lost killing

Chapter 163 The Decision of the Demon Clan

As Chen Feng said, in the city owner's mansion, a group of demons are discussing how to take down the Jin family, which is the weakest of the family. Now some demon families have separated some demon clans to sneak into the city owner's mansion. Starting from here to see if the rest of the families lend a helping hand and who will help. Hands, immediately turned to attack them. The top five families among the families were a great threat. The other five families, that is, are a little tricky. In the early North Zhou, the number of demons is far more than five times that of the human race. Moreover, the demons are born strong and durable combat effectiveness can top three human families. In contrast, people The situation of the clan is very dangerous.

Those hermit families that do not know that they still exist are also demons who want to find out through this matter. If the hermit families are too powerful, these families will hurt them and make them restrain a little. If the hermit family is not good or not, these ten families may collapse under the offensive of the demon clan.

These demons began to plan a few years ago, and I don't know who proposed it. Now, the whole demon clan agrees. Under the same world, different races can't coexist peacefully. Only one side can be solved by attaching to the other side. If the demon clan takes up its breath and removes the human race, people are in the north. The life of the continent is the identity of a slave. If the human race persists in this incident, it is still in a state of balance between the two. The demon clan does not have to think about its own defeat.

Just when the demon clan decided things, they also held a banquet in the Jin family. The owner of the Jin family thanked everyone for coming to help at the banquet. During this period, he also glanced at Yi Feng, but more eyes were on Chen Feng.

"In this war, I'm afraid that the demon clan will test my Jin family first. If my Jin family is destroyed, I'm afraid that the rest of the family will not escape the same fate. Now, the demon clan just depends on whether the rest of the family come to help us. I hope they will come to help, and some hope they will come to help."

When the owner of the Jin family saw that some people didn't understand, he talked about the situation in Beizhou. What these people who ran outside and had no family heard were completely different from what they usually saw.

"Chenfeng is not a simple person." Hearing this, Yi Feng couldn't help looking at Chen Feng, remembering what he said to him, and couldn't help admiring him. At first, the latter made him admire him in force. Now, he defeated himself in wisdom and couldn't help raising Chen Feng's evaluation to another level.

"I'm worried that the demon clan will do their best to take down my Jin family this time. At that time, I still hope you can escape from this place and not be tired by my Jin family." The owner of the Jin family also knows that the weakest family of the Jin family should be softly pinched. If so, even the Jin family can't take it, the planned attack of the demon clan this time is a joke.

When everyone heard this, they had some different ideas in their minds. I'm afraid that as soon as they fight, there will be various excuses to escape from here. There is nothing they can do.

"If this is true, as the head of the family said, I will fight to the end." Yi Feng looked at the whole audience coldly, and the whole audience shuddered. Then he took a sip of wine and sat there quietly and stopped talking.

"If this is the case, I'm afraid that there will be no place for the human race in this northern continent." Cao Lingyu looked at the people at the banquet and said, which made some people want to escape from the battle, but some people may still keep that thought.

"This banquet is to make something clear to everyone, whether to stay or leave, and my Jin family will not stop it."

Wait for the banquet to disperse, Cao Lingyu couldn't help saying to Chen Feng, "I'm afraid we have to make preparations. Where should we escape? Do we still take the sea?"

"I think this land of Beizhou is probably integrated with Zhongzhou. At that time, we will run south. With our strength, unless we are strong at the level of the Holy Land, no one can leave us."

Chen Feng remembered that the northern region known as the "billion mountains" is probably the barrier between this central continent and the northern continent, and the southern continent is probably the land of Nanze. I don't know what the east is?

"Ha ha, Brother Chen said so, then I won't bother to think about running away. I'll go back to bed. I'm still a little dizzy after drinking this wine."

In Xizhou, when it comes to this continent, Cao Lingyu is full of marine fish and other marine life that he eats every day. At this meal, he eats and drinks a lot and doesn't care about this demon family at all.

"That's the matter. If we attack the Jin family with all our strength, we will stare at those families. Even if they make a move, we can persist until the death of the Jin family. This land of Beizhou can be so divided with them." A bear-headed man said so, his voice was as loud as thunder.

In the end, the demons decided to take down the Jin family with all their strength, and also looked at the reactions of the major families, as well as those hidden families that did not know they existed.

"Roar." In a mountain forest, a group of demons are rushing to the city where the Jin family is located, and a bloody storm is coming.

The owner of the Jin family met Yi Feng alone and didn't know what he had said to him. For a few days, he had not talked to Chen Feng. He meditated and practiced alone in the room. At night, he ran to the yard to practice swords.

On a stormy night, a group of demons quietly sneaked into the city where the Jin family was located.

"Puff." A spy of a clan was nailed to his hidden opponent by a spear, during which he did not even scream, and a sharp claw cut his throat.

I saw a group of demons slowly moving towards Dongcheng District, where the Jin family was located. Just as the sentry at the end of the street found each other, the demons began to accelerate, and the spear in their hands were thrown out. For a moment, they listened to the broken sound of the rubble on the roof, accompanied by people's miserable screams.

As soon as the two guards sounded the alarm, they were nailed to the street by several spears.

"The demons have begun to attack. Get ready, everyone."

Just as the demons began to walk through the street, some armored guards rushed out of the houses on both sides, raised their knives and cut them. They were deadlocked for a moment at the corner of the street, and the bodies and blood were covered the ground.

The roar of the demon clan penetrated layers of rain and fog and fell directly into the ears of the Jin family. Some people began to feel timid, and the weapons in their hands seemed to be very heavy.

"It should still be able to resist for a moment outside, Yi Feng, I hope you can do your best."

"If you want to hurt the lady and young master, they have to step on my body."

"I'm afraid I won't give up when I look at these demons this time. Even if other families start to attack the demons, my Jin family is still unable to escape this time."

Then he made a decision and shouted to the family, "Protect the young lady and the young master, you leave quickly." Then, he also shouted to the people who came to help, "If you leave now, I hope you can help my inhuman child escape from here. I, Jin Ao, thank you here."

They were already hesitating whether to leave or not. Seeing that the owners of the Jin family spoke like this, they immediately took over the work and led by Yi Feng to run to the periphery. The Jin family still had a secret door in this Dongcheng, and this escape was from here.

"Ha ha, I have long known that some people will escape from here. It seems that there are still some family, young ladies and young masters. This time, I can enjoy it." Originally, this Tiger City was mainly located in the town. Unexpectedly, it led its own soldiers to this place to wait. When they saw someone coming out in the dark, they couldn't help laughing. The people who came out were exactly as they thought, with no combat effectiveness, and there was beauty in it.

"Catch them for me, hehe, men should take them as hard work, and women can enjoy them."

Just as the demon clan began to rush forward, a figure came out of the crowd, and the weapons in his hand greeted the demon clans, which made the demon clan unable to enter for a moment.

"I knew that some people would join the protection of the crowd with the mentality of escape. You are just weak guys invited by the Jin family. The powerful people should still be there to resist the attack of our demon clan."

After saying that, the breath of the first-level war king on his body oppressed everyone. As soon as his body moved, he patted the man who jumped out with one claw.

At this moment, a voice came from the hole: "I don't want to go, don't stop me." In the rainy night, the sound was so charming that the owner of the Tiger City stunned, but let the other party avoid it.

"Miss Jin, you are finally out, but I miss you very much."

shouted at the secret road. As soon as this sound came out, there was no sound in the secret road.

"Miss, don't hide. I think the second lady and the third young master are probably behind you. Come out slowly. I can guarantee that you will not be hurt and the servants in front of you will not be killed."

After entering the dark road, Jin Zhuer and Jin Raner knew that something was wrong and kept shouting that they wanted to go back. If Yi Feng hadn't been blocked in the back, I'm afraid they would have run back long ago, and this scene just appeared.

Just as the owner of Hucheng was about to bend down, his mind jumped violently and instinctively retreated back. A sword light was drawn out. The sword spirit on the blade made the hair of the owner of Hucheng City erect.

Although he dodged this blow, his body was not stable, and he saw the sword light rushing to himself again, grabbed a personal soldier, and blocked the front of the sword.


With a sound, the sword blade ruthlessly crossed the body of the demon clan, and the demon clan screamed and died.

"Who is it?"

"With your kitten, you still want to take people from my hands. Do you overestimate yourself or underestimate me?"

A man with a big sword came out, and the other was holding a woman. It was the eldest lady of the Jin family, followed by two people, one was the second lady of the Jin family, and the other was the third young master of the Jin family.

"'Remless swordsman' Yi Feng, why are you?" The other party looked at the person who appeared in front of him in surprise.