After a poison

Chapter 078 Men's Painting Women's Clothing

When the beggar Aguang saw that he was fine, he pulled him over and looked up and down until it was confirmed that he was only injured. Although there was blood on his body, it didn't seem to be his body.

Thinking about it, he must have pretended to be dead when those people rushed to kill other brothers.

Looking at the fourteen or five-year-old teenager, the beggar Aguang didn't know what to say.

Looking at the killing of the brothers around him, the teenager could actually think of this way to save his life. I don't know whether the teenager had hatred or was afraid of death.

When the beggar Aguang heard the teenager's words, he frowned and said angrily, "Adan, you don't know that if it weren't for Ajin, our brothers would not have died!"

The young beggar named Adan shook his head: "No, it's those people who are crazy. A Jin left before they came. He obviously didn't want to bring us disaster. Didn't you see that look when she gave us rabbit meat yesterday? Ajin has feelings for us.

Aguang, a beggar, looked hesitant and picked up his brother on the ground and went to the backyard of the ruined temple.

"Brother, we have no power and power, and we can't avenge our brothers! We can only rely on Ajin now. We can only hope that Ajin's ability is enough to avenge us! Big brother!"

The beggar Adan also carried a beggar's body and chased A Guang while persuading him.

The two finally carried the bodies of thirteen brothers to the back forest of the broken temple, dug a hole and buried them all.

These beggars don't even have a mat after death.

Now the mats on the market cost at least two copper coins, which is too expensive for Aguang, a beggar who doesn't even have enough to eat. He can't afford it.

Therefore, we can only bury these brothers together under the loess.

His eyes were red, and he looked at the beggar Adan, who wanted to stop talking. Finally, he nodded and said, "Let's go to Ajin!"

"Hmm!" The beggar Adan focused his head and had already burst into tears.

A fourteen or fifteen-year-old child, who was originally taken care of by more than a dozen brothers, seemed to grow up in an instant.

He wiped his tears and said solemnly, "I want to be an official!" I want to be a general!"

In a word, there is a heroic dry cloud, but there is endless hatred.

A Guang, a beggar, touched the back of Adan's head with heartache and nodded without saying a word.

Because only he knows that these beggars are actually slaves and have escaped. Not to mention the general, it is impossible to escape from slavery and become ordinary people.

Now Ah Dan said that he wanted to be a general and an official, and Ah Guang could only say nothing. He didn't know whether he should encourage him or tell him, which was impossible.

All the words finally turned into one sentence: "Let's go, A Jin should not go far."

Zhuge Aoshuang is walking in a market outside Lijiazhuang at this moment. You can see the portrait of her wanted on the surrounding walls. Looking at the solidified appearance, it has obviously been pasted for several days.

Her face was wiped with soft soil by her. Almost only one pair of eyes, half a pointed chin exposed, and even the nose is covered with a lot of dirt.

Even if it is covered with dirt, she paints it just right and will not be recognized or unable to breathe.

Zhuge Aoshuang walked calmly on the street step by step. None of the witch people along the way recognized her.

Even if many people look around at her, talk about her, and despise her, most of them say that she hasn't washed her clothes for about half a year, and then they are far away from her.

As long as no one recognizes it.

Zhuge Aoshuang thought so, and the steps under his feet were a little faster, but it would not seem abrupt.

Along the way, she had seen several groups of people searching for her whereabouts, and several groups of people saw people who were slightly similar to her and stabbed her to death on the spot.

She doesn't know why so many people are coming to kill her, and she doesn't know why the whole country is full of her wanted notices. All she knows is that she must live now.

Live to find out those people, live to find out why they want to kill themselves, and live to figure out her relationship with the so-called witch clan.

After walking for two days and nights, Zhuge Aoshuang did not find the way back to Baiguo. Even if he asked several passers-by along the way, they shook their heads. They clearly didn't know that there were other countries besides their country.

She asked those passers-by, and some even sneered at her daydreams.

"Where are there other countries besides Yiwan? Are you a little beggar sick? Go away!"

This is a lot of passers-by who say almost the same words.

Asked the way, her appearance was dirty and smelly, and she was inevitably despised. Those who answered her words were only afraid that she would follow them and spread the stench on them before answering her escape.

On the sky, the stars in the sky are blooming with their unique brilliance, and the pale full moon hangs in the sky.

The sky is the same as the White Country, but she doesn't know the way back.

She was tired of walking. She looked at the quiet and clear lake in front of her and reached out to drag her clothes. It was really stinky.

Looking at no one around, she quickly untied her clothes, walked into the lake, and buried her whole body.

The hair as black as grass floats on the lake. The water of the lake is very shallow and can drown her neck. Of course, this is because she is in a shallow place.

She hasn't taken a bath for a long time. She washed off almost a catty of stains on her body and began to admire herself.

I didn't expect that she didn't take a shower for two months, and there were times when she was smelly but didn't care at all.

Her bare back was white and smooth under the moonlight, and a black green silk was scattered on her shoulders. She stood in the water, but she was like a goblin in the moonlit night and a mermaid in the water.

Even at night, even if only the moon shines, it looks so good in the eyes of men.

By the lake, I don't know when a man in dark blue brocade sat next to her clothes and looked at her back. He couldn't help nodding and admiring: "Well, it's good. It's much better than the girl I've seen. It's the best."

As he spoke, he hooked his finger at Zhuge Aoshuang: "Although you are a little ugly, your body is worse, and your clothes are smelly, since you are my fiancee, I will protect you."

Zhuge Aoshuang didn't move and asked calmly with a cold face, "So many wanted orders, do you dare to say that your father has been pasted?"

Her cold words were exchanged for Sima's white eyes: "You are so stupid. Your father won't care about the wanted notice. Besides, my father doesn't know what you look like.