lost killing

Chapter 144 going to sea

"Vorable?" In Chen Feng's memory, there is only one level in the martial arts once mentioned by the Ye family, which is called Wu Zun, but there is no respectful name in combat skill cultivation. This martial arts Zun is equivalent to the level of a war saint.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Feng really can't remember what is in it. However, because Chen Feng now begins to practice with the book "Martial Arts", he found some internal things in combat skills and martial arts. These two are clearly a set of them, but they are deeply disassembled. Although they can't figure it out, However, it does not mean that Chen Feng will inform the world that martial arts and combat skills are one. This secret will be revealed one day, but Chen Feng does not want to be the leader.

"Miss is still on the deck. I'd better go out later." Liu Gong arched his hands to everyone and went out.

When everyone came out of the cabin, they found the eldest lady of the Yang family, standing at the bow and shouting at the boundless sea from time to time.

After a long walk, you can still see some sea fish rushing out of the sea from time to time, and then fall into the sea with a crash. You can also see some scattered islands, most of which are formed by reefs exposed to the sea, ranging from a few feet to dozens of feet. Occasionally, some fishing boats stay on some islands. When you rest nearby, you will also see some fishermen, but it looks peaceful.

Before Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner enjoyed this atmosphere for a while, they began to experience seasickness like Miss Yang.

"Is this?" Chen Feng didn't know what seasickness was at all, so he felt dizzy, and his stomach was like seawater, churning from time to time.

"You'd better come in and lie down. Many people will have this kind of seasickness for the first time."

Chen Feng and Shangguan Wan'er were in the cabin like this, ending the first day of their trip to sea.

"The energy of the world of this ocean is much stronger than that on the western continent." Chen Feng's eyebrows flashed, but he was practicing his soul, but the seasickness made his soul feel a little drowsy.

And the extremely active Miss Yang family had been lying in the cabin pale for a long time and vomited everything she ate when she went out.

"If you want to conquer the sea, it seems that you have to conquer seasickness first." Chen Feng looked at Shangguan Waner, who was practicing on the opposite side, and couldn't help smiling bitterly. The strong man at the level of War King was actually dragged down by seasickness. If he wanted to return to Zhongzhou, could he hold on on the road? This feeling was much more uncomfortable than playing the last game.

Some people on the boat tied ropes behind the arrows and shot at the sea fish, which also gained some harvest.

In the evening of the next day, the captain of the ship immediately ordered to stop the ship, and the three merchant ships stopped on the sea.

"In front of this is the reef sea. It is very unsafe to sail at night. There are reefs everywhere. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and killed. Moreover, this area is still a place where pirates are rampant. They have taken small boats and attacked the passing ships once or twice. Our Yang family's merchant ships have also been attacked several times. ."

"I don't know if there are pearls in it?" Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help thinking of it, and she couldn't help but be eager to find the pearl and other objects.

"This reef sea has a half-day sea journey, so this is the sea area that pirates like to stay in, and it is not far from the city. Generally speaking, they just need money or something, and there will be no such thing as pirates killing and robbing ships."

The captain thought for a while and said to Liu Jian, "It's better to hide the young lady. If those pirates see a beauty, I'm afraid they will dare to do things like killing and robbing ships."

The captain analyzed the sea for everyone, but he didn't know that the pirates in the sea area were also discussing things.

"This time, there is a young lady from the Yang family on the boat. I heard that this young lady is very watery and a little beauty."

"Are you all true?"

"Of course it's true. I saw it on the dock. There are at least ten women on the boat, and each of them is good."

"Haha, okay, it seems that they will enter tomorrow. At that time, I only need the Miss Yang family, and the rest will be enjoyed by my brothers."

"Thank you for being the head of the family."

"Attrap and set sail." With a shout, three merchant ships began to slowly move towards this sea.

Chenfeng also knows more or less about the situation in this reef sea. Every year, this coastal city not only has to defend against pirates, but also has a natural disaster that even pirates are afraid of, that is, tsunami, which is caused by strong winds on the sea. Some tsunamis are as high as dozens of feet. With a wave hits, I'm afraid that one third of the coastal city will Once destroyed.

This reef can weaken the power of the tsunami and strong wind, which makes this place a barrier to stop the tsunami. It can be said that people love and hate it.

During this period, Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner also got used to seasickness. Originally, Shangguan Waner planned to come out with Chen Feng to blow the sea breeze, but it was stopped by Liu Gong. Now, Chen Feng stands alone at the bow of the boat and looks at the reef sea not far ahead.

This chaotic reef area is in the sea. From afar, it looks like a black giant hidden under the blue sea, ready to go out and devour ships.

The ship carefully avoided some slightly exposed reefs, and Chen Feng also saw some creatures such as sea crabs climbing on the reefs.

"Hm?" Chen Feng suddenly found that there was a faint light coming out of a reef, and he couldn't help but see that it was indeed a faint light reflected in the sun.

"Wait a minute, stop the ship." Chen Feng jumped down in the surprised eyes of everyone. His feet borrowed a little on the sea and floated out like feathers, but he used some footwork in martial arts. This footwork has the effect of running on the water for a short distance. Chen Feng couldn't help admiring the wisdom of the ancients when he saw this martial arts. Of course, these books are all I saw from Su Xue that this kind of thing interested Chen Feng, and he learned some messy things, but made his martial arts a little non-nonsical. However, if there is a war, the martial arts skills are changeable.

"Why did you stop?" Far away, there are several small boats hidden. This kind of boat is very fast, but it is like a fish in water in this chaotic reef. The best robbery tool can be used to go like the wind.

Waiting for the merchant ship to enter the ambush point, but found that the ship had stopped, and I couldn't help but find something.

Then, they saw a seemingly desperate guy jump off the ship. The people of the merchant ship thought that Chen Feng was crazy, but the following scene surprised them. They only saw Chen Feng on the surface of the water like land. As soon as his figure moved, his toes touched the sea water, and a stream of energy gushed out from his body with the help of stocks. The weak force fell on a reef like a dragonfly on the sea.

"Good." Everyone on the boat couldn't help shouting.

"This person is a master. It's not simple. You, you, hurry up and inform the second master and the big master." The three masters can't help but drip blood in their hearts. If those two people come, the most beautiful Miss Yang family will definitely be picked by them, and the rest will be their own three masters.

Although I didn't want to call those two, with the strength of the first-class warriors, I thought I could eat this goods, but when I saw Chen Feng's hand, my heart was cold.

How did Chen Feng know that he showed such a hand, but he shocked the imprepetual pirates.

"Is this?" Chen Feng watched a sea mussel slowly open in the crack of the reef. A thumb-sized white pearl reflected a bright light in the sun, but it was just blocked by the reef. If it hadn't been for Chen Feng's sharp eyes, I'm afraid he would have missed it when the ship was sailing for a while.

"Pearls originally came from this creature."

Chen Feng also heard about the source of the pearl, but did not see it with his own eyes. Now that he saw it, he reached out to get the pearl, and the sea clam suddenly closed.

"What?" Chen Feng couldn't help smiling, simply took the sea mule directly, dried the sea water above, and put it in her arms. She wanted to go back to show Shangguan Waner. She might not know what was in it.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng turned back, and then the force of the sea approached the merchant ship. Suddenly, he was very playful and did not follow the routine. The chain on his body suddenly threw it out and wrapped it around the railing of the ship. With a little force, his whole body rose into the air and swept to the ship. At this moment, he suddenly If you are eager to reach the holy land, you can travel in the air.

This hand also made everyone on board sigh that this person is strong.

"I'm afraid this person's strength is even higher than that of the second-level warrior. It seems that the head of the Yang family still valued his daughter very much."

"This time, there are at least three second-class fighters on the ship, and six or seven first-class fighters, and there is a second-class fighter, who is still a beauty."

"Oh, women of second-class warriors are rare. This woman, the big owner will never let go. Three second-class warriors are really good."

When the third master heard this, he couldn't help thinking for a while, but suddenly found a problem, that is, the detective just didn't say that there were three second-class fighters on the ship. If it hadn't been for Chen Feng, I'm afraid he would have rushed out. At that time, I'm afraid these people will be buried here.

"Get him arrested." With an order, the third man's confidant arrested the detective.

"Three heads, what are you going to do?"

"If that man hadn't suddenly disembarked and disrupted my plan, I'm afraid we would have died now. Who are you?"

"Three heads, what did you say? I don't know?"

"Cut off a finger."

"Three heads, I said, I said." Seeing that the other party was going to kill immediately, the spy shouted in a hurry.