ying jie

Chapter 133 Crazy Plan

Chapter 133 Crazy Plan

Zhou Yisheng stared straight at the ghost famous with a smile, which was very strange. The ghost was a little scared by Zhou Yisheng. He seemed to see the clue and said helplessly, "Among these thousands of people, I know all the short-lived ghosts. They all have a common characteristic, that is, what they have said before, non-life. And I have a life and death book in hell. When I check that there is no name, it is a short-lived ghost. Are you satisfied?"

"Hehe! I didn't expect you to have life and death. It is said that this is the treasure of hell! Shouldn't you offer this treasure now?" Zhou Yisheng rubbed his hands and showed great enthusiasm. With this thing, he must be like a tiger in hell!

"No, I won't give it to you now. Short-lived ghost, you haven't found it all yet!" The ghost turned around and said.

"You are not a ghost, you are a human, and the other one should be a ghost sword!" Zhou Yisheng said cheerfully that he was very proud at this moment, which could be seen from the famous expression, and there was a pleasure of revenge.

"Oh, I see!" Gui Mingyang said very plainly. Obviously, he had accepted the cruel reality. He quickly walked to the front and shouted, "The violent guard is listening to the order!"

"To!" The murderous spirit of the sky was like a sharp sword straight into the sky, one by one extremely tough. Three hundred ghost soldiers were neat and uniform, straightened their bodies, as hard to shake as mountains.

"From now on, there will be no more violent guards under the leadership of Zhou. Those who dare to disobey the order, except for the Lu family, go to the clan, and expel them from the dangerous under the jurisdiction of the Equality Hall." Gui Mingyang's tone was very plain, as if he was talking about an unimportant thing, but the 300 ghost soldiers were shocked when they heard it, showing an incredible expression, but they quickly reacted and shouted, "Yes! Never betray." Expressed their determination.

He came back and looked at Zhou Yisheng and whispered, "If you want to know anything, just ask! As for the city in the bet, I will also say whether it is up to you or not.

"Tect me first why you want to find this short-lived ghost in the bet." Zhou Yisheng said.

"Short-lived ghosts are non-life existence and have their own extraordinary places, and they are good at hiding. It is even more difficult to find them all from more than 8,000 ghost soldiers! It's almost impossible, but you did it. This is only the first purpose. Second, because I just told you, I don't have that life and death. Hell is only available to the Lord of Hell, so I don't know which are short-lived ghosts at all, so even if you find them, I don't know them. I found that you are a cautious person from what I have done from you, but you are very decisive and can achieve great things, so If I lose the bet, I won't complain. Although I don't know if the six ghosts you found are completely correct, I'm not the kind of person who cares, so I admit defeat. He is famous without sadness or happiness, but he is still a little unhappy. After all, he suddenly changed from a person who commanded others to being commanded. No one can stand it.

"As for the city in that bet, you must pick it up by yourself, but the current defense there is very negligent, and a general defending the city is my former friend. However, it is an important strategic place to guard the throat. Although there is a majestic city, whether you can defend less than 6,000 ghost soldiers is a big problem. It's up to you whether you have the courage or not. After saying that, he no longer looked at Zhou Yisheng, but looked at the ghost soldiers standing upright under the dirt slope. With a few words, he could bring these ghost soldiers down, and his courage was amazing. With such a person, can he surpass him in the future?

"Master! You want a city! It took so much effort. You come with me. I'll go back and ask my father to give you a few seats. Yu Xiaobao knew which city the ghost famously said was talking about. It was a very majestic giant city at the top of the territory of the three kings of Qin Guang, Chujiang and Taishan, which was owned by the most powerful of the three kings. This city was not only extremely strong and magnificent because it was at the handover of the power of the seven kings, but also very prosperous and was relied on by King Qin Guang.

If such a dangerous city is lost because of the emptiness now, I don't know how angry the three kings who are attacking Biancheng Hall will be. You not only robbed my logistics supplies and my city, but also dare to cut off my back road. The three kings must kill Zhou Yisheng in person! There is no one in hell who can stop the anger of the three kings. No, even immortals and gods can't.

"A man has to fight vigorously." Zhou Yisheng didn't know the thickness of it, so he made a decision, took it, grabbed the things inside, and strengthened himself.

"Good! If you have ambition, I will appreciate you." Guiming Yang finally has an expression and is extremely excited. He is also a real madman! In order to achieve the crazy goal, he also took advantage of Zhou Yisheng's purpose and deliberately did not say the importance of the city, for fear that Zhou Yisheng would regret it.

Now Zhou Yisheng agreed, and was not afraid that he would lose his word. He excitedly told the benefits of the city. Finally, he downplayed the threat of the city in a few words. What he meant was that in short, if you took the city, the three kings would not take action against a nobody even if they were angry. At that time, they would have to When you return to attack, you are nailed there like a rivet, relieving the pressure of King Biancheng, delaying the arrival of the war, and even trying to make the war disappear invisible.

Zhou Yisheng finally understood why he was famous. This man could do anything crazy for his name. This time, in order to be the savior of hell, he did not hesitate to be so crazy. He secretly joined the King's army with his good friend Ghost Sword, but the reason why he had a strong combat power became a defeated soldier, the most important of which was He didn't want to expose it, so as not to be detected by the crazy intention of the third king of Qin Guang. He was on guard against the back road, and it would be troublesome if it was not easy to do at that time.

Zhou Yisheng did not regret it. Isn't this his goal? I finally found a specific implementation plan. I'm very excited and confidant! He couldn't help pulling up the famous hand and shaking it hard. The kind appearance almost hugged him and kissed him fiercely. There is really a happy feeling that a blind cat bumps into a dead mouse.

Yu Xiaobao looked at the calm face of Gui Mingyang, and then at Zhou Yisheng's excited and uncontrollable movements. He was speechless. His master really humiliated him, but thinking that the ghost Mingyang had no good intentions, he became vigilant. The handsome little face was serious and stared at him. I looked at him. ...I see...I see...I see, I see you don't let you play tricks.

A blind cat and a mouse began the most incredible plan in the history of hell, that is, to break the back road of the three kings. The two kept discussing where to attack, and how to unconsciously contact the famous friends, and then persuade him to join in. Finally, they should attack the city gate. Each suggestion is reasonable, but the actual operation is a hundred times more difficult. In such a simple chat, the two have determined a plan to attack the first level of hell.

The plan has been completed, and the next step is to take people to the Xiong Pass. Xiongguan is surrounded by tall mountains, and there is only a canyon in the middle. Looking at the dragon's head from a distance, it goes straight to the Biancheng Hall in the south. Zhou Yisheng ordered separately. This is the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair!

A gust of wind blew, and the ragged robe was waving with the wind. This was sewn for him by his mother before he died, so he couldn't bear to lose it. Now that he is the commander of the army, he has to have a powerful look. He took the initiative to send the coquettish and gorgeous armor, but Zhou Yisheng refused. In his words, he can't win over everywhere. Again. Moreover, he doesn't think that well-dressing and often defeating battles can make his soldiers return to him, and he has to rely on victory to increase his prestige. Moreover, wearing this dress is not only as simple as paying tribute to his mother, but also to warn himself.

Although he was dressed in rags, Zhou Yisheng felt in a good mood at this time. He waved his hand to the ghost soldiers below. Suddenly, the ghost soldiers knelt down neatly on one knee and saluted and roared powerfully. After the ceremony, they all stood up uniformly with Zhou Yisheng's movements.

"Point soldiers! Die tragically and live righteously. You are the tragic camp. Zhou Yisheng pointed to the team divided into six phalanxes and immediately moved. Based on the white cloth, the bright red word "miserable" ran out from the left, about ten feet high, took the flag of blood on the white background, and walked back to the phalanx with his head held high in a majestic atmosphere. The source of this flag fabric is still provided by ghosts. This white represents mourning and is also taboo in hell. But now we must form an army and play our own flag. For a while, we can't find other colors of materials, so we can only replace it with undyed materials. The blood words are all Zhou Yisheng's blood, and the representative name is given by him. And this white flag also defines a new meaning, and the mourning army will win.

"There is no reckless disaster, it can't be thin. You are born with strange numbers, and you are the life camp." Although there are only six ghosts in this phalanx, and the leader of the ghost sword is not there, under the persistence of ghosts, it still formed an army alone.

"Braw a villain, hell as the defender, cut off the front fate, for the tyrant camp, control violence with violence, and make the world invincible." Zhou Yisheng gave him enough trust to continue to command his violent defense and gave him all the murderers in his previous life. Zhou Yisheng believes that this army is the most elite arrow force and will be invincible and unbreakable in the future.

"It's not wrong to be killed. You can live. Unfortunately, this disaster is enough to make you fall. Remember not to be killed for the word camp.

"A great grievance, carry it on your shoulders, pretend to be on your chest, make up for your mistakes in your previous life, and make up for it in this life. In order to kill the word camp, remember that you committed suicide in your previous life, and you want him to kill him in this life." There are many people who commit suicide. If they want to survive in such a tough pawn, they have to learn to kill instead of cowardly suicide.

"You have a mediocre life in your previous life, and follow me in this life, so that you can have a different life. Give you the Pingzi camp. Zhou Yisheng finished his appointment and did not leave Yu Xiaobao to lead a battalion. Instead, he chose his own commanders from different camps and was directly responsible for him. A different army was built by Zhou Yisheng.