ying jie

Chapter 234 The momentum of all martial arts is like a broken bamboo 7

Chapter 234 The momentum of the whole martial arts is like a broken bamboo (7)

Ah! There were exclamation in the city. This big dragon was really too powerful. If Zhou Yisheng used this to encircle and suppress them that day, no matter how many ghost soldiers there were, it would be useless, and the luck in his heart was completely annihilated today.

Several ghosts will strike the iron while it is hot. Zhou Dachui raised the hammer in his hand and shouted passionately, "For the dead brother, rush into the city!"

buzz! The six battalions of the direct line rushed forward. The average cultivation of more than 5,000 ghost soldiers was on the mysterious list, almost all of which were filled with living souls. More than 5,000 masters moved together. The neat and uniform pace seemed to destroy the whole city wall. Some veterans in the city could only hide in a corner and tremble. I'm afraid that such a strong force is only Qin Guang. One of Wang's reincarnation troops of the Guards can resist.

With the movement of the six battalions of the direct line, the ghost soldiers behind him seemed to be stabbed by the bee's beehive. The ghost soldiers under the city quickly rushed to the head of the city. The high fighting spirit almost completely suppressed the momentum of the city. Even the big stones, cutter and boiling oil thrown down felt a little weak, but just left these things away. The city was finished, and the bows and arrows all over the sky were more like a light rain.

Bum! With a loud noise, the dragon hit the city more violently. Zhou Yisheng's fist hammered on the sword body. The seemingly soft and weak sword was bent. The powerful force did not break the cold, but quickly retreated a few steps, leaving a row of deep to shallow footprints on the hard marble.

Standing in the cold, the seemingly thin body suddenly swelled, bursting through the clothes outside, revealing a strong muscle. Under the bronze skin, the blood vessels squirmed, like small snakes, full of violent power. You Han put out his sword again, his body is more flexible, and his sword moves are more ethereal, which is completely inconsistent with his current strong body.

"Let's have a look! This is your soldier." Zhou Yisheng took a step to the left, just dodged the stabbed sword, and couldn't help being sarcastic.

Do you think I will be angry? No matter how high your soldiers' morale is, can they be higher than this wall? Do you think King Qin Guang will leave an empty shell for others to copy the back road? How great can you make such a childish mistake? Obviously, the psychological quality of Youhan has been so strong that it is heinous that he just glanced at the city, and the expression on his face has not changed at all. The sword attack in his hand is still sharp and dexterous, and he can still take time to return his mouth.

"A person forgets childishness because he is strong." Zhou Yisheng slapped the smooth sword, gently clasped the long sword like a mirror, and poked hard, making a sonorous sound.

"Look at the boxing!" Youhan's right hand came out the sword, but his left hand suddenly punched. The thick fist of the bowl almost blinked and approached Zhou Yisheng's head. At this time, Zhou Yisheng knew why the previous sword was so dexterous. It turned out that he deliberately confused himself. His real killing move was here.

click! Click! Zhou Yisheng's body sounded like thunder, and the sound was from light to heavy. Finally, it seemed that there was a thunder on the flat ground. Although it was very long, it was completed in the blink of an eye. Zhou Yisheng's body also swelled, breaking through the armor used for decoration outside. His muscles were full of his body and his head was hard. After a blow, a pair of hammer-like fists bombarded under the cold ribs, which was completely a way of playing both sides.

Zhou Yisheng fell straight to the ground, and his waist on both sides of the cold was seriously injured. The powerful force took him to fly back and rolled on the ground a few times before stabilizing his body. His ribs were broken and stabbed into his body, but the pain in his waist made him unable to stand up and lie on the ground. His eyes were confused, he kept coughing, and a trace of blood rolled down from the corners of his mouth. Suddenly, he laughed happily and roared hoarsely, "Zhou Yisheng, you coward, can you still stand up? She will never belong to you. What identity are you, a poor man, hahaha! Hahaha!"

The sound was very far away, and he seemed to fall into an endless space. He couldn't see the end. He was at a loss. Gradually, he found that his ears were very noisy. He listened hard and getting closer and closer. Zhou Yisheng suddenly stood up and shook his drowsy head. All the scenes came back and looked at the cold spitting blood not far away. There was a burst of pleasure in my heart.

The pace approached him with a swaying pace, kicked away the long sword in his hand, picked him up from the ground, and roared, "You are the major general of the Tiger Army. Why did you rob her with me? Where did you take her?"

"Hehe! Hurry up and go wild! King Qin Guang will be back soon. She doesn't love you anymore, and she's gone. Disappointed! Why are you not disappointed? Do you know why I'm here? You don't have time. You can't guess. With a cold smile on his face, there is no consciousness as a prisoner.

"Hmm!" Zhou Yisheng snorted angrily and let him go. He also knew in his heart that as long as he broke through the Qin Guang Hall, perhaps the King of Qin Guang could have a righteous excuse to take action. Just now, he was overwhelmed by anger. Now when he reminded him, he found that things seemed to have become complicated again. Is the world also mixed with the matter of hell and took a look at whether he was going to die? Suddenly, there was a sense of powerlessness. It seemed that I still looked too high on myself.

"I didn't expect you to be so useless. If you want to come and chase, come! But I hope we can have a real decisive battle in the world. After saying that, Zhou Yisheng kicked the ear wall, jumped on the dragon's head, pointed down and rushed straight down.

As soon as it landed, the huge dragon-shaped shadow retracted and turned into a shadow following Zhou Yisheng: "Receed the army! Let's go there."

"Ah! That's how the army is collected!" Yu Xiaobao ran back and suddenly heard what Zhou Yisheng said. He thought he had heard it wrong! I couldn't help confirming.

"I have to say it several times to stop the army." Zhou Yisheng waved his hand impatiently and walked towards the isolated black prison fire horse. This is the dragon species, which is from the war demon. Shenjun is unusual and arrogant. As long as it goes, it will certainly not allow other war horses to stand side by side with it, so Zhou Yisheng usually does not ride him, but just rides an ordinary war horse. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yisheng was upset now and unconsciously walked to it. It seemed that it also felt that it did not fight as usual and was surrendered before riding, but lowered its head to Zhou Yisheng's outstretched arm.

Zhou Yisheng rubbed the head of the black prison fire horse. The soft touch was very comfortable, with a trace of heat. Zhou Yisheng put his face on its face and gently rubbed it: "Do you understand my troubles?"

A purple flame suddenly rose from the four hoofs of the black prison fire horse, digging hard, raising his head, hissing angrily, and running.

"I know you understand. Let's go! Let them come after us." Zhou Yisheng turned over and sat on the horseback and let go of his hands. The black prison fire horse ran quickly with him. The purple fire on the four hooves almost wrapped its whole body. Zhou Yisheng and it merged into one at this moment.

"Oh! Why did you return it?" Heads poked out from the city wall and looked at the ghost soldiers who retreated quickly. He was puzzled. The previous moment, the siege of the city was as fierce as a flood. Unexpectedly, it retreated like a flood at this moment. In an instant, it disappeared cleanly. There was nothing left in the city, but the bows and arrows that were shot down were also taken away.

"Haha! These coward men are scared by the prince's prestige!"

"Hmm! These low-class ghosts will never understand our happiness.

Among the soldiers marching quickly, they heard the scolding and riots on the top of the city. They really didn't understand why they suddenly issued the order to retreat when they could attack the city. However, no one dared to question Zhou Yisheng's prestige among the soldiers for the time being. Even if it was about to **, they would not Don't force yourself to go back. That feeling is understood by men.

"These dogs are too cheap. Do you want us to scold them back?" Several commanders were the best to walk. Standing not far from the city wall and looking at the remnants who stretched out their heads to celebrate the rest of their lives after the disaster, Zhou Yi had a fire in his heart and pulled Yu Xiaobao to discuss.

"Hmm! If you are bitten by a dog, do you still have to bite back! It must have been killed by this dog!" Yu Xiaobao took the bow and arrow next to him, picked up three feather arrows from the ground, pulled a full bow, gently released his hand, and flashed with a buzzing sound. The three arrows were extremely fast and jumping! Three soft sounds passed by, and a ghost on the top of the city was so happy that he was nailed to the tower by three feathers and arrows.

"Good!" Zhou Yi patted Yu Xiaobao on the shoulder happily.

Yu Xiaobao turned his head with some embarrassment. Originally, the three arrows wanted to shoot three ghosts, all of which were nailed to one ghost. After practicing archery for more than ten years, he said with a little embarrassment, "Look at you."

Yu Xiaobao's scolding was slightly smaller, but then the scolding was louder, which was like thundering. For a moment, all kinds of garbage were flying everywhere and thrown far away to the place where these commanders stood. Zhou Yi picked up a long arrow, weighed the weight, tied five arrows together, weighed them together again, and nodded. The harsh roar makes people's scalp tingle, and such moves are more frightening.

Wo! The scalp-tingling sound disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the two ghosts lined up were directly penetrated by powerful forces and nailed to the tower behind them.

"Good!" Several leaders who had left turned back, looked at the two ghosts nailed to the city, and praised happily.

squeak! Squeak! I don't know what material the heavy city gate is made of, so it slowly pushed it open and roared! Boom! Like the giant's footsteps, the whole earth was trembling, shaking more than when the six battalion of the direct line attacked before, indicating the horror of this team.

"Go! King Qin Guang's guard came out. Yu Xiaobao's face turned blue. He followed his father to see this team when he was a child and knew their terribleness. The murderous spirit of pushing mountains and rivers in the sky still remains in the depths of his heart until now.