ying jie

Chapter 384 angered these antiques (,)

Chapter 384 angered these old antiques

Zhou Yisheng looked up at the arrogant one-horned horse. His body was as large as an elephant, with a white flame beating on his back. He couldn't tell whether it was its mane or a flame. The one-horn on his head was as red as fire. Looking at it, he was so amazing, like a world-class king looking at everything in front of him.

"Dad! Did Uncle Kirin fight with Aunt Huofeng again? I heard the shocking sound outside just now. The one-horned white horse asked softly.

"Xiaoyun, leave them alone. Just take care of yourself." The one-horned horse looked at Zhou Yisheng, and then ordered the little one-horned white horse to go into the air, and the huge body quickly disappeared to the other side of the mountain.

"What is the other side of the mountain? Is it your base camp?" Zhou Yisheng asked.

"Hmm! On the other side of the mountain, if you are not lucky, you can't even come here. Black Tiger said without curiosity.

"The other side of the mountain is where the most powerful spiritual beasts live. There are volcanoes and fairy pools, which are the most beautiful places." The one-horned white horse said intoxicatedly.

"Don't you live there?" Zhou Yisheng watched the extraordinary one-horned Pegasus fly across the mountain and immediately asked strangely.

"I'm not qualified. I'm not a spirit beast yet!" The one-horned white horse said a little lonely.

It seems that the level here is very clear! Although this one-horned white horse breed is extraordinary, and it is the daughter of the one-horned horse just now, but her strength has not been reached, and it is impossible to live in it. Suddenly, there is a vague expectation, looking forward to seeing the different scenery behind the mountain. How can it be better than this place!

"Why don't you go after my father? He's here to pick you up." The one-horned white horse said quickly when he saw Zhou Yisheng in a daze.

"Ah! He came to pick me up, but he didn't say anything! What do you do in response to me? You don't really want to tell me a big secret!" Zhou Yisheng said self-deprecatingly.

"Go! My father is like this. He is very arrogant. If he is angry with you, don't be angry! This is their territory, and you will suffer." The one-horned white horse suddenly rubbed Zhou Yisheng's chest mischievously, and then his big eyes looked at Zhou Yisheng and said.

"All right!" Zhou Yisheng didn't know why the one-horned white horse always seemed very intimate to him and didn't want to marry and explore this secret. He was really afraid that something could not be controlled after asking the bottom, so he simply didn't think about it. He gently stroked her flying horse's mane and only felt as soft as silk. Zhou Yisheng kicked his feet. , he suddenly rushed up to the sky and chased the one-horned horse, but after he went to the sky, he found the strangeness of the day. There was a kind of difficulty like being trapped in the mud, as if there was an invisible force pulling his body.

Looking at the relaxed appearance of the one-horned Tianma just now, you must want to give yourself a majesty! Zhou Yisheng was secretly angry. He was still the kind of master who ate soft but not hard. You had to go against him. He had to bend you and turn you upside down before his tone was smooth. Suddenly, his strength was ten times faster, and he had no intention to enjoy the wonders below. He quickly passed the bare stone mountain, and the place where he saw was confused. It was given to the flowers by this scene.

Looking from afar, there are stars shining in the fairy lake, and the colorful strange stones in the clear lake, and the lake water is so reflected that if you don't look carefully, you think it is a huge colorful jade, and not far from the lake, it is actually a rolling rock. The pulp kept falling down, and the hanging bamboo stones and various colorful light reflections around suddenly rose and made people fascinated by it. A magma lake and a water lake were extremely simple, but after responding to each other, they immediately sublimated the environment infinitely.

"Here you are."

Zhou Yisheng only saw a few sparse spirit beasts, but did not see the legendary unicorns and fire phoenix. Looking at the spirits below, they are not the legendary monsters, but ordinary extremes, a rabbit, a cow, a peacock, a monkey, a snake, and an extremely arrogant one-horned horse. Look at them. There was an invisible pressure in the plain, and Zhou Yisheng knew that these spiritual beasts were not simple.

"Does it feel strange?" The one-horned horse took a step forward, looked at Zhou Yisheng aggressively, and said arrogantly.

"Is it strange?" Zhou Yisheng said neither humble nor arrogantly. Although he didn't know how many years these old guys had lived, Zhou Yisheng asked himself that his current strength could have an equal dialogue with them.

"I knew that you would judge people by their appearance. If we showed our truest side, maybe you wouldn't talk to us so calmly." The monkey sat cross-legged on the ground. After Zhou Yisheng came, he had been closing his eyes. Hearing Zhou Yisheng's answer, he immediately opened his eyes. His eyes were the sun, aggressive and sharp enough to penetrate everything.

Zhou Yisheng was horrify. Looking at its light appearance before, he thought it was disdainful of himself, but when he opened his eyes, Zhou Yisheng felt that he had never felt depressed. Only then did he know how big the gap between himself and them was for these real antiques, but he Still neither humble nor arrogant, and kept his heart and said, "Isn't your dignity like this?"

"Do you want to see it?" Unexpectedly, a monkey known for its mischievousness is extremely calm here, but the honest cow looks mischievous.

"Forget it." Zhou Yisheng shook his head. Although he was curious, he didn't know how horrible it would be if he really showed himself in the face of these old antiques who didn't know how long he had lived! He continued, "What should I do?"

"Old turtle, I told you! Then why are you still coming?" The one-horned Ma did not answer, but asked rhetorical.

"I need to heal my injury. Even if there is only a small chance, I will do it. I must do my best. If you easily listen to others, you will never succeed." Zhou Yisheng talked freely and was no longer afraid of these old antiques.

Is that right? But do you know? It takes a great price to heal the hurt of time. You just come with empty words. How can we believe your sincerity? The peacock spoke very simple, that is, what you want to exchange for.

"What else do you need?" Zhou Yisheng did not answer the rhetorical question.

"Okay, I need you to be so happy." The one-horned horse said loudly.

"But after I give it to you, can you heal my injury?" Zhou Yisheng asked.

"Well said, we can't cure your wounds, but you tell you how to get it yourself." The silent snake said.

"Hmm! You don't want to give anything, but you just want to get something from me. It's too whims. Zhou Yisheng said angrily.

"Don't get excited, you still don't know what we need! Moreover, the news we tell you can definitely heal the heavy damage of time and even take you to the next level. The one-horned horse stared at the snake and quickly came out to fight and say.

"Say it! As long as I can bear it, I will agree." Zhou Yisheng said slowly, after all, the heavy damage of that time was really too severe. Now he has been washed by countless karma and his injury has been half better, but now he has begun to tear faintly again. He feels that the wound is suspected of expanding.

A group of antiques looked at each other and nodded gently. Obviously, they had a quarrel in their hearts for a long time. The unicorn Tianma said slightly movedly, "We want to give birth to the mother of the first child with you."

"What!" Zhou Yisheng jumped three feet high. What kind of requirement is this? It almost made him miserable. If he wanted his first child, maybe he would immediately refute it angrily, but now this condition is really too strange, and it is so indecent. Moreover, Lu Xiaoyu has no first-blood, and these old antiques can If you say it will count, you should be able to guess a little bit. So what do they mean? Didn't they give birth to the first child with Lu Xiaoyu? Who would it be? But aren't you a disaster star? With God blocking themselves, how can these people know what will happen in the future? Are they all against the sky? In this case, why did they put forward such strange conditions?

"This condition doesn't cost you anything? As long as you agree, we can tell you how to heal the damage of time, and we can even send a drop of blood to each person, as well as Kirin and Fire Phoenix to help you recover your youth. Unicorn Tianma continued to ** that no one should agree to this generous condition! A group of spirit beasts looked at Zhou Yisheng with burning eyes. Perhaps the only thing in the world that can't be counted is the human heart.

Zhou Yisheng was silent. He didn't know what these people were thinking, so he was afraid that he would not agree easily. Looking at the expectations of the spirit beasts, Zhou Yisheng's heart trembled slightly. Is that really very important? So much so that these old antiques pay so much attention to it will not cause much harm to them if they take out a drop of blood. It's just a feather, but the real face problem. The higher the cultivation of the old antiques, the more they pay attention to these uninterested things. Therefore, it can be inferred that this thing must be very important to them. Zhou Yisheng showed a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, then looked around the spirit beasts, and then replied, "I don't agree."

"Faceless." When it was first, it was the monkey that broke up. His eyes opened, and the golden light rose like a round of the sun, which made people unable to open their eyes. Suddenly, he had a stick in his hand and took tens of millions of pounds of power to hit him down. This is the real one force for ten times. As long as the unique power can break all the rules, and stand on its own rule, he will be domineering. The interpretation has reached the extreme.

Zhou Yisheng didn't expect the monkey's previous calmness, but it was deliberately suppressed. Looking at its furious appearance, he suddenly guessed that something that might be really very important! Suddenly, Zhou Yisheng was also furious. Did he regard himself as a lamb to be slaughtered by others? If they don't agree, they will destroy themselves. In this way, they have lived in vain for so long.

"Do you really think you are fish?" Zhou Yisheng looked at the hit stick and thought to himself that he could not avoid it at all. If the force on the stick was stained, he would die! When he really realized the taste of death, Zhou Yisheng found that he was still so weak. Although he was lucky, there seemed to be no way out now. He had to fight hard in his heart! The rock-like spirit exploded, and the whole sky was about to boil. Suddenly, the whole time stagnated again. Zhou Yisheng turned the monkey's head without any reservation and turned the gas of his whole body into a lion and roared at it.

ps: The third update is over, and the fifth update tomorrow, please accept it, thank you!