After a poison

Chapter 057 Behind the Scenes

But to the stubborn face of Shangmu Yutang, Zhuge Aoshuang nodded and said to the general behind him, "It's okay. You wait aside."

Zhuge Aoshuang felt that Mu Yutang would not hurt himself. Even if he wanted to hurt himself, he would not just pull himself aside.

Because there are so many people behind her, Mu Yutang can't change anything even if he pulls himself aside.

Zhuge Aoshuang and Mu Yutang walked away from the crowd and went to the bamboo forest outside the crowd.

This bamboo forest is not far from the crowd. The crowd can see the movements of Zhuge Aoshuang and Mu Yutang, but even people with strong martial arts can't hear their conversation.

Zhuge Aoshuang knew this, so she took Mu Yutang to this bamboo forest.

Mu Yutang looked at Zhuge Aoshuang and said nothing. He directly took out a thick pile of rice paper from his arms, handed it to Zhuge Aoshuang, and said, "He gave it to you."

Four words said that Mu Yutang learned everything about her. I learned that Zhuge Aoshuang became the queen of Daqin and knew what she was going to do now.

These must have been told by Qin Qingxuan to Mu Yutang, right?

She took the rice paper from Mu Yutang's hand and looked at it one by one.

The more I look at it, the more shocked I am.

This thin piece of paper is full of complaints.

Accusing Jiang Yi of his crimes, accusing the injustice of the State of Bai, and accusing him of the real cause of death of all the ministers who were framed and killed by the State of Bai.

These papers can be said to be all things that can wash away the crimes of the innocent country.

Mu Yutang waited for her to turn over one by one before saying, "He doesn't know where to know where you asked me to investigate the truth about the deaths of all the ministers of the State of Bai, as well as the crimes committed by Jiang Yi and other things. Twenty days ago, he came to the Zhuge family and handed over these things to me."

"Since the day you went to the State of Qin, I have let the newly recruited children of the Zhuge family dress up as various identities to investigate these criminal evidences, but I can't find out anything. Jiang Yi doesn't seem to have done that, and I can't find out any evidence of guilt! It's weird."

Mu Yutang said slowly, and Zhuge Aoshuang listened quietly. Both of them were extremely excited.

Both of them have unprecedented fluctuations in their eyes, and finally there will be a day to clear their grievances for Bai Guo!

Zhuge Aoshuang took the thick evidence of guilt into his arms, took Mu Yutang, and went straight to the palace with the million troops behind him.

Even when she arrived at the palace, the door of the palace was still open, open for her and the million army of the State of Qin behind her.

Although Zhuge Aoshuang was doubtful, she did not retreat. No matter what was in front of her, she would break through.

All the way unimpeded, millions of troops stepped into the palace and stepped into the Jinluan Hall.

In the Jinluan Hall, there are a group of eunuchs with shrinking heads and concubines, as well as concubines who screamed and scattered birds and beasts.

Zhuge Aoshuang ignored them, went to the main position, that is, to sit down on the dragon, and ordered to the million troops under him: "Go and bring this white country and the literature and martial arts of the Man Dynasty."

As soon as her words fell, the million troops under her took action, separated 10,000 people to the residences of Bai officials, and took them all from their own mansions to the Jinluan Hall.

Zhuge Aoshuang saw them and smiled at them: "I haven't seen you for a long time, everyone."

The White ministers looked at her high below, but they were all frightened.

Zhuge Aoshuang read out the piles and piles on the thick stack of rice paper in his hand word by word, and read it out in front of a group of eunuch maids and frightened ministers of the white country.

"Jiang Yi used the white royal family to frame Zhongliang, poison the people, and plotted the royal family to sit on the throne. What do you think?"

Zhuge Aoshuang looked at them condescendingly and asked coldly.

Under the bottom, millions of troops of the State of Qin shouted in unison: "Kill him! Kill him!"

Zhuge Aoshuang nodded: "What else?"

The millions of Qin troops under him don't know why, and they stared at them one after another. They don't know what else.

On the contrary, the old ministers of the White State shouted with tears in their eyes one by one: "Return the royal family of the White Kingdom and the white family justice!" Clean up the grievances of the Bai family!"

Zhuge Aoshuang pulled up the corners of her mouth with joy, and finally there was a big smile on her face.

"Military, I have found the original emperor of the White Kingdom!" The next moment when her smile pulled up, the voice of a soldier from the State of Qin reached Zhuge Aoshuang's ears and resounded throughout the court.

Zhuge Aoshuang ignored the strangeness in his heart, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is it? Bring it here!"

The soldier of the State of Qin lowered his head with an entangled expression and said, "He... he's about to die... If the villain is afraid of touching him, he will be out of breath, so let's report it to the military division first."

Zhuge Aoshuang stood up and said in shock, "What did you say?"

She said that she had gone to the Yangxin Hall by herself, leaving a hall of ministers of the State of Bai and soldiers of the State of Qin who looked at each other in conside.

Marshal Qin waved his hand behind him and followed Zhuge Aoshuang with more than 10,000 people. The minister of the State of Bai looked at each other for a while and followed him one after another.

When Zhuge Aoshuang was familiar with the road and hurried to the Yangxin Hall, he saw Jiang Yi's thin appearance like leather and bones. The originally sharpened chin became sharper, and his cold eyes were tightly closed, with a gray face and pale lips without a trace of blood.

Jiang Yi's body actually carries a kind of late breath that only an 80-year-old man has.

Except for a faint breath on his body, it is no different from a cold corpse.

At this moment, she had an inexplicable fear.

Aren't you the winner? How can it fall to this point?

Looking at his difficult breathing, Zhuge Aoshuang frowned, turned his back to take a deep breath and said, "Suppress him to death row. If he dies halfway, he will die."

After ordering, she raised her head, rode on the horse, and went out of the palace gate.

"Driving~~~~~" She held her breath and galloped all the way. The horse flew like four hoofs and raised yellow sand all over the sky.

After running all night, she still felt that the breath in her heart could not dissipate. She raised her eyes and looked at the cliff under the vast white fog in front of her.

This cliff is the place where she and Qin Qingxuan left the White State, Jiang Yi brought people to chase them, and the three of them fell together.

She stood on the top of the cliff and looked down without seeing the bottom.

The strangeness in her heart became deeper and deeper. She adjusted the horse's head, raised the whip and hit the horse's back strands, detoured to the bottom of the cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff, it is still full of blood, white fog, and white bones.

This familiar place brought to her mind the picture of them falling down.

That day, she fell off the cliff, and it was Qin Qingxuan who caught her lightly. At that time, Qin Qingxuan grabbed a long branch that stretched all the way to the bottom of the cliff.

Because of that long branch, they survived.

"Girl?" While Zhuge Aoshuang was thinking, an old and hoarse voice sounded. At the bottom of this empty cliff full of bones, an echo is even more penetrating.

Zhuge Aoshuang did not feel afraid. Instead, he looked at the source of the sound and said coldly, "Who are you? Get out."

"Is the girl here to find the swarian?" The old and hoarse voice continued to sound, and at the same time, an old man with rotten wood crutches and white hair came out of a hole under the cliff.

The old man is about 80 or 90 years old, and the dense wrinkles have covered his face. Every time he says a word, the wrinkles will be twisted.

Zhuge Aoshuang heard him call the girl, and then he noticed that his green silk was scattered on his shoulder. She shook her head slightly at the old man, but stopped talking.

She has no desire to talk to people at all now, and now she feels tired even if she speaks.

"Girl, I have been waiting here for 60 years and have been looking for 60 years. No one jumps or falls from above, no one can survive.

As the old man said, tears flashed in his old and godless eyes: "The old man doesn't have many days to live. He is about to die, and his words are also good. Girl, don't wait. No one will live in such a high place. The wall of this cliff is as smooth as a mirror, and even the grass will not grow. There is no place for people to climb. Even if a man with strong martial arts falls, he will only die.

Zhuge Aoshuang originally looked at the high cliff, but her pupils shrank slightly when she heard the words. Suddenly, she looked up at the old man, and her voice stung the old man's eardrums loudly: "Can't even grow grass here? Is this the absolute cliff?

The old man nodded and asked doubtfully, "Girl? Have you heard of this place? So... why are you still coming?"

The heartless cliff turned out to be a heartless cliff!

It is rumored that the environment here is special, and there is no grass.

Generally, people who suffer from love or feel hopeless will choose to jump off the cliff and die.

This cliff is as high as 100 feet. If you choose here, you don't have to worry about falling to death and suffering from broken hands and legs.

Zhuge Aoshuang looked at the smooth cliff in front of her and thought that she was reborn in the Zhuge family at the beginning, and then escaped and met him in the carriage for the first time.

The second time, I met him at the Black Heart Inn in Piaoyunlou. He saved her and treated her legs.

For the third time, listening to Xuexuan in the Zhuge family, he said that he wanted to help her and gave her the poison scriptures.

For the fourth time, he still appeared in the Piaoyunlou Inn, but asked her to pretend to be Bai Mei to go to Muyutang.

For the fifth time, she saw Jiang Yi opposite the Piaoyun Tower. She didn't want Jiang Yi to see it, but... It was he who took her to see Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi still kissed her that time. He could obviously stop Jiang Yi from kissing her... but he didn't... He only hugged Jiang Yi after he left before comforting her. Then his purpose is obvious!

The sixth time...the seventh time...the eighth time...his game is really set one by one...

Zhuge Aoshuang's ten fingers were pinched into the palm of his hand, hehe, no wonder... No wonder you are so relieved to hand over millions of soldiers and horses to me!

No wonder you are not worried about me ruining your millions of soldiers and horses!


Qin Qingxuan!

You have been using me, it's not that I don't know!

But... I didn't expect that you were the real murderer who destroyed the White Kingdom and killed his father and mother!

You are the one behind the scenes!
