ying jie

Chapter 98 Shayan Red Battle Black Buddha

Chapter 98 Yan's Red War Black Buddha

The wind outside the door is strong, and the sand and stones are flying all over the sky. Although it looks like the day, the sight can't reach three feet. Boom! Suddenly, a huge stone standing in the distance was blown up and flew high. As a result, the wind suddenly became smaller, and the huge stone fell and smashed loudly. Some more weathered stones were blown by the sharp wind like a sharp blade, and the incision was smooth, but the next moment the remaining stone stubble turned into flying ash and joined the sandstorm.

"Go! Are you scared? Wasn't the guy in your crotch very happy before? What, are you scared and withered now?" Yanhong's words are amazing! He spoke so fiercely that he didn't even have any scruples.

"Hmm!" Zhou Yisheng is embarrassed, you don't have to be so straightforward! He turned his face awkwardly and said, "How can I go out? Don't you really need anything?"

"Listen!" She Yanhong did not answer Zhou Yisheng's question, but made a gesture to let him listen carefully.

Roar! Roar! Roar... The beast roared in a mess, interweaving a low symphony, but it was covered by the huge wind. If you don't listen carefully, you can't find it at all.

Just outside the Baiyue Inn, in or outside the thick sand and dust, countless black demon wolves and ghosts wander. They surround the Baiyue Inn and wait for the strangers of the Baiyue Inn. Their wisdom seems to be very low and will always be so. But around this white moon inn, the curved white moon sprinkled a little powder of starlight, which not only illuminated the dark shadow as bright as day, but also fell into the bodies of those black wolves and ghosts, and suddenly flashed a enchanting red light.

They wandered outside the Baiyue Inn. Although they looked extremely fierce, they were always quiet, but when there was an abnormal sound around them, they immediately exposed the fierce side, and their pupils disappeared blood red, grinning and roaring.

Zhou Yisheng didn't know their fierceness, but listening to the roar, he could definitely imagine how many such fierce beasts there were.

"These are all here for a purpose. They will be extremely fierce during the day, and the most difficult thing to deal with is that they have organization, something is secretly controlled, and the fearless impact killing all living things with wisdom outside. If you go out, you will be like the grasshoppers on the ground. They are like ants, burying you layer after layer, as dense as clothes, and can't get rid of them. Xiao Yanhong whispered in Zhou Yisheng's ear, and suddenly patted him on the shoulder, making Zhou Yisheng take a step back.

"Hehe! Let's go! I went out, and those old people didn't dare to embarrass me in the dark. As soon as Sha Yanhong pulled Zhou Yisheng, the soft hand held Zhou Yisheng, which made his heart rippling. The quiet brother began to wander leisurely again. After all, he had not touched a woman in his memory for more than ten years.

"Have you arrived?" However, he went out and went out in a big circle and went to the dilapidated Buddhist hall. Zhou Yisheng asked doubtfully, isn't this a lie? There is no need to be afraid of those beasts rushing in. Did she lie to me in order to take advantage of me, which made me afraid to let me get close to her? The warmth in his hand made Zhou Yisheng more and more affirmative, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

"I haven't lied to you so far. I know all the things in your mind."

Sha Yan blushed her side face and looked at Zhou Yisheng's angular face, and said jokingly with perseverance.

Zhou Yisheng made a big face. The woman was too disgraceful for him and accelerated her pace to walk to the Buddhist hall. Bang! Invisibly, a huge force hit him, colorless and phaseless. Zhou Yisheng was knocked out, and his chest was undulating. The just stable injury immediately broke out again and lay on the ground spit blood. So embarrassed, this time not only completely cut his face, but also hit his body hard.

Zhou Yisheng was furious and stood up and scolded, "Will you sneak attack the rats who steal chickens and dogs? If you have eggs, you can stand up and argue with me. If you can't beat me, you can also fight. I'm still afraid of you." After reading books in Izumo City for several years, he washed away the glitz of his bones and understood the cultivation of literati. Since then, he has hardly scolded people with dirt. Now this man has made him an exception. The sting is not only because he was made a despicable sneak attack, but also because he made a fool of himself in front of such a superb woman in front of him and lost the face of him. .

"Don't shout. Even if you practice for a few more years, you won't be his opponent. It's up to me..." After saying that, Sha Yanhong took action. The white silk flew out of her sleeve, like a white-bellied dragon, and her huge body rushed into the Buddhist hall and bumped into the unknown existence.

Boom! The two powers collided, and the huge sound directly overturned the roof of the Buddhist hall. The huge dragon rose to the sky, raised its head high, and was extremely proud. Immediately after that, it turned out to be a big egg. The big black egg had a huge magic spirit, brushed out a large area of magic gas, turned into another black dragon, and flew out against it. Although it was an egg, its demeanor was by no means inferior to the master or the master of Tianbang at that time.

"It's him! Why did you sneak attack on me..." Now that Xuan Yanhong helped Zhou Yisheng come out, so that Zhou Yisheng couldn't help but be fantasize about it, and he was not so angry and frowned slightly.

"Here is the difference between day and night." Sha Yanhong looked at Zhou Yisheng with deep meaning. Her eyes seemed to be looking at a monster. Who he was? It would make him have such a deep opportunity.

The red moon is a white demon, and the white moon is a black Buddha. They can be said to be the same person or different people, but they are just from the perspective of seeing the problem. The white devil is a good side. He is kind to others and gives people opportunities, but he must be blessed to see it, while the black Buddha is the evil side. He is evil to others and gives trouble. He can see it at any time, but he must be unlucky when he sees it.

Obviously, Xiao Yanhong knew that Zhou Yisheng had seen the White Devil, so she looked at him with that kind of eyes. What was more complicated for her was that Zhou Yisheng's invisible luck was good enough to see her ancestors. If you are an ordinary evil person who knows Zhou Yisheng's invisible atmospheric luck, you will definitely be jealous. I'm afraid you will believe in the ancient method and eat Zhou Yisheng to seize his luck!

"Is this the most dangerous place?" After seeing the big egg, Zhou Yisheng couldn't help thinking of the white demon who answered his doubts. He had a good impression on him, so he did not associate it with the most dangerous place.

"Yes, this is the best place in the demon moon, and this is the most dangerous place in the good moon. He just looked at the door." Sha Yanhong said to herself, as if she didn't see Zhou Yisheng's gradually changing face and ignored her, but looked at the Black Buddha solemnly.

The white silk in Yanhong's hand kept dancing. The huge dragon flew and roared as if to break free from the sky. It fought with the magical black dragon. Every time it fought, it seemed that the sky was thundering, roaring and blowing fiercely in the void winding out countless gaps, like earthworms rolling.

Suddenly, the huge black dragon was twisted by the white silk. The big egg flew in the sky, and countless magic spirits turned into mysterious black characters and revolved around him. Suddenly, the Buddhist Sanskrit singing sounded suddenly in the sky, but the Sanskrit singing that should have washed his body and mind was like ghost claws, constantly scratching the heart and making it difficult to breathe. A huge black magic light shined from his eggshell like ink jade, a huge black ten thousand words, like substance flying out, like the top of Mount Tai, with great strength. Press it to Bai Ling.

The white silk in Sha Yanhong's hand turned into a huge dragon and rose in the air. He was no longer restrained by his hands. The dragon roared happily, as if to vent his anger and anger. She quickly imprinted, and the white silk was more vivid, as if pieces of white scales appeared, shining under the white moon.

The black ten thousand words hit the dragon, and the scales and blood flew. It seemed that it was really a dragon. It fell to Zhou Yisheng's feet and turned into white pieces of cloth, while the blood quickly evaporated and turned into white gas, which should be melted by the bright red gas.

I don't know how long it has been. It seems that the black Buddha will never be tired. His attack is always fierce, and the evil Yanhong gradually becomes a little unsupported and falls behind.