ying jie

Chapter 224 Cai Sanniang's Trick

Chapter 224 Cai Sanniang's Trick

Boom! From slow to urgent, the Taiji disk was extremely fast at the last moment and pressed the storm to the ground heavily, like a slap to death by a fly. Ten miles was abruptly pressed down by a large circle. Ten miles away, the mud was squeezed out, and the fire meteor fell down. The chimpanzee only had time to scream and was beaten back to its original shape. It was pressed into the mud, and the mud was flattened and compacted.

With a powerful blow, Zhou Yisheng exhausted the Gangqi in the Dantian, and the huge Taiji slowly disappeared. Zhou Yisheng sat alone in the center and looked at the dying chimpanzee not far away. He looked extremely plain, as if the previous shocking blow had nothing to do with him.

click! An extremely bright lightning bombarded and exploded not far from Zhou Yisheng. This was a warning before the meal. It was just an appetizer. Zhou Yisheng stood up, and there was a momentary blank in his head. He was stunned for a moment and immediately woke up. It seemed that he had been overextricated.

"Why did I lose? I have long been a fairy. I was born with domineering power. I also have the field of soul control. All lower-level grievances can be used for me. Why do I lose!" At this time, the chimpanzee's power is exhausted, and the reason why he can still survive is completely with that resentment. I don't know the answer.

"Because I have good intentions, I control my power, not power." Zhou Yisheng is extremely weak, but in the face of the overwhelming black clouds, he is as straight as a mountain and high in spirit, and he wants to break through the list with enthusiasm.

The chimpanzee's big eyes stared, and the outturned nostrils kept gasping, and the divine light flashed in their eyes. Finally, they were so energetic that they actually sat upright and stood up. It was really ridiculous: "Since my wisdom, I have pursued the supreme power, and I have only known that the real power is around me until now. I am ashamed and ashamed. !" As the voice gradually lowered, the black fur gradually turned into yellow sand, constantly flowing, and slowly piled up a hill.

The Buddha light surged in Zhou Yisheng's body, like a golden Buddha statue. Those grievances lacked the constraints of chimpanzees. His expression became vivid, constantly holding his head and struggling. When the Buddha's light shone, the ferocious face became soothing and disappeared one after another. After Zhou Yisheng transformed these grievances, a strange one came into his heart. I feel that my heart is clear and quiet, as if there is something more.

Until now, the two people outside the field breathed a sigh of relief. In the short confrontation just now, it was really too dangerous. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yisheng had such a powerful trick. Looking at the chimpanzees turned into hills, the two did not sigh and sigh. In the vast time, how many peerless strong people can resist the invasion of time? To achieve immortality, perhaps this is the purpose pursued by monks! With heaven, it will be immortal.

General Du looked at Zhou Yisheng with some surprise and didn't understand what he was going to do. Now that the thunderstorm is coming, you have to recover quickly, but you have to face it upright. Aren't you looking for death? He is not because it has nothing to do with Zhou Yisheng, nor because he is afraid of death, but because of the thunderstorm. If he helps, it will only cause a heavier thunderstorm. Now he can only stand by: "What are you going to do? Why don't you sit down quickly and recover your anger? In the face of Tianwei, we can't come out at a critical time. Help me!"

Zhou Yisheng waved his hand. Facing the continuous interweaving thunder and lightning in the clouds, he felt extremely familiar and even had a sense of dreamy. He doubted whether he could reach Wuxian in such a short time. He had a dream that he was afraid of leaving memories after waking up. He really didn't dare to think about it. After this, will you look forward to power and go crazy? It seems that you don't worry about whether the thunderstorm in front of you can get through smoothly. Then there was a suspicion that why this thunderstorm always felt a little powerless! When he broke through Yangxian, how rampant he was, and he carried the thunder cloud alone. Now this thunder cloud is less than one-tenth of that day. Is it a pseudo-immortal that he entered? That joke got bigger.

He was not sure that there were too many strange facts that had happened recently. After closing his eyes and inhaling and thinking deeply, Zhou Yisheng opened his eyes. After opening them, it was like two rounds of rising sunrises, shining wisely. He stepped on the void and pressed his thighs hard. After confirming that he stepped on the real place, Zhou Yisheng stepped on again. In this way, he stepped on the stairs in the void step by step and went towards the thunder cloud in the sky.

"It's not good for you to pull out seedlings to help you. You'd better walk steadily before flying!" Zhou Yisheng was about to approach Lei Yun, and even saw a big thunder with the thickness of a bucket coming. Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded in his heart. The sound was like a high judge declaring the evil of the death penalty, which cannot be changed. At this moment, time stopped and space stopped, leaving only Zhou Yisheng's quiet in the virtual. Standing empty, a big hand stretched out from nowhere and grabbed the thunder cloud in his hand. This was not the fierce thunder cloud just now. It was no different from a mass of cotton. The big hand grabbed the thunder cloud and closed its palm. The thunder cloud disappeared, and the big hand shrank back.

Time flows, space rotates, Zhou Yisheng's eyes blink, looking at the clear sky at a loss, looking up and down, left and right, what happened, is it a dream, but why is that feeling more real than ever?

"Let's go." General Du seemed to understand something. He didn't wait for Zhou Yisheng to land, rode the black prison fire horse, pulled Zhou Yisheng, directly put him across the horse, drove him into a horse and ran away, as if he wanted to escape from this place and the big hand that controlled everything invisibly.

"What on earth did you find?" Zhou Yisheng was on the back of the black prison fire horse and only felt that it was difficult to breathe. However, seeing that General Du was so nervous, he must have encountered something extremely afraid and did not dare to make trouble. He could only endure the bumpy uncomfortable question.

"You haven't recovered yet. Let's talk about these things after you recover from your injury." General Du casually found a clumsy excuse and passed it perfunctory. Obviously, he didn't want to talk more.

"You also know that I am injured and have not recovered yet! How dare you do this to me." Zhou Yisheng protested with dissatisfaction, but the black prison fire horse did run very fast. The sound of the wind drowned out his low protest and rushed south on the dust.

In the colorful smoke, the war of the three entered the incandescent stage. The huge fluctuation at the mountain gate suddenly made the two brothers notice it, and their hearts thumped and secretly shouted bad.

"What are you doing yet?" Cai Sanniang suddenly shouted to the two of them.

With short hands and long necks, the flat-nosed brother looked at his brother warily, but his brother had an innocent expression, hum! The alienation plan is too naive, but why did the crocodile turtle pool have problems, but he was immediately wary of his brother, but he always felt uneasy, as if he had missed something most important.

The ribbon fluttered, which was beautiful, but also very poisonous. When Cai Sanniang saw the success of the two people, she knew that the opportunity had come. The colorful smoke around her body stretched out like countless tentacles, almost surrounding all the exits of the two.

"Hmm! The eagle worm's tricks also dare to make a fool of themselves. The short-handed and long-necked brother with a flat-fronted eagle-nosed sneered and was about to use a unique move and drifted away. However, the most incredible thing happened. His vigilant and relaxed brother actually gave him a fatal blow behind his back, and the ribbons wrapped around the long-handed brother were all folded and wrapped around him.

Puff! The short-handed brother spewed out a mouthful of blood and hit the power into his body from his back, almost completely destroying the vitality in his body. Xian was just a person transformed by thunder. He had a better life expectancy than people, but he would also die. His eyes were dim. The countless flying ribbons stained his body, and his flesh and blood suddenly fell to the ground and turned into a mass. The purulent eyes began to be blurred, as if they had seen the end of his brother's bleak death, just! Help him for the last time before he dies!

In the intact head, a moment of bright and round beads flew out, instantly smoothing and dispelling the ribbon: "Brother, go, I'll block him." As soon as he finished speaking, the intact head turned into the long head of a big crocodile, and the monster turned out to be a crocodile fairy.

The long-handed younger brother was at a loss, and his heart flashed with disbelief, but his brother's thunderbolt words were still echoing in his ears, and his eyes were dull. He didn't know if he had done it right, but when he saw Cai Sanniang's smiling and beautiful face, the guilt in his heart completely disappeared and his heart became hard.

"You should remember what you promised me."

Cai Sanniang played with the green beads in her hand. The light flowing in it was so beautiful and attractive that she couldn't leave her eyes. She was reminded by the long hand and immediately woke up and stuck to the ugly man with a charming smile. A pair of jade hands gently stroked his chest, and her voice was so delicate and greasy: "Oh! You really hate it. In the future, the whole slave family will be you. Give the slave family one of your things, okay?

"What?" This ugly man with long hands and short necks was fascinated by Cai Sanniang's words and couldn't extricate himself and asked in a daze.

"Your heart!" Cai Sanniang's hand drawing circles on his chest suddenly exerted her strength. The place where many circles were drawn suddenly sank down, and a red beating heart clenched in Cai Sanniang's hand.

Ah! The man suddenly looked up to the sky and fell down: "How do you know that I hide the demon elixir in my heart?"

"That's not what your good brother said." Cai Sanniang threw a wink at him, made a mischievous posture, and exerted strength in her hand, bang! With a slight explosion, the man completely closed his eyes. In the bloody palm, a green bead rolled smoothly. The image of one of the green turtles was vivid and more restrained than the other giant crocodile.