ying jie

Chapter 387 Encounter with Poison

Chapter 387 Encountered with Poison

Huajun interpreted the domineering and exquisitely, deterred the top masters hidden in the six worlds with one palm. The hearts of the spirit beasts here were shocked, but after subduing these top strong men, he did not take action again, but disappeared silently, just like the sharpest sword hanging on his head.

Four drops of spiritual beast blood rushed into Zhou Yisheng's body and suddenly seemed to burst into oil. Zhou Yisheng's body expand violently. Looking at his inflating and shrinking body, a group of spirit beasts knew that this was also a huge test for Zhou Yisheng, and the physical pain The fury of the spiritual snow gathered by these four spiritual beasts is not worth mentioning. The real pain comes from these drops of spiritual snow, including the will of these four spiritual beasts.

Zhou Yisheng now only feels that his body is about to explode, and countless little ants scratching without such a strong impact. Although Zhou Yisheng's spirit is as strong as a rock, he still feels a little out of control now. I don't know where he has gone. He only saw four rounds of sun in the distance, emitting suffocating suffocating heat. Xi, so depressed that Zhou Yisheng's body seemed to have a irritable force constantly shuttled, making him about to explode.

"Do you also want to absorb us?"

"It's simply a delusion. You humble bug dare to offend our great will."

"Get down, you don't deserve us."

"Kneel down to relieve your pain."


The four rounds of the sun are high above. Although Zhou Yisheng's spirit is as solid as a rock, he still feels a little humble. He can't help kneeling down and relieve his pain, but he still keeps warning himself that as long as he kneels down, maybe these drops of spiritual blood will be completely scrapped!

"No! I will never give in easily. Although you have the will of the four spiritual beasts, it is just a drop of blood. Zhou Yisheng suddenly became firm, and a sense of understanding suddenly surged in his heart. In an instant, his will filled the space. Suddenly, Zhou Yisheng opened his eyes, and everything in front of him disappeared. There were no four rounds of high sun, and there was no extremely majestic roar.

However, what followed was the pain of the body, but for Zhou Yisheng, these pains were really worth mentioning. He stood up and gradually felt his body. His first impression was a little strange. He found that his strength was many times stronger than before, but behind this power, it was used to suppress It's the only means of time trauma.

"If you use our power too much, you will grow old immediately. Another thing is that I hope you can keep your own strong heart." Kirin took a look at the strange Zhou Yisheng and said.

"But everyone in the outside world regards me as a thorn in their side and can't wait to kill me. What should I do if I don't use strength?" Zhou Yisheng asked.

"These are your problems." The fire phoenix interrupted Zhou Yisheng, and then turned around. Suddenly, there was a soaring fire on his body, burning the space inch by inch, and then penetrated into the magma and disappeared. His temper was really smelly.

"Remember that you owe us a favor, and we will let you pay it back when you need it." Kirin looked back at Zhou Yisheng and seemed to say such words, which did not feel stagnation at all for these antiques.

This is indeed a great favor, which can attract the top strong men in the six worlds to compete, but looking at Kirin's indifferent appearance, I'm afraid the real purpose is not for the so-called favor, but to make it simple to make this matter simple. He nodded and said, "I remember that if the senior has any orders, Yi Sheng will definitely go through fire and water and die." Zhou Yisheng left the place where these old antiques lived with a strong force. Although he was curious about what these rabbits, monkeys, cows and so on were, he did not have a chance to ask.

"Son Lu, how long will we look for!" The people of the Lu family got lost in Yunmize. A large group of people walked around the edge of the mud and didn't know how far they had gone. Gradually, they walked into a large forest. I don't know how many times the dense thorns had blocked their way. Finally, they were really tired to the peak, and some people couldn't help opening their mouths.

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes were red at this time. For the one-horned white horse's **, he completely sank into it, and he couldn't extricate himself. No matter how difficult the road under his feet was, and how many dragon pool tiger caves he accidentally broke into, his heart was still hot, but now he finally couldn't help pulling out the cold. It seems that the pure one-horn white Ma has no hope.

"Let's go! Let's go back." Looking at the mountain in front of him, he finally gave up and turned around and said blankly.

"I said it's famous! Don't be so rigid, and no one owes you money. Look at how tired we are for that beast, like a stray dog. Lu Xiaofeng was famous only by the original Yi Junwei. The ghost scholar was supported by two big men, one left and one right, and his tongue was about to fall out. Now he finally hit the south wall. He finally took a breath and couldn't help bursting out.

"How dare you call him a beast." The ghost name suddenly burst out, and the soft sword around his waist shook and nodded straight at the ghost scholar's throat. His eyes were red and his throat knot kept squirming, which looked like a crazy lonely wolf.

"Don't fight. Look at Youhan, they are also catching up."

Far away from the swamp, a large group of people lined up in a long line and quickly walked towards the depths of the swamp, not to mention how depressed they were blocked in front of the mountain.

"Haha! They are not far away." This large group of children of the Lu family believe that the mountain extends to the distance of the swamp and there will never be a way out.

"How can they walk on the swamp?"

"There must be a path in this swamp, mother! We cut through the thorns and drove all the way to walk such a little way. They took a light walk, and now they still walk in front of us. It's unfair!"

"Nanther alone, let's find your way to this swamp!"

"Hmm! Don't look for it. When you find it, the world may grab the white horse and disappear.

The faces of the Lu family are ugly at this time. This is the consequence of impulsive pursuit. As a result, they can't get anything. Looking at the relaxed appearance of those people, don't regret much in their hearts, but now they can only be a spectator, and the onlookers are generally extremely uncomfortable.

The mist in the sky gradually became thick, which seemed to be the precursor of a change. At this time, the children of the Lu family only complained about themselves, and there was no mood to observe the changes of the day!

Youhan took the people of Qin Guangdian to walk carefully the path in this swamp all the way. It was really dangerous. Suddenly, there was a swamp in front of him. Then he had to continue to look carefully, and sometimes he was even observing the path! Suddenly, a python rushed out of the swamp, pestered several people and slid into the swamp, making them dare not chase them. Several times along the way, he wanted to give up, but when he thought of the legend about the Dragon Emperor, he suddenly cheered up. These people died and could not resist the value of the one-horned white horse.

"Look! What is that?" With very good eyesight, I saw the colorful fog not far away, which was also mixed with a buzzing sound that made people's scalp numb.

The cold also stopped and looked at the colorful fog floating from the depths of the swamp. Suddenly, he felt a feeling of palpitation. He grabbed a small snake in the swamp and tossed it hard into the colorful fog. The colorful snake kept twisting its body. Just after being stained with the colorful fog, the colorful fog unexpectedly caught up with it quickly, and suddenly The white bones fell to the ground, and the colorful fog retreated.

"Go quickly, this thing kills people." You Han scolded, and the people behind him suddenly turned around and fled. Some of them fell into the swamp beside them. They wanted to reach out and pull them, but there were too many people. They squeezed into this narrow path, and suddenly the anxious people behind directly pushed the rescue into the swamp. Seeing that the formation was chaotic and a large group of people were chaotic without any discipline, he was suddenly anxious, but he was at the forefront, and now he has become the end. There is nothing he can do. He can only roar, "Come on, leave them alone. I'll save the brothers who fell in. Let's go!"

As soon as his righteous words came out, the chaotic crowd finally calmed down, regardless of these brothers who fell into the swamp, it was important to escape for their lives. You Han's words are just a scene. As for whether it can save people at such a dangerous moment, it's still two words! It's just an excuse to get out quickly, but he also saved a few people. As for those who have struggled to sink in, who can take care of it?

"Haha! Look, those messy appearances make them dare to run in front of us. Instead, a large group of children of the Lu family left in a hurry. They surrounded the edge of a huge tree and looked at them leisurely. The gloating interest was only to hunt a few wild animals and make a fire to hold a picnic.

"Okay, have a good rest. They may have met some monster! Let's go after a good rest." Lu Xiaofeng glanced at these people. At this time, he finally calmed down, chose the best position, and took a nap against the tree trunk. It was really too tired, especially in his heart, which was really uncomfortable!

The children of the Lu family looked at Lu Xiaofeng's lazy appearance and hated it. It was because under his leadership, they didn't catch any of the precious treasures they met along the way. When they went back, everyone made up their minds to take this opportunity to look for treasures!