ying jie

Chapter 177 War Enemy Father and Son

Chapter 177 War Enemy Father and Son

Although the power of the Qiubao was amazing, the flying stone still made it difficult for him to resist. The sledgehammer blocked the dance, and the flying stones splashed everywhere. I don't know how many of them hit the surrounding law enforcement team, but most of them still did not prevent it. They hit the body of Qiubao** and pinged, only It's a slight bruise, and you can see how strong the leopard's body is.

After following the flying stones, Zhou Yisheng took a probing gun in one hand and stabbed the enemy leopard with a strong spiral. It was an inch long and an inch strong. For this master of leadership, Zhou Yisheng's realm is now fluctuating again and he dares not use a short shovel. The probing gun came out with a strong wind. In the face of this sick and fierce shot, Qiu Bao was a little upset in a hurry. His slightly sore arm held the sledgehammer and lifted it up hard, roared, and his hairs were open, as powerful as a tiger roaring in the forest: " Thief! Take your life."

The muscles and blue veins of the whole body move together, and the throat is dark. This is an extremely congested phenomenon. The detective gun is stabbed up, but it is much softer than steel. Zhou Yisheng rolls hard with a spiral force, and it is difficult to make any progress. This person is actually good at horizontal practice.

Although Zhou Yisheng is not very familiar with martial arts and relies on his own exploration, but in the place where 3,000 sects are located, Izumo City, he has still seen pigs running without eating pork. He still knows something about horizontal practice. The upper level of horizontal training is not to practice meat cocoons, but can control the qi and blood in the body at will. The whole body is covered with sponges. You can be congested whenever you want. Usually, you can't see anything strange and extremely soft. As long as it is protected, it is harder than fine steel. However, Zhou Yisheng disdained these upper-level efforts at that time and did not want to know them in time. Unless he was a direct disciple, he would not be easily known.

One shot was not allowed. Zhou Yisheng took a step back with a gun and dodged the hammer. Obviously, he encountered a hard point this time. The two are both masters of the scale. After all, Zhou Yisheng has little practical experience, relying on several opportunities and acumen. Fastening his toes, as if rooted in the earth, quickly integrated with the earth. Although the gun is not necessarily strong, Zhou Yisheng is an exception. He has always liked to drop ten times with one force. Moreover, this also makes the hammer powerful. One shot is changed to smash, ping, the hammer hit each other, sparks splashed everywhere, Zhou Yisheng felt Juehu's mouth was numb, and his arm was shocked. This was an unprecedented feeling, and he immediately shouted happily.

The feeling of weakness in his body quickly left in this strong shot, as if he had infinite power. Zhou Yisheng did not change his moves, and a shot went up and down. Such a scene has never been thought of by Qiu Bao. Unexpectedly, someone fought with him. Although he raised the hammer to resist and always lost the opportunity, he never thought of avoiding it. As soon as his temper came up, his whole body was black, red and red, and the two hammers hit each other. A child worshipped the Buddha. One move made him simple and pious, but hidden murder, as long as One hammer bursts and fires a long gun, and the other hammer can kill the thief's head.

How did Zhou Yisheng know so much? He held a gun in both hands and smashed it hard.

Bum! One shot made it extremely powerful. He directly hit the first hammer and fell to the ground. The sparks splashed. The probe gun became extremely hot in two hits. He held it in his hand and wanted to throw it away, but Zhou Yisheng couldn't care so much. He jumped up with one shot and quickly pressed down and fell on the other hammer.

Suddenly, there was a change, but it was a shot by Zhou Yisheng. Suddenly, he retreated and scratched against the sledgehammer. Qiu Bao suddenly opened the door of time and space. Zhou Yisheng's hand shook quickly in a small range. The long gun changed, buzzed, and a shot directly stabbed the unsuspecting Qiubao. . Qiu Bao didn't expect that he was teased by Zhou Yisheng with a hammer with full strength. His body was a little unbalanced, and his mind suddenly relaxed. Zhou Yisheng's stabbed shot was not unprevented. He entered his chest. He had not practiced horizontal kung fu to the highest level of physical instinct, but only practiced until Dacheng could be controlled by his mind. One step away is eternity.

Zhou Yisheng broke his horizontal practice with one shot. Qiu Bao only felt a pain in his chest. Suddenly, the muscles and blue veins there contracted quickly, clamped the Tanyang gun, did not let it go in an inch, and also adjusted his body. Qiu Bao hit his head with a hammer. Zhou Yisheng only felt that the gun was tight at this critical time, and he could not support the gun with vitality. You can't pull it out easily, you can only let go and retreat with regret! Qiu Bao was also strong. He didn't hit the sledgehammer on Zhou Yisheng's head and directly broke the detective gun.

Wow! Roar! Qiu Bao roared sadly and stepped forward. The law enforcement team surrounding him was swept away by a hammer. I don't know how many people were killed by this hateful hammer.

Zhou Yisheng's heart is dripping blood, these are all his own troops! Their arrival encouraged their morale and rushed forward fearlessly, but if it went on like this, it could only be regarded as death. Zhou Yisheng roared, "Get back! Go back into the city, as long as you live, the city will be there.

Qiu Wen shot Zhou Yi one by one, but when he saw Zhou Yisheng entering the city and broke his son's horizontal training in a short fight, he was furious. Although he shouted to kill on the battlefield, after all, it was his son. Now his son has been bullied. Next week, he rode back and ran wildly. , like no one in the law enforcement team.

"Hmm! Yi Junwei is just like this!" Qiu Wen knew that although the time was short now, it was enough for Zhou Yisheng to kill Qiu Bao, so he deliberately angered Zhou Yisheng and asked him to put down Qiu Bao to fight against him. At that time, he recovered. The two father and son attacked him and were sure to be caught.

The long gun in Qiu Wen's hand did not have the momentum of a dragon at this time. Instead, it was like a poisonous snake. Every time it was struck, it seemed that it had been stabbed only once, but all the shadows coincided together, and one stabbed and fell down. Five people and ten people ranged. How can the law enforcement team stop such a fierce general?

After all, Zhou Yisheng was young. He watched his men fall down without money, and his heart was bleeding. Although he said it well, Ma Ge's body, but such unnecessary casualties would be too stupid and angry. Although he knew that it was time to solve the leopard, if he let the old man continue to kill, I'm afraid that time would happen. He became the commander of the light pole and roared, "Do you dare not listen to me? Go back and go back to the city.

"Great Commander! If we retreat and the gate is broken, the villagers will suffer!" After Zhou Yisheng entered the city, a series of means. The people in the city had no way out and were forced to be in the same way with Zhou Yisheng. They were afraid that King Qin Guang would settle the general account when he came back, so although these defenders were very cowardly, they were still supporting them and tried not to let the invading enemies enter the city.

Qiu Wen was furious. These stubborn parables didn't settle accounts with you, and you dared to help the traitors: "What benefits have these traitors given you? Do you dare to betray King Qin Guang? Don't you want to live?"

"Hmm! Live, we have lived hard enough. It's enough to give face to King Qin Guang if we don't defect early. A large part of the defenders joined the army after Zhou Yisheng entered the city. I don't know why people such as King Guang of Qin let businessmen run rampant, so that they raised prices. What's the difference is different from ** naked *, but they just approved a layer of fig leaf.

Qiu Wen still knows something about the purpose of King Qin Guang. Although it is a little criticized, these ministers can only do so. Before the leader left, King Qin Guang also ordered that it was time to deal with the merchants. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yisheng sold his good boy first and let the people remember his benefits and actually united. It's against the King of Qin Guang. Aren't you really afraid that the King of Qin Guang will destroy them?

"I don't know if I'm alive!" Qiu Wen raised his gun and stabbed the rebuttal quickly.

Zhou Yisheng kicked out, and I don't know which brother's broken arm shot at Qiu Wen's face. There was no threat from this kick, but the blood splashing on his face would blur his vision and not be so majestic. However, the old man would not lose his power for such a small soldier and shoot a shot. Sweep, accurately stabbed the broken arm on the head of the gun, shook it hard, and the flesh and blood flew across, and there was no trace of blood on the bright gunhead.

Step out, and the big bluestone under his feet broke and made a big hole. The broken and splashing stone directly smashed an impermanent commander to the ground. Zhou Yisheng wore ordinary thousand-layer sole cloth shoes under his feet, and did not wear the unified military shoes of King Qin Guang. Now with Zhou Yisheng's strength, the thousand-layer-sole cloth shoes suddenly It was rotten, and the tonic on his body was made of unknown materials. Suddenly, it was blown up by the drumming wind. Like a big ball, Zhou Yisheng took out a shovel and cut it to Qiu Wen on the horse. It was inch short and dangerous. In the face of long weapons, Zhou Yisheng chose a short shovel.

Zhou Yisheng's foot seemed to fly up from the ground, but his feet were always close to the ground. With the power of the earth, the shovel hit Qiu Wen's mount.

"Hmm! You are still young!" Qiu Wen has long passed his impulsive age, so he sneers at young people' impulses, including his son, but there is nothing he can do with him. Whoever says that he only has such a son, and there is no danger, it will be a big victory, leaving him speechless.

A *, the sky is full of gun shadows, as if it were a bow and arrow shot by a neat army, neat, vast and shocking. Facing the sea tide-like gun shadow, Zhou Yisheng only felt that the air seemed to have been pumped out, and the momentum was suffocating. However, his body did not take off, and he could borrow strength. His empty hand gently pressed the ground, and his feet suddenly left the ground. Zhou Yisheng moved a few feet in the air, and a shovel on the side cut to the horse's leg, and the shadow of the gun rushed to him. An attitude that does not achieve its purpose.

"Jiri!" Zhou Yisheng scolded angrily and didn't let people live. If he couldn't hit the shovel, I didn't want it. The shovel came out of his hand. Zhou Yisheng's palms moved together, like swimming in water. He passed under the horse's leg, and the shovel successfully cut it on the horse's leg.

Zhou Yisheng is also a dangerous move. Who on the battlefield has the courage to lose weapons in order to kill someone? This is not only a taboo, but also a reckless time. No matter who uses such a move, no matter who is be stunned. But who called him Zhou Yisheng? The domineering guidance in memory, when you act fearlessly, no matter what the ghost emperor, will give you five steps of blood splashing.

Qiu Wen was also stunned. In his life, he had never seen such a lifeless commander general, but now is not the time to scold Zhou Yisheng for playing cards. The mount lost a horse leg and fell forward. Qiu Wen also followed his unstable body. A long gun flew out with strength, which was in the air. He slaughtered, but he didn't believe that Zhou Yisheng could quickly recover, and the wastes next to him could pose a threat to him.

He also guessed right. Zhou Yisheng has indeed not adjusted his body, but he forgot one thing. When these people have permanent property in the city, they will protect it at all costs. What they want is actually very simple. The law enforcement team, who retreated, saw Qiu Wen's body empty, and the probing guns in his hand were thrown at him one after another. The old man, if he did not die, would make you fade into skin.

"You all dare to be arrogant!" Qiu Wen was furious, but there was nothing he could do. These detective guns could not pose a threat to himself, but he was disgusted by himself. The long gun was thrown back, as if the dragon swinging its tail, swept away the thrown detective guns one after another, and suddenly accelerated in the air and rushed out.

Zhou Yisheng passed under the horse. The horse was pressed by Qiu Wen's empty force and fell to the ground and kicked his feet on the ground. Zhou Yisheng stood up quickly and did not dare to go back to get the shovel. The hammer had roared and hit the back of his head. He knew it was a leopard. He didn't think about it. He moved when he heard the wind and put his hand behind his buttocks. The face seemed to have a tail, grabbed the bluestone ground with one hand, and directly cut down the bluestone. The tail propped up and jumped out of the attack of the sledgehammer. The hand holding the ground took the opportunity, and the sand and gravel flew, and suddenly fascinated the leopard's eyes.

The hand holding the ground behind him bounced hard. Zhou Yisheng rushed in, grabbed the broken gun and pulled it out, and a blood arrow shot out.

Qiu Bao screamed and retreated, and the two hammers in his hand danced wildly to stop Zhou Yisheng. Qiu Wen landed smoothly. Hearing his son's screams, his heart tightened, and a shot like a wandering dragon came out obliquely and took Zhou Yisheng's eyes: "Dare to hurt my son! I killed you..."

"Hmm! Old man, it turns out that this is your son. Zhou Yisheng took the time to scold back. The * in his hand shot out, and he did not carry Qiu Wen. He pulled out his legs and resisted with Qiu Bao's body.

"Don't you have the guts to escape?" Qiu Wen's battlefield veteran also got angry. Unexpectedly, the two leaders could not help this thief. If this spread out, where should his old face be put aside for his lifelong reputation?

In just a few rounds, the law enforcement team at the entrance of the gate suddenly withdrew cleanly and only left the body on the ground. It can't see how strong the law enforcement team's ability to retreat is. Sure enough, it is worthy of Zhou Dongsheng's elite, leaving only Zhou Yisheng and the enemy father and son, but behind him The generals who rushed to the horse were also approaching, and it was only a matter of time before they took down the gate.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao, Zhou Dongsheng is probably also the most depressed general in the enemy's army this time. He is not a direct line, or a defeated general. He has lost such an important city and has no face to go back to see King Qin Guang. He just has the cheek to wander around the king of Qin Guang's station, but he was spies. He found that if he didn't show up, he would be killed as an enemy spy. He bravely reported his identity and waited for the answer above, but King Qin Guang didn't see him and directly threw him into the hot-tempered leopard army. The leopard seemed to have changed, and did not make trouble seven or eight times in ten times and said nothing. However, what's more cruel is that his soldiers came to scold him. What dirty words and even dialects that I don't understand are mixed in it. It can be said that they are really dark and don't know what to do. However, although he is aggrieved, he has not been punished physically, but what is his face? But what can he do? Martial arts practice In order to be abolished, leaving a mysterious shadow, you can only rely on people's shelter.

Finally, I waited until the expedition and tortured for so many days. It was really immortal. I don't know what the unpleasant dialect scolded. Anyway, it buzzed like a fly and almost collapsed. Happiness is also so sudden. King Guang of Qin actually spent a lot of power to repair his Dantian and restore his martial arts cultivation, but the only shortcoming is to follow the stubborn leopard.

All this was caused by Zhou Yisheng, so he hated Zhou Yisheng to the bone. When Zhou Yisheng ran over from the rear of the army, he recognized his back. It can be said that there is a way for heaven that you don't go. There is no way to hell. You break in, urge the war horse to chase, and disappear into his eyes in the blink of an eye. Hurry! It was too fast. He was simply not a human, but his heart was even hotter. He was determined to rush into the city and capture Zhou Yisheng alive. He completely forgot that he was still a general of the army. He did not consider why Zhou Yisheng came back from outside the city. His life was destined to be a coffee table, which was full of different cups.

"Thieve dog! I don't know whether Zhou Dongsheng was so excited that he turned his mouth upside down or deliberately did it. In short, listening to his words, he always felt a little awkward.

Zhou Yisheng is angry. Why is it you again? If you come a little late, the enemy army will go to the city with more people. I don't have the hatred of killing my father and the wife. Why do I always think about it? This time I happened to leave you. In a hurry, Zhou Yisheng couldn't find a weapon to fight back. He circled around the leopard. Qiu Wen listened to the gradual sound of horses' hoofs behind him, and his heart was also wide. Finally, he stopped walking around with him. He roared and stabbed the leopard with a long gun: "Leopard! Get down..."

The battlefield changes rapidly, and he may lose his life in a trance, so how taboo it is. Now Qiu Wen asks Qiu Bao to lie down, which is a very taboo thing, but he thinks he is in control of the situation, so this taboo is no longer taboo.

Qiu Bao did not hesitate. As soon as he lowered his head and lay down, his father's fierce and accurate shot stabbed Zhou Yisheng. The two father and son were crazy. Zhou Yisheng only had such an idea in his heart. I asked you to lie down! Qiu Bao's center of gravity leaned forward. Zhou Yisheng should have avoided the body of the long gun, but did not hide, but raised his knees and hit his buttocks. Qiu Bao's big horse pounced on his father.

It seems that Zhou Yisheng's action of flirting with the hatred leopard has no intention at all. The gun that should have been stabbed is still stabbed, like a poisonous snake, biting Zhou Yisheng's eyes. Even if this shot is a peerless master, I'm afraid it will be pierced through his eyes! How will Zhou Yisheng avoid it? It's really difficult!


Five-thousand-word chapters, although not two chapters, are enough! Yisheng just needs to collect it.