power immortality

Chapter 106 Prime Minister Turtle

After the four people left, Mingdong said to the bloody snake and green beast, "Blood snake and green beast, close the door!" Mingdong's voice was cold without any emotion. Mingdong thought. I can't escape alone. If one of the four predecessors outside can't figure out to enter the dungeon again, the result will not be beyond their control. The bloody snake and green beast said, "I don't know how to close the door!" They are about to die. Why do you need to pay attention to these things?" Do you still want wings?" Mingdong said threateningly. I only saw the helpless face of the bloody snake and green beast, and then went to the stone gate, and at the same time, he stopped paying attention to Mingdong all the time. Mingdong looked at it quietly. I don't care.

I saw the bloody snake and green beast roaring at the door. Then, the stone door slowly closed. Are you satisfied now?" The bloody snake and green beast said to Mingdong. Mingdong didn't pay attention to it. In the end, it failed. Maybe. The world is really not suitable for me. Maybe. All these secrets have disappeared. Minghuang. You won. I won't be fighting for the throne with you.' Mingdong thought about it. A self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

' Xia Yuan. Are you still there? I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been doing lately? Still sleeping? Still greedy? I can't see you anymore. Have a good life.' Thinking, thinking, the corners of Mingdong's mouth turned from self-deprecating to smiling. Yan Shao. My good brother! Goodbye!' The bloody snake and green beast looked at Mingdong's rich expression and was very incomprehensible. I don't understand why. But at this time, its goal is nothing else, the dazzling blue wings in front of it. At present. I don't care about Mingdong anymore. He suddenly headed for Mingdong. The huge body went to the blood pool in front of him. The speed is fast. When his head entered the blood pool, his tail suddenly shook and rolled Ming Dong in his tail. And then. One head drilled into the blood pool. When Mingdong felt the smell of blood all over the sky. I didn't feel any corrosion. Only sticky silk**. At this time, Mingdong is a reflexive energy sandcoat, isolating the blood of the sky. However, at the moment Mingdong entered, Mingdong's body turned blood red.

Red, it looks very strange. The body of the blood snake and green beast is still moving towards the inside of the blood pool. When Mingdong's body is covered with energy sand, the blood snake and green beast feel uncomfortable. At the same time. There is some tingling sensation. Even so, the blood snake and green beast did not let Mingdong go. This little bit of painful blood snake and green beast is naturally acceptable. The body of the blood dragon snake green beast went towards the blood pool, and the blood pool rippled in it. Mingdong's energy sand coat makes the surrounding blood pool evaporate. It makes the blood have bursts of heat. Mingdong is in the same red. He was taken by the blood snake and green beast for more than ten minutes.

Ten minutes later. The bloody snake and green beast finally stopped moving forward. Put Mingdong in a place with a palace. Underground palace?" Mingdong looked at the palace in front of him. The eyes can't help bulging. Is there such a secret in this blood pool? Is there a palace? Seeing Mingdong so surprised for the first time, he was proud of the blood dragonfly snake and green beast. He shook his head and said, "What? Surprised! How about my palace?" However, to the disappointment of the blood dragonfly snake and green beast, Mingdong did not have any abnormal expression after being surprised. Quiet. Look at the bloody snake and green beast indifferently. The bloody snake and green beast grinned at Mingdong. Then there is greed in the eyes. The fierce light is blooming! He opened his mouth towards Mingdong. Blood basin with a big mouth. I also vaguely saw some traces of sticky silk connected in the mouth. Mingdong looked at the bloody mouth, and there was a chill in his heart. Mingdong didn't want to die. But at this time, he has a mortal heart. Just when the mouth of the bloody snake and green beast was about to touch Mingdong. There was an eager voice in the distance: "Great emperor! Stop it." The urgency in the voice has some command at this time.

Unexpectedly, this sound stopped the bloody snake and green beast. Mingdong didn't expect it anyway. I saw a turtle-like person in the distance. The difference is the back turtle shell. Prime Minister Turtle?" Mingdong unconsciously said something in his eyes when he touched this person. The eyes called Prime Minister Turtle by Mingdong looked at Mingdong in astonishment: "Do you know the old slave?" What's strange? Old turtle. What the hell is going on!" Although the blood snake and green beast are not so polite to the old turtle. However, he did not dare to underestimate the words of the old turtle. I saw the old turtle slowly coming towards Mingdong. Go back and forth around Mingdong. When he came back, he still sniffed Mingdong with his nose. Mingdong has no expression, and now he is about to die. Why do you care about this? The blood snake and green beast can only watch quietly. In the heart of the blood snake and green beast, the strength of the old turtle is unknown, but the old turtle has lived for millions of years. I have seen much more than myself. The old turtle looked at it for more than half an hour. But so, the old turtle has not intended to stop.

All of a sudden. Mingdong patted his head: "Turtle bastard! You made me dizzy!" Mingdong roared at the old turtle! After Mingdong spoke, the blood snake and green beast said to the old turtle, "Old turtle, what the hell do you mean!!" Blood snakes and green beasts are also a little impatient. But there is no action. The old turtle ignored the two of them, and his body was still spinning around Mingdong. Mingdong rolled his eyes. The fist slammed into the eyes of the old turtle! Bastard! Have you seen enough!" Mingdong's attack was too sudden. Let the bloody snake and green beast have no chance to move. The old turtle was punched out by Mingdong. The blood snake and green beast immediately said to the old turtle, "Old turtle, you have nothing to do!" When you care about the old turtle. The eyes are towards Mingdong, in which the fierce light appears from the previous impatient eyes. While the fierce light appeared, the body suddenly shook and came towards Mingdong! However, when the blood snake and green beast reacted, it was scolded by the old turtle: "Great king! Don't you pay attention to me?" The snake and green beast was so obedient that the old turtle came back and stopped moving forward. Mingdong was dizzy when he saw it. That's a confused sound! The old turtle Mingdong is calling the blood dragonfly snake and green beast the king, but the old turtle's right to say seems to be more powerful. And the blood snake and green beast was scolded by the old turtle like a kitten, obediently aside.

How can Mingdong figure out what to use to explain the current phenomenon? The old turtle hasn't stopped spinning. Now it is turning towards Mingdong again. Mingdong's tired pat on the head! Spread out his hands and looked helpless: "Bastard. Am I that beautiful? If you want to see it, just look in your mirror!" Hearing this, the old turtle did not have any reaction. At present, he still looked up and down at Mingdong and circled around. After being scolded by the old turtle, the bloody snake and green beast beside him simply put it on the ground. Look at this boring thing with big eyes. M's! "Isn't it dumb?" Mingdong's fist punched the old turtle again! The old turtle's eyes turned black again! At this time, the old turtle looks like a panda turtle. The strange thing is that the old turtle does not dodge or dodge in the face of Mingdong's attack! Let Mingdong's fist come............

ps: Please recommend. Collection.