After a poison

Chapter 081 Nine Songs Clear Array Hook

This arrow is the princess, and under the world, the shooting is so good that there is only the princess in their eyes.

They have never doubted this.

That coquettishness and tone were no different from the rumored personality of the princess.

These two points can completely prove that the person who just killed their leader is the princess.

So, they left without hesitation.

Of course, in addition to these two points, the more important reason why they can retreat without hesitation is that these two people are simply insignificant beggars and useless.

Until this group of fierce officers and soldiers in red retreated, the beggar Aguang and the beggar Adan still couldn't believe it.

The two looked at it with big eyes and small eyes, and it took a long time to say, "We are not dead?"

The surroundings are quiet, only the wind blowing into the forest, bringing the sound of sand.

But the two were tied up. Even if the officers and soldiers in red retreated, they still couldn't move.

The two struggled hard, but they couldn't break free from the shackles of the rope.

At this time, a white figure seemed to fall from the sky. They only felt a flash of purple light, and the rope that they could not escape was broken out of thin air.

The two looked back, but did not find a trace of a person, as if what had happened before was just a dream.

The two knelt down together and said in the direction of the rising sun: "Thank you for saving me!"

Zhuge Aoshuang hid behind a tree pole behind them and squeezed his lips slightly.

Although these two people don't know why they are here, the beggars Aguang and Adan can't go the same way with themselves, and she can't come out to meet them.

If we meet, the two will lose their lives because of her sooner or later.

Thinking about it, Zhuge Aoshuang dodged and left the forest and returned to the place of the masked man in black.

At this time, the masked man in black had eaten the food and hurried to the forest where Zhuge Aoshuang came back. Obviously, they also heard the movement in the forest just now.

Zhuge Aoshuang followed less than 100 miles behind everyone.

"Ugliness?" After these people in black arrived in the forest, they found the blood-stained grass with sharp eyes and saw the people lying on the grass.

"Head, this team led by the ugly third generation is not bad in martial arts, and they are all iron men! Who is against us?"

"seven people died, and 15 people are alive, chase!" The leading man in black snorted coldly, waved his hand and ran along the winding place of blood.

Other people in black are well-trained and their pace is quite well controlled. There is no trace of their feet on the grass they ran past.

Zhuge Aoshuang frowned and did not dare to run across the grass as easily as they did. She was afraid that if she stepped over the grass, there would definitely be marks, so she took a deep breath. Her whole body emptied, and her toes were separated from the grass by a foot. She used light skills to float across the grass at no speed than in front of her. The man in black is slow.

After about 50 miles, the man in black in front of him stopped, picked up a palm-sized stone on the ground and threw it into the dense forest ahead.

The stone was obviously thrown out by the leader with internal force, rolling with an unprecedented momentum, fast and steady, like a rocket rushing forward with a "swish".

"Ouch..." The original indomitable stone rebounded somewhere in front of him, and a man in black was hit on the forehead by the rebound of the thrown stone.

It's really fast, accurate, and a heavy blow!

The man in black who was hit by bulleted his forehead fell to the ground, covered his forehead and rolled up. The blood on his forehead flowed through the cracks in his clenched fingers, which also penetrated his black mask.

"Waste! What howling! Are you dead father or mother?!" The leading man in black shouted angrily, causing other people in black and the man in black who was hit on the forehead in pain.

"There is a formation here!" The leading man in black muttered, frowning and thinking about the next move.

At this time, five thumb-sized gravel were shot from the front, that is, the place where the stone was bounced off, and shot towards the position of the man in black.

Among them, three slightly larger gravel went directly towards the boss in black who was thinking about his next move. The speed was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the door of the leader in black.

The three muffled sound of "Puff" is the sound of three stones one after another, pendling into the nose of the leader in black.

This sound is not clear enough and loud enough, but it is extremely infiltrating.

The other people in black beside him seemed to be able to directly feel the pain of the stone being inserted into the meat. They actually took a step back and carefully guarded around to protect themselves from sudden stones.

The other two stones are the same as the first three, with a frightening hit rate.

A piece hit the mouth of a man in black and broke the man's teeth full of teeth.

The other piece hit the bottom of the man in black's body, which is the softest part of the man's body. The small gravel broke through the trousers and cloth, and the man who hit him jumped and covered the place like a pig-like scream.

No one knows how painful the companion covering his trousers was, but when they heard the scream, they all did the same.

That is, all of them take a step back, carefully pick up the knife or their hands to intentionally or unintentionally block a certain part, and the bottom of their hearts tremble.

Good boy, it's not good to hit such a place.

Does the people in this forest have some kind of eccentricity?

Thinking about this, they are more vigilant and block a certain part more tightly.

With the completion of the first round of stones, a new round of stones shot out of the forest in front of them.

This round of stones is much smaller than the previous round, but it is countless, like snowflakes, dense, making people's scalp numb.

This time, everyone was already prepared and waved their knives to resist. The casualties were not large this time. Only two people were hit in the knee by stones and hummed, but did not kneel to the ground.

After this round of stones, there were no more attacks, but the people in black were still angry.

The leading man in black picked up his knife and went to the dense forest in front of him. He walked quickly and danced the cold knife in his hand.

It was not until he reached the formation that the leading man in black was surrounded by other people in black that he stopped at ease and took out a dark hook from his arms.

The dark hook hangs a bright red rope, and the red rope is smooth but printed with a strange flame mark.

Zhuge Aoshuang stood not far from them, naturally observed this mark, and couldn't help frowning.

The dark hook was thrown by the leading man in black, and Cheng parabola grabbed the large array in front of him.

A large array of ripples like a river, and then burst into pieces with a "bo..."

Originally, even the large array that everyone could not break with all their internal forces was broken by a small hook lock in an instant.

Zhuge Aoshuang couldn't help getting closer and wanted to see the special location of the hook.

"Nine Qu Qinggou, head, this is really a good thing!" One of the people in black was forced to brag about the formation.

"Hmm." The leader in black didn't care at all and snorted coldly.

Zhuge Aoshuang took a look and rushed into the dense forest ahead of them.

After Zhuge Aoshuang rushed into the dense forest, the leading man in black waved his hand coldly, and the people in black behind him flew into the dense forest.

Cut left and right along the way for fear of any traps.

The poisonous insects and ants are all over the ground, which makes people's scalp numb.

When the leader in black saw that they were all ready, he stepped into the dense forest, but when he met one person along the way, he killed one person, as if to find the culprit who had smashed his stone before.

An old man who cut firewood has no power to tie chickens, but they still cut him down like cutting melons and vegetables, without frowning at all, and don't think it's inappropriate for them to treat an old man like this.

Zhuge Aoshuang hooked the corners of his mouth, grabbed a handful of gravel on the ground, and shot at the leader in black with a stinky face.

At the moment when the stone fell out of her hand, she flashed to a thick tree pole and looked down with her arms.

Not far ahead, a team of officers and soldiers in red without a leader walked and stopped like frightened birds, as if they had completely forgotten their own tasks.

And behind them, the angry leader in black quickly stepped forward with a group of gray-faced people in black who were about to explode.

Zhuge Aoshuang's body was light and directly floated to the direction of the officers and soldiers in red in front of him, and a man behind the team of officers and soldiers in red happened to walk to a corner, to be precise, behind a big tree.


Don't miss the opportunity, and it won't come again!

Zhuge Aoshuang picked up his eyes and floated in front of him. He kicked the head of the officer and soldier in red who was finally hidden by the big tree, and then quickly evacuated.

The kicked officer and soldier in red staggered and almost fell to the ground like a dog. He poked his head out from behind the tree with a green face and happened to see the fierce leading man in black behind the tree.

"B bastard! Go to hell!" The officers and soldiers in red who were kicked in the head suddenly got angry and punched at the leader in black. This punch hit the face of the man in black. If it is true, it can at least interrupt the nose of the leader in black.

And it happened that the nose of the leader in black had been pierced by three gravel before, and the blood stains had just dried out.

"I said you are mentally retarded! So you sneaked on my nose!" As soon as the leader in black came up, he naturally found someone behind the tree.