lost killing

Chapter 2 The Unrivaled Battle

A noise came from a restaurant on the street. There were many people around the door of the restaurant. After listening closely, I knew that there was a voice that attracted everyone in the restaurant. The sound may have been said for a long time, so there was a little hoarseness, but the words were still round, clear and powerful. The crowd was surrounded by a man in his thirties, who talked endlessly about everything he saw on Luoxia Peak. People don't care whether what he said is true or not, they are more or less here to have fun and listen to an interesting story to relieve boredom. There are also some naughty children lying around, who are attracted by the story in the man's mouth. They are no longer naughty everywhere, and they are dreaming of heroes in their hearts.

A folding fan opened, and the man paused for a moment, found a glass of water to moisten his throat, cleared his throat, looked at the people around him, and then talked about this peerless battle. Yunshang, the 'falling cloud sword', grabbed the hilt and leaned a little later, like a bow. At this moment, the general trend between heaven and earth seemed to have become one with him. Although the wind was blowing on the mountain, it could not blow a corner of Yunshang's clothes. Opposite him stands the Mousu, who claims to be the 'closest person to God' and has the 'God of War Mu'. The momentum of heaven and earth, even the mountains trembles a little, and people close to him can feel a pressure. And looking at that Musu, he didn't have any expression on the meeting, as if he was no longer in this world. After talking for a while, the man took another sip of water. When the people next to him saw that the water in the man's bowl had bottomed out, someone called the restaurant owner to give the man a pot of water. When the man saw this, he was also very happy. He remembered the days when he was not a storyteller, but he sighed more or less, hoping to get more history, but the "Dragon Envoy" allowed storytellers to talk around, but some strictly prohibited it.

When the man saw that the people around him were looking forward to the following story, he wanted to adjust everyone's appetite. "Speaking of these two people, they must not know some of their lives, but they just know that they are known as the strongest two in the mainland. First of all, let's talk about this 'Luoyunjian' Yunshang. It is said that during the war period, the three sons of the head of the Yun family, the Yun family can only be regarded as self-conserving in the war. It can't be said that they can build a city, but the three sons of the Yun family are not simple. Although the boss of the Yun family can't lead the army to fight, he doesn't lose much. There is a "fling cloud gun" in the Longji mainland. Known as Yunli, the second brother of the Yun family is outstanding in planning and strategy. The boss of the Yun family is also more or less related to his contributions. Yunhe, known as the "hand of the cloud" in the mainland. These three sons are the well-known 'falling cloud sword' Yunshang. His strength can be said to have reached the state of regarding thousands of troops as nothing, and no one knows exactly. This Yunshang is only in his early thirties. He is romantic and unrestrained, but he has keen thinking and command ability. Therefore, the head of the Yun family is Yun Shang. When it comes to 'the person closest to God', there are many mysteries. Most people think that he was born in the Mu family, but there was no news of the Mu family in the war, as if it had disappeared, but the 'God of War Mu' was born and hit the sky. It is said that when Mu Su just came out of the mountain, he had a battle with the three city owners of Thunder. The latter four did not announce it to the public. The 'God of War Mu' is a heroic person. A few years after he went out of the mountain, he made a lot of friends. He has three generals, a cold mountain known as a 'life-threatening hammer' in the mainland; Wang Xing, who is famous for his wisdom and known as an 'abacus fairy'; and another Liu Shan, who is known as a 'flashing thorn'. Mu Su can be said to be the three people in the world. The three of them respect Mu Su and his obedient.

At this time, the people below began to shout, "Try up and tell the story of the duel. It's not too late to listen to it in the future."

Someone spoke, and then began to make a coax. As soon as the man saw that the effect was almost complete, he began to talk about the peerless battle. At this time, Yunshang of the 'falling cloud sword' took action and shook a sword flower in the air. The air fluctuated slightly. The blade went straight to the neck of the 'defeat' Mu Su. Mu Su raised his right hand and reached forward to grab it, but the path was just the only way for the blade to walk. Yun Shang immediately shook his wrist and the blade deflected. 'huh'. Mu Su was a little surprised. In the past, even if he couldn't win the whole thing, he was * ten. However, Yunshang found this move halfway and couldn't help paying attention to it. Speaking of Mu Su, he used two boxing gloves, refined by fine steel, and talking about this martial arts. I don't know if everyone knows the material of the device? Seeing everyone shaking their heads, the man began to explain about the materials on the continent.

"We don't know what materials were in history, but when the Dragon Age began to record, there were some classifications. The worst is that ordinary people are made of bronze. Some ordinary iron soldiers are owned by those who have some strength. After refining iron, they will become refined iron, which has to be higher. Some refined iron is a little worse than that of that steel. Now it is said that the best material on the Dragon Continent is refined steel. The weapons in their hands are all made of refined steel. It was late. At that time, Yunshang's sword front came into contact with the blade of Mu Su's hand, and the friction of the weapon came to people's ears. The sparks between the two weapons were particularly eye-catching in the sunset. Under the light of the sunset, the blade of the weapon shines with the chilling blade. Yun Shang saw that the sword was blocked and did not like to fight. He jumped back, but the tip of the sword still pointed to the key point of Mu Su. When Mu Su saw that his opponent was out of the war, he did not immediately pursue it, but quietly waited for the other party to attack. Yun Shang lowered his hands. At this time, Mu Su suddenly jumped back, but Yun Shang stepped out. The tip of the sword pointed to Mu Su's heart. Halfway, he suddenly trembled and had the intention of pointing to his neck. However, when he approached Mu Su, he shook again, and the tip of the sword seemed to point to the sky. Except for a few people who saw the power of this sword, most of them were still in the clouds and didn't know why. Mu Su's face was serious, and his whole body turned to the left, as if he was about to fall to the left. However, just as the tip of the sword was about to fall on Mu Su's body, Mu Su's right hand faced the blade, while his left hand suddenly protected his eyes. With a 'ding', the tip of the sword pierced Mu Su's left hand. When he tried hard, Mu Su's right hand had followed, 'bang' Immediately after that, the body of the sword was hit head-on by the right hand. Yunshang saw that the sword was broken, and then turned around and held the sword. One sword was pulled back horizontally. When he saw that it was about to end, the tip of the sword trembled but went straight along the light of the sword. Mu Su was not in a hurry. He only saw his hands back to his chest, his left arm was thrown forward, and his right arm was round. 'ding, ding, jing' twice. Mu Su then stepped on half a step, and his whole body was full of momentum. He pressed all over his fists and went straight to the door of Yunshang. Yunshang's horizontal sword stopped, and with a 'pung', Yunshang retreated five steps, his hands trembled, and the sound of the sword kept echoing in the valley. Mu Su's legs and feet sank a little. Although he did not retreat, he suffered a lot of reaction. The two of them were almost inseparable. At sunset and the moon came out, the slightly cold white light emitted from the bright moon. The two began to play unhurdlely. After dozens of rounds of communication between you and me, gradually the moves of the two became more and more delicate. The gap between the shoots slowly lengthened, but the process of the match was shortened a lot.

'Hahahaha, Brother Mu, take my move and ask my heart.' Yunshang became more and more excited. It was indeed a little lonely that there was no opponent in the world.

'Brother Yun, then you can also take my move, Ben Lei.' Although Mu Su looks more than 40 years old and is middle-aged, there are several people who can become heroes who are willing to be lonely. The duel was originally intended to go through, but who would have thought that it was this ending, which also made Mu Su's evaluation of Yun Shang much higher. It seems that there is no false in his reputation.

The two split as soon as they met, and they fought for more than 100 rounds. The east also began to turn slightly red. Another morning, there was a breeze, and the night on the mountain was still very cool. When the first ray of sunlight hit people, people felt unprecedented warmth. Although there will be less rest at night, most of them are still watching the duel, and the two people watching the duel do not find any fatigue, but the bigger they are, the more energetic they feel. The sun sprinkled on the sunset peak, but the luster of the blade in the faint light has a feeling of losing the blade, a little smooth and no sharpness. The two looked at each other and started first. After one night, both sides almost touched each other's strength. Now the two sides have simplified the situation. Every time they take action, it seems to be free, but it reveals the philosophy of heaven and earth in it. The two no longer tend to move and begin to turn to the artistic conception. A day's match did not produce results. The two began to rest for a long time. When the colorful clouds fell to the peak again, the two sides got up at the same time and took action at the same time. The battle was another night. In the early morning of the third day, the two of them stop at the same time and announced to everyone that the result of the fight was a draw, which caused an uproar. People thought that the 'falling cloud sword' could not defeat the 'God of War Mu', but there was an ending of a draw, which was unexpected by everyone, but it seemed to be reasonable. The two said goodbye to everyone and went down the mountain together, but the people watching the battle talked about it one after another. They knew that when the sun went down, the people on the mountain almost left. When the big city owner of the Thunder City returned to the city, he announced the closure, and even the 'evil god' Niu Wu also announced the closure. Many people went back to sort out what they had obtained in the past two days. Ha ha, I know so much about this peerless battle. There will be other stories to tell you in the future. Thank you for your support. A plate in front of the man was full of copper coins. The mainland was exchanged for 100 silver coins and a silver coin for 100 copper coins. After this story, in addition to taking these people's money, the hotel owner will also give another sum of money. If it's not good, you have to give the boss money. This time, nearly ten silver coins were collected, but the man did not leave a souvenir. He went to the next city and ran to the small city. In the big city, the storytellers were all fixed places, and also by fixed people. However, these outside storytellers only told books in villages and small cities. In a year, they have not only run to many other parties and accumulated. There are as many as ten gold coins, and the income of ordinary people is only four to five gold coins a year. Therefore, storytelling is also a very profitable profession, but there are not many people who do this. They need to be eloquence, think fast, and be able to endure hardships, because there are many people who have to run, which is why many people can't stick to it.