lost killing

Chapter 48 The Demons of the Second Dragon War

Even if the temperature in the whirlpool of the flame does not reach the temperature of the sun, it is at least one-tenth of it. At such a terrible temperature, the general second-class god of war falls into it, and I am afraid he will be seriously injured. After nearly half an hour of burning, the temperature in the sky rose by at least ten degrees, and the whirlpool gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

A golden arm ape, whose hair burned more than half of its body, glared at Wu Sanding.

"Okay, good, roar." This sound is full of anger and murder.

His eyes were bloody, rushing to Wu Sandian like crazy, and his claws tore the air in the air, making bursting sounds.

"Kka." A sound like a bamboo festival came into the ears of Wu Sanding and the golden-armed ape.

The former did not react, but the latter trembled all over, and a fear came out of his heart. A thunderbolt as thick as a human thigh split out of the air and fell directly on the golden-armed ape.

"Roar." With a roar of fear, and then a convulsions all over his body, the golden-armed ape lost its ability to control the air in an instant and fell directly from a height of 100 meters. The thunder and lightning actually didn't do much harm to it, but the fear was the creature's own fear of nature. With a "bang", the ape hit the ground fiercely.

"Old madman, let's withdraw." The person who came was the thunder. When he saw the move, he was ready to evacuate.

"It also weakened the strength of the demon clan by killing it here with the strength of the two of us." Wu Sanding didn't plan to leave.

"Roar." A roar came from the ground, and a dark shadow in the dust suddenly bent down, his legs kicked hard, and his whole body rushed up directly.

"This is too powerful." Lei Xiao couldn't help looking at the golden-armed ape standing not far in front of him.

The golden ape is no longer at the level of God of War. There is black smoke all over its body, and some hairs are not standing, but it looks as funny as it is.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect you to be a monkey, this is really, hahahaha." Wu Sandian couldn't help it, and the laughter stimulated the golden arm ape from time to time.

"Roar, human beings are really despicable." Just as he was about to continue to fight, he glanced at a figure coming from the void.

Immediately fell to the ground, picked up the unconscious snake demon, and ran to the territory of the demon clan.

"What a powerful breath, stronger than the Tiger God." The golden ape is not a fool. The demon's body is already abnormal. When it runs, it goes away like a million troops.

Wu Sandian and Lei Xiao stared at the golden-armed monkey running away.

"Good boy, this escape is so powerful." Wu San said involutarily.

"I see that Brother Wu still has idle jokes. It seems that there is no problem." As soon as Mu Su finished speaking, he was already standing next to the two.

"I have to admit, Musu, you are the first person at the God of War level, but I'm curious about why you can reach such a high level without practicing combat skills?"

"Ha ha, there is a reason for the road of heaven and earth." Mu Su didn't want to say more. He couldn't see through the world until the time of great perfection.

Musu had already seen it, so he walked in front of many people, and Yun Shang also groped to the edge in the war, so he also entered the realm of great perfection.

"Let's go back. I don't think the hidden power of this demon clan is simple." Mu Su also wants to stay with the other party, but even if he catches up, he is about to reach the territory of the demon clan, and a fierce battle will be inevitable.

"I didn't expect that I could come out to fight, but I was almost beaten." Wu San couldn't help complaining.

The two people next to him don't know how to talk about him.

"I'm back." Yun Shang felt that the three of them were back from afar.

The four God of War levels went out three times at a time. Yun Shang couldn't help smiling bitterly. How much the strength of the other party is? If it is suppressed all at once, who can resist it?

"Hahahaha, monkey, you've only been out for a long time. Why did you change your golden hair into black?"

"Shut up, you fat-headed and big-eared dead elephant."

Talking to the golden-armed ape that just came back is swallowing the sky, but I don't know if it can swallow the sky, and its strength is also the second-class god of war.

"Didn't you go to the front to see the bustle? Why did you bring a little snake?"

"As soon as I went there, I saw a human god of war going to kill this little snake. I was also kind enough to save him. Just in time, my hand itched and I fought with the human, but later two more came, and the last one who came was very powerful."

"Are human beings that powerful?" The swallowing sky said disapprovingly.

"We need to hide some strength and only go to part of the power to fight against human beings, that is, the war between us and human beings has officially begun."

The Tiger God looked at a group of demons in front of him and couldn't help but be full of hope for occupying the mainland.

Finally, three God of War levels were sent, including the golden arm ape, swallowing the sky, and the other is the silver armored iron-backed bear.

"Our first goal is the city known as the Water Curtain of Time." The ape couldn't help roaring excitedly.

The first real attack of the demon clan was launched.

"There is a movement in the demon clan." Three days later, when everyone learned about the movement of the demon clan, they couldn't help sighing. Now it has been three months since the demon clan was testing. At the beginning of spring, the demon clan began to attack human territory.

"Sorry, our Blood Tomb City is late." A voice came to everyone's ears.

The three of them slowly came out in some guards, and it was the three people who came, Shui and Youfan.

"I didn't expect that you from the evil gods would come. I thought he would send some kittens and puppies." Lei Xiao himself was a little resentful about Niu Wu, which was vented.

"We adults said, worried that you couldn't hold on, so we sent us here." Zong Xian replied.

"Well, a third-level war king dares to speak like this. I don't think your bloody tomb city doesn't want to exist."

"Don't quarrel. Whoever quarrels again will go back. Now our enemies are demons, and I think they are more united than us. If we don't cooperate, I don't think anyone's city can be preserved."

"Ha ha, Brother Mu, you are here, and I'll guard it when I'm good."

"I'll go too. I didn't feel good in the last fight." Wu Sandian is about to go immediately.

"Well, if the old madman goes, then I'll stay."

"Then the three of us will go together." Zong Xian said so.

Although the three have the idea of intending to help, the most important thing is to think of a way to avoid the thunderous city lord.

"So, let's go. Brother Wu, let's take a step ahead." Yun Shang stepped out directly.

"Okay, Yun boy, let's compare speed. Haha, whoever loses, he has to give up his own battle." Wu Sandian was also unambiguous and followed directly.

"hehe." Yun Shang also chased after him.

"Let's go." Zong Xian took a group of people to the territory of that good time. They could not reach the holy land and could not travel in the air.

"It's really here. Get ready. We're going to fight against the demons and protect the walls. I don't believe they can break through our defense."

Liang Shi walked back and forth in the house with a gloomy face, and from time to time wanted to go out and kill all the demons on the road.

"Alas, with the strength of my third-level war king, I knew that I would be targeted by other forces, but I didn't expect that the first people to hit me were a group of demons."

"How many days are left?" I couldn't help asking the spy in front of me.

"I will return to the city owner, and I will arrive in five days."

"In five days, those people can definitely come easily." Liang Shi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Early the next morning, two figures flew over from the sky.

"Hahahaha, Brother Wu, I'd better bet and lose."

"No, Yun Boy, if you suppress your strength to the first-level God of War, you will never beat me."

"Okay." Yun Shang also knew that if Wu San didn't win, he would not be entangled to death by him.

Yun Shang slowed down, but let Wu San overtake it at once.

"Hahahaha, I said, how can I lose at my speed, Yun boy, I'm going to fight twice."

The cheerful laughter came directly to Liang Shi's ears. Liang Shi looked at the two dark shadows on the day and couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you, Elder Wu and Elder Yun, for coming to help."

There is a difference in the level, and the name will change accordingly. It is not like the Holy Land. The strong people who see the Holy Land must call each other as their predecessors.

"Haha, good boy, we're coming. You don't have to worry about the demon clan."

Wu Sanding fell down directly, patted Liang Shi on the shoulder, and then Yun Shang also fell down.

"Good city lord, what's going on with the demon clan now? Where is it?"

"I will be here in about three days, but I don't know the strength of this demon clan?"

"The strength of the demon clan is a little difficult. At least there is a fierce battle."

"I like fighting the most, or I'll fight the first battle." Wu San's nature of fearing that the world will not be chaotic is indeed a little annoying.

"Let's take a look at the situation of the front team of this demon clan and then define it." Yun Shang directly ignored Wu Sanding's request for war.

Two days later, Zong Xian took people to the water curtain of time and couldn't help but be happy. Now it seems that his city has been saved.

The weakest of the seven forces is a good time. With the strength of his third-level war king, any strength can simply swallow him. That's why he built the city to the place of Beida Mountain. Once he can't beat it, he will retreat to the Beida Mountain.

This time, the demon clan directly appeared in Beidashan, and it became a buffer zone and a touchstone to test how strong the demon clan is.

When I thought of this, I couldn't help but be distressed, and my fate was too bad.

"The demon clan is coming, the demon clan is coming." Someone on the wall found that the demons stopped ten miles away from the city.

"Sar an arrow." Liang Shi casually found an archer and let him shoot an arrow, and the arrow feathers shook about 300 feet away from the city wall.