After a poison

Chapter 041 Every day will split me

Mu Yutang lit the candle and put the stack of paper on the fire while watching and burning.

From now on, he will also be very careful.

In case these things are seen, they will destroy a lot of things.

Even the words in these papers will be charged with great charges.

After reading and burning, Mu Yutang took a heavy step out of the study.

A little maid saluted him when she walked out of the study in Muyu Hall and said, "Mr. Mu, madam is waiting for you in the front hall."

Mu Yutang nodded, followed the little maid to the front hall, and saw Wang Cuining, who looked like a vegetable and worried.

Wang Cuining saw him coming, rushed to him and asked nervously and worriedly, "Mr. Mu, where is my frost? How about the frost? Is everything okay with her? Where is she now? ......”

A series of questions stunned Mu Yutang.

He is usually not good at words. When answering a question, he has to think about the wording.

Mu Yutang was speechless about this series of questions asked by Wang Cuining. I don't know how to answer them to make this mother feel relieved.

"What's wrong? You are talking! Mr. Mu, where is the frost in my house?

When Wang Cuining saw that Mu Yutang did not say anything, she thought that something had happened to Zhuge Aoshuang. Suddenly, she knelt down to the ground with a strong sense of prayer in her tone: "Mr. Mu, is there something wrong with my Shuangshuang? Please tell me...please..."

Mu Yutang hurriedly helped the emotional Wang Cuining up and said, "Don't worry."

After thinking for a long time, Mu Yutang just said these words.

But his words made Wang Cuining, who was emotionally excited, calmed down a little.

Mu Yutang helped her to sit down on the square chair, poured a cup of tea for her, and then thought about the phrase, "She has gone far away and let me take care of you here."

Wang Cuining took the teacup in her hand without taking a sip. Hearing this, she asked anxiously, "Did the frost say when she would come back?"

"Maybe...two years." Mu Yutang looked at the worried and confused Wang Cuining and said the words.

Wang Cui nodded in a stunned way.

Two maids in pink gently stroked her undulating chest and gave her breath.

After a long time, Wang Cuining passed her breath, tears flowed down, and muttered, "It's okay... My frost is fine..."

After saying that, he collapsed on the back of the chair as if he had lost all his strength.

She looked at the maids around her who bowed to her voice and was inexplicably scared.

Zhuge Aoshuang is not here, and she seems to have lost her backbone.

Her daughter is fine, and she is relieved. But she couldn't see her daughter and her daughter was not around, so she was afraid of the people around her.

Because she was afraid that no one would protect her by her side like Zhuge Aoshuang.

Before, Zhuge Aoshuang was there, and she didn't have to be afraid of anything, but now she is afraid that she will go back to the days when she was bullied and beaten by her servants.

Mu Yutang watched her calm down and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he turned around and asked a girl beside him, "Has your master ordered anything before?"

Although Zhuge Aoshuang said in a letter that he would manage the Zhuge family on his behalf, as an outsider, he really didn't know how to take over such a huge family.

It was a casual question, but I didn't expect that the maids and guards in the hall knelt down and said loudly, "Please temporarily replace the head of the family."

Mu Yutang was stunned and asked, "Is this the order of your owner?"

Everyone nodded and replied, "Yes."

Mu Yutang nodded and answered.

In my heart, I admire Zhuge Aoshuang more and more, and I feel that she is comparable to Her Royal Highness.

This Zhuge Aoshuang seems to have been laying out, and everything has been thought out in advance.

For example, she left now, but the Zhuge family gave it to him. And it was forced to give it to him, forcing him to accept her entrustment with something.


After Zhuge Aoshuang and Qin Qingxuan walked out of the cliff, the sky gradually darkened and the night came quietly, giving people a chance to prepare.

Looking back, there is a white fog cliff. In front of me is an intersection with six paths in different directions, and I don't know where they go.

There are few people around, and the grass is cold and smoke. There is no living thing.

The cold raindrops also fell down with the night, hitting Zhuge Aoshuang's forehead, the tip of his nose...

Then it turned into water and flowed through her jaw.

It is rainy in spring, almost all the time when the rain falls and stops.

Zhuge Aoshuang looked at the barren grass and the six paths that did not know where to go, and suddenly found that the future was uncertain.

In such heavy rain, there is no one around. Where can I hide from the rain?

Without her to think about it, there was a burst of thunder in the sky, and then a dazzling white light broke a curve in the dark sky, shining the dark night like day.

Zhuge Aoshuang raised his head and a pair of dark pupils stared at the silver-white folded line above the sky.

There seemed to be something oppressing Zhuge Aoshuang's heart in the sky. She felt that she could not breathe when the thunder and lightning flashed across the sky.

Dazzling white light passed through the dark night sky one after another, roaring, like a lion roaring and roaring.

Zhuge Aoshuang raised his feet and walked back to the cliff.

This place is deserted, at least there is a place to hide from the rain under the cliff.

However, just as soon as she raised her foot, a thunderbolt, like a magic axe, split the sky and earth and smashed fiercely at her position.

The speed of lightning is so fast that Zhuge Aoshuang has no time to react. She could only stare at it and watch it rush towards her. The silver light was getting bigger and bigger, almost devouring Zhuge Aoshuang's whole body.

Because of rebirth, God wants to split me?

Is this... God's punishment?

At this moment, such an idea appeared in her mind.

No matter how capable she is, she still looks so small in front of heaven and earth.

"be careful!" Qin Qingxuan's original voice had been elegant and indifferent, but at this moment, he took on a little hoarseness and a few tremors.

The next moment, Zhuge Aoshuang felt that he was in a warm embrace, and the tip of his nose smelled the fragrance of grass that only belonged to him.

She was thrown down on the muddy mountain path by him, like a sharp lightning brushed the neck of the two people who were entangled with each other, banging on the muddy mountain road, smashing the mountain road into a deep hole that could not see the bottom.

Before they had time to speak, another huge lightning flashed down above their heads.

This time, the lightning is even worse than the previous one. The previous one is the sky axe, and this one is a huge ball.

The lightning turned into a huge thunderball and hit the two people fiercely.

Zhuge Aoshuang's heart also suffocated for a few seconds, and he couldn't move all over.

How could this happen!!

Zhuge Aoshuang felt frightened that her soul would leave the body as she did when she came.

How to come, how to return...

She did not forget that when her soul came to this body, the sky was also thunderous.

The people on her body rolled around with her two in their arms, narrowly avoiding the spherical lightning.

His cold lips rubbed Zhuge Aoshuang's cheeks, which worried Zhuge Aoshuang.

It's so cold on his body.

"It's okay." His shallow whispers brushed into her ears like the wind, but it was so reassuring.

I don't know whether she is fine or that he is fine.

At dawn, the rain in the sky gradually decreased, and the thunder followed.

Zhuge Aoshuang was helped up by Qin Qingxuan and staggered to stand unsteadily.

Qin Qingxuan turned around and smiled at her: "I will carry you on your back."

Zhu Ge Aoshuang looked at him, the originally spotless snow robe stained with mud, and his face almost half covered with mud, but his nose was sore and almost shed tears.

It was this person who jumped off the cliff with her.

is also this person. When she was chased by thunder and lightning for no reason, she hid with her and defeated the natural disaster with her.

Who is not far away from that person who is usually chased by thunder and lightning? It's too late to hide, isn't it?

With so much thunder and lightning, isn't he afraid of dying because she can't escape?

Looking at his lowered body, Zhuge Aoshuang's indifference collapsed in an instant. A large curvature rose from the corners of his mouth, wrapped his hands around his neck, and leaned against his back.

She keeps her strangers away from her all the time and keeps cold words, but who can know that behind these, she is just afraid of harm?

When Zhuge Aoshuang was carried back to the edge of the cliff by Qin Qingxuan, he found that Jiang Yi was no longer there.

Zhuge Aoshuang thought that it must have been the elite soldiers brought by Jiang Yi who saw him fall off the cliff, so they took him away at the bottom of the cliff.

Qin Qingxuan put down Zhuge Aoshuang and leaned against the cliff wall and closed his eyes to rest. Zhuge Aoshuang was also tired, so he sat next to Qin Qingxuan and half leaned against the cliff wall.

Zhuge Aoshuang, who closed his eyes, appeared in front of Qin Qingxuan holding her to block the thunder and lightning.

Every time he rolled away with her in his arms. Every time, she thought that she would be killed by the lightning that hit her like a broken bamboo the next moment.

She suddenly opened her dark pupils and looked at the man beside her who closed his eyes and quietly leaned against the cliff.

This look scared Zhuge Aoshuang.

She saw that the cliff against which Qin Qingxuan leaned was full of bright red**, and even the snow robe on his body was almost stained with blood.

Zhuge Aoshuang quickly got up and pushed him and called, "Qin Qingxuan? Qin Qingxuan, what's wrong with you?"

He lost the support of the cliff and fell on Zhuge Aoshuang's shoulder. He did not open his eyes or respond to Zhuge Aoshuang's words.

His thin lips, which were originally pale and sexy, are now as white as a piece of paper.

Zhuge Aoshuang held Qin Qingxuan, but found that his hands were full of warm **.

"Qin Qingxuan, wake up! Qin Qingxuan!" Zhuge Aoshuang followed the warmth** to find the wound on his body.

The blood flowed out of his back, and she tore the clothes on his back.

Almost all the clothes on his back were torn open before revealing the wounds on Qin Qingxuan's whole back.

It was a three-inch-long knife wound with a depth of about two fingers. If you go deeper, you can directly penetrate Qin Qingxuan's back and penetrate the heart.

In the wound, warm ** is constantly flowing out, impregnating Zhuge Aoshuang's hands.

The blood keeps flowing down, and Qin Qingxuan has already lost too much blood. If he doesn't stop bleeding, his life will be sent here.

Zhuge Aoshuang gritted his teeth, pulled off the remaining clothes on his body, and quickly tore them into a wide cloth to tie his wound tightly.

After doing all this, seeing that he still closed his eyes and could not wake up, Zhuge Aoshuang panicked and pushed him desperately: "Qin Qingxuan! Wake up! You can't sleep!"