power immortality

Chapter 152 Crisis

Mingdong was not worried in the face of the wolf-like crowd. There is ferociousness hanging on Senran's face. At the same time, the corners of the mouth are cruelly curved!

Mingdong's two hands are ten. He quickly said words that could not be deciphered by language powers. Two edges suddenly dispersed ten meters away from Mingdong. At the same time, a dark red circular light layer appeared under the soles of Mingdong's feet.

'Spear!' I drank in a low heart. Within ten meters of Mingdong, there is a red-sharp floating shadow. The floating shadows gathered more and more, and then the floating shadows scattered on the faces and bodies of the dark mercenary regiment, but the people of the dark mercenary regiment did not feel anything, because it was just a floating shadow. Physical no feeling does not mean no mental feeling.

"What is this?" Some fast-eyed and sharp-eyed people exclaimed when the floating shadow appeared. This is. Your memorial day!" I didn't wait for everyone to react and guess that Mingdong had answered their words and his voice was so cold.

'Bighty!' Mingdong drank deeply again in his heart. While drinking low, the floating edges have already reacted, and the floating shadow at this time shows a gorgeous side like the stimulus of life. It blooms like fireworks in the sky. The tip of the floating shadow burst, forming many gorgeous scenes. At the moment of floating shadow and raging. The surrounding dark mercenaries screamed.

"Damn it!" Help!" I won't let you go!" ............Wait, the cursed words echoed, but Mingdong, like a perverted demon, didn't care about these words at all! Let them curse............

"Bum. Bang. The sound of "bang" is endless. This violent attack is not very powerful, but it is not a joke that many tempts overlap! The overlapping prism is like the Wing Chun Fist. Although the attack power is not high, it wins at a fast frequency! The temper continued to stage, and people within ten meters were attacked. Some members of the mercenary regiment who were on the edge and had a good fate escaped the disaster. But no one within nine meters can be spared! This tempt prevails in suddenness and frequency. The original prism only moved five meters in the east of Ming, but who would have thought that the attack had suddenly doubled? Blood flew all over the sky after a round of tempt. There were only a dozen people ten meters away from Mingdong, and the palms of these dozen people were sweating coldly. The forehead is covered with dense beads of sweat. The sweat on his back soaked the robe. My hands can't help trembling............

"Ah!" In the tempest, Mingdong looked up to the sky and roared! The momentum of 200,000 different energies surged out crazily. Among them, the blood suppression also surged out crazily at this time! Two invisible energies permeated. Among them, the suppression of the blood is the most serious. The moment of blood suppression makes the foreign energy in the body of the remaining dozen people around extremely slow down, and even the foreign energy is sticky at this time. It seems extremely difficult to flow in more than a dozen people. Under the suppression of this bloodline, the energy sandcoat of more than a dozen people has begun to shake. It seems to collapse at any time!

"What? Unexpectedly, it was blood suppression? It's still so strong..." "This, this is impossible, it must be impossible! ............" Even the young master doesn't have such a strong suppression! ..." Stayed on top of the remaining dozen members of the dark mercenary regiment. A trace of shock and despair covered the faces of more than a dozen members of the dark mercenary regiment. After a blood stream was suppressed, followed by the 200,000 foreign energy momentum. Although the alien energy momentum of this class is nothing to see the whole universe. However, at this time, it is still a little useful to face several people with the same strength on the first line. What's more, most of the members of the dark mercenary regiment here have not reached a class of powers.

The momentum of different energy poured out. It swept through this place. Let the energy sandcoat, which had begun to shake, completely disintegrate at this time. No, don't kill me!" People who react a little faster have begun to plead. It's not as fierce as it was at the beginning.

Dressed in a bloody coat with blood hair on the top of his head. His eyes are like Mingdong inlaid with bright rubies, step by step towards this last small group. Every step makes a slight sound. Each step made these dozen members of the dark mercenary corps feel that death was a step closer to them. Mingdong did not show a trace of pity in the face of more than a dozen dark mercenaries. Listening to the other party's prayers, Mingdong despised these people even more.

"Death!" Mingdong's words flashed fiercely in his eyes. Finally, with a "animal" he ended the lives of more than a dozen people in front of him.

"Beast?" After killing more than a dozen people in an instant, Mingdong looked back with anger and doubt. The person who spoke was a dark base. At this time, Anji still took four strange people with him. Dark base landed and looked at the blood stains around Mingdong's body. I was stunned in an instant.

"You, you." Anji's face was pale at this time and he couldn't say anything! Then he looked around dullly. Only one of the four took a step forward and asked Mingdong plainly, "Did you do all this?" This strange person doesn't seem to care about the life and death of the people in front of him. How about that?" Mingdong's blood-red eyes did not fade. He looked at this strange man with a gloomy look. No, I'm just asking. Don't be so excited." Mingdong was a little curious about why this person could be so indifferent, but the curiosity in his heart could not resist the anger. Then he saw that the person in front of him had nothing to do with him. He turned around and looked at Tianjiao. Although he turned around, his heart's eyes were constantly paying attention to the movement behind him. When they came, Mingdong already knew that the person who came was not good. Although I don't have that fear in my heart, I have to be careful. When looking at Tianjiao, Tianjiao buried his head to death. I dare not look directly into Mingdong's eyes. It looks like you made a mistake. Mingdong, who turned around, did not find anything wrong. The only thing that was wrong was the dark base who came back from shock. The dark base looked at Mingdong with his fierce eyes, but he couldn't say anything.

Mingdong doesn't want to stay more. This killing star is not so easy to fool around, and the scene in front of him is not good for himself! It's better to leave. He turned around and walked a few steps towards Tianjiao. Suddenly, something was wrong, and a subtle strange energy permeated behind it. Of course, this subtle alien energy is not used to attack. This is used to isolate the sound.

'I can't control so much!' Mingdong's heart tightened. The speed is up under your feet. But the ancient voice of the strange man who didn't take two steps flew out. Little brother, why do you have to go so fast? How about chatting with me?"

PS: Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Happy everyone.