ying jie

Chapter 352 Storm 4

Chapter 352 Storm (IV)

"Zhongtian, what exactly do you want?" The Northern Emperor looked at the white dragon wandering in the sky and shouted from afar.

"Hmm! Don't you know what I want? Why do you ask me?" It seems that Zhongtian Emperor just wants to trap these people, just swimming in the sky, but he can guess that there must be something wrong with them.

"He is procrastinating." Dongtian Emperor made it clear, but everyone didn't know what he was doing. Could it be that the army outside began to attack, but what he could do for a large number of troops in a little time was just to let the heavenly generals march tens of thousands of miles.

"Hua, what do you think!" The three emperors looked at Ji Lengfeng. For the superpowers in other worlds, they did not mean to be with them. Indeed, these people were still short of weight. And behind this Mr. Hua not only had strong strength, but also may even be connected with Hua Jun, occupying a large area of land in the world and taking her He is regarded as the master of the world.

"I don't know." Ji Lengfeng turned her head and looked at the three coldly, without giving them a good look.

"Oh! Come and see how these things can be on this ground. Suddenly, a scream sounded, attracting everyone's attention and looking at the man one after another, but it turned out that the man had dug the land open and carved some strange lines on the slates on the ground.

"Let me see what these striped roads mean!" Everyone gathered around and looked at the clear and strange scratches under the soil, and suddenly there was a sense of uneasiness in everyone's hearts.

"Look, there is red blood coming out." A dark red blood color in the scratched groove gradually filled the groove, which was strange but also exuded a breath of death.

"Go away!" Ji Lengfeng glanced at the groove and couldn't help but change her face, as if she had seen something extremely vicious.

The other three masters also glanced curiously, and couldn't help but change their faces. Almost at the same time, they exclaimed: "Evil Purgatory."

"He's crazy. He's really crazy." The Lord of the Three Worlds is so gaffe that you can imagine how powerfully shocked this array has given them, and he keeps whispering.

"Prince Hua, find a way quickly. This person is crazy. Now the world of Zhongtian and the King of Equality coincides, and it is no longer enough to shuttle through the space. Now this madman has set up such a vicious array. Even if we don't die, we will be hit hard!" The three world masters no longer have the demeanor of the past. There is no atmosphere of the world masters, but they are like little people who are greedy for life and fear of death.

"Hmm! What can I do? Fortunately, I sent Zhou Yisheng away, otherwise this big array is even more frightening. Please ask for more blessings!" Mr. Hua sneered. She didn't expect that the emperor would dare to do such an extreme thing. Even if he really dominates the six worlds, he would not become a puppet.

Seeing that the four top strong men were so palpitated, those people immediately thought of how powerful the deterrent power of this battle was, and their faces were pale. They didn't know what to do, whether they were extinguished, or whether they were reduced to a demon in the evil ghost purgatory and suffered thousands of times, and they would never be born.

"Master! What should I do?" Liu Qiaoyi looked at the blood tank, and the black sticky blood made people palpitate. He immediately jumped up and pulled her master and asked pitifully.

After seeing the ever-changing ghost's hand, his face was just ugly. His hand trembled slightly and looked firmly at the flowing blood tank. Some people wanted to go forward to destroy the groove, but after the destruction, the blood still flowed according to the original trajectory. Some people wanted to touch the strange black blood, but the blood Climbing up along his arm, he couldn't shake it off no matter how hard he tried. In an instant, black blood covered the man's whole body. The man fell to the ground with a scream, and the black blood flowed back into the groove.

"What's wrong with him?" Some people carefully turned over the strong man and immediately exclaimed. They only saw a few short breaths. The man had turned into a mummified corpse. Suddenly, the mummified corpse's eyes opened and grabbed the man who looked at him with a paw. His face was extremely fierce.

"Ah! Help!" This man was also a strong man on the list, but his neck was scratched by the mummified corpse, but there was no room for resistance. In an instant, a black blood left from the body of the strong man on the list flowed to the blood tank, which was another mummified corpse.

"Ah!" Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help retreating, such a strange scene.

"Death!" Ji Lengfeng didn't seem to be able to see it. She shouted softly and suddenly pressed down with a big palm and beat the two mummies into flying ash. Then everyone was relieved.

Before I had time to be lucky, two souls suddenly floated out of the pile of black ashes. They looked no different from after becoming a mummified corpse. Looking at such a dense crowd, they immediately rushed to the crowd.

"Sure enough." Several people looked at each other solemnly, and then they knew how evil the evil purgatory was.

The two evil souls quickly chased the crowd, as if spreading like a virus. A pool of black blood flowed to the blood tank. The heavenly court, which was transferred in by the Emperor of Heaven and the King of Equality, completely collapsed at this time, and the previous grandeur and bareness could not be seen, but A clearer pattern is revealed. If you look down from the sky, you can see an extremely evil ghost face. After seeing it, this ghost face will definitely be deeply engraved in the heart of every witness, which cannot be erased and becomes a permanent nightmare.

"Ah! It's better to be lost in the turbulence of time and space. Seeing that the people around them turned into mummified corpses that only knew how to kill, everyone was terrified. Although they could not open a stable space channel, the space-time turbulence could still be opened. There was at least one percent chance to go back. They took a look at the chaotic space and no longer dared to stay and rush into the turbulence of time and space. Medium.

In the space channel that had not been closed, suddenly there was an old shout. Obviously, the man was killed by time in the turbulence of time and space.

The increasingly bloody smell in the whole space made some ordinary people faint directly. The white dragon in the sky finally revealed its head and looked at the many super strong people from all walks of life below: "If you submit to me, you can live forever."

"You think about it." There is no way out. These super strong people from all walks of life can have today's cultivation. They are by no means the kind of people who are easily servile. They will never submit to the emperor who trapped them with such a vicious array.

"Then go to hell!" The huge dragon body rushed down, and thousands of strong men on the field raised their weapons to fight.

Boom! A pool of blood mud splashed, fell on the blood tank, and immediately made a scream. The souls were infected and turned into an extremely evil mummified corpse and joined the army of killing.

"Hua, take action! If he continues to kill like this, this battle will become more and more powerful, and I'm afraid he will be finished!" Some unknown strong men from the world, looking at the frowning Prince Ji Lengfeng, couldn't help opening their mouths one by one. Although they had an unyielding will, they still didn't want to let them die here for no reason.

"Three emperors, we will respect you as the lord of the fairyland in the future. Hurry up and take action! My brothers are all dead. You must avenge me!" An unknown strong man in the fairyland originally intended to beg the three masters of the world, but looking at their appearance, he immediately swallowed the words, took a look at the mummified corpse that had become known as killing and assimilation, and immediately picked up the sword in his head and resolutely met the soul that rushed.

This invisible soul is difficult to attack their key points. On the contrary, their unbridled killing and assimilation, turning these once strong men into mummies one by one.

"Why is it such a big deal, but there was no sound before? Has the sky been blocked by someone?" Ji Lengfeng frowned and thought about why there was such a catastrophe. She actually had no warning in advance. Now she has reached the realm of controlling the laws of heaven and earth and can feel misfortunes and blessings. Now in the face of such an unprecedented catastrophe, she has become a complete blind man.

The three masters nodded with the same feeling, and they suddenly thought of a person: "Is it because of Zhou Yisheng that there was an accident?"

"I always feel weird." Ji Lengfeng turned his head to look at the killing Zhongtian Emperor and shook his head slightly: "Oke, if we let him kill again, we can't see anything we need. Let's stop it!"

As soon as Ji Lengfeng finished speaking, she took action first, and a loud and loud phoenix resounded through the whole space, like lighting a bright light to the confused people in the night. The panic paused mood a little, and suddenly a huge group of immortals appeared. What this picture contains is the real immortals, which is her cultivation. For now that it has expanded to such a grand realm, I only feel that the extremely evil breath was suppressed in an instant, and a bronze bell was thrown out.

A loud bang hit the huge white dragon, like a morning bell ringing in the mountains and sky. The huge breath made everyone couldn't help but want to kneel down and bow one after another.

The three world masters were also unwilling to take action one after another. They saw three giant dragons soar to the sky. Although they were not as pure as the white dragon blood of the emperor, they were also extremely powerful. The real dragons had eight changes. Although they had flesh and blood and mastered the law, they could not control the law.

The four dragons entangled, coupled with the immortal He Shoutu of Mr. Hua's son Ji Lengfeng's group of immortals to suppress this evil array, suddenly those mummified corpses did not go rampant, and the evil souls were even more like frosty eggplants.

"We will also help you." These super strong people from all walks of life sat in space one after another and began to congratulate them devoutly. Suddenly, the immortals celebrated their birthday more brightly, and some mummified corpses screamed. And those souls who became weaker cultivation directly became clear-looking and their eyes were sharp. In an instant, they smiled relieved smile and integrated into In the picture of the immortals celebrating their birthday.

"Do you think this can suppress this, the devil purgatory? It's so delusional..."