lost killing

Chapter 30 My name is Red Leaf

bursts of fragrance came into Chen Feng's breath, and Chen Feng felt that his saliva was flowing out.

"Look at this delicious appearance, and this looks good." Chen Feng touched his arms, and the gold coins were indeed used up, and there were some carry-on items, but in this ** period, he could not exchange money.

How did Chen Feng know the existence of the black market? The black market appeared inexplicably under people's eyes. Without specific time, even the seven major forces were not clear. He also handed over to the leaders of the black market and acquiesced in his existence. But how do some ordinary people know this place? They can buy outside here. If you can't buy it, you can sell it outside.

but I don't know what can make money here. I'm not a mercenary captain at present, so I can't take over the task by myself, and I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble because of taking over the task.

"I heard that Iron City has dug out a piece of natural fine iron, and now it is ready for auction."

"Really, let's go and have a look. Natural fine iron is not easy to see."

"Oh, natural fine iron is a good thing." Chen Feng couldn't help touching the weapon on his back.

But suddenly thought of Huaibi as a crime. He thought that the "gambler" Malo died on the way to transport natural fine steel. The "evil god" Niu Wu dared to do it, but he was also a ghostly fascination and his own hatred for the City of Thunder.

But after calculation, the delivery is still ** powerful.

"Hehe, how can I think about it if it's not mine? Even if you go to see it, it's just an eye-catching pleasure. Chen Feng watched some people happily discuss to see the auction.

The hawking on the roadside pulled back Chen Feng's thoughts, but he didn't hear any storytelling along the way.

"Is it that no one has been to this place?" After thinking about it, it seems that this does not belong to any force.

Chen Feng turned around the city for a long time. Sure enough, as he expected, there was no dragon envoy hall or mercenary hall.

"Maybe I have money for food." After saying that, Chen Feng walked into a teahouse.

"Customer, do you want to eat or stay in the hotel?"

"I don't know, do you have any storytellers?"

"Speaker? I don't know about this."

At this time, a middle-aged man came behind.

"Boss, this man came to ask if there is any storytelling."

"Sung, I have heard a little about what you said. It's a profession on the mainland, but we don't have it."

"Oh, why?"

"It can also be said that this is not one of the seven major forces, and the journey is far away. Only some businessmen occasionally come here. I also chat with some businessmen to know."

"Ha, that's right. I'm also a storyteller. Now I happen to arrive in this city, but I don't find a storyteller to be doubtful."

"Oh, the guest is a storyteller, but I look like a warrior."

"Ha ha, I am a martial artist and like to travel around, so I became a storyteller to earn some money for food."

"Oh, but I don't know what the guest officer wants?"

"I don't have any money with me now, so I just want to borrow your store and talk about the last book, but I don't know if the shopkeeper has agreed?"

"Well, but I don't know what the level of your book is. Let me listen to it first."

Chen Feng said something appetizing, and the boss and Xiao Er listened strangely.

"Ha ha, that's good. The guest official is right. I think it's Xiao Er."

"What's the boss's order?"

"Go to the city and talk about it. There are storytellers in our hotel."

Xiao Er ran out, and Chen Feng couldn't help but be happy. Fortunately, he read a lot of books before, still remembered some things, and also went to many places with Xiao Mu. Although this storyteller is a novice, it is okay for this city.

Chen Feng took down the weapon on his back. Because the weapon was really strange, he found a cloth to wrap it up.

"Gun officer, let me get it." The other sophomore is going to pick it up.

"You can't hold this." Chen Feng put the weapon in the corner next to him.

"I can't hold it, but I don't believe it." Xiao Er said to himself and went to the corner to move while Chen Feng was not paying attention.

"So heavy, what is it?" Xiao Er blushed and moved the object a little.

After about an hour, Xiao Er, who went out at the beginning, came back, followed by some people who were fine and wanted to read the storyteller.

As a result, as soon as they saw Chen Feng, people couldn't help whispering below.

"I thought I was a middle-aged man or an old man."

"I also thought so, but I didn't expect it to be a young man."

When Chen Feng saw that everyone was almost here, he cleared his throat and began to explain the profession of the book, and answered people's questions from time to time.

Seeing that everyone knows almost, they began to warm up. Let's talk about a short paragraph first to see how everyone reacts. Chen Feng seems to be aware that people still hear it.

"Then let's talk about the peerless battle."

That is this story, which made Chen Feng enter a new life. His feelings for this story are unclear.

Today, for the first time, he talked about the peerless battle.

Speaking the story, the boiling blood in Chen Feng's body also wanted to see the duel, even if it was just a move.

"Okay, one more." More than an hour later, people were obviously attracted by the story and shouted when they saw that Chen Feng was about to end.

"Ha ha, the storyteller only tells a story a day, and a city only tells a story."


"This is because it is necessary to leave something to say for other storytellers."

"This place has never come to talk about books. Just talk about it for a while."

Chen Feng thought that this rule was determined by the dragon, but it was not easy to violate. Moreover, if no one comes now, will no one come in the future?

"Ha ha, I'm really sorry, this rule is really not easy for me to break."

"What if I ask you to come to my house?" A voice like a yolk came out.

"Miss." A bodyguard next to him couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

"This is okay."

"Then come with me." Then the girl went out, and the bodyguard followed.

Chen Feng received money from people behind, that is, one or two copper coins, but he also knew that a person earns 20 or 30 copper coins a day.

Chen Feng suddenly had more than three copper coins, and he was unwilling to wait for his class outside.

"Hasn't it come out for so long?"

"Miss, he is collecting money in there."

"Well, it's just a few money. Just give it to him then." This girl set a financial fan for Chen Feng in her heart.

After waiting for a while, I saw a man coming out with an object on his back.

"It's just a little money. Come with me quickly and go back to tell a story. Humph."

The girl walked in front with the bodyguard arrogantly, and Chen Feng followed.

Look at the girl, but at the age of thirteen or 14, she still feels like an adult, but she doesn't take off her youth.

"Which people's children should be? Now they are rich again. This profession is really good. I don't know what will happen if this pretends to be a storyteller and is known by the dragon envoy?"

Although Chen Feng is happy because he made money, he is also worried about it.

"I've arrived. This is my home." The girl in front is obviously showing off.

Chen Feng looked at it. This was obviously the city owner's mansion. He couldn't help sighing. He originally wanted to see the female city owner, but he didn't expect to see it so soon.

"Miss, when you come back, the lord of the city is going to lose his temper again. Go quickly." A maid said quickly to the girl.

The girl's happy smile immediately turned into a bitter smile.

"You take him to the living room first and wait. I'll be back." But I was thinking about how to solve the problem of sneaking out to play this time.

"If you don't study hard every day, you will go out to play." A thirty-forty-year-old woman sat at her desk and glared at the girl who came in.

Looking at this woman, she is heroic, elegant, elegant and beautiful in anger. She is really a rare beauty.

"Mom, I'm wrong, but guess what I saw when I went out today?"

"Hm, can it be used to show off when you go out?"

"No, mother, I heard a storyteller on the street today."

"Speaker, I've heard a little about this."

"I also invited him home."

"Just invite people to your home, but you are becoming more and more disobedient."

Although he said so, he was also curious about the storyteller.

"Try to see what he said?"

The girl said it truthfully and saw the woman frown slightly and didn't say anything.

"When you arrive, it's the man. He is the storyteller."

The woman followed the girl's direction and saw a teenager standing there with an object like cloth on his back.

"Are you the storyteller?"

"It's right here, but I don't know."

"I am the owner of this red leaf city. My name is Hongye."

Although Chen Feng guessed it, he was still shocked. The woman opposite, as expected, was full of beauty like the autumn red leaves.

"It turned out to be the lord of the city. I'm disrespectful. I'm a storyteller. I passed by here. Because I don't have much money on me, I found a tavern here to tell books and ask for some money."

"It's really a financial fan." The girl said quietly.

Chen Feng was surprised by the city owner in front of him, and the woman was also surprised by Chen Feng's strength.

Warrior level three, no surprise, it's the warrior level. Look at that, it's less than 20.

"but I don't know how old you are?"

"My name is Chen Feng, 17 years old this year."

"Although 17-year-old third-level warriors are rare, there are many of them. You are talented."

Chen Feng knows that the woman in front of him is not easy to mess with. Even if she is a beautiful woman, her strength should not be underestimated.

"This is my little girl, Hongluan, but I caused you trouble."

"The city owner can't say that. If not, it will be difficult for me to see the city owner. This is also my blessing."

As soon as he said this, Hongye obviously felt the other party's indifference, but whether it was pretending or not, it was Ye Hao, and he didn't want to pursue it.