After a poison

Chapter 085 What is the Prisoner

" hiss... hiss..." The little snake took a breath and retreated away, ran into the dark grass, disappearing.

The speed of the little snake was so fast that the man in black did not shout. He took a look at the place where the little snake disappeared, frowned and sealed his acupuncture points.

The speed is so fast that Zhuge Aoshuang is glad that he did not attack him unself-boundedly before.

His vigilance made her understand that even if she attacked, she would still be found by the man in black.

When Zhuge Aoshuang saw the little snake run out, he was naturally smart and did not stop it. Instead, when the man in black paid attention to the little snake, he flashed away from the side of the man in black.

The time is just right.

It was not noticed by the man in black at all. I have to say that in addition to his light and internal strength, he also needs eyesight and luck to escape from the dark guard with strong martial arts.

These points are indispensable.

Zhuge Aoshuang opened the door of a dilapidated palace at will.

The name of this palace can't be seen or how many years it has existed, but from the worn tables and chairs, the fallen leaves on the ground, and the thick layer of gray on the worn tables and chairs, it can be seen that no one has lived in this place for a long time.

But Zhuge Aoshuang is not a fool. This place is the most hidden in the palace, and although there are not many dark guards outside, they are all strong martial arts.

It is strange to have a dilapidated palace with a secret guard, not to mention that this dark guard is so strong?

Well, there must be something wrong with this place.

The idea in his heart rose, and Zhuge Aoshuang walked into the palace, passed through the front hall, made a detour through the backyard, and the Jiuqu corridor. He turned over all kinds of things, but did not find any strange clues here.

Zhuge Aoshuang returned to the front hall a little depressedly, but the corners of his eyes caught a glimpse of the dusty ground broken into a yellow porcelain cup.

Zhuge Aoshuang slowly lowered his body, approached the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, and raised his eyebrows.

Although these broken porcelain pieces are yellow and look particularly old, the dust on them is not as much as that on the ground or other places in the house, which can be said to be almost nothing.

Zhuge Aoshuang reached out and picked up a piece of broken porcelain on the ground and smelled it at the tip of his nose.

There is no odor, no fragrance, and ordinary porcelain tiles.

And this piece of porcelain is not a precious thing at first glance, like ordinary blue and white porcelain, and it is not smooth at all, full of flaws, and not worth a few silver.

Zhuge Aoshuang carefully looked at the broken porcelain pieces in his hand and said silently.

It took her a long time to put the broken porcelain pieces back in place.

Since there is no problem... then... why is there almost no dust in this room alone?

What Zhuge Aoshuang thinks is very strange.

So, she gently touched the broken porcelain piece with ten fingers.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces... fifteen pieces...

Zhuge Aoshuang unconsciously frowned and touched it gently.

"Wang..." At this time, there was a muffled sound, as if it came from afar, and as if it was close to his ear, which shocked Zhuge Aoshuang's heart.

What is this sound?!

She looked around, but didn't find anything ringing, so she looked at the pile of broken porcelain in front of her.

At this moment, the position of the broken porcelain pieces is still scattered on the dusty ground, but Zhuge Aoshuang's eyes found that these broken porcelain pieces were much higher than before.

Zhuge Aoshuang quickly lifted a piece of broken porcelain. After seeing the scene under the broken porcelain, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is an organ!

It turns out that after the broken porcelain pieces are gently touched, the organs covered by the broken porcelain pieces will gently bulge.

After the bulge, people's fingers can touch and open the mechanism.

Zhuge Aoshuang carefully observed the surroundings, and the surroundings were silent. The palace seemed to be forgotten by everyone, silent like a grave.

No one visited, no one's noise, no light, not even the moon in the sky shrouded this dilapidated palace.

Zhuge Aoshuang squeezed his lips, moved his eyes back to the broken porcelain pieces, raised his fingers slightly, and pressed them towards the fifteen broken porcelain pieces.

"..." A muffled sound from under the ground, empty and gently, shocked Zhuge Aoshuang's spirit.

It seems that she has found the right place this time!

A dark and unluminous passage was exposed from the ground, and the appearance of this passage made Zhuge Aoshuang's scalp a little numb.

I saw that the dark passage was full of purple **, sticky and fishy, as if it were a fish pond that had been kept for hundreds of years.

Those purple ** are like the blood of the most poisonous ink toad in the world.

She once saw this kind of toad in her father's imperial study. At that time, the prime minister dedicated the toad to her father, saying that this kind of toad was extremely rare and poisonous in every place.

And this toad's blood, she remembers this smell, that's the color.

Without the wet and sticky feeling and the strong fishy smell, Zhuge Aoshuang stood up, jumped gently, and jumped into this small channel of about one foot.

The dark and humid feeling of the path made Zhuge Aoshuang's pores stand up, and she was uncomfortable both physically and mentally.

The aisle is very long, and I don't know where it will lead, let alone what is waiting for her.

With caution and always beingware of the dangers that may occur around him, Zhuge Aoshuang walked slowly towards the front of the passage.

After walking for about half an hour, my feet were a little sore, and there was a trace of light in the dark passage.

The light is faint, but it looks so bright in the dark passage.

Zhuge Aoshuang was overjoyed and cautiously walked towards the light.

"When do you think the lord will kill these two people?"

"Then I don't know. Maybe I will just lock them up here for the rest of my life."


As Zhuge Aoshuang got closer and closer, the voice of someone talking in front of him became clearer and clearer, which was particularly abrupt in this silent passage.

Zhuge Aoshuang stopped and listened.

"However, our lord is really good."

"No, it only took a few years to control the witch royal family. The prince and princess of the witch can only stay in this dungeon that will never see the sun, hahaha..."

"Shh... Be gentle, you can't talk nonsense. If you are heard, be careful of your head!"

"Cut...listen to it? Who do you think can get in here? The lord never enters. Except for us who can never get to the outside, who else will come in desperately? Besides, there is no antidote of the master here, and even a butterfly can't fly in!"

"Well, you're right, continue..."

Zhuge Aoshuang listened carefully and was not surprised to hear the words, but nodded slightly.

I thought to myself, that's true.

There is something wrong with the witch prince he has seen before.

First, the wanted order was issued, he didn't arrest himself, and then His Royal Highness, who was known as a playboy, actually resisted women?

Or is it disgust?

It seems that the real prince should be imprisoned here.

But who is the person who is called the lord by these guards?

There was a flash of lightning in his mind, which almost fell down.

When the prince outside hugged himself by the river that day, he smelled of grass.

This taste!

Is it...

Qin...Qin Qingxuan?

The more she came to this conclusion, the more she affirmed her thoughts.

There are only a few doubts that she can't figure out.

First, if the prince outside is disguised as Qin Qingxuan, then why can he be so relaxed when he sees himself?

You know, she was the one who killed him with a dagger!

Even if a person wants to pretend, it's too similar, isn't it?

Second, Qin Qingxuan was clearly dead, and even the body was stopped in the palace for seven days. The civil and military officials worshipped and mourned the whole country.

But why did it appear here? Is that man really him?

She can't solve many questions. Maybe if she continues to investigate, she will get that result.

Actually, in my heart, I hope that that person is his, right?

Zhuge Aoshuang couldn't help smiling bitterly. What on earth did she do?

Taking a deep breath, Zhuge Aoshuang straightened his hair and walked out calmly.

"Who is it?!"

This time, Zhuge Aoshuang did not deliberately take light steps or deliberately use light kung fu to walk away from the ground, but calmly walked out with elegant small steps. So soon, the guard who had stopped talking in front of her found her whereabouts, and the secret room with loud shouting almost collapsed.

The man's voice was already rough. At this time, because of the shock, he shouted vigorously, so even if Zhuge Aoshuang had been prepared, he couldn't help frowning slightly by his loud shouting.

Zhuge Aoshuang walked to the five or six guards, put his hands on his waist, stared at each other, and said angrily, "All of them are bastards! You know what the lord asked you to do! Do I need to say it to each of you again?!"

Her voice was deliberately sharp and harsh, and the righteous appearance made several guards who were about to draw knives slightly stunned. For a moment, they didn't know what to do.

"This girl..." One of the guards looked at the other and hesitated to speak.

"What girl? What a bastard! Call aunt in the early morning!" Before the open guard finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhuge Aoshuang.

All the guards are unknown, but the hesitation and doubts in their eyes are getting deeper and deeper.

I haven't seen this maid, and no one has come before. How did this early morning come out?

"B bastard! Look again, dig your eyes!" Seeing that these guards had not seen the early morning, Zhuge Aoshuang crossed his waist and pointed angrily to the five or six guards in front of him: "Did the lord let you stay here for a long time, and I don't even know my aunt in the early morning?"