ying jie

Chapter 358 The Heavenly Emperor who harms the beneficial

Chapter 358 The Great Emperor who harms the beneficial people

As the immortals and ghosts marched into the world and were defeated by mysterious forces and stationed in the underworld customs, another piece of news about the demon world once again shocked the whole world. The Fox Emperor rectified the 150,000 demon world in Yangzhou, killed 27 commanders, killed 30,000 stubborn soldiers, and ruled the army with real iron and blood, leaving 120,000 troops, and issued reward orders. Each soldier was promoted to the first level to give jewelry, officially met the army, and personally gave the title of 'iron-blooded army'. Instead of being greatly damaged by this, the so-called collapse was more solidified, its combat effectiveness was stronger, and it barely looked like an army.

However, the news of this whole army has just come out. I thought that the Fox Emperor would return to repair and train the army, but I didn't expect that the Fox Emperor personally led this 'pro-guarding Iron Army' to ambush under Tieniu Mountain overnight, driving the 300,000 remnants led by the Tiger King to Shili Village. Behind the Shili Village was a small lake, and the tiger king was trapped in the beasts. Most of the remaining elite demon soldiers came from powerful warriors such as the Tiger clan, but because of the stupidity of the Tiger King, instead of gathering combat effectiveness, most of them were washed down by the water dug by the Fox Emperor to open the dam and destroyed most of them. The tiger king was captured alive, and the demon clan was basically completely united.

The next day, the angry elders of all ethnic groups in the demon world went to find the tiger emperor. They thought that the tiger would be furious because a daughter had captured their son alive, but they didn't expect the tiger emperor to issue a decree: "The tiger king suffered by himself, and the fox emperor has full power to command the demon clan." These elders of all races in the demon world can't believe that there will be such an old man. They give his country to a woman, and the tiger king of the same lineage is not popular. This time, they are all dumbfounded. They all support the tiger king. They wanted to come from the dragon, but they didn't expect that the children died and injured a blockbuster and became prisoners. Really It's empty of money! However, when these elders inquired about some news about the Tiger Emperor, they were even more completely meat dishes. Some people around the Tiger Emperor revealed that when the news came, the Tiger Emperor was not angry, but said extremely calmly: "As long as the little fox is really ruthless, I believe that the demon clan will become stronger under her leadership. I really have a living space in the world. My useless son has lost most of the strength of the demon clan. What should I do! I believe that the little fox will be kind to me as an old man.

Because the Tiger Emperor clearly expressed his support for this daughter, these elders of all ethnic groups in the demon world have no way at all. It can be predicted that the Fox Emperor will use iron-blood methods to remediate the whole demon clan, which will scare a large number of people. They have been thinking about how to please the Fox Emperor and then share a larger mountain and territory in the world, but they have not yet waited for this. When some strong demons digested the news about the Fox Emperor, another shocking news came out: the Fox Emperor will form an alliance with Mr. Hua, hold a state, and fight against the upcoming six world disasters. Three days later, she will personally take people to attend the wedding hosted by Mr. Hua and discuss the alliance.

Perhaps the previous two messages are not as shocking as one-tenth of the latter message. The demons are allied with people. You can imagine that the fox emperor's attitude towards the world will not be a blind invasion in the future. Previously, when he saw the fox emperor ruling the army so iron-blooded army, he thought that the disaster in the world would be more serious, but he didn't expect it to suddenly come out. Now this news is at least a piece of good news for the people in the world! However, I don't know how Mr. Hua Ji Lengfeng will make a statement.

For the sudden announcement of the news of the Fox Emperor, it is tantamount to a bolt from any people in several world. Some elders of the demon clan even curse the Fox Emperor's arbitrarily, but she can't help it. Most of their children have been killed or injured. Either she has become a prisoner, which is a complete loss of power, and she can only unite and secretly find an opportunity to stumbling her.


"Is there anyone! Your uncle is going crazy." In the claustrophobic space, there is only a faint cry that is relatively normal, except for the roar of the evil spirit. Zhou Yisheng has been hungry for nearly five days! Without food or drink, he really regarded himself as a fairy, but why did he imprison his cultivation and suddenly become an ordinary person? He was so hungry that his eyes were dizzy. These are not the most important thing. The most important thing is to chase and kill evil spirits all over the sky. Whenever he is about to collapse and shout crazy, these evil spirits will temporarily retreat. Go.

"Your second uncle is me. Come on! Come and chase me again!" He only stayed in such a bad environment for less than five days, but at this time, Zhou Yisheng has completely lost a lot of weight, his face has not much flesh, and his appearance has completely changed, but his eyes have become embarrassed because of torture.

It seemed to be responding to the provocation of this ordinary person. The evil spirits flying all over the sky suddenly rushed down and grabbed Zhou Yisheng. Looking at the dense scene, Zhou Yisheng's scalp was numb. I was just joking. Of course, for these evil spirits, no matter how high Zhou Yi's cultivation is, they don't have it. Method. However, Zhou Yisheng is a little confused. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to die and can only struggle to save his life.

"You sons and grandchildren are really obedient. Come as soon as you come!" Although Zhou Yisheng has been hungry for a few days and has lost more than half of his body, his movements are still quite flexible. Even if these evil spirits fly at a speed, they can easily avoid them. Perhaps this is the only benefit in these five-day struggle!

"Wow! Come on!" Zhou Yisheng was suddenly submerged by evil spirits. Looking at countless evil spirits, he shivered all over and couldn't avoid it. He took a deep breath.

"Wow! Oh..."

Being a lion roar, Zhou Yisheng's own cry is becoming more and more distinctive, and he is happy in bitterness! With a huge roar resounding throughout the whole space, this group of evil spirits began to retreat. If Zhou Yisheng felt that he had been tired and crazy, he might have found a ruin to hide and sleep for a while, but now he feels that there seems to be some strength in his body. Looking at the evil spirits who fled, Zhou Yisheng beat Try again, otherwise, how long will it take to leave this damn place and see a bad spirit that fell in the end. Zhou Yisheng almost punched with all his strength. The turbulent force poured out, and his fist hit the air with a circle of ripples, like water lines.

The huge anti-shock force directly stepped out of a big pit on the floor under Zhou Yisheng's feet, and the evil spirit was directly dispersed by the domineering punch, turning into the purest force in heaven and earth.

"Huh! Effective!" Although it took a lot of effort to kill the first evil spirit, it still made Zhou Yisheng extremely ecstatic. Looking at the fleeing evil spirit, Zhou Yisheng punched it again, but this punch had no power at all because of its weakness, but when hitting the evil spirit, the evil spirit instantly turned into ashes like lightning.

"Ah! This all works." This instantly changed Zhou Yisheng from ecstasy to shock. Have these evil spirits become extremely fragile, or are they lucky to meet these two completely impotence?

The evil spirit retreated, and the wind dissipated. Zhou Yisheng saw two light spots emitting green fluorescence in front of him. This was a big discovery. These two fluorescent light spots decorated the whole space, regardless of whether it was dangerous or not. Zhou Yisheng quickly reached out and took these two points to his hand, and the light spot had just touched Zhou Yisheng. His hand suddenly turned into a pure energy and flowed into Zhou Yisheng's body, which made him have a few cold wars in a row and shouted that he was so happy.

"What's this good thing?" After the two huge energies entered the body, Zhou Yisheng felt extremely refreshed, and even his head was extremely empty, as if all the depression and haze in the past few days had been swept away, indescribably comfortable.

Zhou Yisheng closed his eyes and remembered for a long time before opening his eyes. He seemed to guess what some of them were, the energy crystals of these evil spirits, and it was quite easy to absorb these things and did not reject them at all. Suddenly, a pair of eyes were as green as a wolf, staring at the evil spirits flying all over the sky, but immediately their faces bitterly, entering the treasure mountain without getting the tools of treasure!


The dark space, the blowing wind, and occasionally a few whining screams. In the name of the evil spirit purgatory, even the owner of one world dares not try to venture easily. It is not that it can threaten the life of the owner of one world, but because of the endless evil spirits, and these evil spirits are difficult to kill, except for the strength of the world master. The super strong people from all walks of life can be said to have changed their colors. When they face this evil ghost purgatory, they are suppressed by the evil spirit purgatory array and become people with only the strength of the list. There is nothing they can do about these evil spirits that are already difficult to kill.

However, in such a ghost purgatory that changed the color of the strong, there was a pleasant laugh, and it was constantly accompanied by self-talking scolding. I don't know how long the madman has been imprisoned.

I saw the evil spirits floating all over the sky, and the speed of a person's speed to the extreme. If you look carefully, you can find that this person is completely relying on the power of the body and suddenly roared at the group of evil spirits. The voice is as loud as a bell, and the circle of sound waves emitted, shaking the evil spirits gathered together scattered one after another. The following punch suddenly made these evil spirits float one after another, leaving a grain of green and smoothness. Suddenly, the man quickly took these smooth ones. In an instant, the whole person became extremely light and began to run to look for them. As the evil ghost purgatory formed, the evil spirits who devoured each other became more and more fierce.

Zhou Yisheng has never felt that his body is so strong. Even after passing through the thunder disaster with a ghost, his body is not so strong after being re-forged by the divine world Minglei. He can feel that every little change in his body is huge. The infinite potential in his body is slowly developing due to excessive consumption and supplementation. Especially the lion roar, he knew why this roar caused so much damage to these evil spirits, because it contained the Tao of Buddhism and Taoism, which was the nemesis of the evil spirits.

He also found this thing from the memory left by Hua Jun. Although he didn't know why he woke up here and why he happened to restrain these evil spirits, Zhou Yisheng believed that there must be a reason, so he did not reject it. The roar can be said to be vivid. He believed that even if his martial arts were completely useless, and with the strength of his body, facing a large group of immortals, he could make these immortals suffer a big loss with his roar.

After the energy in Dantian was full, Zhou Yisheng found that he would never increase his strength again, and he could not feel the power of heaven. In order to strengthen himself, Zhou Yisheng could only pay attention to other places. He began to put the energy on other parts of his body and began to suffer several major losses, and his body was not constrained by the energy. The body rampaged and almost dispersed his internal bleeding several times. Later, he gradually slowed down the cultivation of qi. Each time, a small amount of arrangement was made. Later, he found that the body became stronger and stronger. Nowadays, even if a large amount of qi was arranged, not only the body strength became stronger and stronger, but also the qi exploded more fiercely.

Since then, Zhou Yisheng seems to understand that the so-called body is a universe, but only a small part of his body is used. When the real potential of the body is developed, the power that can burst out is unprecedentedly amazing, so Zhou Yisheng feels that this evil purgatory is no longer terrible, but It has become a top place for practicing kung fu, and he is a little happy. If the emperor of heaven knows that he paid a lot of money to fight for Fog's damage and created the evil ghost purgatory, the fruit will be occupied by Zhou Yisheng. I don't know what he will think. I should hate him to death! But he is now busy occupying the world and unifying the three worlds! How can he have time to pay attention to this growing cropland!