ying jie

Chapter 109 The Sky of Hell Collapse

Chapter 109 The Heaven of Hell Collapse

" Prime Minister Ma! Prime Minister Ma..."

"Wang, come out and have a look! We are going to be swallowed up by the king of Biancheng. Everything is coming to an end, and your universal foundation will also be over. Are you really so cruel? Prime Minister Ma!"

Some people can't help but be aweed when they see that the once naughty Ma Wei actually did such a noble thing with his life. And this horse's inaction needs great virtue. I'm afraid that in the future, the king of the city will change his mind. The horse will be the greatest hero of the king of the city. The power is so powerful that no one can easily Shake. They all knelt on their knees, surrounded the horse's fainting body and crying loudly.

Ma Wei's body turned into a blood mist and gradually fell down. It was bloody and magnificent. Suddenly, the gloomy wind roared in hell and rolled up a small tornado to the blood fog. These are all caused by yin and yang.

"One girl, your father and son have worked hard and made great contributions, and you will never forget it. Gu is the key to luck, and he can't get out of the customs yet. Now he has separated a wisp of gend and reshaping his body. Go! On a really difficult day, I will save the overall situation. A green vine flew out of the door and grew quickly. A huge red flower wrapped the flesh and blood on the steps, quickly collected the blood flying in the air, and finally wrapped all of them in the flowers. The vines became smaller and shrank back into the house. It was not clear which one was the vine just now.

With such a big deal, only a wisp of genth can reshape the body and resurrect Ma Wei. What an unheavenly means. Because of the panicked confidence of being beaten by the king of Biancheng for a long time, they finally condensed at this moment and are no longer confused about the future, right! After all, she is the most mysterious king among the ten kings of hell. She cleans up the clown of the king of Biancheng, but it's just between her palms, so she is so calm!

Everyone wanted to ask how long it would take to reshape Ma Wei's body, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it and carried Ma Yiqi out of the valley.

The world will be divided after a long time, and will be separated after a long time. The people and ghosts in hell are also thoughtful and wise, so they also follow the general trend of the world. Five hundred years of chaos is just a general statement. The long-term stability of hell has expanded the strength and ambitions of the lords, and the idle heart is gradually cute. Move, try to seek greater power and power, and use it to satisfy their respective ambitions. All parties are unwilling to reshuffle the cards of the forces, and must be accompanied by the war. Now on the eve of such chaos, the ten temple owners are preparing to sharpen their knives. The whole hell is a big gunpowder barrel, almost Mars.

All the way last week, Yi Sheng saw a lot of legends of hell on earth and found the source of the legend. He was frightened by the sea of knives and fire, oil pans, and guves. No wonder it was so terrible that he was rumored that he had not yet went to court! It's shocking just to look at it. Do you still dare to try these tortures?

It is worthy of being the place where the king of the day of the day of the day has a decision. It is too serious. There is no plant weed. They are all tall buildings and cold tones, which makes people can't help but feel their own smallness.

"Lord of Hell! What should I do if you pick me up? My friend..." The room was more simple than Zhou Yisheng imagined, but a temporary empty room was vacated, several tables and chairs were placed, and even the dust around it did not have time to be cleaned.

"Your friend will be taken care of by ghosts. She is a leader! I don't know what method you used to hide it from everyone. The king of death didn't seem to mention anything about attracting Zhou Yi's birth. Instead, he talked about the bluebird with great interest, which was not in line with his character, so he always felt a little awkward when talking about it.

"Lord of Hell, you are always a serious person! When did you learn to fight? My friend is still asleep! You have to ask her these questions when she wakes up. Zhou Yisheng felt that the way the king of death was more immature than himself, and he couldn't help it and joked.

Be teased by Zhou Yisheng, the white skin of the king of death was a little red, and he was not polite. He sat down with his whole robe and said, "To be honest!" This hell is about to be in chaos. I once had an appointment with an old man to suppress hell with the world's most precious Kowloon seal, and I helped him save his mother... However, the premise is that the chaos in hell must be completely calmed down, otherwise, it can't be offset by merits and demerits, and I can't..."

Zhou Yisheng was silent. The lord of Hell said that he was hateful and hateful. He said that he was cute and cute, and actually wanted to calm the general trend of the world. Isn't this a fool's dream? The chaos in hell must have an impact on the world, and what a credit it is to calm down the chaos in hell. He is really worried about the country and the people, but it has put Zhou Yisheng's family in a dilemma. Besides, Zhou Yisheng doesn't have that self-confidence and doesn't know where Jiulongxi is! Even if you have Jiulongxi, you don't have the confidence to reverse the general trend on your own.

"Lord of Hell, you are driving ducks to the shelves! First, I don't have a Kowloon seal. Second, I'm a normal person in this hell, but I can't play. Third, I haven't thought about it yet, wait for me to think about it..." Zhou Yisheng sat back on the seat, held the handle of the chair with both hands, and fell into meditation.

"Who said you don't have the Kowloon seal? Isn't the purple light the Kowloon seal? In addition, you took good steps in this hell chaos more than 20 years ago, which has delayed the chaos for decades, and only you can calm this hell chaos. The so-called life-saving is better than building a seven-level floating map. Think about how many levels of floating charts you can make. No matter how evil it is, everything can be washed away. The king of the den persuaded him.

Zhou Yisheng was very surprised. Is Jiulongxi on him? He has been puzzled and wanted to find an opportunity to ask what was going on with the purple light. Unexpectedly, the Lord of Hell took the initiative to propose it, but he still didn't believe it. Will the world's most precious thing really happen to him? I have to say that the Lord of Hell's words were very encouraging and moved him a little, but when he thought of the lost memory, he still didn't know what he had done! I couldn't help asking, "Is that purple light really Jiulongxi? Why don't you know that Jiulongxi is on me?

For Zhou Yisheng's question, the Lord of Hell chose to shut up and did not give him any answer. Suddenly, the two fell silent.

"Your Majesty! It was completely chaotic. The leader of King Biancheng robbed the horse farm of King of Qin Guang's Nether Mountain. King Guang of Qin entangled a total of 60 million ghosts of the three masters of Chujiang and King of Mount Tai and went to King Biancheng..." Outside the house, a ghost official shouted in a panic and ran in a limping and saw Zhou Yi sitting aside. Sheng jumped to one side quickly, as if he had seen a ghost, and shouted in a hoarse voice, and didn't know what he shouted.

Zhou Yisheng saw the little ghost and knew why he had such a big reaction. It turned out that the little ghost was the ghost he met that day. Unexpectedly, he finally looked at the Lord of Hell and couldn't help blinking at him jokingly.

The king of the den's expression was solemn, and he suddenly became majestic. He waved his hand and said, "Ok, I know. Go out!"

The little ghost raised his head, and the afterglow from the corners of his eyes kept scanning Zhou Yisheng back and forth. Seeing Zhou Yisheng's joking expression, he almost jumped up and wanted to speak in front of Lord Hell. He was a second holy grandfather! If you come to make a scene in hell, you can't stay! However, after the order of the Lord of Hell, he didn't wait much and went out unhhappy.

"Lord Hell, the chaos in hell has begun, and you can still sit still! If you don't go to see it, mediation..."

"Hmm! King Guang of Qin, King of Chujiang and King of Mount Tai are not fuel-efficient lamps. Do you think the King of Biancheng will really give up. In his base camp, 60 million souls can be broken? This is just an appetizer on the eve of the chaos. The real chaos hasn't begun yet!" The Lord of Hell said weakly, after all, he could only watch what happened next.

Zhou Yisheng was completely stunned. What is this? The war of millions of people in the world can drag down a small country. Now the 60 million war in hell is only called an appetizing dish. Compared with the two, it is really a small thing! How much should a real war be? 100 million, 200 million, billion, how many ghosts and generals are there in this hell?

"Lord of Hell! The 60 million war is also called an appetizer! How chaotic will the hell be? Up to now, Zhou Yisheng can't help retreating and becoming more determined to get mixed up, so he can only find another way to save his mother.

"Generally speaking, each person has three souls and seven souls, representing people's different thoughts and desires, and only complete souls can be called living souls. 60 million living souls are only 6 million people in the world. On average, the world is once every 200 years, while hell is chaotic once every 500 years, and every living soul is in the world. Old, weak, sick and disabled can be combative in hell, so 60 million souls are not a war in hell. The Lord of Hell patiently explained to Zhou Yisheng.

Zhou Yisheng can be sure that the Lord of Hell is also playing smart. Some things are hidden by him, and the complete soul can be called a living soul, but that is incomplete! It must have been swallowed up by the strong. The ghost soldiers created in this way do not know how strong their combat effectiveness is, and 60 million, no matter how weak they are, are definitely stronger than 10 million soldiers in the world.

"Go! Let's go and have a look! Let's see how long those people will be in chaos..." The Lord of Hell took a look at Zhou Yisheng and looked through his mind. Knowing that these things were hidden for a long time, he did not intend to continue to hide them and took Zhou Yisheng out.

On the wide mountain road, countless ghost soldiers slamming up with ferocious faces and attacking the towering giant city on the top of the mountain. The trebucheters hit out boulders one after another. The boulders burned black flames on the boulders and fell into the dense ghost soldiers array and immediately exploded them. The black flame instantly ignited the ghost soldiers and ignited them Completely burned into fly ash.

Countless ghost soldiers on the wall appeared again, and the bows and arrows in their hands shot arrows and hit the ground. The scene was fierce. How could they see that this was just an appetizer!