ying jie

Chapter 119 Who is Smarter 2

Chapter 119 Who is Smarter (2)

If Gui Mingyang thinks about the words of the ghost sword, a person can practice the speed of the sword to the naked eye. This person is not only stubborn and tenacity, but also has great wisdom. However, even so, Gui Mingyang only believed 70% of the words about the ghost sword, 30% of which was because the ghost sword reminded Zhou Yisheng. Guiming is not a stingy person. The reason for this is that it is entirely because I can't understand why the ghost sword knows such a secret thing.

"All stand up. What can't you do? Follow my people. If there is something wrong, you'd better hope you're not a ghost, hum! Have you heard of the fire sun charm? The method of torturing ghosts is more uncomfortable than when your mother gave birth to you. The big red cloak flying behind him, turned majestically and walked to the high of the slope. The long sword beside him was pulled out and pointed arrogantly to the sky. He cut it down with a murderous spirit. With some frivolous words, it made people more convincing the ruthlessness of his words.

"Brother Geng! If he leaves, won't you do something?" The ghost boy's face was flushed, and there were so many strong ghost soldiers in front of him. He caught a few of them and smoked his soul to make up for it!

"I didn't expect this man to be so stupid to bet with a loser. It's ridiculous! This time, it happens to be my chance to take office. Tonger, later, you will make trouble and make this team chaotic, and I will take the opportunity to catch him. Humph! I don't believe that the sharp soldiers under him will not give in. At that time, there will be so many souls, which one you want to smoke. Lao Geng's face looked at the ghost name on the top of the slope and showed jealousy and greed, and his dry face became more and more ferocious.

"Hmm! I will surprise that man when he comes back. The ghost boy smiled and quickly ran to the meeting place.

Zhou Yisheng broke through the space and had a close contact with the earth directly. He really threw himself into the ground! He spit out the dirt in his mouth and looked up to find that it was dark in front of him, and even the cloudy sky seemed to be blocked. Uh-huh! Unexpectedly, there was a man standing in front of him, that was his shadow blocking Zhou Yisheng's sight, so he felt that the sky was covered. Because of the backlight, Zhou Yisheng could not see who the man was at all, and could only see a general outline clearly.

"Who are you!" Zhou Yisheng stood up and found that the person in front of him was actually an old man with a white beard, with kind eyebrows and good eyes. The biggest feature was that the pair of white eyebrows that grew to the neck. How could this be a figure in hell!

"Look!" The old man did not answer, but turned around and pointed to the distant sky.

Zhou Yisheng looked in the direction he pointed and found that a small black spot in the distance was approaching quickly. When he approached, he found that the small black spot was actually a ghost floating in the sky, and behind him was the fast-chasing bullhead monster, which was the bull's head as famous as the horse in hell. This is the existence of cultivation only under the level of the temple! Unexpectedly, they will chase a ghost. Looking at their posture, it seems that no one can take advantage of it.

"It's worthy of something beyond fate, take advantage of the chaos to take away millions of my souls and hand it over to spare you not to die." The cow's head behind him spewed red flames in his nose, and the steel fork in his hand ignited a flame, and the red steel fork hooked the ghost who stopped in front of him. The wind was gloomy and terrifying.

"Huh! Treasure has been lived by virtuous people since ancient times. Not to mention that this thing is not yours, even if it is yours, now it comes to your grandfather and me. If you want to grab it, you don't ask if you agree with the kitchen knife in your hand. The ghost stopped on the mountain bag not far from Zhou Yisheng and the white-browed old man. The image is strange, the face is yellow and thin, and the small eyes are very bright like mice. The man looks disgusting, and the woman looks annoying.

However, this mouse-like monster is not as timid as a mouse. The kitchen knife in his hand hits the powerful steel fork. It is inch long and one inch strong, one inch short and one inch dangerous. The kitchen knife is very short. Naturally, it is a dangerous move, and the strength and speed are faster. bang! The huge sound of fighting, like a huge roar, quickly shook away and could be heard for thousands of miles.

The bull head took a step back in surprise, and the giant fork hooked away again. This strange thing did not stop it, but quickly pulled out its legs and fled. The cow head was angry and roared, "Wolver! You have no guts when you are alive, and even more so when you die, just run with eggs! I've been running away all my life."

This strange and angry turn around, known as the martial wolf, and almost spewed fire in his little eyes. He spoke word by word in a cold tone, which was as cold as a cold wind: "Although I'm dead, I'm still a man. Although I know you're a trick, I have to be fooled and take your life."

"Then come on!" The bull head didn't say much, and the steel fork hooked the neck of the martial wolf parked in mid-air. It seemed that he was also angry and used this dirty means to anger a terrible opponent.

"Hmm! Soft, you are not a man!" Wulang roared, which seemed to roar all the anger in his heart and turn grief into strength. His whole body was tense. At the moment when the bull's head took action, the tight spring suddenly loosened, and the kitchen knife in his hand ignited a sky-high flame, just like the anger in his heart, to burn his opponent clean.

Bullhead didn't expect that the martial wolf would do his best as soon as he came up. Looking at his posture, he didn't do more than try his best! Even after working hard, the success or failure of this blow, the bull's head suddenly became a little timid, and the steel fork pulled back slightly and turned the attack into defense.

The blow of the martial wolf is really too fast. You can't hear any wind that brings through the space. As long as you have used the kitchen knife, you will know that even if a child splits an adult with a knife, the adult will be scared. If you change to a ten-pound long knife, can the speed and strength of the two be compared? It can be seen that the kitchen knife is short and fast. How fast and strength will be? After the ethereal figure of the martial wolf, a firelight can follow the stopped kitchen knife, and everything is over.

Half of the red-hot steel hook slanted through the ribs of the wolf, which could avoid the heart and hooked on the pipa bone, and the cow's head fell down intact. Bang! A small pit was smashed on the soil and fell in front of the long-browed old man. At a completely different speed from his decay, the old man quickly picked up the cow's head corpse in the pit, carried it on his shoulder and pulled up Zhou Yisheng, who was watching the bustle, and quickly fled to the distance.

Zhou Yisheng was pulled by the long-browed old man and found the injury of the bull's head. Unexpectedly, his body was cut in half by the knife. However, Zhou Yisheng did not want to be dragged to die with him by such an old man. Zhou Yisheng did not believe that the two of them could defeat the murderer behind him together and quickly roared, "Old man, what are you doing? Hurry up and let me go. I won't go crazy with you."

"Haha! Haha! You are a good material! I want to accept you as an apprentice. I can't bear to see you being rived by the martial wolf and become a walking corpse. No matter how Zhou Yisheng broke free, the old man always held his shoulder firmly without any loosening.

"Hmm! I don't believe that he is so unreasonable that he will be cruel to me as a passer-by. Although Zhou Yisheng shouted vigorously, his tone was also extremely unconfident. Obviously, the fierceness of the murderer gave Zhou Yisheng a terrible impression and even made him dare not gamble.

"Haha! Take it! Since you were sent to my feet by God and gave me a big gift, how can I not accept you as a good disciple? The old man looked proud, but his feet fled quickly. The long white eyebrows were blown on his ears, as if he had tied a white belt to his head.

"But I already have a master!" Zhou Yisheng couldn't see the old man's cultivation. Just now, he looked light, but he was just like an ordinary old man, but can the ordinary old man survive in hell, a place full of gloomy air? Obviously not, that's another kind of pretentious master, but this master actually robbed things. Does the master need to run away in confusion after grabbing things? Obviously, the conclusion that he was a master was overturned, so Zhou Yisheng immediately refuted him without thinking about it.

"Hmm! Anyway, the worship ceremony has been completed. You are already my apprentice, and you will have to raise me in the future. The old man played rogue and added a few points with his hand on Zhou Yisheng's shoulder, for fear that the long-term meal ticket next to him would run away in the future.

Zhou Yisheng wants to cry without tears. What kind of people are there in this hell! There are also such scoundrels.