ying jie

Chapter 418 Horror Bone Hall

Chapter 418 Horror Bone Hall

The huge bone dragon followed Zhou Yisheng, who chased the sky behind a group of super strong men.

"I'll give you this treasure, but you don't want it. Now you still come to chase me. Do you think it's interesting!" Zhou Yisheng fled quickly, but the strong men behind him were not as fast as himself, but the huge bone dragon was gradually pulled away by them. Zhou Yisheng couldn't help asking jokingly.

"Hmm! If we want to lead the disaster, we won't be fooled!"

"Hmm! All right! You don't want this baby either!" Zhou Yisheng snorted angrily, circled, and flew back to the poisonous blood dragon pool. Looking at the empty soil in the poisonous blood dragon pool, Zhou Yisheng directly bumped into it. A group of master strongmen stopped outside and did not dare to dare to advance.

The huge bone dragon followed it into the wet soil. Its huge body quickly shrank and finally disappeared into the soil. The main strong men in the world looked at each other and looked at each other to follow up!

"Why don't you enter? Haven't we even had the courage to live this whole life?"

"Yes! There must be something in this. Why don't you enter? Maybe there is a treasure left by the Dragon Emperor. The Dragon Emperor has injured the existence of the God Emperor, and must have left something behind.

"Well, you go ahead! I'll come later."

"How can this be, or will you invite first to respect the old and love the young? You have lived more than a thousand years!"

"Hmm! Coward! I'll come." A strong demon man looked at these people pushing three obstacles and had a heart of hatred. If they had united earlier, Zhou Yisheng would not have rushed back and forth like a fish in water. The speed reached the extreme and directly crashed into the soil. Looking at the poisonous blood dragon pool without movement, the main strongmen of the world looked at each other in contempt. What's the matter? Is it dangerous?

"Never mind, go!" A group of master strong men crashed into the bottom of the lake one after another.

Looking at the silent poisonous blood dragon pool, the people on the shore trembled a little. They didn't expect the aftershocks caused by the main strong war of the world to be so strong. Looking at the messy forest and the overturned island, everyone didn't know what to do.

"Why not! Let's go down and have a look..."

"Find someone to go down and have a try first!"

"Who is it!" These dboys looked at this group of latecomers, but looked at Zixing's gloomy face and did not dare to say anything, letting these 'low' and 'bame' people go down.

"Hmm! Coward!" Purple Star snorted angrily and looked up at the poisonous blood dragon pool from afar. The battle between more than a dozen main superpowers in the world had almost destroyed the whole forest. There were potholes and burning trees everywhere, and occasionally there was a sad cry, which sounded sympathetic.

"Let's go! It should be all over." Lu Xiaoyu is about to ride down.

"Don't move, take a look again!" The Fox Emperor and Cai Sanniang quickly opened their mouths to stop it. This poisonous blood dragon pool is not a simple place. These master-level strong men in the world are so careful that they are two levels away! It's better to be careful.

Lu Xiaoyu turned her head and looked at the two and asked, "When will it wait?"

"Take a look! I guess it's soon. It's not a big mistake to be careful. This Dragon Emperor is not an ordinary person. Cai Sanniang dropped a stone and hit it on the wet soil, but there was a splash of water. It was strange! He frowned slightly, quickly disappeared in everyone's eyes, and soon appeared again. He had captured a hare in his hand and threw it in, but the rabbit ran fast on the wet soil and quickly ran to the other side of the lake.

"Go! Go down and have a look." Watching the rabbit disappear in the eyes of everyone, someone couldn't help jumping down and stepped on the wet soil. The soles of their feet were a little slipping and standing unsteady, but nothing strange happened.

Lu Xiaoyu patted the dragon's black prison fire horse, and suddenly the black prison fire horse ran wildly, quickly chased the person in front of him, jumped up and fell in. After the three women followed, they looked at the four horsemen running to the front. These dung be angry and dared not say anything! Sooner or later, I will find an opportunity to clean up you. The Snake Army did not see his father take action, and there was a strange feeling in his heart. Is his father afraid? He still waited for these struggles to be clear before he took action. Looking at the turbulent crowd, his eyebrows raised gently. Unexpectedly, the tough man was Zhou Yisheng in the rumor. His achievements are now spread in the six worlds! Such a figure is indeed domineering. Looking at these same dboys, he is a little disdainful. I'm afraid that these people can come here from their elders! It's really worse than one generation! Suddenly, he had a funny feeling. Maybe these people want to trouble the four women, which is not a happy thing, at least there will be a good show later, right?

"Wow! I didn't expect that there was such a magnificent hall here. After everyone went down to the poisonous blood dragon pool, they fell under a vast and dry white square. If you look closely, you can find that the place is actually inlaid with bones. These bones are all shining with faint fluorescence, and occasionally there are ghost fires, and there is still an unrotten body in the square. Looking at him Our ancient appearance should be the super strong man who has come here to explore!

The large-scale hall in the distance is also made of white bones. How many species do you need to die to build such a magnificent white bone hall? Looking back on how many bones are needed to form the bone dragon in the lake, there is a fight in the far away hall, but in this magnificent bone hall, but He was deliberately suppressed and gently. He scraped the bone to scratch the bone. Some weak people suddenly collapsed into mud and touched it with their hands. No bone in his whole body was intact.

"Ah!" At this time, someone reacted and kept screaming.

Lu Xiaoyu's black prison firehorse ran very fast and quickly ran towards the bone hall. The more she got close to the hall, the more she felt that her bones were. The pain almost fainted. She dared not approach it. She jumped off the black prison fire horse, and ran more fiercely without one person. As I got closer and closer to the hall, I saw it running and flying up. A purple flame rose all over my body, and I saw it melt in the purple flame and became slender.

"Can it really turn into a dragon?" Lu Xiaoyu watched her beloved mount leave her. Instead of being sad, she was happy for it. Maybe she could really turn into a dragon! Unfortunately, I can't go into the skeleton hall to see what's inside.

"How far can you go?" Purple Star didn't seem to feel the destruction of bones in this bone hall at all, but this black prison fire horse did not dare to go forward anyway, just stayed far away, alas! These are the purest good stallions in the black prison, not the kind of bastards that are easy to get out of the basket in hell!

Zi Xing had to abandon the horse and looked at Dugu Waner and Liu Qiaoyi and asked, "Can you stand it?"

"Let's go! I'm fine!" Dugu Waner bit her silver teeth slightly and insisted on walking forward.

"It's just that the bones hurt. It should be all right!" Liu Qiaoyi said uncertainly that she only felt that the bones seemed to be as painful as ten thousand ants biting.

"Let's stand a little bit and stick to it. It's good for bones." Purple Star knows how the wind blowing in the black prison is harmful to the bones, but as long as it persists, it will be a great benefit to the bones, which will make the bones extremely tough and even develop a pair of iron bones.

"Hmm!" The two women nodded at the same time, insisted on the pain with Zixing, and walked to Lu Xiaoyu's god before stopping. The group of people behind them can't do it. They can only look at the bone hall from afar, and finally take a few steps back to find that their whole body has become well-being, but this feeling will not last long, and they will feel pain and can't help but withdraw a few steps again...

"Your dragon species won't really become a dragon, will you?" Zi Xing looked at the dragon seed black prison fire horse that disappeared in everyone's eyes and turned around and asked with some envy.

"Hehe! I don't know, although there are legends of dragons in the whole world, after all, I have never seen a real dragon, and I don't know if there is any!" Lu Xiaoyu said modestly.

"Alas! The origin of this dragon black prison fire horse in the black prison is a mystery. I also want one! Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity. Zixing said lonelyly.

"Look at me! This dragon species black prison fire horse was bred in this poisonous blood dragon pool. The Fox Emperor and Cai Sanniang fought beside them with a relaxed face. Looking at the painful and persistent Dugu Waner and Liu Qiaoyi, they nodded slightly. Cai Sanniang said affirmatively.

"I don't know, but it's a pity that I can't go into the bone hall to have a look!" Lu Xiaoyu said with regret.

"Maybe it's still possible." Zixing winked at Lu Xiaoyu and pointed to the bone hall and whispered.

"What can you do?" Facing the low echo of the fight between the wind and the bone hall, Cai Sanniang couldn't help feeling a little nervous. After listening to Zixing's words, she asked with a little hope.

"Unless you wait for the wind to disappear automatically!" Zixing looked at Cai Sanniang unplealy. This charming old woman made her very unhappy. She always felt that she was demonic and strange.

How can Cai Sanniang be so eye-catching that she can't see that Zixing hates her! There were many people who hated her in the world, and she didn't care much. She gently patted the Fox Emperor on the shoulder. Suddenly, the Fox Emperor nodded calmly, and the two walked to the bone hall step by step against the wind.

with a boom! The bone hall was finally overturned by the fight. Suddenly, the low echo suddenly exploded, and the strong wind was blowing. The Cai Sanniang and the Fox Emperor who walked in the front were pushed far away without any reaction. They saw that they had a heavy sweat on their foreheads, which was obviously painful, and some unprepared people were directly paralyzed to the ground. The bones of the body have turned into a pile of flesh and blood, and a strong-willed sound can't help exclaiming, pain! What a pain!

The four women held hands and were still blown out by the wind. At this time, the sound of fighting in the bone hall came out. Each sound was different, but it had the same deterrent effect. The roar shook here, and the super strong men were stunned and pushed out far away. Finally, a strong man of the world vomited blood and escaped from the bone hall. His hair spread, and his previously young face had become extremely old. At this time, the man fell in the distance and quietly adjusted his breathing. It seemed that he was not reconciled. He planned to go to the battle after rest.

Suddenly, a dragon tail swept out from the top of the bone hall, and a strong man at the main level of the world was fanned away. A series of blood dripping on the bone wall and quickly integrated into it, leaving only a faint bloody human trace of the white bone. Everyone quickly looked back at the pile of flesh and blood. There was nothing more, all of which were absorbed by the square covered with bones. A terrible idea kept hovering in their heads, which seemed to be bad!

Some timid people jumped up directly and looked at their feet in fear to make sure that their blood had not been sucked out, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.