ying jie

Chapter 190 No matter how many dead men there are

Chapter 190 No matter how many dead people there are

"Is there nothing to say! You hurt my brother. What's your identity? What's my brother's identity? One of his hair is a hundred times more important than you. Come on! Pull him off the horse and hand over Yi Junwei's weapons. Ma Yixiang did not give Zhou Yisheng time to think, and his words were extremely mean. He directly ordered to confiscate Yi Junwei's weapons and forced him into a dead corner.

"Hmm! Try it." Zhou Yisheng's eyes were extremely contemptuous, as if he heard a big joke and said disdainfully.

With Ma Yixiang's words, the ghost soldiers came forward with a little hesitation to seize all kinds of weapons in the hands of Yi Junwei. However, the combination of Yi Junwei into a soaring Yangqi made them very uncomfortable. This is different from the gentleness of ordinary human beings, but with strong hostility and murderous spirit. Without the backing of many ghost soldiers behind them, I'm afraid that any ghost soldier will be burned to death in the face of this yang alone.

"Kill!" All of Yi Junwei inherited Zhou Yisheng's toughness. Seeing that these allies who had helped actually came up to hand over his gun, they scolded angrily. The detective gun stabbed out at the same time. The gun forest moved, and the scorching gas directly forced the ghost soldiers around them away, but did not stab it. They took it back in Sana, which was about to get in, all as if there was no action. , neat and consistent movements and substantial murderous oppression make the ghost soldiers dare not act rashly.

Zhou Yisheng's pupil quickly shrank and returned to normal. He didn't expect that the man really ordered his men to do it. He slapped his arms and attacked Ma Yixiang more than ten meters away like an eagle in the air, which was very fast.

The dead around Ma Yixiang saw this, although Zhou Yisheng's fierce momentum was about to turn into substance and catch his face like an eagle's claws. They were not sad or happy. The long gun in their hands stabbed Zhou Yisheng, as if it had been rehearsed in advance. The tip of the gun was full of chilling power, almost sealed everyone who rushed to Ma Yixiang in the air. A gap in the attack.

Zhou Yisheng changed to kick, kicking to the outermost row of gun tips, nail! Nail! Countless gun tips collided, and suddenly the dead people around him fell down. Zhou Yisheng kicked the outermost head, accelerated his speed, and rushed through the dense gun forest. He grabbed Ma Yixiang's neck, kicked the horse off his seat, kicked the horse down, and quickly returned with Ma Yixiang.

Because the distance was too close, the dead men changed their guns into fists and feet. The sound of fists breaking through the air was very eager. The sound of the wind was like rain hitting bananas, crackling. Zhou Yisheng held Ma Yixiang in one hand and just after the war. However, in the face of these fearless defenders, they did not show defeat. They kicked their feet repeatedly and shot like shooting. The sharp arrows kept circulating, and people fell down, but there were no dead people. Obviously, Zhou Yisheng didn't want to make the relationship between the two irreparable, but he was a little annoyed with these people. The concept instilled from the bottom not only made them fear death, but also made them very firm. If they hadn't completely lost their combat effectiveness, they would not Stop the attack.

"No matter how many people like you are, it's useless for me. If you want to catch someone, you can catch it if you want."

Zhou Yisheng stamped heavily on the ground and took his feet as a ripple, as if the calm lake surface had been thrown into a stone. The waves were shaken away by Zhou Yisheng and stepped forward. Zhou Yisheng returned to the back of the black prison fire horse, holding Ma Yixiang's neck with one hand and whispered: "Do you know what a million is? Take the * head in the army, and my patience is also limited. You have forced us to break up. At worst, I, Yi Junwei, is never afraid of threat and never afraid of shamelessness.

Ma Yixiang was pinched by Zhou Yisheng's neck and did not feel pain, but he could not speak, and his throat was so low that he made a sound.

The ghost soldiers looked at each other and didn't know what to do. Now the three commanders can't issue the number of commanders, but there are also low-level generals of the Ma family here. However, in the face of Zhou Yisheng's fierceness to capture people, they don't think that as long as they stand up and threaten him, they can make the ghost soldiers listen to the order and Zhou Yisheng will be released.

"Okay! It's my son of the Ma family. You helped us, but you are also angry. Let him go! I asked them to apologize to you." Ma Yixuan woke up at some point. One hand picked up Ma Yifei, who was covered in blood, and shook it gently. The disjoined bone joints were automatically connected by Zhou Yisheng. He also woke up and looked at the scene around him confusedly. His neck immediately turned red and almost roared wildly, "Kill him. Kill him, my life Let you kill him."

Zhou Yisheng turned a blind eye to Ma Yixiang's madness and looked straight at Ma Yiqi next to him. Although he had a good impression on Ma Yiqi, his heart was always a little foggy and made him choose to keep believing in him. Now such a situation has happened again. Zhou Yisheng has to be vigilant. As long as the strength in his hand has increased a little, as Ma Yi If there is any abnormality, Ma Yixiang will die immediately.

"You guys retreat!" Ma Yiqi waved his hand, and the ghost soldiers surrounding Yi Junwei quickly retreated. Suddenly, a large circle appeared in the center, surrounding the 200,000 ghost soldiers wrapped by Zhou Yisheng and Yi Junwei, but there was no danger of group fighting for the time being.

"Let them go! There are a lot of adults. You are no longer a child. Although I dare not do anything to do anything to you, you still have these former brothers. Don't you care about the Yi Junwei you founded? Ma Yiyan spoke very low to Zhou Yisheng and did not whisper because Zhou Yisheng threatened Ma Yixiang, as if an elder was painstakingly persuading the lost descendant.

"Uncle! He robbed my BMW and caught my brother. If it spreads, what is the face of my Ma family? If I don't teach him a lesson, everyone will ride on my Ma family in the future. It seems that Ma Yifei is deliberately forgetting Zhou Yisheng's life-saving kindness to him, and Yi Junwei helping the ghost soldiers win, and forgetting that he has not been recognized by the black prison fire horse at all.

"Sut up!" Ma Yijuan shook her head gently. If his child was not too strong and was still condensing, he would not let them intervene in the army.

"Is this how you treat the lifesaver..." Gui Mingyang has been watching coldly. He believes that Zhou Yisheng can deal with this situation, so he also tried his best to help suppress the restless mood of Yi Junwei. Now the ghost soldiers have retreated, and Yi Junwei has also calmed down and stood up first to question coldly.

"It turned out to be Mr. Lu! Xiaobao didn't come out to say hello when he saw Uncle Ma. Ma Yiyan knew Zhou Yisheng's background, and it was not strange that the princes gathered around him. He greeted them with a smile.

"Hmm! If I had a bad time, Uncle Ma would know my father's temper. Yu Xiaobao snorted angrily and hit the bright silver gun on the bluestone floor, spreading the dense spider silk.

Zhou Yisheng threw Ma Yixiang's neck. Ma Yixiang fell out and fell in front of Ma Yixuan. He fell a dog and ate shit. He was very embarrassed and immediately greeted everyone: "Let's go. I feel uncomfortable with these ungrateful people."

Zhou Yisheng rode on a high-headed horse and walked with Yi Junwei to the surrounded ghost soldiers. Can they go out?