ying jie

Chapter 183 Why don't you do it

Chapter 183 Why don't you do it

Under the cover of the night, even the strongest army can't stand such a toss. The army of the city king did not fight any flag, but they knew that this was the Ma army, which was originally trained by the blue bird under the city throne, but now all of them have been replaced by the leader of the Ma family. In this situation, some low-level troops in the army that are still loyal to the bluebird The officials naturally had an opinion. It seemed that Ma Yiyan wanted to completely consume the strength of this army before the blue bird came back.

Although Ma Yihuan has always had a reputation under the king of the city, the act of waiting for the skeleton army to come out this time is really suspicious.

A large area of ghost fire beating, with a green light from the skeleton bones, rattling, the more and more ghost fires gather, gradually competing with the number of troops. Zhou Yisheng stood aside, and behind him was the defeated soldiers left by Qiu Bao. In the final battle, he was suppressed by Ma Yijun, but now he has followed Yi Junwei and stood quietly together. The discipline is quite good. Zhou Yisheng's side was the little girl and his brother, and then a few strong men who followed the young man. Now they are no longer in a state of fear. They stand upright and are a little proud. Instead of their mistakes, Zhou Yisheng appointed them as small commanders. Such a mind makes these strong men happy. Clothes.

"Master, don't you worry?" Standing here, Yu Xiaobao was really bored and quietly pulled the corner of Zhou Yisheng's clothes and asked in a low voice.

"What are you worried about..." Zhou Yisheng said without looking back.

"It's in the city, outside the city, here and there." Yu Xiaobao's eyes are dripping around, and he is obviously thinking about ghostly!

"What's the use of worrying about? We can only borrow power from all directions. What we play is a balance. This time, Ma Yiqi's little action is too obvious. I'm afraid there is another purpose in it. Xiaobao, go and find the ghost fame." Zhou Yisheng looked at the skeleton army gathered in the distance and said with concern, and what made him more anxious was the people in the city. I hope these skeleton armies would not provoke the city! But it depends on how Ma Yiyan does it.

Since these defeated soldiers temporarily returned to Yi's military guards, how can they easily spit out the fat meat in their mouths? Gui Mingyang began to calculate in his heart. Instead of standing in front, he went to the rear to understand the specific situation of these ghost soldiers. Only when he trained them could he know himself and his enemy without making mistakes. He also brought Zhou Dachui, Zhou Yi and Ghost Datou, all of whom were anxious and bold and had not officially returned! They all went to choose troops.

"What's the matter!" Only Guiming came. It seems that Yu Xiaobao also went to join the fun with them. He got Zhou Yisheng's order to lead the army alone and was anxious to pick people.

"Do you know the details of ghost scholars? I'm a little afraid that they will make mistakes at critical times. That's the most important thing for ghost soldiers!" Zhou Yisheng turned around and asked without any taboo about the ghosts around him.

"Hehe! Commander, everyone will be colleagues in the future. You haven't introduced them to me yet!" The ghost was famous but not in a hurry. He pointed to several people around Zhou Yisheng and asked with a smile.

"Eer, you are still young. I didn't want to tell you this, but you pretended to be your father's name and joined the army. Now you are a soldier and can think about it yourself. I'll tell you! When any event is related to vital interests, both good people and honest people will be dissatisfied with the people or things that infringe on their vital interests, which is not enough to express. The leader is very smart and dares to say it out loud even if it is very naive. If ordinary people do not say such words that degrade their prestige. This is the previous sentence, which makes us feel cordial in our hearts. We will forget the kindness of King Qin Guang and remember the badness of his forced us to go to the battlefield, so we compromised and threw himself under his door. Besides, he is not bad in the first place. Memories appeared on Qin Tie's face, yes! This is the inferiority of people and ghosts. They are more impressed by bad things. Often when bad things come, they will forget the good things in the past.

"Oh!" Qin Hanyi heard it in the clouds, but there is a central meaning that others will only remember your bad and will not easily remember your good, especially when a group of smart people encountering trouble, they will push others.

"How's your military selection?" Zhou Yisheng also had a tendency to become a ghost scholar, so he quickly interrupted him and returned to the theme.

"There are everything in these soldiers, old and young, but fortunately there are no other little girls. In a word, it's just ordinary." Guimingyang said in a low tone and secretly glanced at Qin Hanyi. The 5,000 soldiers of Yi Junwei were all the scattered soldiers who supported the Biancheng Hall. Although they were both defeated soldiers, these ghost soldiers of Yi Junwei were for the rest of their lives. Naturally, they made a judgment. No wonder the ghost's tone was a little disdainful: "But after all, it's 200,000. The army can still choose a 50,000 elite, no more, it's just a burden.

"Oh!" Zhou Yisheng also expected such a situation in advance. After selecting 50,000 soldiers, he could only give him a few days of running-in encouragement. He believed that it was another strong army comparable to Yi's guard. At that time, it could be regarded as a team that could not be underestimated in hell, at least he could speak. If the righteous reputation of King of Yanluo is added, the winning rate of delaying the pace of the war will also be greater.

The night was as cool as water. As soon as the breeze passed, there seemed to be a knife on the skin. So many ghost soldiers and bone soldiers gathered, making the night sky more and more gloomy. The endless sound of insects in the wild also stopped in such an atmosphere. The skeleton army had assembled and the momentum was great. On the contrary, the ghost soldiers found that they were low and calm. The head became tired and sleepy, and an idea kept hovering in the sky. Why didn't you do it?


I read and recovered two, noon and evening.