ying jie

Chapter 157 Dissonance

Chapter 157 Liter (Part 2)

"Set up a private court, and make a trick..." Zhou Yisheng sat back in the chair and replied with a sneer, as if he could not hear the sound of coaxing around him, but just looked at these emotional old antiques with burning eyes.

After all, the family system still occupies a very important position in the hearts of these ordinary people! These ordinary high-ranking elders suddenly made the people feel the power and echoed one after another, all of which had the mentality of not blaming the public. Indeed! As long as Zhou Yisheng wants to defend the city, he has to appease the people and ask them to help. Naturally, everyone is in chaos. He dares not be too strict and has his own small calculations.

"What on earth are you going to do in the provocative court again and again? Don't you really pay attention to me, Yi Junwei? Brothers, kill these presumptuous old donkeys and donkeys. Old Geng's head has been unbearable for a long time. Now such a good opportunity coincided with his plan and stepped forward first, cutting a long sword in his hand to the old man's neck.

Usually, an adult can cut blood to more than ten meters high, while an old man's heart is degraded and can splash other people's faces at most. Lao Geng's face was stained with blood, stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his face. Among them, the scarce yang and excess nutrition made him scream secretly and immediately rushed to the old man's neck and began to suck.

The scene immediately became chaotic. After all, this is a leader, the patriarch of the clan who once commanded one-sixth of the city. For the people who benefited from the family name, Zhou Yisheng did not want to share their cake. He immediately screamed and took out the weapons he had already prepared, a big blade, but After all, there are too few such things, and it seems even more chaotic to be killed in the crowd.

Zhou Yisheng was very calm. He stood on the table and waved his hand and shouted, "Yi Junwei, don't mess up, control the fire basin at each exit." Except for some ghost soldiers with ulterior motives, they were transferred to the front by Zhou Yisheng in advance and rushed forward with some chaos. They didn't notice that the 6,000 Yi guards who were preparing to suppress the rebellion quickly retreated and left the vacant land. These ghost soldiers not only have passive chess pieces, but also have ulterior motives. It can only be said that they deserve to be unlucky to be involved in such a storm.

"Hmm! As long as he kills this official, Yi Junwei himself will be in chaos. Remember what the prince told you, and you will be a meritorious minister at that time. In the chaotic scene, a man was wearing a night coat, and the light around him was already dim. His whole body seemed to melt into the night. He could only see a pair of small eyes flashing faintly. Obviously, he was crazy about the assassination and was too addicted to bloodthirsty.

"Alas! I'm waiting to play well with you in the future! I didn't expect you to jump out by yourself. Zhou Yisheng looked at Lao Geng's head and thought about the rebellious ghost boy. His heart was sad. Although he got along very short, he had been together after all and had feelings!

"Dog officer! Come on." Suddenly, Zhou Yisheng felt a little tingling in the back of his neck. Before he heard the angry shout, the strong wind of the pierced dagger made his skin faintly painful, which should be broken.

Zhou Yisheng thought about when he became a dog official at this time. Strictly speaking, he is not an official now! At most, it's just bandits who pull up official skin and forcibly occupy the city, but he is a bandit who is educated. Daoyin quickly spread up, and Zhou Yisheng suddenly turned around, and his elbow was pricked like the tip of a gun. The stabbed dagger was missed and stabbed on the shoulder. His hand was thrown under a whip. With a crack, he hit the assassin's lower abdomen and directly knocked him out.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed, which was too fast, a little faster than Zhou Dongsheng's Ling Xu Feidu, but this was not mysterious. It just relied on the speed of the body and did not contain a profound way. Zhou Yisheng threw his body out, and his strength was old, and he couldn't return to defend at all.

But Zhou Yisheng was not a mediocre person. He had little thought. His body went with his old strength. His center of gravity was unstable like a drunken man. He stumbled and stabbed into Zhou Yisheng's broad official robe. He didn't know that the thorn had not been stabbed. He pulled the long hem of the official robe and twisted it hard and stuck the dagger. Zhou Yisheng stabilized his center of gravity and looked up at the people. He found that he was dressed in a dark dress, with fierce evil spirit in his eyes, as if he were as dull as a dead man.

The hand wrapped in the official robe grabbed the dagger. Zhou Yisheng was a little glad that the quality of the thing was very good. He clamped the dagger in one hand and stuck the man's throat in the other, but the man was really a little desperate, but he was still dead. He tried his best to insert the dagger into it and pushed it a little bit.

The assassin behind him, who was obviously an abandoned son, was stunned for a moment, immediately picked up the dagger and stabbed him in the back. If it is solid, I'm afraid that Zhou Yisheng will die immediately and the city will be more chaotic.

Several people fought too fast. The ghost sword and the ghost name had long been sent by Zhou Yisheng for another use, and Zhou Dachui and Zhou Yi did not react at all, because the two assassins were too fast to kill with one blow. Now the short confrontation made the two react. Zhou Dachui cut it out with a knife and cut the abandoned son in half, but this The man was also too fierce. The other half of the dead grabbed the dagger and stabbed into Zhou Yisheng's back waist, and almost half of his body hung on Zhou Yisheng's body.

Zhou Yi came out. Although the assassin's eyes were dull, he was not stupid and twisted left and right. He did not dare to work too hard for fear of hurting Zhou Yisheng.

click! Zhou Yisheng was stabbed in the back of the waist, which also stimulated his potential. The force in his hand suddenly broke out and directly twisted the man's throat. He was still unable to stab the assassin's face directly with his clothes and stared at the table.

Many people saw Zhou Yisheng's assassination, but the scene was still chaotic. Looking at the merchants and antiques who were killed in the chaos, Zhou Yisheng felt much more comfortable, hum! I still want to fight with me and clean up with you. With the pain on his lower back, shoulders and chest, Zhou Yisheng gestured to Yu Xiaobao next to him.

A brilliant fireworks rushed into the dim sky, and the 6,000 Yi guards who had been on guard for a long time shouted and rushed. However, they overestimated the blood of these people and looked at the fireworks rising into the sky. They were obviously a little distracted. This was not released during the Spring Festival. They immediately listened to the shouts of killing from around. The people who had been tired for a long time could not resist and knelt aside with their heads. Obviously, they were familiar with the posture of attacking the city before.

"I am a good citizen! It's him. He just killed someone."

"No, no, no, sir, I have a brother who has just joined you. How dare I against you!"

"This man, you know! I just slaughtered a profiteer and wanted to catch him.

The people's ability to bite is still blind, which is not generally high. They have exposed who and who, which profiteer has messed up again, which concubine he has had an affair with, and which hero slaughtered this traitor and eliminated the harm for the people. Yi Junwei came and completely surrendered. There is only a mess left, and there are also guys who have been led out to provoke trouble.

Zhou Yisheng sat on the blood-stained official chair, looked at those familiar faces, hammered the table painfully, and scolded loudly, "Do you remember what I said when I entered the city? Never hurt innocent people, but what about you now! Take a look! What are the people who fell at your feet, the elderly and businessmen? Fortunately, there are no children and women, otherwise I will pull all of you out and serve them with capital punishment. Humph!"

Zhou Yisheng sang with a white face. It was time to come out with a red face. He led a group of soldiers who had just surrendered and kept moving things to the square. These were the way to the defenders who surrendered. They almost emptied the gold and silver ingots in the merchants' room and said lightly, "These are all books. Merchants made a lot of this War has no righteous wealth, and these family elders are shielded by the crowd. They are bloodsuckers attached to the people. It's not a pity for such a person to die, but although these soldiers violated your order, they are also invisibly killing the people. Let's deal with it lightly!"

The two sang and drank, coupled with the mountains of gold and silver, the people who participated in the chaos of the fight were not dissatisfied! Although these domination things are dead, we will live better! However, you have to pretend, crying one by one, looking at the mountains of gold and silver, which not only people like, but also ghosts! Just wait for Zhou Yisheng to issue an order to share the stolen goods.

Zhou Yisheng was not in a hurry to share the stolen goods, but asked people to lift Zhou Peel, who had been trampled into meat cakes. Looking at the changed pieces, Zhou Yisheng poohed at him, but he didn't expect that it would be messy without trial at all. This evil squeeze! These people have been destroyed so that they have long been on the verge of an outbreak, but a small root* has detonated 10,000 tons of gunpowder.

I don't plan to continue the trial. After all, I don't know how to do it. I waved my hand and let go of the soldiers guarding Jinshan. The people rushed up like wolves and went crazy. Even if 6,000 wolf-like Yi Junwei was aside, they could not suppress their excitement at this time.

The people have got their practical interests, but they do have less knowledge. This is just a penny thing in the city, but it's better than nothing. As the saying goes, widowhood and inequality, now everyone has the same share, and who dares to gossip?

"Let these brothers go! But a few evils must be punished. Zhou Yisheng seemed to stand up very helplessly and wave his hand, but the more than 100 ghost soldiers standing in the center were too ashamed to speak. From time to time, they looked at the ghost famous and were very excited, and finally found the organization!

Lao Geng's face was afraid. What did he do just now? Why did he suddenly have the same impulse like crazy? He was very grateful to hear the famous words. If Zhou Yisheng's next sentence was not enough, he immediately threw him into the 18th floor of hell, like falling into an ice cellar.

"But..." The ghost still wants to argue.

"Okay, don't argue, you've had enough!" Zhou Yisheng's tone turned cold and said faintly. His tone was unrejectable and showed his majesty.

Just because of the scene where Zhou Yisheng and the ghost famously sang in vain, everyone had different opinions. Some people said that Zhou Yisheng's power was not as powerful as the ghost, and he could not be suppressed. Some people said that Zhou Yisheng was too strict and did not know how to be flexible. Sooner, something would happen sooner or later, but because the righteous former was there, the righteous former, the righteous law enforcement was even more in hell. It is popular, so most of the people in Tianqi City agree with Zhou Yisheng's approach, and the people's hearts turn to him.

In a word, under Zhou Yisheng's calculation, after several great purges, there is finally a stable place. It's hard to say whether he can defend this city, welcome the upcoming forces, and force King Qin Guang to return to the throne.