ying jie

Chapter 59 Baby in the World

Chapter 59 Baby in the World

The peerless sword passed through the mountain, which not only cut off Lei Mingfeng, but also destroyed the Kowloon array. The sky seems to have become a rare cherished porcelain, and the transparent sky cracks, like snakes swimming, constantly extending to the distance.

On the battlefield of the war between humans and beasts, there seemed to be an unrivaled beast lurking under its feet, which was tied by the chain of the locked sky. The world's fierce beasts kept roaring and struggling, the land shook, making a roaring sound, and suddenly cracked a crack in the ground. Suddenly, countless people and beasts screamed and fell into it, not knowing how many thousands of miles. The dark cracks seemed to be the open mouth of the world's fierce beast, which devoured how many people.

Ji De sat down and jumped over the ground seam in the way in front of him, and his long sword pointed straight at the shaking Lei Mingfeng. At this time, the Kowloon array was broken and the sky was returning to clear. Although he could not feel any change, he could indeed clearly see Lei Mingfeng, and the thunder clouds intertwined on Lei Mingfeng could be clearly seen.

At this time, most of the people lost their fighting power and tiredly followed Ji De and killed the beasts. However, thinking of the treasure left by Daxia, the tired people immediately hit chicken blood and surged like a spring. It seemed that the second spring also came. The waist was not painful, the legs were not weak, and the murder weapon kept stabbed out, as fast as a pile driver.

Jide led one by one** and quickly rushed to Lei Mingfeng in the distance and whispered to himself: "First work! It's still mine!"

In the medicine garden full of spiritual medicine, in the small hut, a bald middle-aged man opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to stop the collapsing Kowloon array. Suddenly, his ears moved, as if someone whispered in his ear. He stopped the movement in his hand, sighed faintly, and closed the seal again. His hand kept shining. The light was as bright as the stars. The stars were all over the medicine garden. Suddenly, all the bright lights were all together, and the pharmacy disappeared in an instant.

In the Jiulong opera bead array, the hidden top strong men flashed in a moment of light, but under these inconspicuous brilliance, it is someone's amazing huge energy. These strong people's gathering place keeps disappearing, and no one can see it.

Lei Mingfeng shook slowly and violently, as if someone was pushing it hard. Finally, Lei Mingfeng, who was cut off by the Purple Sword, lost its balance. With a roar, the mountain stepped on, and its power was fierce, and mortals could not expect it!

Half of the mountain fell, and the splashed dust covered the whole sky. Earth and stone splashed, constantly emitting shrills, shrill! The small man flew like a bullet, and the unlucky man's body was constantly pierced with armor, and the place where he passed was swept down. The sound of the mountains suppressed the roar of the herd and the roar of human beings, which was extremely terrible.

Jide kept cutting the flying stones with his sword, and the dragon horse flames soared under the seat. The stones coming towards it could not stand the high temperature and were submerged into a mass of magma before it got close to it, falling to the ground, poof! A flame rose and disappeared in an instant, leaving only a faint burning smell in the air.

The dragon horse soared into the air, stepped on the rolling stone flow and quickly up, rushing to the fault of Leiming Peak.

Wo! Wow! Roar!

At the mouth of the broken peak, one side is as smooth as a mirror, but the other side is a pitted fracture that was smashed by the fall of the mountain peak. In the middle, there is a deep hole, which is windy, which seems to be straight and dark and scary. Jide did not hesitate at all and drove in.

The followers behind were unknown. Some were unlucky to be smashed into meat mud by the directly falling stones, and some were difficult rolling stone flows to the platform. As Ji De poured into the dark cave, his eyes were crazy. In front of the treasure, the death of his companions could not let them The slightest wavering. The herd followed, completely passively joining in the fun.

Wan! ! ! Countless swords came like a crowd of bees, and the light coming into the sky was dark.

Ji De saw that such a dense sword branch came all over the world, and his palm sweated slightly. He was also the end of the crossbow. The sword swept, and the three-foot green peak sword spirit was exciting, sweeping down countless sword branches that came to his face, but there was still a fish that leaked into Ji De's body, but he had already put on golden armor, lined with silk and arrows. The head is stuck in the armor.

However, the people who followed later were unlucky. Some people were extremely happy and sad and were shot into a hornet's nest, a pool of blood mud, accusing the cruelty of this organ.

Jide casually pulled out the arrows embedded in the armor and continued to rush to the depths. The miserable green smoke spread out, and the stench came to the nose. There seemed to be flies in the green smoke, buzzing, making people's scalp numb.

This trap is one after another! And this green fog is more dangerous and disgusting. Ji De touched the horse's neck, and the dragon horse stopped tacitly. Looking at the slowly caged green fog, Ji De frowned. Although he could isolate the green fog with qi, the humming in the green fog made him feel threatened.

Someone rushed in and thought of the German treasure not far away. He was not in the mood to stay at all. He shook his robe, covered his head and rushed into the green fog. The scalp buzzed a little louder. The man didn't have time to scream and turned into a red blood mist. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared clean, and a pale skeleton wrapped in his robe fell to the ground.

The people who had planned to bury their heads and rush immediately stopped. Some people couldn't stop their feet from touching a little, and that point immediately dropped a large piece of flesh and blood, revealing white bones, which was scary. In such a miserable situation, it is still important to put down the seductive treasure for a while and retreat quickly.

Ji Deyang's hand split a half-gold and half-purple sword light, shooting straight into the green fog. The green fog seemed to feel a threat and made way. The slow green fog fell down, and the red light was instantly annihilated by the green fog. Ji De's eyebrows stretched and roared. The long sword in his hand was raised and cut down heavily. The three-foot green peak seemed to be dyed with purple and gold, and the sword spirit soared to the green fog.

The green fog was split out of a road, and Ji De quickly rushed in. The blood-like red flame of the four-horned horse's hoof quickly soared up, and the buzzing sound in the green fog was louder, as if screaming. Ji De rushed by.

Many people followed Ji De, and there were more like blood, splitting out the sharp sword spirit and cutting through a road. Although the rest were a little exhausted, they were all the best among them and quickly passed through the green fog.

The green fog blocked the footsteps of many people, but it couldn't stop their hearts. Some vicious people kept pushing the people and beasts around them in, screaming, which was more horrible than the shouting and roaring on the battlefield, which not only made people's scalp numb, but also made people trembling and scared.

The green fog seemed to be full of flesh and blood, gradually dispersed and retreated.

Jide didn't know how many of his men died. He rushed forward blindly. The court explained that the Jiulong opera bead array was broken, lacking the power to imprison Jiulongxi, and the spiritual Jiulongxi would escape. So no matter how many people die, you must get the Kowloon seal as soon as possible.

Countless forks appeared in front of him. Ji De's head was so big that he did not dare to rush around at will. He listened with all his strength. There were strange voices from several forks, which seemed to have heavy breathing, the old man's gasp, and the hoarse shouts of a broken voice, and a heavy gasp like a bellow box.

I can't hear a rough idea. Ji De chose a straight road by intuition. This is the martial arts's intuition. The mystery can't be solved, but he can often guess it.

Jide just crossed, as if the earth dragon had turned over, and it seemed that the remaining half of the mountains continued to collapse, and the boulders above his head were about to fall down. Ji De became more and more sure of his guess. It must be Jiulongxi who woke up and wanted to get out of trouble. The dragon and horse under him also felt the owner's anxiety and moved his four hoofs, leaving a fiery red shadow in the dark and deep tunnel.

Bum! The whole mountain exploded from the middle, Ji De split his sword, chopped stones, and floated in the void. His eyes narrowed, shooting out a cold light, which penetrated the things behind the smoke.

Countless treasures gushed out like spring water. When they flew out first, the swords all over the sky. After so many years of uncorrupted swords, you can imagine how precious they are, but now they are taking the lead and rushing out. Compared with the real treasure, they are abandoned.

The sword flies all over the sky, as fast as it is, and it comes in the blink of an eye.

Countless people who survived the explosion of the mountain and floated in the air hurriedly grabbed the flying sword.

"It is said that in the summer treasure, 108 swords are cast, which are 36 heavenly swords and 72 earthly evils. Sure enough, each sword is cut iron like mud, which is rare in the world. It is said that after 108 swords are combined, they become heavenly swords, which is more precious than fairy treasures. Hurry up! Who grabbed who..." These court people seemed to be unable to stand themselves in front of the giant treasure and forgot that they were from the court. Now they are more like red-eyed robbers, looking around fiercely.

Daozong and the Iron Gun faction are the main camp this time, but they can't help but be moved when they see such a treasure! He sacrificed the butcher's knife in his hand to other sects who had caught the sword beside him.

Hu domineering stood in the void, staring at the seven leaders with a bronze shovel, and said coldly, "If you don't restrain your disciples, don't blame me for being rude."

The treasure is touching! The disciples killed and robbed the treasure, and these seven leaders also acquiesced in their actions. Now the heavy treasures robbed will be theirs, and the court will not come forward to rob them. That's too disgraceful. Under this idea, the seven leaders all want to increase the strength of the sect. If the disciples die, they can recruit another treasure, which is to add some hard strength to the sect.

"Hu domineering! Usually, we let you be afraid of bad luck, not you. The disciples under the seven commanders fought for the baby. These seven people now tacitly united, boldly and directly ignored Hu's domineering threatening language.

After 108 swords, other heavy treasures rushed out, including antique bronze mirrors, huge black leather drums, and green hammers. At a glance, they knew that they were not ordinary. The drum hammer caught up with the black leather drum, and the sound of the drum came out of the sky, and a circle of white sonophone burst quickly rushed to the crowd.

Some of the barrier were directly shaken into a pool of blood fog, and even their bones did not fall.

The seven leaders are crazy. It is indeed the treasure of a strong country with a rich background! This is a self-spirited baby! It is rare in the world. Idone of the cold-eyed Hu Ba Dao, the seven leaders bypassed Hu Ba Dao and chased these flying babies.