lost killing

Chapter 41 on the metamorphic pool

"Why do those beasts go to the place of the demon clan?" Liang Shi couldn't help frowning, and he now clearly knows that the power of the demon clan is so great that it can resist the seven major forces and stand invincible.

What a powerful force this is. The power shown by the demon clan is not enough to achieve the frightening power, but it is hard to say that those fourth-order beasts join.

The tiger god of the demon clan was looking in front of him. The powerful team i was full of beasts above the fourth level.

"I summon everyone to come here because I don't want everyone to be killed by the human race. They will kill you, use your bodies to build weapons and refine medicinal materials, which is a kind of discrimination against our great demon clan."

looked around and watched some beasts roar. It understood that some agitation had been formed, and the hatred between beasts and human beings could be stimulated without saying more.

"A thousand years ago, the battle of the gods was originally the gods of the human race devoured each other's territory, but finally led the war to our demon clan. Humph, just because the gods of their clan still wanted to exterminate our demon clan, but how could they think of it? In the end, they became the dusk of the gods. Which gods were all as bright as the stars on the day, and finally ended up with the stars. They fell one by one. Our great demon gods sealed us at the time of life and death, but they didn't think about it. It has brought such suffering to all my people, and now, under the order of the demon god, I have gathered everyone to gather the power of our demon clan to occupy this continent and let others drive us.

"Lord Tiger God, you summon us to defeat the human race, can we go back and come again on the day of the attack?"

A beast said, and the rest responded.

"I called you here to take off the beast. Aren't you curious like us?"

"How to take it off?" He couldn't help roaring when he reached the level of God of War.

"Enter the transformation pool, stay for three months, and then you can turn into a human form."

"I'm going." The god of war-level beasts are eager to enter, and the holy land can't help showing eager eyes.

"Remember, after transformation, you must inject one-tenth of your blood into it."

"Why?" All the beasts show confusion and fear, one-tenth of the blood, which will take a long time to recover.

"The transformation pool is not endless, but irrigated by the former predecessors with blood. One day it will be used up, and this is the only way to maintain the transformation pool."

"We understand."

The tiger god was very satisfied and shouted to a demon next to him, "Where is the sacrifice?"

"Lord Tiger God, my subordinates are here."

"Lead above the sanctuary into the shape pool first."

"Please come with me." This sacrifice is only at the level of war king. How dare you put on airs with those who enter the Holy Land?

A group of beasts, no, they should be called demons. If they don't reach the fourth level, they will be regarded as beasts.

"This shape pool can be spit out as long as it reaches the level of the king of war."

"It's so amazing." This question is a golden-bibbon, which has something in common with human beings. In addition, it is very intelligent. Its strength has hidden the strength of the second-class god of war. Beasts are not easy to cultivate. The meridians in their bodies cannot store energy like human beings, nor can they practice various combat skills. They are originally practicing the flesh, so they are on prevention. The emperor and attack are far stronger than human beings, and this golden-armed ape has extremely powerful arms. At the beginning of birth, it has third-order strength and can tear prey by hand, which is unimaginable in human beings. As an adult, it will have fifth-order strength.

Look at this golden-armed ape, it is the blood of the king of ape. To put it bluntly, it is the blood of the demon clan.

There is still a difference between the demon clan and the beast. The demon clan is born in human form, which should be related to the demon god. In order to solve the problem that the population of the demon clan is too small, it has been a hundred years to build the transformation pool and turn some powerful beasts into human shapes. Originally, the beasts should go to the god of war level before they can speak words, but the center of this transformation pool is inlaid with one A shaped bead. This shape bead is transformed by the demon elixir in the body after the monster becomes a god. At that time, they no longer need the demon elixir and can continue to practice. Being a god means being separated from the mortal body.

This transformation bead is transformed by the demon elixir of the demon god.

At dusk, many gods fell, and the demon god was also among them. When they died, they sealed the holy land of the demon clan.

If the demons had not occupied the billions of the richest mountains in the mainland, those gods would not have targeted the demons.

If it hadn't been for the fiasco of the demon clan and eventually leading to self-sealing, the owner of this world would not be human.

"I don't know what the demon statue does?" Mu Su stood beside Yunshang and looked into the distance. His deep eyes seemed to penetrate the world.

"Haha, what the matter, the water comes and the earth. Brother Mu finally came to me this time, so let me taste the cloud wine brewed by my falling cloud spring."

"Ha ha, you are meaningful, Yunteng, aren't you like a god?"

"No matter how high a mortal is, but a mortal, even if his life is much longer than ordinary people, he is not going to fall in the end, but prolongs the time of death. Only that god can escape from heaven and earth."

"Ha ha, you look at the idea that the gods were born from the dusk of the dragon envoy hall, but I think it's a little unreal."

"Is the appearance of the demon clan real? What has happened on the mainland these days has been out of the point that mortals can achieve."

"Ha ha, brother, I will accompany you to the god level."

"Hahaha, if it weren't for my brother, you wouldn't be able to fight, I really want to fight with you in the dark."

"What can you do without combat skills, brother, haven't you also seen through this combat skill?"

Both of them no longer speak and understand that combat skills are only born on the basis of moves, because their power is stronger than ordinary moves, so ordinary moves can no longer meet people's requirements, which will slowly be forgotten in history.

Chen Feng knows this, and he is currently going to the Temple of the God of War.

"What kind of demeanor is the person closest to God?" Chen Feng didn't know that his good brother Xiao Qianshang had contacted the hero.

"At that time, I thought I was going to die, and I heard a loud noise, and one person simply blocked the bear's attack with one hand."

"Who is that man? Listen to you, that bear is talking about it. It's also the seventh level. That's the existence of the God of War."

"Do you know who that man is? He is the 'God of War Mu'."

Really? Have you seen the 'God of War Mu'?

"At that time, he resisted the bear's attack and asked us to go to the Dragon Envoy to deliver the news. I only saw his back."

"It's also good to see the back."

This person is a person in Xiao Qianshang's team. Due to the growing number of mercenaries, some pubs can't live in. Some mercenaries have started their business and named mercenary homes. In the past two years, they have developed rapidly. Gradually, some injured mercenaries have opened such pubs, which is no different from formal pubs. The only difference is that you can receive some tasks allowed by the mercenary hall in the pub. Most of them come to this kind of mercenary home are mercenaries, where they can discuss with each other and share their experiences.

You can also hear anecdotes and anecdotes every day, and then talk about the demon clan.

"Is that demon the beast? But when did they get this name?

"Who knows what's going on with the demon clan? I heard that the 'God of War Mu' is very anxious, and the Dragon Envoy Hall also attaches great importance to it."

"Xiaoyan, won't we pick up the task?" Xiao Qianshang couldn't help wondering how to strengthen his strength and strengthen the team without taking the task.

"Brother Xiao, I don't think this demon is a good thing. Think about it, there may be seven-order beasts on the periphery of Beida Mountain."

This reminder surprised Xiao Qianshang. The power of the seventh level is really not simple.

"The beast that appeared ran into the depths of the mountains, and there was a stronger force?" Yun Shang couldn't help but be shocked by Mu Su's news.

"Ha ha, that feeling is very uncomfortable, but it is more powerful than my god of war."

"God?" Yunshang couldn't help staring at each other. For becoming a god, Yunshang was very good at these things**.

"Brother Mu, let's go and explore it."

"No, I feel that we have gone and there is no return."

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that there was such a thing. Even if it's not a god, I think I have a goal to fight for."

When you reach the level of God of War, you can use the energy of heaven and earth, so how can you practice the god level? The two couldn't help thinking. Once they figured it out, they were not far from becoming gods.

After walking for nearly half a month, Chen Feng saw the Hall of the God of War in front of him, saying that the hall was actually a city built around the mountain. Chen Feng couldn't help but be shocked. This big hand directly surrounded a mountain into his yard.

The wall is only ten meters away, which is not as exaggerated as the City of Thunder. But it reveals a kind of king's spirit, which is not said to be in the City of Thunder.

After inspection, Chen Feng was entered the city. The buildings were built around the peak, and a palace could be faintly seen on the peak, which was the real temple of war.

Chen Feng walked around the city and found a place, which was the mercenary's house.

"Is there such a place?" Chen Feng has always been outside. How can he know these things?

Chen Feng stepped in and saw that it was full of mercenaries. He couldn't help thinking of the information, and he should also listen to what had happened on the mainland recently.

"I heard that the news of the demon clan was sent by Yan Shang's mercenary team, but it was blocked at the door of the Dragon Envoy Hall."

"What, I heard that the Dragon Envoy Hall is going to arrest them."

"What about the last one?" A man next to him asked.

"Later, the captain of the Yanshang mercenary team called 'God of War Mu' and asked us to take a message to say that the Beishan demon clan has changed and is going to change."

"Tut, as soon as this sentence came out, the lord of the dragon temple immediately ran out. The day after tomorrow, because of this matter, the lord of the temple was reduced to deacon, and the other three swept the floor and went out.

"So serious, what's the cause of the demon clan?"

When Chen Feng heard this, he couldn't help thinking of the monster. In this way, it should be a demon clan.