lost killing

Chapter 14 The Beginning of the Rebellion

When the college competition came to an end, the friction between some forces on the mainland began to escalate. The first is the City of Blood Tomb and the City of Thunder, which gradually have the impulse to break out war. If it hadn't been suppressed by other major forces, it would have broken out, and there was a pile of documents on the desk of the dean of Thunder College. The dean stood next to him, and there was already a person sitting in the seat where he was supposed to sit, but it was the main wind of the two cities.

"Duan Niantian, you have to train a group of students as soon as possible. I think the 'evil god' can' stand loneliness. In five years at most, he will come to provoke us.

"It's the owner of the second city. I know how to do it. I will ask the teacher to work hard to teach, and about Wu Wei and Lin Xunhiao, you see."

"Ha ha, it's two good seedlings, but I don't know if you can break through that hurdle. You have been wandering among the warriors for nearly five years. I don't know if there is any progress?"

"The owner of the second city, I am stupid. Although I have some feelings, I still can't reach a breakthrough."

"Well, isn't the king of war another hurdle? I heard that the evil god has always troubled us recently, but he was the first one to become the king of war."

"Ah, I didn't expect that the gap between them and us would get smaller and smaller in this way."

"Who said no? Our Thunder has at least three warriors, but none of them broke through to the King of War. It's not good to go on like this."

The two had a conversation, and Fengyou, the owner of the second city, left, but Duan Niantian, the dean of the college, was worried.

Time has passed quickly. In the past six months, Chen Feng and Qianshang have made progress, especially Qianshang. Since watching Lin Xunsiao's game, he has been working hard and accompanied Shiyan in his spare time. Chen Feng tried his best to create his own combat skills. He had integrated various attributes of combat skills, but did not create an exclusive second move, but other moves increased, which was also unexpected.

During the Spring Festival, the college will let students go home. During the period of registration in March next year, students will return one after another, because some of them will indeed take half a month or even a month on the way.

Xiao Mu and Daniel came to the gate of the college early to wait for the two children to come out.

"Brother Chen Feng, I haven't seen you for a year. How are you?" The first thing Qianshang did when he came out was to look for Chen Feng. No, Chen Feng was found by Qianshang as soon as he showed his face.

"Qianshang, I'm doing well, eating well and sleeping well." The canteen and other things in the college are provided free of charge, so there is nothing missing from the money on the two.

"Who is this?" Only then did Chen Feng notice a girl next to Qianshang. Although she was only a teenager, she couldn't help but brighten her elegant temperament and delicate face.

"This is the good friend I met at school. Her name is Shiyan, Shiyan. This is the brother Chen Feng I told you about."

"Hello, you are Xiao Dai, Chen Feng mentioned by Qian Shang. I'm his deskmate, and my name is Shiyan." Shiyan looked at the person opposite, who was talked about by Qianshang every day. Her face was indeed more handsome than Qianshang, her personality was also calm, and she was also taller than Qianshang.

"Hello, my name is Chen Feng." Chen Feng was also looking at the girl curiously, thinking, when did Qian Shang become enlightened?

"Xiao Feng, Qian Shang, look, your Uncle Niu is here." The bull's sharp eyes quickly saw the three children talking.

At this time, a middle-aged woman shouted, "Xiaoyan, my mother is here."

"Little, Qianshang, I'll go first. I wish you a happy New Year." Shiyan walked to the woman and turned her head back from time to time.

"Happy New Year to you, too." Qianshang watched Shiyan go away.

"Okay, Qianshang, my eyes will come out again. I'll go quickly." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

In half a year, Chen Feng knew much more than Qian Shang, and the obvious division of strength and attributes in the college also made Chen Feng's mind no longer like a child.

"Yes, let's go. Dad is waiting for it. Brother Chen Feng, your strength?"

"I'm already an apprentice." If it weren't for the study of combat skills, it might have been in the second level.

"I'm about to break through the second level. Ha, I think I have a chance to go to the martial arts competition next year. I don't know Brother Chen Feng?"

"Of course I will go. I won't be pulled down by you."

While talking, the two walked to Xiao Mu's side.

"I see you two chatting with a beautiful little girl, the children you know?" The bull speaks bluntly.

"Uncle Niu, Uncle Xiao, that's Qian Shang's classmate. I don't know her."

"You two are not in the same class?" Xiao Muqidao.

"Well, I'm in the North Courtyard and Qian Shang is in the South Courtyard." Chen Feng explained quickly.

"Oh." Xiao Mu didn't ask much, but looked at Qianshang with a smile, and Qianshang's heart was furry.

"Ha ha, I'm only 14 this year. Well, when I graduate, I'll be 16 or 17 years old, and I can get married. Well, I think that girl is not bad." Xiao Mu said to himself, but he didn't let others hear him.

"Brother Chen Feng, I have learned three combat skills. I will practice them for you at that time, but I don't know you." Qianshang now understands the characteristics of no attributes. He originally wanted to ask happily, but when he thought about it, he couldn't say anything.

"I also learned some moves, hehe." Chen Feng doesn't want people to know about him. Even he doesn't know what his attributes are, and his combat skills are really not easy to create.

"Let's go back and have a try. I miss the past so much."

Several people stayed at Da Niu's house for one night and set off for Xiao Village the next day. From time to time along the way, I saw some apprentices and soldiers, groups of people, each with emblems on their chests.

"This is probably a mercenary." Chen Feng looked curiously. Six months ago, the college also posted the message of mercenaries.

"This is a mercenary, Brother Chen Feng. Can we also become mercenaries after graduation?"

"Of course. After graduation, I really want to be a mercenary. I can take a look at this continent."

"Ha ha, you two should work hard and improve your strength, so that it's not dangerous to do the task."

"Yes, Dad, I'm almost a second-level apprentice now, and Brother Chen Feng is also fast."

As soon as Xiao Mu heard it, he had only recently broken through to the third level. The two children have only been in school for half a year. Since they are nothing, they are almost second-level apprentices now. It seems that the child still has to go to school together.

"Ha ha, your mother must be very happy to hear this news."

was talking, but ** happened in front of him, and several teams of mercenaries ran over behind.

"Let's go and have a look." Qianshang was about to rush over after saying that.

But Xiao Mu grabbed the collar: "Let's look away first."

As he spoke, there was the sound of weapons colliding in front of him.

"Is there a fight?" Xiao Mu frowned. In the past six months, the number of mercenaries has gradually increased and there has been a lot of friction.

"It's fighting, Dad, can we take a closer look?"

"No, let's wait."

After a while, the battle calmed down. The three came forward to ask, but learned that it was a bandit. Due to the increase of mercenaries, some bandits disintegrated. No one wanted to live on the edge of the knife. Although mercenaries were not easy to live, their identities were recognized, unlike bandits who wanted to nest in the mountains and forests.

This situation also led to the gradual decrease of small bandits, but there are still bandits building camps on the mountains to form another force.

The three looked at the battlefield, and the blood splashed. The land was stained red, the limbs, and the dead bodies were scattered nearby. Qian Shang couldn't help spitting, and Chen Feng persisted for a while. The two children lay there and vomited, which also slowed down the nervous breath.

"Hahahaha." A group of mercenaries couldn't help laughing at this scene. Sure enough, they were still children.

"The three of you, just follow us mercenaries, an adult with two children, yo, that's good. Third-level apprentices, and the two children are also first-level.

If you are a class with high strength, you can feel the strength of the other party from the breath emitted by the other party.

I didn't meet bandits all the way. Maybe there were, but if I saw several mercenaries together, I wouldn't be stupid enough to come out and die.

Xiao Mu chatted with some people for a while and was surprised to find that the lowest in the team were all third-level apprentices, and the highest was actually about to break through to the fighters. In my heart, I was not optimistic about the mercenaries. Now it seems that the mainland has strength not only those on the surface.

"Brother Xiao, you see, we mercenaries are also making a living. If there is no mercenary agency proposed by the Dragon Envoy, we don't know where to fool around. You storytellers are also very hard. You get materials from the Dragon Envoy Hall, and we mercenaries get tasks from there. Generally speaking, we all belong to the Dragon Envoy Hall.

The words of a mercenary captain attracted Xiao Mu's attention. If the dragon did this, would it attract other forces in the mainland*? Perhaps, at the beginning, the dragon envoy and the major forces were trying to find something to do for everyone, but this was proposed by the dragon envoy. Will the mercenaries obey the order of the dragon envoy in the future? There are many mercenaries. What should we do if we break the current situation?

What Xiao Mu thought of also emerged from the major forces. At the beginning, the major forces did not expect the development of mercenaries to reach such a rapid level. It is said that a B-level mercenary regiment has been born, and the regiment leader is a second-class warrior. What a powerful force mercenaries are. Whoever gets them, half of the people who learn combat skills in the mainland belong to him. Even if there are no masters now, who can guarantee that there will be no in the future. There are still some people who live in seclusion after the war.

All the major forces are jealous and want to bite off the cake first, but no one dares to move first. Once they move first, they will become the target of public criticism.

The mainland has been calm for more than 20 years, but it is gradually broken by the emergence of the mercenary organization.

The turmoil in the Dragon Continent began to slowly begin. In the future, the mainland was not stable, and there were more open and dark battles.