ying jie

Chapter 155 The New Conqueror of the Great City

Chapter 155 The New Conqueror of Heavenly City (Part 2)

Chen honestly quickly fled back home, packed up his things, and planned to run out of the city to find his sister, and then run away together. He just cleaned up some valuable gold and silver, opened the crack of the door and looked out. The narrow and dark back alley was so quiet that no sound could be heard, and the usual hateful dog barking also disappeared. In this era of chaos, all of them have become quiet.

Chen honestly opened the door and rushed out flexibly, but suddenly hit a meat wall, bounced back, and raised his head with a big face like a nightmare, which made him terrify his souls. Why did he appear here? Wasn't he listening to the general in the city?

"What are you going to do? My sister is not here. It's still early to pay back the money!" Chen was so nervous that he spoke upside down. He squatted on the ground and retreated repeatedly and retreated to the center of the room.

A large group of regret bandits followed. There were ghosts and people with horrible faces, which made people feel a penetrating cold air on their backs. The leader's whole body was fatter than the fat pig raised for the New Year. His fat skin was thick, and the fat on his face kept shaking between his smile, as if it were sticky. The oil was about to drip down. He looked at Chen, who was afraid of being as timid as mice, with a smile, and was satisfied that these weak people trembled at his feet because of fear.

"Do you want to escape? Good! You run away! I have always been very reputable in business, as long as you still pay 100,000 pens of gins of rice or millions of yin money within the agreed time. Humph! If you don't pay back the money after the deadline, it will be not only money, but also your sister's matter. Think about it! Don't think it's a matter of escaping. I can also catch you back to the ends of the earth. You look good. As soon as the fierce appearance appeared, the eagles and dogs behind them showed fierce faces one by one, staring at Chen Chengshi on the ground with good intentions, as if they were a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Ah! Big boss, don't spare the little one! The small one will raise enough money and pay back the money owes you. Chen honestly knelt on the ground and crawled to the rich man, pulled his trousers and begged. He had to whisper for his sister and his ancestral shop! So much so that he dared to take the lead against Zhou Yisheng, but he has always been the leader of outsiders.

"Hmm! If it weren't for the chaos in the city recently, you think I would talk and laugh with you like this. It's good for you to marry your sister. At that time, you will merge your shop with me, do a bigger business, and make more big money. You can also enjoy life. You don't need to worry about it at all to get big money. What's wrong? I don't know how to praise. It seems that he doesn't know how to praise. He always says a few words, as if someone dares to disobey his gift, that is, he doesn't know how to lift up.

"Big skin-splied boss! You have a lot, so let the villain go! The villain will find a way to pay back the money. Chen honestly had no choice but to pull his trousers and beg.

"Get out! I don't know how to praise... Remember that there are still three days left." The rich man kicked Chen honestly, dusted his clothes, and turned around and walked out of the alley.

In the shadow of the alley, the ghost name suddenly flashed out, laughing twice, and learning the tone of the big rich man just now: "I don't know how to praise, hum! Humph!" Chen Laoshi was shocked and found that his body had become light, and then he lost consciousness.

"After joining the Yi Junwei, you are all my good brothers..." Zhou Yisheng arranged the ghost scholar to the recruitment office and divided the defenders according to the way of the sixth battalion, but did not directly integrate into the sixth battalion, but set up it as a wing army, which means to select the best person from the wing army to enter the direct sixth battalion. Zhou Yisheng is not enough to prevent the sixth battalion from being too strong, and the vanity is too weak. There is no difference in the distinction between the two, but the titles are different, and everything else is the same.

More than 50,000 defenders have left, and there are fewer people in the city who dare to watch the bustle. However, Zhou Yisheng's attitude made many people who were watching in the house walk out of the door and gather in the city. Zhou Yisheng has already arranged 1,000 Yi guards to patrol everywhere to catch the violators and severely punish them, such as If Zhou Yisheng is kind to the people, he still knows where he is cruel. After a few actions, Zhou Yisheng's deeds have long been spread out, and the more divine, and there is a great momentum of wildfire. Perhaps Zhou Yisheng's reputation, secretly Add to the waves.

"All the soldiers have left, folks, let's have a good chat!" Zhou Yisheng jumped down from the head of the statue, walked back to the people's team, completely threw aside the long eyebrows, waved his hands and walked into the crowd with a smile.

"Hey! General, you are a human! Then I want to ask, are you an original resident or was it repaired after death?" This is a big problem in hell. The re-cultivator is an amazing person with amazing talent and is very popular in hell.

"General, you really plan to live in Tianjixiong City! King Guang of Qin returned to the teacher, are you going to stick to it?"

"Have you ever thought about capturing Qin Guangdian after expanding your troops! Then King Qin Guang will be more panicked.

"Hehe! Take your time! It's impossible to seize Qin Guangdian. I don't want to be a prince yet! Isn't it destroying flowers for such a handsome figure to endure such a majestic system? You won't agree, will you?" Zhou Yisheng answered humorously one by one. He seemed to be open-minded and naturally humorous.

"General, you are so humorous. Is it good for us to obey you?"

"Yes! Most of our city are merchants, because it is on the territorial border of the two kings, with frequent trade, and we merchants don't ask for anything, just for profit. What benefits can you bring to us?"

"Yes! We are businessmen, only considering interests.

Zhou Dachui, Zhou Yi, Yu Xiaobao and other cronies followed Zhou Yisheng. When they heard that these people gave a good face, they kicked their noses and face. They immediately became furious and wanted to teach these profiteers who are shouting interests. Which is unbearable? Why don't they have the consciousness of me to be a fish?

"Hey! I said why are you so ignorant? We were angry and slaughtered all of you!" Zhou Yi was the first to jump out, but Yu Xiaobaola didn't hold it.

However, someone took the lead. Yu Xiaobao knew that he had caused the accident, so he would make the disaster bigger and can't clean it up. That would be beautiful. Let these merchants tie up the master's chariot and shouted, "Do you think I don't know? You secretly allied and colluded with the black prison and coaxed the prices in hell, which is to expand the war and you profit from it. Of course, you hope that the more chaotic the hell is, the better it is. You don't love peace at all. You only love your own interests. You are all black-hearted businessmen, and everyone will be killed.

Although there are many merchants in Tianyuxiong City, compared with ordinary people, they are only in the minority. Now as soon as they hear Yu Xiaobao's words, they immediately see clues from the actions of these businessmen. No wonder prices have been rising recently, and they all say that there is no rice, but the people have only recently sold them the harvest rice at a high price. Ah! Where did the rice go? There is only one explanation, that is, it has been hoarded.

"severely punish profiteers and defeat war maniacs."

"We don't want profiteers, we want peace." The people are easy to encourage. If Zhou Yisheng wants to run this heavenly city by himself, he has to remove the thinking ability of the city. These businessmen are their thinking ability. Naturally, they have to suppress it. Then they have to please the battle that can't think and let the people move them, not only cut off the obstacles for themselves, but also collect them. The wealth they gathered.

"Hmm! You wronged people and said that we colluded with the black prison, but there is evidence.

"Yes! Folks, don't trust these outsiders and ask them to come up with evidence.

Zhou Yisheng just looked at it coldly, with a smile on his face. All sentient beings are indeed the way! No wonder Dao was divided into birth and entry into the world, and suddenly said loudly, "Okay! The general said that I would never wrong a good person or let a bad person go. I'll give you the evidence."

With a click, the heavy object fell to the ground, and a big fat pig fell to the ground like mud. It turned out that this was the rich man, Zhou Yisheng's own family Zhou Pi. A bloated face slowly raised and screamed palely, "Don't squeeze my oil. What do you want to know? I said, I said..."

"You are a trick, and you can't count it."

"Yes! Yi Junwei bullied others and made a move.

"My fellow villagers, I can't count them!" The merchants kept crying, but the response of the people was not enthusiastic.

The expression on Zhou Yisheng's face was still calm and confident, as if everything was under control, and he whispered, "My folks! I didn't say that this person is evidence. You think they are guilty! Ha ha! Before I come up with evidence, I'm going to break a case about a fraud case. It's appalling to say it!"

Sure enough, after Zhou Yisheng said, the people who were already suspicious were more sure of their ideas. These businessmen were traitors. After listening to Zhou Yisheng's words, they were also a little suspicious. Didn't they want to deal with these traitors? Why do you have to open a trial again, but when you see Chen honest coming slowly, you immediately know that you are going to make the decision for him! These people who have been angry, evil and poor for many years immediately feel that Zhou Yisheng is much more kinder, Master Qingtian! If he can make the decision for us, the new city owner is him. The people don't care about whether they can be traitors or not. They only care about whether they can eat enough and whether the people who manage them are upright or not. That's all. This trial is also Zhou Yisheng's plan to kill two birds with one stone, which delays businessmen from the relationship between them and the people and better buys hearts of the people.