianqing on the shoulder and walked off the ring.

With the announcement of the battalion commander, everyone left. They knew that the position of battalion commander had nothing to do with them.

Fei Tianqing and others immediately planned the next step after returning to the tent.

"I can take you to see my game tomorrow, and tomorrow we will also meet Zhang Lu. After I take the position of battalion commander, I think we will be one step closer to Zhang Lu." In the tent, Fei Tianqing said.

"What a position is the middle battalion commander! Is it bigger than the battalion commander? Gu Que asked. At this time, his face was very ugly. He thought he could defeat Fei Tianqing after not using his skills, but he didn't expect to lose a great face on the stage. Gu Que's originally heroic face showed a resentful woman-like expression.

"Of course, the battalion commander cannot be compared with the battalion commander. As far as I know, the battalion commander is only a small official who manages the five brigades, and there are many positions on it, but for ordinary soldiers, the battalion commander is already a great honor. After all, many battalion commanders are because they are people around Zhang Lu, or It can be done by people with outstanding ability. Fei Tianqing briefly introduced it. After all, we need to do things together in the future.

"So that's it. It's still far from the senior official! This imperial competition is facing the champions in various barracks. Do I think it's a little risky? Yue Donglin asked cautiously, after all, they don't understand the enemy. Who knew that there would be masters like them in that part of the world?

"I don't think so. Zhang Lu is just a small prince here. I think the generals are among other forces, so we can't be surprised. After all, even if we don't use power, we are much more powerful than ordinary people." Fei Tianqing thought about it and denied Yue Donglin's words.

For a moment, everyone was speechless, because after all, this is not a very dangerous Jurassic world or a dangerous alien world, so they don't need too much power preparation.

"Since everyone has no problem, let's go and have a rest! Just let me arrange the next thing." Fei Tianqing said lightly when he saw everyone's relaxed face. Although there is no danger to life here for the time being, it does not mean that there is no danger in the Three Kingdoms era! After all, the purpose of their coming in is to hone their minds, and how can the patriarch pass them so easily before they hone their minds?

"It seems that we still need to think about future plans." Fei Tianqing thought while sitting at **.

At this time, just as Fei Tianqing was preparing to enter the state of cultivation, two strange sergeants suddenly broke into the tent of Fei Tianqing and others:

"Is Captain Fei there?" One of the sergeants shouted.

"What's wrong?" Fei Tianqing put on his shoes and stood up and asked.

"Oh, Captain Fei, you are already the captain of the squadron, so you have your own tent. Please follow me to your tent!" The sergeant said with some respect that they had watched Fei Tianqing's game during the day, and at this time, it was like their idol, because they had never seen a thin man who could win the championship.

"Oh? Can the squadron leader also have a tent alone? Fei Tianqing said in surprise that he would soon get rid of this crowded situation.

"Of course, officers above the squadron leader or squadron captain can have their own accounts." The sergeant explained.

"Then can I let my people live in?" Fei Tianqing asked again.

"In the future, there will be your tent of the squadron leader, and you can distribute it freely." The sergeant said respectfully.

"Okay." Fei Tianqing stood up with a smile, "Then all the people in this row here will live in the new tent with me!" Then he pointed to more than 40 male animals behind him.

The moon is still so round, but at this time, dozens of people left the original tent and came to the heart tent, and the other tent was left to Gu Rui, so the three teams finally had a place to sleep...

the next day

It soon dawned. At this time, many people gathered at the gate of the barracks, and there was a carriage parked at the gate of the barracks. At this time, there were more than 60 people standing behind the carriage. Looking at these people, they were Gu Que and others led by Fei Tianqing.

And there are also many sergeants at the gate of the barracks looking at the backs of these people leaving, and their eyes are full of envy. The imperial competition is not everyone can watch.

At this time, the barracks commander and Fei Tianqing were sitting in the carriage.

"Fai Tianqing, you are a sergeant who just joined the army!" The battalion commander looked at Fei Tianqing and said faintly that he did not despise Fei Tianqing's thin body, because the person who can win the championship must not be an idle person.

"Ye, I haven't been in the barracks for a few days!" Fei Tianqing answered truthfully.

"Ha ha, it's the hero who comes out as a teenager! Judging from your young age, you are not weak in strength and martial arts. How many times are you going to compete in Yuqian this time? The barracks commander smiled and then asked.

"Well... I don't know. Just try your best. If you really don't get good results, I hope the battalion commander won't blame you. Fei Tianqing said politely.

"Ha ha, since you have become a champion, there is no need to be so modest. I know your ability. People who can defeat so many barracks masters in one move must not be a simple person." At this time, the battalion commander's face showed a mysterious expression.

"I just won by chance. I don't have any skills." Fei Tianqing said with a trace of confusion on his face.

"Haha! Interesting, your subordinates have made it very clear about your ability. I expect you to get me a championship once, and I'll let you be the division battalion commander!" The battalion commander said seriously, as if he had found talents.

"That subordinate is out of reach!" Fei Tianqing pretended to be frightened and immediately knelt down on one knee and said.

"Haha, get up! You are worth this position! I will reuse capable people, as long as you improve the combat effectiveness of our barracks!" The battalion commander smiled and motioned Fei Tianqing to continue to sit down.

Then Fei Tianqing chatted with the battalion commander along the way. Fei Tianqing knew that the battalion commander had always been suppressed by other military battalions. In terms of war, their military camp's achievements were always the worst, so the battalion commander wanted to attract talents for his own use and could strengthen other military camps in terms of merit in the future. This is also the battalion commander's encirclement of Fei Tian. One of the reasons for green.

Soon, after talking with the battalion commander, they had come to the central position of Hanzhong, and the carriage also stopped in front of a huge mansion.

"The lord's mansion has arrived. Let's go down!" The battalion commander sensed that the carriage had stopped and knew that he had arrived at Zhang Lu's mansion.

"The battalion commander, please." Fei Tianqing bowed down respectfully and said to the battalion commander, and then didn't know what to think in his heart...