After a poison

Chapter 012 This mutation suddenly started

Zhuge Aoshuang snorted coldly in her heart. These people of the Zhuge family did not know how to hide their thoughts, so how can they compare with those first-class family owners who are winding around?

Do you still want to be equal to those home hosts who are proficient in calculation?

It's simply a dream.

"Little bitch, why are you the head of the house?" The next second after she stepped into the ancestral hall, the voice sounded as sharp as through the sky.

There is no need to ask, this kind of scolding, this tone, Zhuge Aoshuang can know who this person is with his eyes closed.

"With only a few years of practice, you have inexplicably lost your internal strength and become a useless person. Do you think you can be the head of this family? Even if you now calculate your father and your second uncle and restore your internal strength, it can't hide the fact that you were a martial arts waste before!"

"What's more, you, a little bitch, a woman, and a loser, even want to be the head of our Zhuge family? Are you brain twitching, or are you crazy..."

Mr. Zhuge held a trembling crutch in one hand and scolded Zhuge Aoshuang angrily. He was scolding endlessly. He caught a glimpse of Zhuge Aoshuang's cold eyes. His face turned pale and he was so scared that he closed his mouth.

Zhu Aoshuang's eyes reminded her of the scene of her granddaughter treating herself and her two sons a day ago, forcing them to work hard for 30 years, and even making people slap her grandmother hard in the face.

recalling the scene of that day, Mrs. Zhuge's legs were trembling.

When she scolded just now, her body trembled because she was too angry and trembled. But at this moment, Zhuge Aoshuang's cold eyes made her tremble directly, and she couldn't spit out a word.

"Grandma! How can you see her looking at you and protecting her? Seeing that her grandmother was looked at by Zhuge Aoshuang, she stopped silent, and a woman's tender but shrill voice suddenly sounded beside her. Why let Jiumei be the head of the family? If the head of the family is also Brother Aoyun, how can the head of the Zhuge family get her a weak woman? What's more, she comes first, and she's still the oldest!"

"Yes, grandmother, how can you be so generous? Aren't we your granddaughter?" Another female voice sounded abruptly, but compared with the previous sharp voice, the voice was much lower, like a voice of a young man who had not yet been crowned, like a man and a woman.

Zhuge Aoshuang noticed that the two people who spoke one after another were Zhuge Wulei, the eldest sister of this body, and Zhuge Yaner, the fifth sister.

She didn't say anything, but just found a seat to sit down, picked up a white porcelain cup for her birthday, filled it with water, and took a slight sip.

When everyone saw that she had not been agreed by her elders, they found a seat and sat down. They blushed and stared at her angrily, and couldn't help blurting

"Little, don't be rude!"

Who allowed you to sit down? The elder didn't tell you, how can you sit down without permission?"


Zhuge Aoshuang glanced at Zhuge Qiong, who sat at the first without any intention, and slightly hooked his lips: "I'm not here with your consent. Now, I'm the owner of the Zhuge family. What should I do with you if you are so rude to your landlord?

In a word, it was shocking.

The noisy scene suddenly calmed down, and the needle fell in the room for a moment.

But it was only for a moment, and everyone got angry again and shouted one after another: "Hugh's big nonsense!"

"When our elders talk, how can it be your younger generation to interrupt?"

"You, a cheap daughter, also want to become the head of the family, and don't look at how many pounds you are? The smelly yellow-mouthed child..."

Zhu Ge Aoshuang frowned, raised his delicate jade hand and raised it slightly. She instantly turned the white porcelain cup in her hand into pieces, and shot out like a sharp feather arrow.

In an instant, the three most vicious men fell to the ground.

At their necks, a piece of porcelain the size of a thumb cover is deeply buried in it.

The red blood is like a fountain, gurgling.

The whole ground of the ancestral hall seemed to have been washed, and everyone's feet were more or less stained with blood.

"It's too noisy."

"It's rude to the owner, this is the end."

The room was suddenly silent.

There are only bursts of gas.

Everyone looked at Zhuge Aoshuang holding up another white porcelain teacup, filled with water, and tasted white tea elegantly. One by one, their eyes stared like copper bells, and the cold sweat followed.

When did this waste of the Zhuge family become so fierce?

Questions linger in the hearts of everyone, and no matter what they think, they can't find out the reason.

Zhuge Aoshuang tasted two mouthfuls of tea, frowned, stood up, flicked the pure white hem, gently touched the ground with blood on his toes, and jumped out of the ancestral hall in the blink of an eye.

"Today, I just want to tell you that I will be the owner of your family in the future."

Her light words blew in with the wind. When everyone reacted, they only saw a piece of withered flowers and white snow. How could there be Zhuge Aoshuang?

But what is unchangeable is that since the next moment she walked out of the ancestral hall, Zhuge Qiong had a straight face and announced that Zhuge Aoshuang would inherit the throne as the head of the family.

Since today, Zhuge Aoshuang has officially become the head of the Zhuge family, in charge of all business, communication, personnel replacement and many other rights inside and outside the Zhuge family.

Zhuge Aoshuang walked out of the ancestral hall and returned to his room. There is a quiet hut in Zhuge Mansion, which is not big, but there are no adjacent houses everywhere.

A withered yellow grassland, several big trees with branches and leaves, the breeze blew up the soft hair of Zhuge Aoshuang, and swept up the yellow fallen leaves on the ground, dyeing waves of desolation.

This place is called Ting Xuexuan, and she will live here from now on.

She chose this place by herself, just like her current situation.

Alone, alone in this country that was originally familiar but now extremely strange.

Here, she can often remind herself that she is alone. There are no relatives in this world.

She was dressed in soft satin and white, with a blue silk bun, straightening her back and standing in the yard full of with yellow fallen leaves.

The back is so lonely and desolate.

"Who?" Zhuge Aoshuang suddenly turned around and stared at the person standing behind him.

There is a teenager behind her.

The teenager, dressed in a snow robe, stood with his hands on his back and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for many days. How have you been recently?"

Zhuge Aoshuang frowned and said coldly, "Why is it you?"

There was no trace of familiarity and nostalgia in the voice. It was as cold as ice, and there was no emotion.

It seems that the two have never been familiar with each other.

This teenager is none other than Qin Xuan, the man who helped Zhuge Aoshuang heal his legs a few days ago.

"Are you hostile to today's emperor?" The teenager stood with his hands on his hands and said with a smile, "I can help you."

Zhuge Aoshuang now looks at the teenager in front of him. He does not have the coldness of the first meeting, but a kind of approachable, elegant and intimate feeling.

She doesn't know where this feeling comes from.

It seems that it's because he laughed, and it seems that he wants to help her.


"Why do I believe you? Besides, how can I be hostile to him, the king of a country? After living a new life, she will no longer believe in the pie falling from the sky, and she is no longer the innocent, kind and deceitable princess of the White Kingdom.

If others want to help her, it means that there is something available to her.

He must have his purpose.

"Because in the Jinluan Hall, you assassinated the king of a country."

This sentence came out of his sexy thin lips, which shocked Zhuge Aoshuang.

On that day, she thought she would die, and because she was in a trance, she didn't hear Jiang Yi's sentence 'let you die' before she desperately assassinated Jiang Yi and planned to die with him. However, it was easily resolved by Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi's movements were hidden. No one in the court minister saw that she assassinated the emperor on the hall.

If she really saw it, then she thought that even Jiang Yi decided not to kill her. She also can't escape death.

Assassination of the monarch is a serious crime to destroy the nine clans.

And this person was not in the Jinluan Hall that day. How could she know that she assassinated Jiang Yi?

It seems that there were his people in the hall that day!

"Because I like you and want to protect you, I help you." His voice sounded in his ears, with demagoguery, which made people unable to help but indulge in it.

He expressed his feelings so boldly and had a generous attitude.

He said that I helped you because I wanted to protect you.

Zhuge Aoshuang pulled up a smile on her cold face, but with a strong mockery: "Pretense is good."

Qin Xuan shrugged his shoulders: "If you don't believe my ability, I can show you."

With a wave of Guangxiu, he gently tapped his toes and walked around the courtyard full of dead leaves.

In an instant, the dead leaves in the yard were swept over by a gust of wind and flew out of the courtyard.

"Sweep the yard for me?" Zhuge Aoshuang scolded coldly, "I can ask the maidservant to clean it. If nothing happens, you can go."

"You can take a closer look." Qin Xuan stopped and stood still.

If you look carefully, the position he stands is clearly the same as before he didn't move.

Zhuge Aoshuang raised his eyes and looked around carefully.

At this time, the mutation suddenly appeared.