lost killing

Chapter 12 New Skills

"Well, I'm so dizzy. By the way, my strength." Chen Feng checked his whole body and found nothing wrong, but he felt that there was an energy in his body that kept swimming, walking the path he found.

"Yes, yes, that's the feeling, but there is no combat skills. It seems that the early combat skills can be replaced by others." How did he know that the only difference between warriors and warriors is combat skills. During the wartime, everyone will create the most suitable combat skills. There is no ready-made one for you to practice. But now, some of the same attributes can learn the same combat skills, which also makes the variety of combat skills not as the war period. But the power depends on the person's ability and talent. Some people may not be suitable for themselves to move forward slowly, and some can also reach a high level. In the end, the combat skill must cooperate with the walking method of the meridians to show the power of the combat skill and even achieve the ability to create the world. This is the difference between a warrior and a warrior. Once the warrior is advanced, he will be out of the category of ordinary people.

"My state is the phenomenon of apprenticeship. I have entered the apprenticeship. Ha ha, I don't know how Qianshang is." Chen Feng looked up at the sky, and it was not too late. While walking, he heard gusts of wind in his ear, and bursts of shouting came over. Chen Feng also understood that these were attributeless and wanted to try to change his fate. I didn't care, so I went back to my dormitory.

"There are also meridians, um, some don't understand. Is this path a wind attribute?" The teacher sent some books suitable for everyone and let them go back to read. The path of combat skills is only guided by the teacher, and the rest depends on themselves. If you don't understand, you can ask the teacher, which means that the college has an advantage over what you learn outside.

"Little fool, where is your home?" Shiyan tilted her head and looked at the boy next to her.

"Xiao Cun, do you know?" Qianshang saw the girl opposite shaking her head.

"What about you?"

"My home is in Yancheng." This Yancheng is also one of the 16 cities next to Thunder. Although the city owner is a warrior, he has no title, so Yancheng is not very famous.

"Little fool, once the meridians are connected, they will enter the apprenticeship stage."

"How do you know so clearly?"

"Ha ha, I won't tell you."

At this time, the teacher came in: "Classmates, there will be an annual school martial arts competition in mid-June, which is at the martial arts arena. At that time, I will take you to see it."

"Marty, how good are those people?"

"In the same class, it also depends on combat skills and combat consciousness. Even if they are all apprentices, there are highs and lows. Basically, those who participate in the competition are level 3 people. They participate in the competition, hoping to make a breakthrough.

"Xiaoyan, you know so much." Qianshang seemed to see the girl in front of him on the first day.

"You have to read more books, little idiot." Qianshang couldn't help nodding, like listening to the class, which made the girl laugh for a long time.

June came in May. From time to time, Chen Feng looked for his own combat skills and summarized his own combat skills. This state is like those heroes born in the war.

"Let the wind." As soon as the words fell, the figure of Chen Feng seemed to become the fallen leaves swaying in the wind, drifting with the wind and unpredictable.

"Ha ha, this move is for dodging. I haven't figured out the attack yet. The battle skill of the wind attribute is really elegant. I don't know what Qianshang will look like in the future?" Chen Feng combined his own characteristics from the combat skills of the wind attribute and developed the first type of his own combat skills.

"Okay, this trick is called 'wind sweeping the fallen leaves', this trick is called 'wind back to the earth', this trick is called 'thousand shadows in the wind'..." Qianshang kept looking at the combat skills recorded in the book, and occasionally compared it. After reading the moves, sit cross-legged to improve and sense the strength in your body. Suddenly, the path in my body that I go to every day has a feeling of opening the flood. A force swims along the meridians from time to time. There is a feeling of smoothness in my whole body, and my strength is much greater than before.

"Is this the apprenticeship period?" Qianshang couldn't help feeling that the power in his body was more than twice as strong as before. When you become an apprentice, you can officially learn combat skills. At the beginning, you will learn basic things, just to prepare for the future.

"I can learn combat skills, hahahaha, Xiaoyan must be very happy to know it. Brother Chen Feng would be very happy if he knew it." Qianshang immediately took the book and began to learn the combat skills above.

The martial arts competition will soon come. In the unknown situation of the freshmen and the expectations of those old students, the notice of the martial arts competition was posted all over the college.

"Have you heard that last year's warrior group was the first, and it will graduate this year. I don't know if it will continue to win the championship this time?"

"This time, a very powerful person came out. He entered school last year and broke through to the third level of warrior in two years."

"What do you know? No matter how fast the warriors broke through before, they can only cross the warriors."

"Yes, I have also heard that some people have been in the warrior stage all their lives. No matter how fast they break through in the early stage, when it comes to the hurdle of warriors, how many people will be called geniuses."

Qian Shang heard a lot of comments along the way and asked curiously to Shi Yan around him, "Is this martial arts competition so attractive?"

"Yes, little fool, you don't know that there are rewards for this martial arts competition, sometimes it's property, sometimes it's weapons, and I don't know what the reward is this time."

"Will the whole hospital come to see it this time?"

"It's almost done. Everyone will come to see it, but we are all sitting here, and the North Courtyard is sitting opposite us. It's difficult for you to have a chance to see your brother Chen Feng." Shiyan was thoughtful. Looking at Qian Shang's expression, she knew what he was thinking.

Most people have already taken their seats. Most of them sit in the front row to participate in the competition. Most of them are familiar with each other and have a good chat. As soon as Qianshang sat down, he began to look at the opposite side, hoping to see Chen Feng, but it backfired. Because of the distance, there were many people, which was difficult to find.

"I don't know if Qianshang is sitting opposite. Most of the competitions have attributes, but few have no attributes. Moreover, only the college can let them compete." Chen Feng couldn't help talking to himself.

"Xiaofeng, what are you thinking? Let's watch it like this. When you reach the third level of the apprenticeship, you can also join the apprentice group. Anyway, the highest is the warrior group. But I really envy those who have attributes, and they all rise quickly.

When Chen Feng heard this, he couldn't help thinking that Qianshang should have surpassed himself. Thinking of this and thinking of his own attributes, he couldn't help but be full of hope. I also have attributes.

The martial arts competition lasted for three days, and the North Courtyard of the apprenticeship group also won the second place. The warrior group also finally decided on the top four, one of whom was a girl, and the North Courtyard had been destroyed when it hit the top 16. Then, the top four drew lots to decide their opponents.

"In the next scene, Shen Li from the South Courtyard will fight against Wu Wei, who also came from the South Courtyard. Both of them are third-level warriors with fire attributes.

Hmm, the same attribute? Chen Feng can't help but be full of expectations. The victory or defeat of the same attribute is the power of combat skills and battle experience.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect us to draw a piece." Shen Li also knows more or less about the opponent in front of him. He entered the school last year and is now a third-level warrior, and he will graduate after the competition this year. He can't help sighing that he is a genius, and I don't know if he can cross the hurdle of the warrior.

"Don't say much, let's start."

"Brother Lin, I will take the initiative to abstain." The two people sitting below are waiting to go on stage. This is the only woman in the top four, and what she calls Brother Lin is last year's champion Lin Xunxiao. This person is a style combat skill. He is handsome and strong. He is the admiration of many girls of the same class, even the next year. And this girl is also one of them, and her combat skills are water attributes.

"Wu Xiaoqian, compared with me, it's a little weak. It's okay to abstain from the power and win the third place."

"Well, I know." Wu Xiaoqian looked at the handsome and handsome brother Lin in front of her and couldn't help but be a little crazy.

As the stage was speaking, the two people on the stage had met, and the moves used were similar. It seemed that the college did erase innovative thinking and made people lazy.

"Pir me up and burn thousands of miles."

"Good to come, pick me up and burn thousands of miles."

This martial arts competition is very boring. It depends on who can fall down first. This direct fight was in the afternoon, and the spectators watched it with relish except for the apprentice level, but also the warrior level.

"Okay, the last one, the war will set fire."

"War is on fire."

With a "bang", Shen Li was knocked out and fell under the stage, and the tug-of-war ended with Wu's victory.

"In the next scene, Lin Xunxiao from the South Courtyard will fight against Wu Xiaoqian, who is also from the South Courtyard. Lin Xuny is a three-level warrior with wind attributes, and Wu Xiaoqian is a three-level warrior with water attributes.

"I abstained." As soon as the referee finished speaking, a girl rang.

"Due to Wu Xiaoqian's abstention, Lin Xunxiao entered the next round. Today's competition is over, and tomorrow will start competing for the top three games."

"Who is this Lin Xunxiao?" Chen Feng couldn't help asking.

There are also old students sitting next to it. Lin Xunyi is last year's champion. His shadow is a big kill.

is also a wind attribute, but you should take a good look. Chen Feng couldn't help looking at it a few more times.

"Little fool, that Lin Xunyo has the same attribute as you. You have to look good tomorrow."

"I know this." Qianshang didn't forget to look for Chen Feng when he left the venue.

Humph, I'd like to find an opportunity to see what kind of person Chen Feng is. When Shiyan saw Qianshang's expression, she couldn't help thinking of it with hatred in her heart.

"Let's go." Qianshang didn't see Chen Feng, and he didn't know how powerful Lin Xunxiao was tomorrow.