ying jie

Chapter 100 Boundary Gate

Chapter 100 Boundary

Zhou Yisheng was speechless. This woman was too rogue. She rolled her eyes and ignored her. While checking the strangeness in Dantian, she went into the house.

"Hey! Did you hear me?" Yanhong followed Zhou Yisheng and asked loudly.

"No!" He didn't raise his head and almost blurted out.

Sha Yanhong stamped her feet with hatred and wanted to grab Zhou Yisheng and beat him up. However, she was exhausted from the Black Buddha, but she had no other strength to deal with Zhou Yisheng, who had almost no fatigue. Although she hated it, she could only scolded secretly, and she would deal with him well when she recovered.

Zhou Yisheng didn't know that he was absorbed in thinking about things, which had annoyed Yanhong, but he just invaded his own problems.

Bum! After entering the Buddhist hall, a huge branch fell down in the backyard. Zhou Yisheng woke up and dodged, but the place where he had stood before had been smashed into a huge pit. Before relaxing and watching the sobriety around him, another sharp wood broke out of the ground and stabbed Zhou Yisheng's lower body.

He staggered slightly, kicked the sharp wood in half, and looked at the danger in front of him with some breath, but it was the bodhi tree, but there were no bare leaves, blocking the way into the house.

"This is the heart demon tree, this is the truth of the existence of Baiyue Inn during the day..." After Zhou Yisheng entered the house, she looked at the ferocious and bare heart demon tree, but did not help.

Zhou Yisheng looked at her in surprise and saw that she didn't do anything, so he had to come forward. His fists bombed out like cannonballs and fought with this heart demon tree. I don't know how long it took, but the heart demon tree gradually withered, and the towering tree trunks gradually shrank. Zhou Yi was angry and rhyme for a long time, just a little breath.

"Okay! Don't shrink it into the earth. It's the key to open the door!" Xiao Yanhong suddenly took action, and the slender jade hand grabbed a wooden branch that raided her. No matter how the giant tree struggled, it was always motionless and stable as a mountain. It pulled the heart demon tree away from the land and uprooted its roots. The heart demon tree kept getting smaller and turned into the size of a key. Then it was hard to the entrance, and the wooden door disappeared in sight. Among them.

In the dark room, colorful light suddenly lit up, flowing like water, shining crystal, dazzling Zhou Yisheng's eyes, looking at the wonderful curtain, after experiencing the strange atmosphere in the ghost slaughter, he suddenly met such a wonderful thing, which fascinated him. Finally, he was about to leave. Finally, he wanted to leave this frightening beast, as if he would jump out of some horrible beast at any time and devour him. Under his relaxed mood, the feeling of sleepiness quickly came to his mind. He wanted to find a stable place immediately to relax his tired mood for a few days.

Yanhong did not relax. She looked at the curtain warily, as if there was a horrible existence in it, which could destroy them with a breath, and prayed not to meet the sleeping defenders.

"After the gate opens, there will be a wind. Don't underestimate the wind. It is more fierce than the wind under Jiuyou. It will not die immediately after blowing, just like suffering the capital punishment of Ling Chi, with bloody pain to the bone. Remember! The wind is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is the sleeping keeper. He blows more fiercely than the wind, and one finger can crush us. Remember! It's us..." The gap between the opening of the Chinese curtain is getting bigger and bigger, and the bright red tone is extremely solemn.

Zhou Yisheng is a little disapproving. He doesn't believe that he is really so unlucky. As soon as he crosses the boundary gate, he can meet the sleeping borderkeeper. He is a blessed person. After staying in such a strange atmosphere for two days, Zhou Yisheng has had enough of panic, but after coming here without waves, he naturally felt slack unconsciously.

The boundary gate finally opened. Inside the light curtain, countless stars, countless colors flowed, and some could not even see what color it was, forming a complicated and mysterious picture, and a passage gradually extended to an unknown distance.

Wow! Whoo! The strong wind kept blowing and rushed out of the boundary door, like knives cutting on the face. It was very painful but did not cut the skin. Zhou Yisheng's expression is a little serious, and he hasn't entered the boundary gate yet! With such a strong wind, I don't know how strong it will be.

"Remember! The wind stops every five breaths, and it will continue after three breaths, but it is getting stronger and stronger, so you have time to escape. After four breaths, lie down immediately and be alert all over your body. Don't have any luck after four breaths. Half a breath can peel off your skin and blow you into a skeleton in one breath. Xiao Yanhong did not remind Zhou Yisheng before, but now after letting him see the intensity of the wind in person, he opened his mouth to remind him, which made him pay more impressed.

Gang Feng turned into substance, like a huge cut, with a sharp spirit, straight to the cheek. Sha Yanhong took a step forward and brushed her jade hand, as usual as a flower smile. The fierce wind blew like her hand and was crushed by her. The other hand took Zhou Yisheng and quickly got into the boundary gate.

The boundary gate is so quiet that there is no sound. Even if the heart beating in the body, it seems to be annihilated by the space. Even if the evil bright red speed is extremely fast, it turns into a streamer inside the gate and quickly disappears at the door, but the three breath time is just a blink of an eye. The wind blows and blows on the face like the cold winter moon. It was as dry as a knife, and the wind became stronger in a breath. The white silk in the red sleeves was thrown out again, wrapping the two tightly.

Shila! Bai Ling pulled and made an unpleasant sound. Bai Ling seemed to turn into a piece of cloth flying all over the sky at any time, but she still insisted. Gang Feng was even more vigorous and turned into a huge steel knife. He cut at the two of them and roared, "Escape!" I will go to the world to wait for you..." Bai Ling, kicked Zhou Yisheng's buttocks, and kicked him into the distance. The tattered Bai Ling turned into a big curtain, constantly stirring, Bai Ling was broken, the wind dispersed, and Xiao Yanhong vomited blood and retreated quickly. Yanhong looked at Zhou Yisheng's distant back and complained a little. Is it really worth doing this?

Zhou Yisheng did not escape far. He was kicked by Yanhong, and his buttocks seemed to have been hit by a hundred boards, which made him grin in pain. After recovering, the wind blew. He didn't dare to look up easily. His body shrank into a ball, and the gas in his body was released outside and wrapped his whole body.

click! Click! Like the hail, the wind blew on the gas and made a harsh and unpleasant sound. At the last breath, like the real giant blade cut down, the power was shocking, the external gas was suddenly cut off, the giant blade cut into Zhou Yisheng's body, and everything disappeared in tranquility.

The wound on the first road opened and opened flesh, which was as horrible as a bright red mouth. Zhou Yisheng endured the pain and quickly reversed to find the bright red. Zhou Yisheng has now realized that this world is not as easy to pass as expected. If there is no Yanhong, I'm afraid he will lose blood and die if he doesn't go far!