lost killing

Chapter 124 Xizhou

"Cough." Chen Feng got up, but found that Shangguan Waner was not in his arms and did not see it nearby. He felt the energy in his body, but found that the energy of the outside world was far less than that in his body.

The energy on the mainland should be far stronger than in the body. Chen Feng looked around doubtfully. Although the mainland has not finished running, most places have been there, looking at the blue waters in front of him that seem to be connected with the sky.

"What kind of lake is this? Is it so big?" Chen Feng couldn't help scooping up a little.

"Bah, salty?" Chen Feng thought for a long time and couldn't help but be excited. Maybe it was the ocean in front of him.

I had known for a long time that there was an ocean in the west of the mainland, but I didn't expect that I would go to the seaside inexplicably, but I appreciated it for a while and began to look for Shangguan Wan'er.


Chen Feng searched for a long time but did not find Shangguan Waner. At this time, he saw a city in front of him, and the style was not a building of any power on the mainland at all.

"Strange." Chen Feng walked to the city with a doubtful expression.

"Hight, a silver coin."

As soon as Chen Feng walked to the back of the team, he heard the guard shouting at an old man.

Each person has a silver coin, and Chen Feng also went to the countryside and followed the customs. He handed in a silver coin and entered the city, but found that the clothes of the people in it were somewhat different from those of the mainland.

"Isn't this the mainland?"

Chen Feng searched aimlessly in the city. Sure enough, without the Dragon Envoy Hall and the Mercenary Hall, this is definitely not the mainland. Chen Feng remembered that the old village head of the Ye family once said that there were five continents on the mainland, and he didn't know which continent he was on now.

In the end, the whirlpool actually sucked itself here. It seems that the owner of the palace has a lot to do with this Xizhou.

"Xiao Er, order some wine and food."

Chen Feng chose a prosperous location, found a restaurant and began to inquire about the news.

"Dard that the Ning family found a unconscious girl at the seaside."

"I heard that he looks like a fairy. The young master of the Ning family will marry each other in a few days."

"It's not forced. I heard that the girl resisted for a while after waking up."

"The young master of the Ning family was injured, and the girl's strength was actually at the level of warriors."

"So powerful. I heard that the most powerful people in Xizhou now are the strong men in the four holy areas. The war kings are very rare, and the warriors are also strong."

"The owner of the Ning family is a third-level warrior, one step away from the war king."

Chen Feng remembered the previous situation on the mainland when he heard this. He didn't expect that Xizhou was the same as the situation on the mainland a few years ago. His second-level war king could almost walk across this continent.

"It shouldn't be Shangguan Wan'er." Chen Feng thought of it and decided to visit Ning's house tonight.

"Father, is that woman all right?"

"Well, I didn't expect this woman to have the strength of a second-class warrior. I don't know how it is."

The head of the Ning family frowned and thought about those hidden families. Although Xizhou is now clearly the Four Holy Land, everyone knows that there are still some hidden families. I don't know if there are strong people in the Holy Land there. Although Xizhou is now divided by the Four Holy Lands, the Four Holy Lands dare not be the enemy of the Hidden Family.

Thinking of this, I felt that the girl was a little tricky. Seeing that her son was so obsessed with it, she was cruel. If something happened, the strong man of the Holy Land would not ignore that he would be killed by the other party.

"Wow." A figure lay on the wall of the Ning family and looked at the guards walking in the yard. Their breath was only at the warrior level, and there were several apprentices.

"This situation is exactly the same as before in the mainland. I heard from those people say that the strongest is the Four Holy Lands. I don't know if there are many God of War levels on the mainland. Is it possible that the rise of this strength is related to the energy of heaven and earth?" Feeling the concentration of heaven and earth energy less than one-tenth of the continent, I have an idea in my heart. I don't know how their strength is compared with that on the mainland.

Chen Feng has also experienced the recovery of the energy of heaven and earth, and he also knows something about the power of combat skills.


Chen Feng looked at the black flame that seemed to be extinguished in his palm. Sure enough, if the flame was on the mainland, there was only a trace of flame now, and the energy of heaven and earth here has not yet recovered.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and felt it slightly. The familiar breath was felt by his mind. After several months of getting along with each other day and night, the familiarity from the heart made Chen Feng immediately conclude that the girl must be Shangguan Wan'er.


With a cold snorting, he jumped down the wall and looked in that direction.

In a small yard, the strength of the guard is much stronger than what I just saw, and there are several third-level soldiers.

With a sneer, before Chen Feng jumped into the yard, he saw a man shaking a fan stepping in from the door of the yard.

"Young master."

"How's it going?"

"She has been forced to take the pills given by the young master."

"Hey, you stay outside and take this pill. I don't believe you don't obey."

** walked into the room with a smile. Although Chen Feng didn't really listen, he also knew that the pill was probably not a good thing.

Just after the other party entered the room, Chen Feng fell into the yard like a raptor.

"What kind of person."

What answered them was the cold palms, "ka" a few times, but several guards were cut off their necks and died.


Chen Feng opened the door, but found that the young master of the Ning family had taken away the woman's clothes.

A palm wind directly pushed away the young master Ning who stretched out his claws to the woman. What he saw was Shangguan Waner with a charming face, but he was moved by Chen Feng.

"Who are you?"

"What did you do to her?"

"She was fed a pill by me, which must be intercourse between men and women before it can be removed. Do you see that her whole body is red. If she is not detoxified within half an hour, she will explode and die."

After saying that, Young Master Ning's eyes widened and shouted, "Who are you? Dare to break into my Ning's house. Come on."

Chen Feng's figure flashed, and a palm with a black flame passed through the other party's chest like this.

"Whoever touches her will die." The cold voice sounded in the ears of the young master of the Ning family, but this was also the last voice he heard.

As soon as Chen Feng approached Shangguan Wan'er, he was entangled by the other party. His eyes, nose and heart were close to the other party's smooth skin. His mind shook, and the energy turned around Shangguan Wan'er's body, but he could not find the energy released by the elixir. Suddenly, Shangguan Wan'er kissed Chen Feng's lips.

Chen Feng could no longer control himself at this moment, and the two of them rolled over in **.

When the two stopped panting, she heard a voice outside. Shangguan Waner looked at the man who took her body and died hatefully, but thought about how to kill the other party. Just when she thought that the young master of the Ning family had occupied her body, she suddenly found that what was holding her was Chen Feng.

Could it be that I had a hallucination? Shangguan Waner couldn't help rubbing her eyes and looked carefully, and saw that it was really Chen Feng.

"Woo-woo•••••" couldn't help hugging the other party, afraid that the other party would leave him again. Thinking that his body was actually given to Chen Feng, his heart couldn't help but feel sweet.

Chen Feng held Shangguan Wan'er in a daze. The flames in his eyes jumped from time to time. Chen Feng had been immersed in the extremely mysterious state in his body. He seemed to see a door open in his consciousness, and the swarming information kept drilling into his brain.

"Wind." He called Chen Feng shyly and gently, and saw that the breath of the latter's whole body rose sharply, and Shangguan Waner below also felt the influx of energy from heaven and earth.

"Is this?" People outside didn't know what was going on. These people came to change shifts, but they found the bodies lying on the ground, which couldn't help but shock some people. At this time, this extremely powerful energy came out, which suddenly shocked the owner of the Ning family.

"Which warlord is this extremely powerful energy?"

Just as he went to the small courtyard in horror, Chen Feng suddenly regained consciousness and felt the change in his body, but he couldn't help but be strange. Can having that kind of relationship with a woman improve his strength?

Seeing that the beauty in his arms was staring at himself, the unreserved deep attachment in his pupils made Chen Feng gently call the other party's name.

"Eh." The other party shyly shrank his head into Chen Feng's arms.

Touching the other party's waterfall-like hair, the room was immediately filled with deep love.

"I don't know which king of war came, and the owner of the Ning family is here to apologize to you."

The owner of the Ning family was sweating coldly. He knew that his son had entered that room and didn't know what was going on.

"You wait here." Pull it over and cover Shangguan Wan'er like this.

"Be careful."

"These people are not a problem yet." Feeling the strength of his third-level war king, he couldn't help laughing and not far from the sanctuary.

"Squeak." A door rang made everyone outside look at the people coming out.

However, I saw a young man push the door and came out. The breath on his body was the breath of a third-class warrior.

"Who are you and why did you break into my Ning family?" The owner of the Ning family looked at the other party. Although the other party's strength was seen as a third-level warrior, it gave him a feeling that he could not see through and subconsciously felt that the other party was not so simple.

"You are the owner of the Ning family. Even my woman dares to move. It seems that your Ning family doesn't want it."

Chen Feng couldn't help imitating the tone of the bandits in the cottage, except for the threat to him in the Holy Land in Xizhou.

"Kid, we found this woman at the seaside. If you want to take her away, I won't stop her, but I don't know where my son is now?"

"It's already a corpse."