ying jie

Chapter 357 The Rise and Fall of Demons

Chapter 357 The Rise and Fall of Demons (middle)

The Fox Emperor suddenly stopped and stood in the center of the city. This used to be the most prosperous area in Yangzhou. Now, except for the strong demons, he can't see many people. There are all kinds of garbage on the messy streets, and there is also a stall of blood that has not yet dried up. Occasionally, you can see the remnants in the corner of the street. With broken arms, some houses collapsed and five people repaired. They couldn't even see one person. The Fox Emperor frowned slightly, and his little face showed a contemplative look. The strong demons didn't know what she was thinking and looked at her tremblingly.

"Why are the streets so messy that you can't see a human race?" The Fox Emperor turned around and asked.

"Ah!" These demons screamed. They didn't expect the Fox Emperor to ask this question, and they immediately hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"Ty!" With the fox emperor shouted angrily, the loyal guards who followed her had a penetrating light in their eyes one by one, and the weapons in their hands were illuminated. As long as the fox emperor gave an order, they could be completely arrested and interrogated. The fox emperor's eyes were suddenly fierce and forced these demon strong men. The huge momentum on her body made her a dormant barbarian beast in the eyes of these strong people. As long as she dared to disobey her will, she would be swallowed up immediately.

"Because the little demons of our demon clan don't repair houses by themselves at all, and it's troublesome to clean up the garbage, so it's like this..." These strong people don't understand why the Fox Emperor suddenly becomes so tough and unreasonable (who cares about the human race).

"And these people in this city!"

"Those lowly people were driven out of the city by us. If we don't kill them all, it's their luck. Our pity, and they still want to live with us..." When the strong men saw the Fox Emperor asking again, they dared not hide it and said honestly.

The fox emperor was silent, and everything he saw seemed to be getting closer and closer to the answer in his heart, but it was getting heavier and heavier. Suddenly, he turned his head and stared at these kneeling demon strong men, and his tone was extremely harsh: "Take all these people down, beat them back to the circle, and send them to the water prison to watch."

"Fox Emperor, we are wronged!"

"Hux Emperor spared his life! We know it's wrong, and we don't dare anymore. The loyal guards of the tiger clan rushed up one by one, and the green knife in their hands turned their backs to these demon strong men and beat them up. Let's fight you into pig warriors first.

This large group of strong demons are all those who manage the demon clan. There are strong people from all races, and they are also the kind of high-ranking role in daily life. Now that the Fox Emperor is real, the trace of luck is completely put aside, and when they see them coming fiercely, they seem to eat people, and suddenly they don't care about anything. , stood up fiercely, and there was no respect for him.

"Why, you still want to rebel?" The Fox Emperor said coldly.

"Hmm! We don't want to rebel, but you always have to give us a reason. What mistakes have we made? You should treat us like this! Is this the so-called cunning rabbit and running dog cooking? What's more, you haven't hunted the cunning rabbit at all. The strong people are very unconvinced. They can't wait to eat the Fox Emperor. You come back and don't know anything. You dare to treat us like this. They have their own support. If they lack their whole demon army and no manager, they will completely collapse. Even the tiger king who went south, the Fox Emperor will fight against it. No. After that trace of respect and soldiers met, the true colors of this group of strong people were completely exposed.

"Well, I tell you why I arrested you. The Tiger King went south. Didn't you interfere in it? Who released the news of my disappearance? This is just one of the sins, that is, disloyalty. We demons want to take root in the world. You are like a robber, not only robbing other people's things, but also driving out these masters, and you don't have the ability to replace the masters to survive in this room. You are stupid and can only harm our demons. Do you think I can forgive you? The Fox Emperor was also completely angry. Do you really think that without Zhang Butcher, he can only eat pigs with hair?

Seeing that the fox emperor became so strong, these people were a little at a loss. They thought that their means of spreading the news were very secret and would not be noticed, but they didn't expect that the fox emperor had known it long ago. One by one, their faces are like earth, but when they think of the Tiger King going south, the Fox Emperor must rely on them to compete with the Tiger King. Suddenly, their hearts are bright, yes! After all, you still have to rely on them, but this is just a means. So what if we continue to submit to you?

A group of strong people thought they were smart to guess the fox emperor's thoughts and became extremely honest. As long as they were soft, they believed that no matter how big a mistake they had done, they could expose it. So now it's time to consider how to be soft, so that the Fox Emperor can use them more and can't do without them.

When the Fox Emperor saw them standing with their chests straight, their eyes turning around, knowing what these people were thinking, he was angry and waved his hand, "Turn these people back to their original form and press them into the water cell to take good care of them."

"Go! What are you still doing?" Seeing that the fox emperor's tone had no room for change, a group of guards stepped forward. This time, they did not keep any hand and dealt a heavy blow one after another. These guards were different from these masters of all ethnic groups. Although their cultivation was much worse, they had the victory in their actions and loyalty, beating a large group of strong men.

"We begged for mercy. We knew we were wrong. Fox Emperor, please forgive us!"

The Fox Emperor no longer looked at them and left with a blank face. The strong men of the demon clan were completely dumbfounded. What happened today? He put us all into the water prison. The tiger king went south. Who can help her seize the throne? Who will help her lead the army? This time, there are many generals involved. How should she deal with it? But looking at her departure, in addition to doubts, the strong men are more Still at a loss, it turns out that they are not important, but they are too high and too smart.

"Are you really going to return such a large group of generals to the circle and put them in the water prison at this moment?"

"Why not!" The Fox Emperor didn't know how long he had been in the city and wanted to vent his unhappiness, but looking at the increasingly dilapidated city in the city, there was always a lingering flame burning in his heart. Outside the city, he looked at the wonderful mountain and water scenery outside Yangzhou, which made the fox emperor more angry than those dilapidated in the city. Suddenly, a familiar word came from behind him, saying a word without looking back, and then turned his head to look at this familiar person: "Aunt Hu! Why are you here?"

"I'll help you while I can still move. That boy was also raised by me. My sister left such an uncontrollable son. I can't let him live long because of evil!" The woman who was replaced by the Fox Emperor as Aunt Hu wore a yellow brocade dress. She looked elegant and no longer looked like a demon clan. A pair of narrow phoenix eyes flashed with frightening eyes.

The fox emperor is very clear about this woman's purpose. On the surface, behind the inside, he doesn't know how many hurt he has made to the two of them in private. Now he has just wanted to make the whole army. This woman seems to come to help, but in fact, her intentions are sinister! The Fox Emperor turned his back to her and was not afraid of her sneak attack, but whispered, "Aunt Hu! My aunt took care of our mother and son. I remember this kindness and will return it sooner or later, so even if you don't come, Brother Hu will go south, I won't let him be wronged.

Is that right? Since you know that my sister takes care of your mother and daughter, you should repay your kindness and give up the position of the army as soon as possible. Although you are also the daughter of the tiger emperor, after all, the women are not left. In the future, this foundation will be handed over to him. A woman should find a good man to marry. This is the right way..."

"Tiger Demon Girl, don't go too much. Give you a little color, and you will open a dyeing workshop. Humph! If it weren't for my aunt who was really good to my mother and daughter, do you think I would want to talk to you? The Fox Emperor suddenly turned around and said viciously. This was officially tore his face and did not leave any face for the woman.

"Hmm! Little fox spirit, don't rely on that old man to protect you. All the demons are watching! What ability does a woman have to command the whole demon clan? Sooner or later, there will be only one king in the whole demon clan, that is, the tiger king, not you, the woman. The tiger demon girl blushed with anger and gritted her teeth and stared at the Fox Emperor.

"Oi, you can go, go to your nephew and tell him that if he continues to go south, then wait for the destruction!" The fox emperor rolled his sleeves away.

"Faceless, go to hell!" The tiger demon girl was really angry at this time. After saying that, a colorful pink fog sprinkled on the Fox Emperor.

The fox emperor covered his mouth and nose and retreated quickly. Behind him was a small river. After entering the river, he kicked the water and splashed all over the sky and hit the colorful dance: "How can you have the colorful Sanniang thing?"

"What, I'm afraid, I still have a lot of things for her!" The tiger demon girl said proudly. However, before she was proud, she watched the colorful fog melt into the water and was stirred by the fox emperor. A stream of water condensed and suddenly turned into a colorful water snake. Suddenly, she rushed back. The tiger demon girl hurriedly avoided it. She knew that Cai Sanniang specially liked to collect demon elixir, so almost everything about her things were used to deal with demons. The nemesis, so she didn't dare to touch the water snake.

Bum! The fox emperor has always followed the water snake. The tiger demon girl avoided the water snake awkwardly, but she had no idea of the fox emperor at all. She slapped her chest with an explanation and immediately shook her inside. Suddenly, she vomited blood and lost half of her life.