ying jie

Chapter 354 Time and Space turbulence

Chapter 354 Time and Space turbulence

Some people are still hesitating. After all, the space-time turbulence is not over. The space-time turbulence is the intersection of several time and space to form branches, just like a road connecting their respective destinations. Of course, space-time turbulence is the most basic and common road, and it is also the only one that exists in all kinds of spaces. This independent space It is the intersection of the equal king and the emperor in all their respective fields. The natural secret room is in time and space, and it is not feasible to open the doors of those ordinary space, so the only way out now is the empty turbulence at this time, and the channel will appear everywhere. They all know that if luck is really against the sky, they may enter the turbulence of time and space, but the parallel space will immediately find their original time and space, and may easily return to any place in the six worlds, but it's just luck. But no one can say it. If you encounter that kind of time turbulence, that is, time falls like a waterfall. As soon as you enter, your life will flow away and die in an instant. Such a situation also exists.

"Ah! Ah!" Although everyone has gathered together, I don't know how many super strong people have died. Looking at those fierce and fearless ghosts, they can only be helpless. Two fists are difficult to beat four hands. How many can you kill? Sooner or later, this evil ghost purgatory can also exhaust you to death.

"Okay, come on, you can only live here for a few more days. If you go through the turbulence of time and space, there will always be a way to live."

"Yes, fight, follow a few world masters, and you will always live."

"Master, is the space-time turbulence really so dangerous?" Liu Qiaoyi asked in a low voice. Looking at the angry appearance of the super strong people around him, he seemed to be determined to break through the turbulence of time and space. Such a dangerous thing really made Liu Qiaoyi extremely confused.

"Yes! There are several people in the world who can say that they can resist the sharp blade of time. The ever-changing ghost sighed that if anyone mastered the time, maybe he could really jump out of the six worlds! Unfortunately, from ancient times to the present, even in the legend, Liu Qiaoyi saw his master distracted and pulled his sleeve. The ever-changing ghost hand came back from his reverie and said, "The turbulence of time and space is like an ordinary person facing the overwhelming arrow rain. It only depends on your own tone and whether you can find a way to live before the arrow rain comes. If you really can't find it, only some inferior and rotten wooden arrows that may shoot you after being added will break, and they won't hurt you at all. These are not the most critical. The most important thing is that the wooden arrow is endless, and it depends on your tone.

"Ah! There is such a naughty thing!" Liu Qiaoyi touched his head and said.

"Yes! This is the vast and endless road, endless. Wan Chang's hand sighed. In the face of the unknown turbulence of time and space, even with his fierce cultivation, he could not guarantee that he could protect Liu Qiaoyi. He took a look at the slightly sad flower and wood heart. He only hoped that the old poison would consider these! Don't be okay, my precious apprentice! Otherwise, you have to go to the old poison and fight hard, and then said to Liu Qiaoyi with some sadness, "Qiaoer! If you encounter acceleration time, you only have the cultivation of the ground list. I'm afraid you won't have a long life. It's just that the master may not be able to protect you. At that time, you can only gamble and tear open another channel. If you are lucky, you can go back through this channel. If you are unlucky, you can only be swallowed up by this channel and completely lost.

"Ah! It won't be so cruel!" Liu Qiaoyi was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he just came to this fairyland for a moment of curiosity. He didn't expect to put his life in! Thinking about Zhou Yisheng again, his eyes immediately lit up: "Master, isn't Brother Zhou all right?"

"He, maybe the lives of everyone here are not as expensive as that of that person!" Wan changed the ghost hand and said a sentence to himself.

"Real?" Liu Qiaoyi's eyes lit up, but then he was glangued. He took her master's sleeve and asked, "Master, before I die, tell me what you know!"

"He is not like you, you are pitiful. I found him by the roadside. He has a father and a mother, and his parents are the top strong men. Although he still doesn't know who his mother is, and he has no maternal love. His real most precious thing is the fate he has. Yours is far from it. He is a real planet, so he has become the most critical pawn. The ever-changing ghost thought about the fate of the disaster star, and I don't know whether it was his father who had the same fate for him, or was born like this, strange and strange!

"What's wrong with the disaster star!" Liu Qiaoyi is ready to break the casserole and ask to the end.

"The disaster star is the disaster he brought that even God will destroy him, do you understand?"

"I see, then..."

"Stop talking, these four masters are ready to take the lead. We'd better follow them closely. These four people can barely withstand the time storm together." Wan changed the ghost hand and won't let this curious baby ask again. It's really like a life-and-death separation, and there are still so many words.

"Nantian, are you sure?" The three masters are still very careful. Although Ji Lengfeng proposed, they still have to discuss it. After all, their son is also by their side.

"What else can we lose? Although I don't have such a strong strength to wait here for hundreds of years, but after going out! Nothing, bet! There is still a glimmer of hope for a complete reversal. The Northern Emperor was decisive. Looking at the hesitant Dongtian Emperor and the careful appearance of the Southern Emperor, he couldn't help it. Now the Lord of the three world has become a difficult brother, and he must unite to overcome the difficulties!

"Okay, I'll bet."

"Since there is no way out, let's bet!" At this moment, after the three masters really decided, they showed their momentum, which is the demeanor of the real top strong. Once decided, they will never procrastinate and resolutely move forward regardless of right or wrong.

"Let's go!" The four stood at the front. At this moment, the four people were powerful and had no reservations at all. After all, they went to break through the turbulence of time and space, and even the evil momentum was completely suppressed by the four of them, and countless mummified souls did not dare to attack them.

With a roar, the void collapsed quickly, like a wall, a transparent wall, and countless transparent fragments shattered one after another. In the void, there was a colorful tunnel. Countless mummified corpses rushed into it. In an instant, the action became extremely fast, fast but old, and these mummified corpses gradually moved. He blinked again and turned into rotten flying ashes.

"Ah! I won't go in. This is accelerating time and space, and I will die of old age. When these people really face the accelerated time and space, they feel so terrible. Looking at the tunnel in a space, it's just a blink of an eye. They were even rotten by time as soon as they fell in. How can they not be scared when they see such a scene?

"Hmm! It's up to you at this time." The four masters became extremely strong and said with big hands. Suddenly, all the creatures in this space followed them into the turbulence of time and space, but those mummified ghosts did not chase after them. They just roared at the entrance of the tunnel. Gradually closed the void and could no longer see anything, leaving only a huge number of mummified corpses and evil spirits, struggling to roar. Gradually, these evil spirits seemed to be hungry and began to kill each other. This is the evil of this array. The real purgatory. The evil spirit will not decrease because of the lack of killing, but will accumulate thicker and thicker, eventually leaving the most vicious evil spirits and become the most vicious demon.

There is a lack of living creatures. At this time, the time is still short, and these evil spirits have not yet killed each other fiercely. Suddenly, the quiet void cracked a gap, and a figure rolled out. It was Zhou Yisheng who was sent away by Ji Lengfeng.

At this time, he was not stained with blood, just his eyes were closed and his eyebrows frowned from time to time. Looking at his ruddy face, it was obvious that the dark wounds in his body had been cured, but somehow he was still in a coma.

A group of evil spirits seemed to find Zhou Yisheng lying quietly on the array and rushed to him happily one by one. Zhou Yisheng's closed eyes seemed to feel the coming of the crisis and suddenly opened them. His eyes were full of light, but they were confused: "Where is this?"

"Ah! What an ugly ghost!" As soon as Zhou Yisheng saw it, his whole body quickly rolled a few times, dodged the claws, looked at the group of stunned mummified corpses, and began to move here strangely.

"What is this place?" Zhou Yisheng was at a loss. He only felt that the power in his body was imprisoned, only the cultivation at the top of the list. He was suddenly shocked. Did the dragon transformed into the emperor just now invalidate him, but he was still alive!

"Damn! You are so ugly, don't come here!" Zhou Yisheng snorted angrily and looked at the evil spirits rushing in like dense bees. Zhou Yisheng's scalp was numb, and the stench almost made him spit out all the food he rubbed yesterday: "I doubt whether the Zhongtian Emperor is so stingy. Did he deliberately spit out the cheap food?"

A slap opened an evil spirit, but Zhou Yisheng found that his hand passed by, and the evil spirit directly grabbed his neck and almost made him turn his back.

"Ah! This is not a dream!" Zhou Yisheng felt that he was about to be careful, and his body was as uncomfortable as ten thousand ants devouring his body. This was like waking up from a dream. This is not his dream! However, more and more evil spirits rushed to him, and he could not manipulate and use the power of heaven. He could only let the evil spirits pinch him. Not only did the itching of his whole body make him miserable, but he rolled his eyes and was about to faint.

"Ah!" Zhou Yisheng roared like a wild lion, and a roar contained the power of the truth of the two families, but by chance, the evil spirits suddenly screamed and retreated.

"Huh! Unexpectedly, it was withdrawn. However, before Zhou Yisheng was excited, those mummified bodies and evil spirits came up again. For these, he could only beat you, but you couldn't beat his evil spirits. Zhou Yisheng ran away. Can't I hide if he can't afford to provoke him? Looking at the dry corpses blocking the way, looking at the dry expression on their faces, smelling the disgusting smell, Zhou Yisheng also wanted to escape, but later there were evil spirits, and there were mummified corpses in front of him, so he could only bet. Who told him that he could not control the power of heaven now.

"Go to hell!" He stamped his feet and raised his crotch. With the power of the earth, he punched out a cannonball. Although it lacked the previous momentum, the roar of this punch was vast, urgent and fierce. First, a mummified corpse was blown up and split in half in the air. Zhou Yisheng was like a tiger into the sheep. These stiff and slow corpses could not hurt him at all, even if Some of these mummified corpses are strong men on the sky list, but in front of this extremely flexible list, they have completely lost a trace of fighting power.

"Hmm! That's all." Zhou Yisheng felt that killing these mummified corpses was simply killing chickens with a cow knife. The more he killed, the more excited he became. He felt that the force would penetrate the whole body and become smoother and smoother. However, he did not notice that this was not killing, but completely relieved, releasing some evil spirits imprisoned in the dry corpse.